The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, March 26, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. 45. NO. 9 lark now has the baptist church contract aterial is Being Secured and the Ground Broken for the Foundations. I Ground has been broken for the ia ndation of the new Baptist 3Urc h building, and quite a lot of i e material for the edifice is being Led on the ground. The contract for the erection of e building has finally landed in L L bands of a Covington man, L c A. Clark, and he is ifiaking y preparation to get busy. Some weeks ago the contract for L building was let to the Gres L (taclause Manufacturing Co., of Griffin, which w a-i incorporated [ ve the church the right to turn >wn the contract if it so desired, thirty days. [Within that time it was found jat owing to a considerable Lnge Lteriai, in the price of building Contractor Clark could the work for much less than the res of the Griffin concern, and ; contract was therefore chang anJ Mr. Clark is already mak- 5 headway. The fact that! his v\ ell knownCov item contractor will beiu^charge the work insures the Covington pple that the Baptist congrega in will get jnst what they want, In the current issue of the Bap l Bulletin, the change in the [tract is officially noted and. ex lined as follows: ’he explanation regarding the tige of builders of the new rch house from the Griffin i to our Mr. C. A. Clark, is y simple, but due to be il’.c as the matter has all been summated- The contract with isham manufacturing company ’e us thirty days to ratify or pel, and, while made in per t good faith, we found that Mr. ik, by revising his bid, was in Mtion t<> do the work, accord |to plans and specifications, pout, leaving off anything, for j money could than the Griffin com y do it, and they have bdruwn in favor of Mr. Clark. i!e this will show that th ere lothiug but business in it, and pro jour not local governed by partiality builder, still we are F 11 Ci >n be done by home labor, r S r °und has been staked is ready for excavating, which faiences at once. altou Clark, of the Ga. Tech, it the week-end with his par | in North Covington. What Do You Gare c -..t the size of the capital of your banh, whether $40,0GO r 540,000,000 if you know your funds are safe and can get ccommodatlons when needed? I | he First under National Bank Offers You Safety /e am the direct supervision of the United Stales overr.ment and are obliged to be safe. OUR POLICY iS to e c °nservative yet progressive, to meet every request of our a -‘0rss that is in keeping with sound banking principles, at -ntiveness to our business and courteous treatment to every me. CAN YOU ASK MORE? Cur ofneer s and direct ors ere amen g the most progress¬ c «>->d conservative busine ss men ed this locality and keeps ■ with the banks business. Union 7 is Slength.” OFFICERS g Z. U AXDKRSOX, President <;. o. ROBlXsnx, Vice President r‘ ll.Nlux, Vice President in K. STliPlIhXSON. Cashier .*/ K' DIRECTORS • . u. noc.EU.S- HIIOOKS, N. Z. AND W. li. in PKXXiXGTOX IN. I. 1JKNTON, K. o. it. leu. M. TKPH j z. JOHX- g SON, A. J. UHLCl; li. ANUERSOX. ; -re not too large for you and yc u emc neither too large or ,, too small fo invite business ■ r us. e your H rwmc i» t v GO T’ i 1 NAI t s ^ t iuNh ? n a i SBB □□ s\m. ft ft I u M r | ?-v . , COVINGTON; GEORGIA f & JL\C p i i I 4 NT w* ..... • 8 .» u 5 §£ COVINGTON, GA., FRIDAY MARCH 26, 1909. i WHOLESALE BILLS FOR GAMBLING ; In point of criminal indictments the recent grand jury will go down ! into Newton county history as having been one of the busiest, : s a n suit of its work last Friday Between sixty and seventy fve bills were returned durmg the i y against citizens of Fulton, DeK i b Rockdale, Morgan, Jasper and Newton counties on a charge of gaming, and in connection with this one charge of running a blind tiger also. It is charged that Mr. Vance Cooper, residing 1 etween Coving¬ ton and Mansfield, has been for some time, running a large gam¬ ing house, and according to some repor's t'-e place was wpR (quip¬ ped for almost every kind of a game of chance and that it w; I constantly frequented by peop e fro 11 11 any c unities in order that j they might sat>sfv th-ir desire to j toy with the c v Dome Chance. It is stated that the wife of one man interested in the gamo pro¬ tested very vigorously against her husband indulging and made every effort to break him of the habit failed. She then threatened to tell on the crowd and this resulted in bodily 7 harm being promised her if she d'd and matters finally be | 1 coming -uch that she could no longer remain at home and she finally went to relatives m another county. The story came to the ears of the grand jury and the lady was sent for and escorted before the body by a bailiff and she then told th<* whole story and gave the names,-with the result that over sixty true Gills were returned. The cases will come up for hear¬ ing at future terms of the city court. The