The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 29, 1905, Image 4

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f k A i NNOUN CEMENT! . . » .* T " Wc announce for the present the following club offers which are as liberal as can be made. Our id ei j in so doing is to give all our subscribers an opportunity of renewing their subscription to The Enterprise, with one or more of the best papers in the State, at a nominal cost. Also to induce new subscribers. We make these offers for a limited time only, reserving the right to withdraw any and all of them at any time. 4h The Semi-Weekly Enterprise and the Semi- C| CA w $1.75 l The Semi-Weekly Enterprise and the Weekly < C/i Weekly Journal 4 papers each week, I year zr , one year ! Constitution, three papers each week, I year *• The Cultivator, Semi-Weekly both one Enterprise year at and Southern $1.50 -H T zr o> o Cl. $ 1.25 I: - - The Magazine, Semi-Weekly the great Enterprise fashion magazine, and McCall’s for -fee The Semi- Weekly Enterprise; Covington, Georgia. ✓ m <3 A GEORGIA THANKSGIVING DAY t l £> C " ■ - FLORIDA —BY MRS. E. A. GRAY.-- In whatever direction 0110 may travel these days, he will liud rep resentatives fioin the Empire Slate of the South and it they cannot be called cleanuisli when they chance to liud each other out of their na tive state, they are none the less drawn together by this common tie and soon forget they were ever strangers. Aud no small number of Georgians are to be found in Florida and have adopted it as their home. Not always for the sake of the milder climate but for the natural productions and fer tility of the soil, aud the superior advantages open for other business pursuits. Micauopy is next to the oldest town in the state, situated near the middle, aud was once a line orange growing place, from which large quantities of the Golden fruit were shipped every year, but since that memorable freeze, the orauge culture in this section is no longer the chief business. But there are many small orchards while in the vast Helds on every side, vegetables of every sort growing nearly the whole year round. Among the residents of this “garden-spot” in the Laud of Flowers, is Mr. J. E. Thrasher, a native Georgian who came to Flor ida some years ago and accideu tally met a Georgia girl who agreed ta make a home for him down here. She was a Miss Means, fr.vm Ox f- rd, Ga., a daughter of Dr. Leon Means, who was for many years a physician in that classic viliage. In their typical Southern home there was gathered a happy com pany of Georgians on Thanksgiv¬ ing Day, Nov. 80. 1905. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Thrasher, there was her mother, Mrs. Means aud her brother Joe, better known to his Oxford friends as “Dock ; > ) Mrs. K. L. Thomas, of Atlanta; Mrs. Peek, of Oxford and her daughter, Mrs. Williams, with her husband a graduate of Emory Col lege, now residing in Cedar Keys, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gray and Mr. Albert Gray King, of Greensboro, Ga. Two lovely daughters, Mabel and Ruby, with four sons, bright en lhe home of Mr - aud Mrs. Thrasher and all things conspired f° ni ak« this truly a Thanksgiving occasiou. Although it was the last day of November, the sunshine was sira P^y glorious aud the soft breezes fanned the curtains at the open windows while everybody was per fectly comfortable in summer clothes, Wo could but breathe a sigh as we thought of our Georgia friends, at that time, shivering with cold and getting ready for frozen pipes’ etc. But if we had Florida weather j we had a “Georgia dinner,” in ; quantity, quality aud variety and i ^ ono ma y s l !ea k for all, the Geor gia crowd maintained their repu tatiou for eatiug and seemed to ^nd 110 difference in the flavor of turkey and cranberry sauce, roast pig, chicken salad, home-made light bread, pickles aud jellies, down in Florida and up in Geor¬ gia, ard that fruit cake and silver cake and ribbon cake and fruit punch were all good beyond de¬ scription. As the company lingered long at the feast, many delightful remi¬ niscences of the years gune by were told and we felt the presence t&M £.vt£iM(4A fa ■ ---— — ? ---- of departed Spirits as we 'saw the portrait of the illustrious grand¬ father of our hostess looking down upon us from its place over the mantel—Dr. Alexander Means,the eloquent divine-the Toet and Philosopher the Chemist and Astronomer and a forerunner of Edison in his wonderful prophe¬ cies concerning the triumphs ol electricity. Who that ever saw those Hashing eyes and character¬ istic gestures as he preached or lectured on his favorite themes | can ever forget the inspired genius of this grand old man? ()no ^ ie llU! ^ e ^ gue 8 ls on this j occas ‘ on 88 ^ 18Ve said, was Mis. , who is making hei first visit lorida. Like some of the rest 0 ll9 > s ^ e completely captured with this Garden of Eden and wonders why stie had not come 1,ere yea*s ago. She will have amazing things to tell her friends "^eu sho gets back to Georgia if she ca u ever again tear herself awa y from this delightful land, A§ we dose this National d hanksgiviug day and walk- back f° our homes, in the shade of the trees, now hanging with ripe or anges and grape-fruit, we feel that c ' ei T day should be oue of 1 hanks j giving with those who are con* ' stautly surrounded with such lux «ie. and blessings. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and ! Diarrhoea R^m^iv . Thin remedy is certain to ho needed in i | almost every home before the*' summer si over- It can always he depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is especially valuable for summer disorders in children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief Why j not buy it now. It may save-life For sale “ d Kbb . Rooms to Rent. .Several fine office rooms to rent in the STAR OFFICE BUILD¬ ING. Very cheap. Apply to Well* Bottling Works. Moved] 1 have moved my shoe shop from the basement to my old quarters, up stairs in the Music Hall block, AH work guaranteed. I thank my maiiy frieud8 fo; past patronage and desire a continuauco of same. J. II. BAILEY. !P 50 A>. &T j 15 * m YEAR Tr»ie ml Kuk Tfc ire * r emoMMer:nii PatteronioidintseUium ol an] h account style. accuracy simplicity. f« UTt iVeo. Pr mccallIo!Cy.*! Advertise in The Enterprise. She Tried Five Doctors. VaikJ, have ed with Uidnev trouble five years: had severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate. When riding I expe rie,J eed >mieh pain over the region of try Foley’s Kidney Cure. After taking li " ei '‘ 100 bottles i was completely curc<1 '”____ FOLEY’S HONEYuiTAR T InBOngjlia! . • • ■ imi!¥E cough remedy. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR Is In a Yellow package. Refuso substitute*. Prepared only by Foley * C-empany, Chloege. See The Enterprise for first edase printing . A TAINT OF e&smsdt THE At SPRINGTIME means A SALLOW SKIN, A MINCING APPETITE i A TIRED FEELING, Lasting all SUMMER. By The Special rangements with JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVER TONIC SAVANNAH GA., A forfeit of $5.00 will be made if a course of 1 son’s Tonic will not eradicate every trace and m MALARIA. PRICE 50 CENTS. .«* D / IT* » Let Me Call Your Attention TO THE FACT THAT THERE IS NOTHING QUITE SO GOOD F0R *5 COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL BRONCHIAL OR LUNG TROUBLE BR0NGH0DA 2 A PLEASANT, HARMLESS, SCIENTIFIC PREPARATION, » HlC " IMMEDIATE RELIEF. NO OPIATES, NARCOTICS, NO* 1 P0 25c. a bottle Sherrouse BJledicine Co. New Ot^j Patronize Enterprise Advesti#