The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, February 03, 1909, Image 8

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Social and Local News Items I WhMW_W_—._m_._m_¢m_mmmnfi Mr. C. M. Griffin spent one day last week in Atlanta. Mr. Joe A. Starr, of Mansfield, was here a short while last Thursday. Mrs. L; E. Flowers spent one day last week in Atlanta with friends. Misses Bessie and Mildred Kelly spent one day last week at Kelly’s. Mr. W. G. Norman, of Griffin, was in the city several days of last week. Mr. C. D. Terrell spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Atlanta. Mr. J. Boykin Robinson, of Social Circle, was in the city one day last w r eek. Mrs. J. C. Brodnax, of Walnutgrove, has been a recent guest of Mrs. J. J. Corley. Deputy Sheriff T. F. Maddox, went down to Broughton Friday on legal business. Col. R. W. Milner went to Monti eello one day last week on official business. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Terrell spent one day last week with friends at | Starrsville. Miss Agnes Godfrey, of Madison, w r as the guest last w r eek of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Godfrey. Mr. T. A. Perry, of Decatur, w r as shaking hands with his many friends in the city Saturday. Mrs. S. J. Simms and Misses Sara and Bonner Simms are spending some time with friends in Macon. Mrs. John L. Stephenson and chil¬ dren spent several days of last week with her parents in Lithonia. Mrs. C A. Franklin spent several days of last week with her sister, Mrs. Charley Pendley, in Lithonia. Mrs. J. J. Carter has returned to her home at Newborn after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Laura Carter. Miss Dotie Greer left last week for Brunswick, where she goes to accept a position with Mr. C. E. Cook. FOR SALE—Good horse, 10 years old, Georgia raised, will work any¬ where. Will sell at reasonable price. Apply to S. A. Brown, at Farmers’ W arehouse.—It. We have about Two Hundred Men’s Suits Clothing that were brought over, which we have placed on Special Counter and marked down to=== Our Line of Is as pretty as can be and the stock is in good shape. We can save you money if you will see us. If you want any kind of Clothes See Us«= WE SELL GOOD CLOTHES Miss Gladys Lee, who is attending school at Agnes Scott, spent the w’eek-end with her parents here. Several citizens of Newton county were in attendance at the Good Roads Convention at Athens last week. Mr. A. H. Brisendine, of Decatur, Texas, spent a few days of last week with Capt. and Mrs. I. D. Brisendine. Mrs. Samuel Green returned to At¬ lanta Friday evening after a pleasant visit to hermother, Mrs. J. T. Wright, Miss Lottie Hanson, of Social Cir¬ cle, was the attractive guest of Miss Lillian Clark a day or two of the past week. Mr. C. L. Carter, one of Newborn’s progressive business men, was shak¬ ing hands with friends here one day last week. Mr. D. C. Jones, principal of the Flint Hill school, was a visitor to the city Saturday and gave The News a pleasant call. Messrs. S. V. Farmer and C. R. Rogers were in attendance at the Good Roads Convention in Athens a day or two of last week. Mrs. R. R. Beasley, of Cartersville, nee Miss Abigail Stanton of Newborn, was the guest of Miss Annie Perry several days of this week. —The Harrison Co. begin a great cut priee sale at their store Monday, Feb. 8th. Read their announcement and plan on another page of The News Dr. N. Z. Anderson attended the annual meeting of the Southern States Life Insurance Co., in Atlanta Tues¬ day of which he is a large stockhol¬ der. Messrs. Chas. G. Smith and C. S. Thompson, Misses Fox, Lewis and Keith went up to Atlanta Saturday ti see the “Shepherd King” at the Grand. Col. C. C. King, trustee in the mat¬ ter of J. L. Harwell, bankrupt, spent Friday at Leakton assisting in the disposal of the dry goods stock of this firm. FOR SALE OR RENT:—Two brick store rooms on Clark street, near pub¬ lic square. Apply to Everitt’s Furni¬ ture Store. THE COVINGTON NEWS Mrs. Wm. G. Burt is on a visit to relatives in Macon. Mr. M. A. Hollis, of Rutledge, spent several days of this week with friends here. Miss Rub y Weaver has returned from a.two weeks visit to friends at Eudora. Mrs. Mary Greer left on Tuesday for Griffin where she goes to make her home in the future. Little Miss Mary Sockwell has been confined at her home for several days with an attack of grippe. Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Osborne, of At¬ lanta, were guests on Sunday of Mr. ; and Mrs. John L. Smith. Mrs. Genie Thompson and Miss May Livingston attended “Shepherd King” in Atlanta Saturday night. Misses Dessa and Eleanor Hays were in Atlanta Saturday and while there attended “Shepherd King” at the Grand. Mrs. J. W. Sockwell has had as her guests during the week her sisters, Mrs. J antes Davis, of South Georgia, Mrs. George Davis, of Rutledge, and Mrs. Matilda Hudson, of Atlanta. —FOR SALE. Broad well’s Double Jointed Cotton Seed. These seed were awarded first prize at Georgia State Fair for three years. $1.00 per bushel. C. W. Wright, Covington, 1 . —lm. Mrs. James F. Rogers and Mrs. James Gardner will go to Atlanta as delegates from the Presbyterian Mis¬ sionary society to attend the execu¬ tive meeting to be held there the lat¬ ter part of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace, of At¬ lanta, will arrive in the city today to be the guests of friends for several days. Mr. Wallace will be remem¬ bered as having been connected with The Harrison Co., here sometime ago. FOR SALE:—Thres room house and lot. Lot 80x100. Good well water. Within city limits and known as Aaron Pui’rington place. Will sell at a bargain.—lm. ALBERT PITTS. —Beginning next Monday and con¬ tinuing for one week The Harrison Co., will give ten per cent of their sales, divided equally, to the different Sunday schools of the city. See the announcement on another page. FOR SALE—7 room cottage, near public school building, good well wa¬ ter and fine garden. Will sell at a bargain if sold at once. This is one of the best built and most convenient cottages in the city. An acceptional opportunity for a home seeker. , j ii‘\ h ‘ Mm x l j >’\\\ gay/(,7 h\\ ,z\ I I M99 x1 ifi%fi‘s§2. V/ ’1/§_\\\x\\\ * \\ \‘ . W Dr. O. L. Holmes, of Stewart, was in the city Tuesday on business. Messrs. J. W. Black and P. W. Tur¬ ner, of Kings, were here Tuesday. Mr. A. C. Heard, of Stewart, was here Tuesday mingling with friends. Hon. L. W. Jarman, one of West Newton’s leading planters, was here on business Tuesday. Dr. R. L. Hollis, of Havston, one of the leading physicians of that section, was here Tuesday on business. Mrs. J. J. Fincher has been in Fay¬ etteville where she was called on ac¬ count of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Culpepper. Mr. John W. Robertson, of Pine Grove, attended the meeting of the Old Vets here Tuesday, and was a pleasant caller at The News office. Mr. R. A. Bostwick, of Gum Creek, was here on business Tuesday, and while in the city was a pleasant caller at The News office. Mr. Bostwick complimented us very highly on our paper and says The Covington News is the best paper ever published in Newton county. Royal Arcanum to Meet Monday Night. Hendrix Council Number 721 Royal Arcanum, will be opened for regular duty on Monday, the eighth day of February 1909 at 7 o’clock p. m. Candidate for initiation. Brother R. P. Lester will give a brief account of the visit of the Supreme Regent to Atlanta. Remember your obligations brothers and govern yourselves ac¬ cordingly. T. J. SHIELDS, Sec. L. D. KING, Regent, National Bank Examiner Here. Mr. John A. Armstrong, the gov¬ ernment bank examiner for National Banks, was in the city one day last week and examined the affairs of the First National Bank. He reported the condition of this bank first class and passed up a very high compliment to the officers and