affair has created a great deal ot' interest. Beautiful imitations of natural wood finished with varnish May be obtained by applying one coat of Campbell’s Varnish Stain. Mil¬ ner & Lunsford carries a full line ot all colors and size cans, Color card free. Mrs. Clint Lee, of Atlanta, was in the city Saturday. REPORT OF GRAND JURY TO THECOURT Georgta, Newton County. We, the Grand Jurors empaneled sworn for March Term, 1909 Newton Superior Court, submit the following report: Through our committee, we luive exami ned a11 Die rpcords per¬ taining to tlie county. Upon the who!e > they are neatly kept, and as far as we could ascertain, cor¬ rect. The report made by our efficient County School Commissioner, shows much interest being mani¬ fested m the cause of education. There are fifty-two school build¬ ings, all in good repair; 25 are for white and 27 are for colored chil¬ dren, with an enrollment of 8,095. Of this number 1,780 are white and 1,965 are colored. His books show that he has received from all sources $21,474.04, and has dis bursed as shown by vouchers, $18, 1528 88, leaving a balance on hano of $2,850.66. The county treasurer’s book* show the amount received from all sources to be $28,870 68, and the amount paid on vouchers $24,787 - 76, leaving balance on hand of $4,082.92. Thi3 amount taken trom the outstanding notes against the county shows the actual in¬ debtedness of the county to be $7,389.25. We find seven inmates, two whites and five colored, at the pauper farm, and they seem to be pleased, We find the build >»gs iu good condition, also, plen l v of beddm £ whlch is aeatl > - kept. We find the convict camp in good condition, with nineteen male convicts all colored, who are in good health and comfortably clothed. The sanitary condition of the camp is good. We find they havu twenty-three mules in fairly good condition, except three which are lame and not able to do hard road work. We find seven cars in good sanitary condition, as well as couifo rtable quarters for stock and an extra good barn. We find the court house in good i condition, except five window i c lasses broken in the Court room, i j which should be replaced. The ’jail is in good condition, except some leaks in the residence por¬ tion. The water tank also has some leaks. Me find that nil druggists have complied with t he law gov< ruing the sale of p >iaons. We find no reason for any changes in the pension roll. We recommend the appoint¬ ment of the following ns notaries public and ex officio justices of the pence in their respective dis tricts: 46*2 district, G. M., J. H. Car rod. 464 district, G. M., Robt. W Ballard. 1249 district, G. M-, J- R Bvrd. 1522 district, G. M., \V. J. M Presto- 1 . Wft fallv appreciate the won wonderful improvement that has been made in the last ten years on our roads, We think the count' commissioners are (i o 11 i»g what liiev can to (i 11 Permanent work, for in nearly eve y s-ct n n wo ha v some good romls, and this lac; makes us want all our roads made go< d, but there seems to l>c a lack • >f system, or lack of meat's to taake Fpetdy itpaiie which H le rendered necessary after each hard j .air. Much complaint is heard ' that » r ng this this is hue, priicjjiIdifc a,,d we understand j | { 0 a lack of funds. Realizing that the > : increased f. rce to I '« put to work »'»on, various moans ways, expenses in j wo recommend that! if it is necessary, thst tin ? count v iM-ue at hast $25,000 worth of road bonds, to givens good roads as speedy as possible. We further believe it would be economy, in the long run, if the board of coun¬ ty commissioners would secure the services of a civil engineer, to sur vey the public mads, and furnish plans and specifications by which the permanent road work may be d me, either now or in the near future. We recommend that the pay of alljurors be two dollars per diem ; that the pay of court bailiffs be two dollars, and riding bailiffs three dollars per diem. In taking leave of the court we desire to express our thanks to his honor, Judge L. 8. Roan, for his courtesy and consideration, and to Solictor General W. S. Howard, for his able assistance. We recommend that these pre¬ sentments be published in both county papers at a cost not ex¬ ceeding five dollars for each paper. T. J. SPEER, Foreman. M. G. TURNER, Clerk. Whereupon, it is ordered by the court that the within general pre¬ sentments befspreadupon the min utes of this court and be publish ed as recommended. L. S. ROAN, JudgeS. C. Stn. Mt. Ct. Wm. SCHLEY HOWARD, Sol. Ge.i. St. Mt. Ct. This 19th day of March 1909. TO LECTURE ON WEDNDESDAY EVE Rex'. Dr. Edward Th msson.sec retary of the Sunday League of America, will speak at the First Methodist church next Wednes¬ day night. The Baptist and Presbyterian prayer meetings will give way in ord-r that all may have the opp<>r tnutty of hearing this distinguish d speaker. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Dr. Luke Robinson was latt week chosen cunty physician tor Newton county and will soon en¬ ter upon the discharge of his duties This work was let to t he lowest and ; best b’ddor and after many cistis had been heard from Dr. Robinson was chosen. Dr. Rob¬ inson, before taking up his duties, wtll leave soon for Chicago where he will take a tKist giaduate course in a well known medical institu¬ tion. and during bis absence, Dr. W. D. Travis will look alter the county's work for Dr. Robinson. Mr Jordan's Money Talked j , Expended $5.85 for L. & M. j Paint to fix up his house If for' sale it will fMeh a go>>d price.' The painters said it was the 3 gal Ions of oil they mixed with 4 gal Ions ot L. & M. that did the Job at 1-8 less cost than over belore. Its coloring is bright, beautiful and lasting. It won’t have to be painted again for 12 to 15 years, because the L & M. Paint is Met a ‘ c Oxide combined with \Viiim Iw ,j ad and ss<-a;s and covers Ilk- g Mif. Sold i»y j. R. S'eniit-u The young of the city en¬ tertained their young ladv friends a very picu-ant informal A (id nee at. the Oocia H. use as^ ^ ridl -V evening Tttere were sev erB * V1K ’* '"8 young ladies a:id a ni08t delight.tuI nvemag w,.s -spent by all those present. ----------—_____ _ Mrs R. P. Lester, is cr ite in disposed at h r home N orth Covington. Her many fiiei ds hope to ~eo nor out again v iy soon. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE PERCY MOBLEY SENDS AN INTERESTING BOX HOME 4 Hp Fie CWhprPrl .^t,.in^reu on His Recent Cruise Around the World Mr, D. I. Mobley this week re a box of souvenirs from his son Percy, who has just returned f rom the trip around the world with the United States battleship fleet. The box contained many inter eating things the young man pick ed up in the various countries visit ed by the fleet on its recent trip around the world, and the articles are of course highly prized. The young man was on bo ml the bat tleship Minnesota during the long c ruise and has therefore seen a A i r r r i > ! mm HOC i 11)1 An Up-to-Date Clergyman Describes it i lifaN, an Up-to-Date Household Remedy Hi \ that Has Had the Test of §1 Time and Is Known the i i P5 World Over. I Some preachers are afraid to give ^ ; an however outspoken highly opinion they on any esteem remedy, it. j/'/M / -fjm w 1 : may ■ / J Others are not afraid. l ' K One of those who is not afraid is I! r' quoted below, Bead what he says. r m lie means every word of it. If you ; J doubt it write him a letter, enclosing w\ ■ a stamp. He will tell you what he < — t lg|6fl V: thinks. m 0 9 __—|"g|f| ’ HreS Hi 3 ffa m m j If™ - a km m I 1 «■ mmn. M m § yr\Sr v< If IP ' gpl —Y Ill A m S B P '|M VUj • i t* V to 4. 'll TJ N. C., HV. Unitarian writes: J. «. DITKRS, Church Pastor at Pine of town, th* “My wife has been in a very bad state of health for several years, and noth¬ L "RevtJ.T.Peelsr J ing began seemed to use to do Peruna tier any one good month until ago. she V.* ^3-g-s- r_r -Kxr. ,^SSSH Since then the color has returned to Catarrh of Stomach. her face, and she is gaining in flesh ■pEV..!. T. PEELER, Hendersonville, every day, arid I believe she is a well -A- 8. C., writes: woman to-day. “I desire to make known for the bene¬ “My little boy, ten years old, was pale fit of suffering humanity experience and had but little life. He began to use my Peruna the day his mother began. To with Peruna. I day his face is rosy, and he is out in the “I was afflicted with catarrh of the yard running and with the stomach, and though I tried many rem¬ jumping edies and applied to several doctors, it rest of the children.” ( Throat Trouble. was all in vain. “Had it not been for Peruna I believe Rev. H. W. Tate, 920 Lincoln Ave^ I would have been in my grave to-day. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, write# “I have every reason to believe that that for several years he has been troub* Peruna is the greatest remc y for ca- led with a peculiar spasmodic affectioa larrh known to the world. Therefore j of the throat, which interfered with hi* I have been, and shall continue to roc- vocation a a preacher. He took Pern caimend it to those w ho are uuv, ell.” j and his trouble disappeared. g *“ | R. E. EVERITT DEALER IN Furniture, Undertaking Goods : r.i Funeral I i nvo-r* u ^ Hi %.> jf ^ ^ ^ 5 J »1 3 * j u »n,p(JC i M v-S tU r a f 1 hVwJ ® # » * y ^ Pianos and J '•* C; El r* (? ” Lowest Prices on ever r: /thine » Sine. - in my J !■—a EVRRITT L H' ki A £-• Wun Oi M jji A COVINGTON, GEORGIA ^2r^3ss^stsissBisissmsasas z. — —nnrr— 4 * large part of the entire world by virtue of this voyage. When the fleet reached Hampton R-ads he secured a furlough and w«u' to Washington to see the in¬ auguration, intending then to make a visit home, but. he wae taken ill and spent (he greater part of his furlough in the hospital and thus his Covington friend* were deprived of seeing him forth* present, Mrs. W. C. Thompson, of Allan ' ta was the city Saturday. in