The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, June 30, 1909, Image 3

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f* 1C il 772?. >...< >r / vX i WHTfgS X - ; i' ; \J ■ V\ K X? ■>x, n i-i > * ■f s' 'V\ '•'>(. .:X %. i-x / 77^Z .r-si. >> n / ;vs M] &££x?te *+■■■■**■*. ***** * ■XSfcV;;. : *i: ?: ■* |i " •#? lx \ .: : X. ?,, ■: v *: <- & : ^' ■n % i /l/» X; I / ,.JS& ,.ttf i y<~'* : X'-,; X / I ■ i- N>;: X I 8S& ^i'.ijiliiyr .... .• •_ A ■ f V# ■* ■ 4 v *✓ h •, •x I Hr***. ■>■■. •■• > x , /x , &/■■■■■■: XK I '■■ ■‘Sfew ■>, "X lilf :.: (T ■>#: j \ X t t ... MIC \ V : * j : ,;A • I. If; 'X. V' ill $t.£: <* MK Our Price to You $55.00 Runabout Our Price to You $95.00—Rubber Tired Our Price to You $65.00. X» The Only Factory In The South Selling Direct To You ne n< At Wholesale Prices m riK m We guarantee our Buggies, Call and compare them with the best lines on the market and you will see that we can it 820.00 buggy, Go through Factory, £ save you on your our see the material we use and how we build them and you will m that build the Best Buggy in the South. m see we Buy from us and save the middle man’s profit. We build but one m ide only—the very best. If we havn’t what you want we will make it for you. Don’t forget to look at our $15.00 Harness. uX m m IK Covington BUGGY Co tt ALWAYS BUSY »» COY INGTON, GEORGIA m Rubber Tiring and Repairing done by us. KKKmVtCmXK9IKXKXKXKKtK9IKHIC)KHmXK»IC KKK^jCKilCmmmHKXRKilCKtKPaCKllCXKHKPKKm Mansliold News. Jlr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood are visit I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood at Iganville this week. E. L. At maud spent Sunday in buyers with his sister, Mrs. Dabney, bo is very sick. bliss Emmie Pennington, of Cov Item, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frard Campbell. lira. Howard Skinner is the guest r er P are *h at Sardis this week. fh‘- Rennie Rlake spent Sunday |h home folks. and Mrs. E. W. Adams spent da v with the latter’s parents near - ledge. r *- J°* ,n bevy, of Covington, is nding this week with her parents, ’ aiu l Mi'*. Jim Jones. f lss HalUe Perry, of Shady Dale, paed sev eral home days Saturday, with Miss after Florrie spend pons. Kirby Malone, and Wade l|[,| d* visited friends and relatives temtwelh » Saturday and Suitdav. Ngton, Henry Odum and children, of j spent one day of last week I f Mr a. F. Ozburn. r - and M l'S •b O. Hitchcock, “pton, of J im Davis. s P''nt Sunday with Mr. and ■ ’■ Smith, of Monticello, at work is c >n the phones this week. ’• and M rs Walter in spent • Blake, of > ” s evera l days here last r nro lUl Mr , T - ,in< Mrs. W. N. Blake. UfEu'p 1 Campbe11 and Cora *>th Mrs! "'a, spent last Wednes X. E. Coogler. *£2"*"*; ls week 01 with “iMeeviUe, Mr. and Mrs. i 1 I,, lam ore. are Kteul to know Miss % is bet Vera v at this wri ting. •Earroll st; lrr and sister, Dena, ^ Sutidav b v at Fair s herrod Play. ' s mith and Miss Tommie Sunda\ end, ', a ' ‘ Ul ,1 1 dlned preachin with g Mr. at Con- and AUen K ^ere°h2 • ^ ;U Sunday ' t3 Dr - w night. ard - of Ox ed Rev. to an interesting ser¬ ge congregation while I and m . r jngton ' "' Uy Hlr well, of Mrs"vv'i!'"!? t this week and h.. liar and • we 11. n Mr ‘ rauk Ozburn spent Sunday at Woodfin. Mr. Fielder Hardeman returned home Saturday, after spending days at Woodside. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd died last Friday night and buried at Carmel cemetery afternoon at 3 o’clock. Miss Cleo Malier, of Sunnyside, will spend ttiis week here with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Blake. Newborn News. Mr. Uller Patrick spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Patrick. Mr. Lewis Sams is spending awhile with ralatives here. Misses Mary Mitchell and Maggie Pitts are spending awhile in Hapeville and Atlanta. Miss Cloa Murrelle returned home from Covington last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stanton returned home Monday. They have been of on a long visit to their daughters. Miss Clara Belle Adams, of Coving ton, is visiting her grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Speer. Miss Ada Harwell is visiting her brother, Mr. Robert Harwell, this week. Mrs. H. C. Pitts and little son, Jack, left Monday for Godfrey, where they will spent a while. Mrs. Paul Stanton, of Covington, been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Pitts. Miss Ruby Tolar returned home from Starrsville, where she been viaiting her friend, Miss Lil¬ Crenshaw. Mr. J. E. Adams and Mr. E. F. spent Sunday last in Social Mrs. G. W. N. Murrelle left last for Monroe, where she will visit mother. Mrs. Young is visiting her cousin, E. N. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Freeman have new boy at their home. Miss Mary Denie Speer, of Coving¬ is visiting her grand parents here week. Miss Mattie Fannie Cook spent last with Mr. and Mrs. ’lorn Mr. G. Stanton and wife arrived visiting his parents, M r. and J. N. Stanton. THE COVINGTON NEWS Brick Store. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Osburn, of Hays ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Osburn. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Stewart spent last Sunday with Mrs. Johnson Pon nell, of Aleovy. Miss Lucile Hutchenson, of Rut¬ ledge spent several days with Mrs. Bob Higginbotham. Mrs. Charlie Patrick and her moth¬ er, Mrs. Henderson visited Mr. Ike Henderson, of Morgan, Sunday. Miss Nannie May Mobley, of Social Circle was here Sunday last. Miss Margaret Stewart, of Rut¬ ledge, spent the past week with Mr. Mrs. Bob Higginbotham and other relatives. Mr. Paul Dyer had the misfortune to loose a valuable mule last week. We are sorry to note the illness of little Miss Ethel Gibson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gibson. Dr. Ed Switzer, of Pine Grove, was a visitor here Sunday. Miss Mattie Lou Sigman visited Miss Lillie May Aaron for a few days the past week. Mrs. J. T. Taylor has returned from Anniston, Ala., and other points and report a pleasant time. Little Miss Elizabeth Flowers, of Covington, is spending sometime with her grand parents. Gum Creek. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Giles was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Byrd Sunday afternoon. Miss Cora Byrd and sister, Emily, was the guest of Miss Mattie Elling ton Sunday afternson. Our teacher, Prof. Parks Allgood and sister, Miss Grace, was the guest of Mr. B. A. Bostwick’s family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Birt Dial and little son, Fred, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mitcham’s family Sunday. Mrs. R. A. Bostwick has as her guest this week her mother, Mrs. Sophronia Dial, of Oxford. Mrs. Albert Ellington and little daughter, Annie Lauria, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Ellis one day last week. Master Collie Bostwick and two little sisters, Irene and Sadie, were the guests of their uncle, Mr. G. L. Dial Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Porter McColors, of Loganville, were the guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ellington recently. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Dial and sister, Miss Belma Dial, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Giles Saturday night and Sunday at Walnut Grove. Mrs. Bettie McWaters was the guest of Mrs. R. A. Bostwick Thurs¬ day afternoon. Mr. Bob Middlebrook and Mr. Guss MeWater visited Mr. Tom Byrd Sunday afternoon. Mr. Starkie Ellington was the guest of Mr. Jeff Byrd and Colie Sunday. Snapping Shoals. Miss Sadie Hooper spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Presson and little son, Trellice, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pelza Austin. Miss Nannie Aiken spent Wednes¬ day afternoon with Mrs. Ethel Pres¬ son. Miss Lillie Nails spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. Ophelia Blankenship. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blankenship’s little daughter, Mertice, that was badly bumed, is improving rapidly. Mr. W. L. Presson visited his parents one day last week. Messrs. D. A. Moor, Joe Blanken¬ ship, H. Randal, W. L. Presson, cut a bee tree one day last week. They did not get so much honey, but, Oh! so much fun to see how the brave little insects fought for their rights. I have got my name on the contest list and anybody sending in their vote for me, will be more than appreciated —Mrs. Leonard Presson. Will Be Extended. It is reported here that the Cov¬ ington accommodation train to At¬ lanta daily, will be extended to Buckhead, beginning the first of next week. The people all along the line and especially at Madison have been trying to get this train for some time and vve understand that Mr. Scott has agreed to put it on with the understanding with the people that if it failed to pay that he could discontinue it at any time. It will be a great benefit to the people below Covington as it will give them an early daily train t° Atlanta and they will not have to wait until noon to go up as they do now. T" I f nyw i ffT^ f Wf Protect Your Home j WITH A CYGLONE POLICY ► Covers Homes, Schools Churches and Businss Houses. The Cost is Very Low. Only 25 Cents a Hundred. H. T. HUSON J Insurance Dealer. I.ULUL.kAn».tn.Uit»,lo*u>A.iiL>»,k.kALUk.l*n>.L lik !kk NICE FRESH GROCERIES You will always find at my store as nice and fresh Gro¬ ceries as can be found in the city, and when you purchase them from me I make it a point to get them to your home just as quick as it is possible for me to do it. FRESH MEATS I also have in connection with my store a first class Meat Market and can furnish you with the choice kind of Meats you like so well. Giveme an order. I will appreciate it and will try to please you. Cigars aud Tobacco. Cash Paid for Hides. R. F. Wright, Covington, Georgia.