The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 29, 1905, Image 1

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ADVERTISING. Wa’cbtbe advertiifments in this ,rand pattouize those who seek ip iur trade. V'OL 41 57 . XPRESS OFFICE” CHRISTMAS eceived Enough Jugs of Liquor to Fill Several Cars. The express office, during the jeveral day3 preceeding Christmas, [eceived enough jugs of office liquor to jli several cars. The was [lied [ho with people get of their all classes, liquor went there to [or Christmas, and at times it was nmost impossible for any one to L in at the front door on account if large crowd, which filled fie room. There were a number of buggies ml wagons standing at the express ffice until eight or nine o’clock at light awaiting their turn to get fieir jug. Some of these paities ived as far as 10 miles iu the icuntry. This condition of affairs has pre ailed all the fall, for that matter. [very Saturday night this fail fora 75 to 125 jugs have come [ere by express. This very con ition is growing a strong senti¬ ment iu favor of a dispensary and he leading business and profes ional men of Covington are dis ill 5 si tlm q stnni. W" hiiV’ bard s< me of the lt-aui.jg business ten U of the town .say during the few days that they believed a spensary, where the city and ninty would share equally in the ■ofits, was the solution of M the li ior problem. The reason ior mis ^rowing sen bent in favor of x dispensary is insed wholly by the heavy jug ade at the express office every eek in the year. Roy. R. C. leckler, pastor ot the Methodist lurch, relerrod to the subject in s pulpit sometime this fall, ex reBsing his alarm at the quantity whiskey that comes into Cov gton. WEST NEWTON. ; Prof. J. P. Ccoley, of Livings pu High school is on a visit to latives and friends in White buuty. 1 Frau cos Lu minus win. has F l on attending school at Duewest, C.., is tit home for the holidays. I Mr. C. 0. Kimball and family I Covington visited Mr. and Mrs. | h’rof. W. Estes the first of the week. [lle Williamson, of Barnes is the guest of Dr. J. T. Gib [“ near Oak Hill. Mr. Clarence Sullivan aud Miss Mhe Cowan both of this com weie muted in marriage on e 25th ii st. Mrs. and Mis. W. S. Ramsey of Kington aie 01 i a visit to rela near Salem. Missis Kva and Uu G , rdu „ siW Miss Frances Lummus Iasi onday. J Lss Nellie Black who isaltend Rschool at Ccvincton i s here r Hie holid ays. Addie Bello Elliott is the Atliima Uml M,S J ’ 1 Elliolt a niL-hty g, 0 j to get saying ■ methiog D’Ur tuw,i on e very Supposu ooca t hat every letter— ls, n ,>a 8 and pers nal—that went ]„, m C v "' K,on c!, "«td with u rtnv.ri .it, 1;t the town r lon ^ Hi ink v "" b* tote F t f we t;ad ortHt f 01 nt «bs fron • IICl l| . . 8 7 Not long. \vo you. Suppose you, Mr. ttsi| iesa ,\; an tr it v awhile. forced to Starve. °f Concord, Kv v :; s , upper lMlfr, ; lip rc( ' «*>"£ "ith «?nvs so pai„f ul , 80lr>e . fin 11 eat After vainly Rever-ti ; W 1 ’ cklen's «Arnica ' v ‘ Ured il with ns Salve ” It’s great for ’ c u'8 a.ui wo «nd8. llth and Covi At Broca., & "Kton Co 0nJy cents. Q. he Enterprise COVINGTON, GA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29 1905 , . LITTLE MARY MILNER BURNED Daughter of Col. and Mrs. Milner Seriously Burned Wednesday Mary, the three aud a half year old daughter of Col. aud Mrs. R. VV. Milner, lies ut the home of her parents on Floyd street in a criti¬ cal condition, cuused by being fearfully burned Wednesday af¬ ternoon. She was alone in a room at the time of tho accident and it is sup¬ posed she struck a match which set her garments on fire. She was heard to scream and assistance reached her at once. Her face and neck, hands and arms are fearfully burned, very little skin remaining. Her con¬ dition is extremely critical and everything known to medical science is being done to leviate her pains. The family have the sympathy of the entire town in this sad hour. NEW LUMBER FIRM. Lunsford & Milner Have Bought Out Thompson & Farmer. ____ - M ®* sr8 Evana Luns!urd aud ^ • Milner Have purchased the 1 ' u ° Ur > urd interests of Thompson & Farmer and will take charge doid ^* p ry 1st The pur c; .t>e was mao (V someseveru. weeKS ago For the present the lumber yard will be at the Georgia depot but at a future date the new own¬ ers propose to get a yard nearer iu Both are prominent business men, identified with the city aud have bright prospects before them for a successful business. 