The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, February 24, 1909, Image 8

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Social and Local News Items Paragraphs About People You Know. Mrs. Win. G. Bart entertained the Young Ladies Club with a Bridge party at the home of Mrs. W. H. Wells on Tuesday afternoon. Delight¬ ful refreshments w’ere served and an enjoyable time experienced by quite a large number of Covington’s popu¬ lar young ladies. Mrs. Dan Jones entertained a num¬ ber of her friends on Thursday even¬ ing in honor of her guests, Mrs. W. L. Wallace and Miss Kate Elder, of At¬ lanta. Interesting games were played after which delicious refreshments were served. Rev. E. R. Pendleton, pastor of the First Baptist church here filled the pulpit at the Madison Baptist church last Sunday. Rev. J. R. Gunn, of Madison, preached at the church here. Misses Lewis and Keith, two of the popular teachers in the City Public School here, entertained the Young Ladies’ Social 31ub at the home of Mrs. E. O. Lee on Saturday afternoon. Misses Keith and Lewis entertained their many friends at a heart dice party at the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs E. O. Lee on Saturday afternoon from three to five o’clock. Little Miss Natalie Turner, daugh¬ ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Turner, has been quite sick during the past few days, and her many friends wish for her an early recovery. Mrs. J. C. Nixon, of Salem, spent several days in the city last week with her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Turner, who was confined to her bed with grip. Mr. G. Q. Livingston, one of the county’s leading citizens, was in the city Saturday attending the meeting of the Farmers’ Union. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burt have moved into one of the new cottages recently erected by Mr. D. A. Thomp¬ son on Thompson-ave. Mrs. W. G. Burt will entertain her friends at Bridge on Tuesday after¬ noon, February 23rd, at her home on Thompson Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. M. Levin attended the Jacobich-Kell wedding in Macon on Wednesday of this week. Miss Katie Elder, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. D. J. J ones. m Embroidery And White Goods Our Stock of Embroidery, Laces and all styles of White Goods Is Complete and as Pretty as you ever saw, m We will also have to arrive the last of the week a beautiful line of Foulard Silks, waist silks and everything pretty for 7 Ladies Wear. •41 IK 7 Quite a number of the county’s leading planters were in the city Sat¬ urday attending the call meeting of the Farmers’ Union. Mr. W. L. Gibson, one of the ster¬ ling farmers of Brick Store district, was shaking hands with friends here Saturday. Mr. D. W. Wilson and little son, of Rocky Plains, were in the city Satur¬ day and paid the News a pleasant call. Mr. Lon Brown, one of West New¬ ton’s sturdy and progressive farmers, was here Saturday on business. Mrs. W. L. Wallace who has been the guest of Mrs. D. J. Jones, has re¬ turned to her home in Atlanta. Col. J. W. Anderson, we are glad to note is somewhat improved from his recent severe spell of the grip. Capt. J. M. Levy has been on the sick list for the past several days with that dread disease the grip. Mrs. Walter Wallace, of Atlanta, was the guest last week of Mrs. Dan Jones in North Covington. Miss Jule Trip returned last week from a delightful visit to friends in Macon and Milledgeville. Miss Kate Elder has returned to her home at Decatur after a delightful visit to Mrs. Dan Jones. Everybody needs a spring tonic. Take Robinson’s Black Bitters and you see the difference. Mrs. J. T. Taylor, of Brick Store, spent a day or two of this week in the city with relatives. Judge W. H. Whaley, of the City Court, spent Monday in Mansfield on official business. Hon. I. A. Stanton, of Social Circle, was in the city a short while last Fri¬ day on business. Mrs. L. L. Flowers spent Monday in Conyers, the guest of Mrs. Arnold Whitaker. Library hours have been changed from 3 to 4:30 Wednesdays and Satur¬ days. Mr. Otis Nixon spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. W. G. Turner. —SPOT Cash paid for 1000 dozen eggs each week.