The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, June 16, 1909, Image 8

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Social and Local News Items Paragraphs About People You Know. State and county tax books close July 1st. Mrs. Gurley Turner spent Friday in Atlanta. Mr. Claud Whitehead spent Sunday with friends in Conyers. Mrs. T. J. Swanson continues quite ill at her home on College-ave. Dr. F. S. Belcher, of Eudora, was in the city Tuesday on business. Mr. C. J. Norman spent a day or two of the past week on business in Griffin. Master Leree Moore has returned from a visit to his grand-parents at Leguin. Mr. P. W. Godfrey spent a day or two of the past week in Madison on business. Mrs. Laura Winburn is visiting rel¬ atives and friends at Logansville and Walnutgrove. Mr. T. A. Mabry, of Atlanta, spent several days with Newton county friends last week. Miss Bessie Ezell will arrive in the city this week to be the guest of friends for several days. Miss Frankie Minor, of Conyers, was the guest of Mrs. J. L. White head the lirst of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Border, of Le¬ guin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Moore Sunday. Mrs. Pauline Jarman left Monday for Virginia, where she will spend sometime with Miss Roberta Fox. Mr. Julian Taylor, of Brick Store, has been the guest of relatives in the city during the past several days. Make your tax returns before it is too late. Miss Julia Hudson returned to her home at Athens Tuesday after a de¬ lightful visit to Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Pace. Miss Lillian Taylor, the bright little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Tay¬ lor, is spending this month with her grand-parents in Madison. days Mayor Chas. G. Smith spent a few of the past week in Jonesboro, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Nannie Bragan, who has been quite sick for sometime past. We are receiving daily pretty new things for our m The Store of GOOD Va 1 ues Have you given your taxes for 1909? Miss Marjorie McKay, of Taylor, Texas, arrived in the city Tuesday to be the guest of Misses Katherine and Nelle Butler. « A pleasant party composed of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Turner, Misses Annie Mae Berry, Ruth Brisendine and Messrs. Archer and Lee spent Sun¬ day at Stone Mountain. Tuesday, June 21, is the 86th anni¬ versary of the Covington Baptist church. It is understood that appro¬ priate services will be held at the church. Mrs. R. H. Bickerstaff and two lit¬ tle sons, of Athens, are the guests of relatives here this week. Mrs. Bick¬ erstaff will be pleasantly remembered as Miss Lola Allen, formerly of this city. Editor James R. Gray, of the At¬ lanta Journal accompanied the scout car here. He spoke very favorably of the route between here and Atlan¬ ta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mason and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur An¬ derson and Mr. Zack Anderson, all of Atlanta, spent a day or two of this week with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. An¬ derson. Miss Broobwie Stillwell, of Monte¬ zuma, is the guest of Miss Julia Still¬ well on Clark-st. Miss Stillwell has relently been elected teacher in the primary department of the G. N. I. college at Milledgeville. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Nixon, of Bel¬ linger, Texas, are spending some time here the guests of relatives in this county. Mr. Nixon is a former resi¬ dent of this county and brother of Deputy Sheriff J. C. Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Everitt and lit¬ tle Warren Stillwell left Monday to attend the Georgia Funeral Directors association which convened in Sa nannah Tuesday, of which Mr. Ever¬ itt is a member. They will spend several days at Tybee. For Sale Cheap. My store house at Mansfield Cash or time. tf. L. D. ADAMS. THE COVINGTON NEWS Mr. E. L. Newton, of Social Circle, was here Tuesday on business. Mrs. Dan Jones has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Atlanta. Mrs. Z. E. Wilburn has returned to her home at Griffin, after a visit to relatives here. Miss Willie Bell, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. R. H. Thompson’s fami¬ ly in North Covington. Misses Ethel and Ruth Worsham are spending sometime with relatives in Tennessee and Kentucky. Miss Allene Bryan, of Conyers, spent several days last week with relatives in North Covington. Mr. Elmer Lunsford, one of the county’s best and largest planters, was here Tuesday on business. Hon. L. P. Duke one of Newborn’s hustling and progressive merchants, was h ere Tuesday on business. Miss Lottie Ramspeck has returned to her home at Decatur after a de¬ lightful visit to Miss Jule Trippe. Mr. Paul Kurling, of water and sewerage