4 The Enterprise predicts them succeew, A NEGRO KILLED. Julian Adams Is Run Over Georgia Train Near Madison Julian Adams, a negro tnau about 25 years of age, was near Madison Tuesday by Georgia train. Just how the accident happened is not known but it is believed that he fell between the cars aud was run over while passing from one coach to another. His head was cut off’, one log broken in three places and his body badly mutila¬ ted. He was brought here Thursday for burial. His mother cooks Major J 1 . 0 . P>. Davis. Lamp Fall Makes Trouble, d'he falling of a large swinging lamp in the store of J. N. Brad shavv & Co , last Priday afternoon at 5 o’clock, came very near onus ing another big lire. The wire from which the lamp was suspended broke and the fall of the lamp caused it to explode, Mr. Corley sustained several bad burns while extinguishing the fire. The loss will probably reach $ 100 . Doctors Said He Would Not Live. Peter Fry, Woodruff, Ps.. «rites ‘’Af¬ ter doctoring f«»r je.trs with the best niiveici ns in WnyucUiurg, Hid stlii neUiiig wor-o, the ■I>H”orn otvi-eii me it. I I ud any bn-i-.c^s t > u't*- d to I h■ oetn-r ai tend it X once, -is I COlilll i.ot - . 8^1 III V ’i *• :iiioiher annitli there w..b no cure for mo. Folev’s Kidney Cure whs recommended to ine t>y a fiiend and I immediaiy sent my hi n to tho store for it mid after tak three bottles I began to get belter and continued to improve until I was en¬ tirely well.*’ Mr. J. T. Lassiter has accepted the agency of tho Butler Marble and Granite Co , of Marietta, to succeed Ordinary G. D. Heord who resigned.—tif. TO BUILD RAILROAD. From Covington to Farm of Capt. F. D. Ballard. The following article appeared in the Atlanta Journal last Wed Bosday under a Covington date line. We reproduce the article in full aud is as follows; Capt. F. D. Ballard, a lccal cap¬ italist and large owner of real es¬ tate iu the town and county, has under consideration aud has al¬ ready planned the building of a railroad to his farm at Stewart, 18 miles south of Covington. Captain Ballard believes this road can be built at a nominal fig ure because the couutry is so level for nearly tho whola distance, aud besides there is an abundance of timber for crossties all along the route. It is not known whether it will be built as a private road or whether he will ask for a charter, but it i.s supposed that a charter will be obtaiued. Captain Ballard states that be¬ sides his own subscription, he will j P rohal), y ask the citizens along thf ' road an d the p "°P lc ()f thiB cit y jto subscribe t $25,000, and that ! while no subscription books have been opened, many thousands of doHars have already been pled d tQ bmld the road There . g mnch flne nndevelopcd timber , aild al the rout(? this road will develop. It is ex pected that this will take definite form iu a short time, and that the road will be built. Masons Elect New Officers. At a meeting of the Covington Blue Lodge, Master Masons, held last Friday night, the following officers were elected for the ensu ing year: A. S. Hopkins, W. M.; o . A. Harwell, S. \Y\; J. S. Peek, ^ . W ; J. W. Anderson, treasurer; J. W. Peek, secretary; M. G. Turner, Sr. D.; C. A. Clark, Jr. D.; C • L. H - well, S. S.; W. Cohen, J. w .; C. > . Sockwell, tyler. A BRILLIANT WEDDING. Was That of Miss Janie Perry and Mr. James E. Phillips. lhcwedd, U g ofM.«Jam«Perry " ud Mr - Jaulcs h - Phlllip! ' " 1,,cl1 took place Wednesday afternoon at 5:80 at the home of tbe bride’s ! mother, Mrs. Julia Perry, was one of the prettiest of the season. The house had been beautifully decorated with terns, smihtx and potted plauts and the color scheme of pink and white was carried Before the entrance of the bridal party Mrs. J. K.‘Bogle sang ‘0 Promise Me.’ Rev. R. C. Clecklei performed the ceremony and Miss Annie Higgins played the wed ding march, The ribbon girls, Misses Jule l’rippe and Sara Simms came liist making a pathway for the ap J preaching marriage. The groom S. and his best man, Mr. C. Thompson came next and were followed by Moss Mabel Higgins, the maid of honor. The bride en¬ tered with Mrs. Evans Lunsford, the matron of honor. The wedding gown was a beau tiful suit of white aapphosilk made ■ (ifter a puncesse m^del and trim-; med with princ-sae lace. The bride and groom left at 6:50 o’clock^on an extended Florida trip. Barber Shop Sold. The Palace Barber shop which j has been conducted by Jno. \\ • Nation has been sold to Sim Bell. who is now in charge. Mr. ^auoi expects mercantile to quit pursuit. the t^t He ra as « s J’ et decided upon a Lcation. CHRISTMAS TRADE HEAVY. The Volume of Business Done Was Unusually Large. one —..WO.,,....., w)th the exception of Wednesday! freely id making tbeir Christmas purchases. On Saturday the streets and stores were thronged with people all day and late into ui g ht, au of them were m a good humor, aud were quiet and or derly. Ihe mails brought an uuusually largo dumber of packages, and Postmaiter Bush and all his assist¬ ants were kept in a rush all through the season in the transaction of the built ;ss that was put upon them by the receipt of so many packages, etc. W. B. SHEPHERD RETIRES From Mercantile Business-Wood¬ ruff and Elliott Purchasers. Messrs G. W. Woodruff and A. C. Elliott have purchased the fancy grocery store, meat market and rcstaurflnt 0 f W. B. Shepherd and will take charge of same on Both of these gentlemen are well known and have hundreds of friends over the county who wil) learn with pleasure of this an¬ nouncement. Both are experienc¬ ed men at the business and the Enterprise predicts a successful business. HON. J. E. WOOTEN DEAD. Prominent Citizen of Eastman Died Wednesday Night. j Hon. J.K. Wooten,of Eastman, SO a-iu-la\v of Capt. J. M. Pace, d j ed Wcduesday night at eleven o’clock after a short illues*. The first intimation ot hi3 illness was a telegram received Wednesday af teruoon by his wife, Mrs. Annie Paco Wooten, who was here on a visit to her parents. She left on the next train and reached home a few hours after his death. , The remains of Col. Wooten will bc brousbt bere for inter meat in West View cemetery, f HON. W. B. HILL DEAD. j Chancellor of University of Geor j gia Breathed Last Yesterday. —- h 011> Walter B. Ilill, chancdlor 0 f t ij 0 Uuiversity of Georgia, died a t his home iu Athens at 8:10 o’clock yesterday morning. The cause of his death was due to pueu mouia. The end came very sud denly. He seemed to suffer no pain, but simply ceased to breathe. Mule is Drowned. j o Capers, a negro living on \y p. Park’s place near Almon, d ^ a mule w hilo attempting to cross Harrison Creek last Wed nesday night. Tbe heavy rains nil day Wed¬ nesday had caused the creek to get out of its banks and water was running over the bridge. Not be¬ ing able to see the bridge, the mule stepped off’ into deep water and was drowned, Tho negro barely saved his life. IF YOU have something you want to sell, advertise in the Enterprise and it will go. Five horse farm tor sale or rent. See N. S. Turner, or Dr. Anderson Take Tbe Jfitnterprise for the pews COTTON MARKET, Middling bringing u 1 - 2 . Market—Unsteady. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND For the DAYS I s f> neXt 60 We e wil1 sel1 at a Great Sacrifice $ i £ ods , that .. . cct . to , & ? many s° wc cx P I £ CllSCOntinUC j. handling. ThCSC / ^ I real , , bargains . will ... find V ° J you S P % | throughout our entire line. % % Our stock is large and must % be reduced in as short time as $ ^ possible. I £ Surely our prices will inter J I C est you. s p J I Stephenson’s Hardware Store j? ^ r Buy your Christmas Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Fruits and j j Fire-Works From 5 niTt 1 ‘VmHiQC 2 is \ 4 “The Old RelioL^Ie” gbokgia Railroad. .• t: X Elegantiye quipped trains between all points. Pullman Palace Cars between Atlanta, Augusta and 1 I Charleston, also between Augusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Las; Ft eight Service be tween the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charles ton Savannah and all points in Southestern and Caro lina territory. A. G. Jackson, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga' " FOR S-A-XjEi A good second-hand safe for sale. This safe is as good as new and can be bought at a bargain. Apply at The Enterprise office.