—The Harrison Co. THE rnVINGTON NEWS Rev. Jack Gunn, of Madison, filled the Baptist pulpit here Sunday morn¬ ing and evening and his sermons were greatly enjoyed at both services by appreciative audiences. Mr. Gunn is one of the most able ministers in the state and the people of this city are always glad to have him here. While in the city he was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Hopkins in North Covington. Mr. T. M. Stanley, of Athens, a civil engineer of high standing, will visit Covington s on in the interestof the roads of NewtdLi county. He comes at the solicitation of Mr.J. H. Echols, who is very much interested in the permanent improvements of the roads of Newton county. Miss Jule Trippe returned from quite alengthy visit to Milledgeville on last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Trippe is so sadly missed by her friends while from town that they are happy indeed when she returns. Dr. C. W. Peeppler is attending an Educational Convention at New Orleans this week and while he is away Mr. C. R. Hawk has charge of the Sunday school. Miss Alma Venable and Mrs. Verd Harper are spending every day in Atlanta, where they are studying the latest fancies in spring and summer millinery. Dr. A. S. Hopkins, Messrs. C. A. Sookwell and V. A. Harper were in Atlanta Monday attending the dedi¬ cation of the Masonic Temple in that city. Prof. Powell Stephens, one of the faculty of the University of Georgia was the guest of Prof. Melton at Oxford Sunday. Capt. and Mrs. H. G. Gheesling, of Augusta, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. A. 8. Hopkins in North Coving¬ ton. Mrs. Donegan Towers and Donegan Jr., returned from a lengthy visit to Virginia last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Susie Almand and daughter, Eflie Kate, of Conyers, were guests one day last week of Mrs. Dan Jones. Col. Janies G. Lester, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his brother Mr. R. P. Lester, in Midway. Miss Lottie Berry spent Saturday and Sunday with her kinspeople at Oak Hill. The price of The News is now one dollar to everybody. Try a bottle of Dr. Robinson’s Black Bitters. Its a genuine blood purifier and a system builder. -—Scruggs Bros., plumbers, will open for business in the Terrell build¬ ing and will be ready in a few days to fit your home up in first class condi¬ tion in their line. Give them your first order. Mr. T. E. Hardman, of Hayston, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Hard¬ man holds the record of having raised the most cotton on the same piece of ground of any man in the state. —Scruggs Brcs., the plumbers, are ready to do your plumbing. See them before yon give out your order. They are first class workmen and their prices are away below the other fellow. Mr. George T. Murray spent Satur¬ day and Sunday with his brother, Mr. Arch Murray in Augusta, who was scaleded in the wreck at Buckhead recently. —See Scruggs Bros., before you have your home fitted up for water. They do first class plumbing at rea¬ sonable prices. Miss Roberta Fox has returned to her school duties after being absent for a week on account of the illness of her mother. Miss Annie Mae Berry, one of the popular Southern Bell operators, spent Sunday and Monday in Atlanta with relatives. Miss Lucy Bush, who is attending school at Agnes Scott, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bush. Miss Maud Connally, of Atlanta, is the guest of Misses Mae and Fannie Livingston in Midway. Miss Florence Thompson was the guest of friends in Atlanta last Sun¬ day. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Piper spent Sunday with relatives in Conyers. Miss Laura Willson, of Newborn, is the guest of Mrs. H. D. Bush. Mrs Owsley Entertains. In speaking of the tea given Monday afternoon by Mrs L. P. Owsley at her home in Atlanta, the Society editor of the Journal say's; Receiving with Mrs. L. P. Owslepat her tea on Monday' afternoon in honor of Miss Amelie Hack of Baltimore, the guest of Miss Elizabeth Rawson, will be Mrs. C. K. Nelson, Mrs. Hubert Cul¬ berson and Mrs. Owsley’s sister, Mrs. J. E. Wooten, of Covington Mrs. Burton Smith will pour tea. Weather boarding and framing. 4t. Dr. O. L. HoLMes. Offerings ftWeek I have begun the manufacture of all the delicate and delicious Candies and am offering the following Specials for the week, all made from the purest ingredients: Peanut Brittle, Cocoanut Brittle, Orange cream kisses Cocoanut cream cakes, Cocoanut cream kisses, Maple Cocoanut cream kisses. Cherry cream kisses, Walnut cream cakes, Italian Cream, Vanilla Peanut and Walnut Flavors. Chocolate Covered Almonds, Chocolate Covered Peanuts, Chocolate Covered Filberts, Walnut Top Chocolate Cream Almond Top Chocolate Creair. We also carry a nice line of Assorted Bon Bons. J. L. Smith, Phone 221. Leader in High Grade Cigars and Tobacco. —FOR SALE. Broad well’s Double Jointed Cotton Seed. These seed were awarded first prize at Georgia State Pair for three years. $1.00 per bushel, C. W. Wright, Covington, 1.—lm. Tresspass Notice. Notice is hereby given j j^gor otherwise* t^sspassing 1 my lands. This Feb. fi, 1909. Mrs. L. O. Richards.