cashier Stephen¬ son on the way in which the business is conducted. Mr. Stephenson feels very good over the fact that the ex¬ aminer complimented him, as he is using every effort to keep the affairs up to the very highest degree of per¬ fection. Lumber For Sale. Weather boarding and framing. It. Dr. O. L. IIoLMes. $7.50 Suits for 110.00 Suits for $12.50 Suits for $15.00 Suits for These goods are not strictly up-to¬ rn style but they are the greatest s for the price in Georgia. The Store of Good Values High Point News Notes. We havn’t but little news this week on account of the inclement weather. We have had several fine hogs kill¬ ed in our community this week that weighed over 350 pounds. Mrs. J. A. Grant visited her daugh¬ ter, Mrs. E. H. Lewis, in Covington, last Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Caroline Blalock, who is in charge of our school here, spent a short while in Covington one day last week. Miss Sallie Dick spent last week with friends in Covington. We are glad to note that Mr. Marion Elliot is some better after a severe case of lagripe. Mrs. Pink Drigers returned to her home in Henry county last Tuesday after a visit of several months with her sister, Mrs. Mary Piper. Mr. L. L. Johnson, of Oxford, pass¬ ed through our community one day last week. Miss Georgie Salter spent a shcrt while with Mrs. J. B. Salter last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Bonnard Loyd spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bridges last Sunday afternoon. All who were present enjoyed the candy drawing given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Parker last Wed¬ nesday night. Prof. A. H. Foster and little daugh¬ ter, of Covington, were welcome visi¬ tors at our school last Thursday, and Prof. Foster delivered an interesting lecture to the children. Mr. M. H. Parker was the guest of Mr. W. C. Salter last Sunday. We are sorry to chronicle the ill¬ ness of Mrs. J. S. Bridges and hope she will soon be well again. Remember preaching at Austins’ Chapel next Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. Notice. Notice is hereby given forbidding anyone harboring or in any way em¬ ploying James Henry Gunnells, he be¬ ing a minor and I want him at my home. This February 2, 1909. B. F. GUNNELS, Porterdale, Ga., route 2. —Cabbage plants for sale at M. E. Parker’s grocery store.—tf. “ J. M. HEARING. Leguin News. Mrs. A. S. Ellington visited Mrs ttr M. Heard Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Henry Meadors spent one da last week with Mr. and Mrs. John p Thompson. Mrs. A. Cunnard was the g Ue8t 0{ Mrs. John Meadors Thursday. Mr. Per c ck, of Buenavista, waathe guest of Mrs. John P. Thompson. Messrs. Charlie and Felix Wright spent Monday in Covington. Masters Dovie and Doil Lewis, 0 f Jasper, were the guests of Master Hugh Cunnard Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Moss was the guest Sun day of her mother, Mrs. W. T. Austin Pace Items. Miss Addie Belle Elliott was the guest of Mrs. T. J. Ramsey Sunday Rev. W. O. Butler and Mr. W. G Treadwell attended the Quarterly Conference at Prospect Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nixon visited Mrs. W. G. Turner in Covington part of last week. Rev. W. O. Butler and Mr. J, o. Hill spent Monday in Covington. Those on the sick list are: Messrs. O. P. McCord and J. W. Cowan; Misses Johnie Willingham and Grace Butler. We hope they will all soon be well again. The severe winds Friday and Satur¬ day did consideradle damage to the telephone lines in this section. Com¬ munication with other places was cut off for sevei’al days. —By special arrangements w T e have a limited number of subscriptions to the Atlanta Daily and Sunday Journal which we are offering with The Cov¬ ington News for one year for $5.00. ^ WINTER LAYING SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN EGGS for Hatching. $1.00 For Fifteen Eggs. WICK PORTER, Porterdale, - - Georgia.