constuction company, spent Sunday with home-folks at Fayette¬ ville. * Col. and Mrs. Jas. W. Anderson will leave next week for a two weeks vis¬ it to relatives at Harmony Grove and Athens. Mrs. Leila Griffin Tompkins and lit¬ tle daughter, will arrive in the city next w'eek to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Wells. Mrs. Mamie Terrell and attractive daughter, Miss Madge, arrived in the city today from Miama, Fla., to be the guests of Covington friends. Mr. Fred Tolar, who has just re¬ turned from an extended trip to the West Indes, spent a day or two of this week with his uncle, Sheriff S. M. Hay. Miss Adel Middlebrooks, the bright little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ard Middlebrooks, is spending week at the home of her parents, Col. and Mrs. L. L. Middle¬ brooks. Mrs. W. C. Clark and daughter, Miss Mabel, leaves to day for Atlanta to attend the closing ex¬ ercises of the Tech school. Mrs. Clark has two sons, Will White and Walton, in this school. Miss Frances Godfrey entertain'ed number of her friends at her ful home last Friday evening. Quite a number of out of town guests present and a pleasant time erienced. Delightful were served the guests. Covington News Correspondents GOLD WATCH CONTEST The correspondent receiving the highest number of votes up to September first will be given a Handsome Gold Watch, The one receiving the next highest correspondents number will be given ii Five Dollar Gold Piece. All our are eligible, Look on front page for rules governing the contest. Every subscriber can vote for his choice. Fill in coupon below and mail it to us not later than Saturday CX )T IFX —To be billed in and signed by a subscriber of the News, and must be in this office not later than an 5 5 o’clock Saturday p.m., June 19, 1909.— lO XT FFKS I vote for correspondent at (Signed)-------------------------------------------------------- subscriber. Postofnce Better see the Tax Receiver before July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trippe and little daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Trippe’s mother, Mrs. John S. Wright, at Leguin. Mr. Thos. J. Shields, the popular prescriprion clerk of C. C. Brooks drug store, has been confined to his home on account of recent illness. Mr. Tom Davis, of Oklahoma, an old Newton county boy, is here for a several days visit to his son, Harry Davis. Mr. Davis is well known in this city and county and has a large number of friends who are always glad to see him. Officers Elected For Imp. 0. R. M. The Semi annual election of the officers of the Imp. O. R. M., which occurred at their last regular meeting, resulted as follow's: Sachem, T. F. Maddox. Sr. Sag., Jay D. Albert. Jr. Sag., It. D. Archer. Prophet, W. R. Stillwell. Chief of Records, Louis Zeitland. C. & K. of Wampum, J. P. Hays. Almand--Terrell. The marriage of Miss Floy Almand and Mr. J. B. Terrell, of Covington, will be an interesting event taking place at half past seven o’clock on the evening of the twenty-second. The ceremony will be followed by a reception at which a number of guests will be entertained. Mrs. Ed. Foster, the bride’s sister, will be matron of honor, her younger sister, Miss Grace Almand, to be maid of honor. Mr. Clarence Terrell, the groom’s brother, will be best man, and the bride will be given away by her fa¬ ther, Mr. M. W. Almand. Mr. Terrell and his bride will take an extended trip w r est, visiting Seat¬ tle and other interesting points on the Pacific slope for a stay of two months Mr. Terrell is part owner and secre¬ tary of the Newton County Oil mills. A number of pretty parties have been planned for Miss Almand before her marriage. Yesterday Mrs. J. A. Carlisle gave a matinee party in her honor and for this week, Mrs. H. K. Taylor will give a bridge Tuesday afternoon. Loyless’ Wednesday morning Miss Willie bridge will be a pretty com¬ pliment to the attractive bride-eleet. Surprise Party Quite a number of Miss ife Cooper’s young lady and gentlemen friends gave her a surprise party on Monday night. Among who Atlantal were! Misses Margarite Ward, of Julia Hodson, of Athens, Gussie Grace! Ber-I man, of Elberton, and Misses Whitehead, Julia Aiken, Annie Got! White, Florence Wells, Frances Clark,I frey, Janie Gaither, Mabelle Lucy Bush, Messers. Harry David John] Fred Barnes, Henry Quillian, Bob Weaver, Nathan Cohen, Sand-1 Ed-1 ford Steadman, Claud Albert, mund Jordan, Eugene Lester, Wymanl Janiesl Carroll, Dean Albert, Willie Snow. Delightful refreshments were! served the guests and a jolly time i| reported. Must Report To Ordinary. “All guardians, administrators anil executors shall make their annoall returns upon all estates intrusted tnl them on or by July 1st.” Col MeadJ or informs a News man that is the law and must be abided by.