The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, June 30, 1909, Image 8

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QUESTIONS ON SUN¬ DAY SCHOOL LESSON Prepared by Rev. Dr. Linscott for The International Bible Study Club in this Paper. July 4th, 1909. Paul’s Second Missionary Jour¬ ney.—Antioch to Philippi. Acts xv:36 to xvi: 15. Golden Text.—Come over into Macedonia and help us. Acts xvi:9. Verse 36.—Is it generally neces¬ sary to follow up any good work which we have commenced if we would make it a success? Verses 37-39.—Would it have been wiser if Barnabas had first consulted Paul in the matter of taking Mark? Barnabas was a relative of Mark; are we as good judges of the fitness of our relatives for an office as we are of the fitness of others? Why? Why is nepotism in government appointments, looked upon with suspicion? Had Paul, probably, good reason for objecting to taking John and Mark with them? (See Acts xiii; 13.) If a man shows lack of courage, oi tact, or faithfulness, in one position, does that disqualify him m any measure, from getting another, or from success when in another position? If both Paul and Barnabas had been duplicates of the man Jesus, would there have been this quarrel between them, and how would the matter likely have been settled? (This question must be answered by members of the club.) When two Christians fall out, is one or both always to be blamed? Verses 40-41.—Did the dispute between these men work out for good, as it resulted in two missio¬ nary deputations instead of one? By any process of reasoning can you conclude that God was back this dispute, between these godly men, so as to better work his purposes? Chap. xvi:l-3.—Should 7a Ml r s«5? ft m m ft r'fi "jfc m 7 a IM 7 j i •V w. 1 3 o i m m We are receiving daily pretty new things for our H Dress Goods Department. H§ We ask the Ladies to be sure to give us a call, we assure them of courteous treatment and a showing of up=to=the=minute merchandise. Don’t forget to ask to see our line of Ladies Slippers. m T. c. CO. Covington, Georgia. m i c c The Store GOOD Values. > 1 m ! & a mm itfK m V ters, and other Christians, be on the look-out for young men who are fitted for the ministry, the same as business men are for good sales¬ men ? What can you say for, or against Paul circumcising Timotheus, in view of the decision of the council at Jerusalem? (See Acts xv: 1-29.) In matters of habit, or ceremony or non-essentials, is it well for us to give way to the views of others, sinking our own preferences when we can accomplish good by so do ing? For example you may oppose wearing “pig-tails” in this coun¬ try, with wisdom, and yet to re¬ fuse to wear one in China may be great folly. Verses 4-5.—What were the < i decrees ..........of the . elders which at Jerusalem, t > . were and are these binding upon the church to-day? [See Acts xv:28-29.] Is a church better with or with¬ out an elaborate creed? What did Jesus teach which is not included in righteousness, and the constant vision of God? Will a church sound “in the faith,” always be a magnet to draw others to it. Verses 6-8.—Why did the Holy Spirit forbid them to preach in Asia and Bithynia, ami would they have sinned had they done so? When we are hindered provid¬ entially from doing certain good works, is that the Holy Spirit hin¬ dering us? Verses 9-10.---How many meth¬ ods does God adopt in leading us? Does God in every emergency give us some sure guidance as to what we ought to do? Was this vision just as clear a call from God, as though he had spoken personally? Verses 11-12.--Does God direct the course of the Christian with absolute certainty, notwithstanding wind or sea? Verse 13,---What is one of the first things an earnest Christian looks out for, when he moves into a new community? Are women generally in the majority as earnest Christians? Verse 14.—Are busy women generally more spiritual than those who have but little to do. Should all girls be taught to earn THE COVINGTON NEWS Q. LIVINGSTON WRITES ABOUT ROADS Interesting Article About Bet¬ ter Roads and the Best Plan Of Building Them. Editors Covington News:—T he of better roads is something everj r patriotic citizen wants and jq ] iave if enough of them will agree the best plan to have them, and put that plan into execution. county does not need any issue to get better roads. We have had good roads in Newton times and we seem to think that they will last forever. The point I am trying to stress is “that we forgot to have them repaired.” We should remember that man cannot build anything that will not need re¬ pairing sooner or later. Therefore, when we build as we call it a permanent road, let us not forget to go back and repair whenever needed and then return to our perma¬ nent road-building again. For example, some of our perma¬ nent roads might have been repaired with one load of gravel, but they were neglected until it required several hun¬ dred loads of gravel, or in other words, another permanent road had to he built. If we forget to repair them our per¬ manent roads will not last very long. It seems to me if we work with what we have, and use common sense, we will soon have good roads in Newton county. G. Q. Livingston. City Tax Returns. Notice is hereby given that the time for making Tax Returns to the City of Covington has been extended to July 1st, at which time the books will be closed, Covington, Ga., July 4, 1909. CHAS. G. SMITH, Mayor, J. J. CORlEY, Clerk. their own living. Is it easier for God to open the heart of an industrious person than that of an idler. Verse 15.---If a person is inhos¬ pitable, or stingy, is that a sure sign of ungodliness. Lesson for Sunday, July 11th, 1909. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey.—-The Philippian Jailer. Acts xvi: 16-40. Leguin Locals. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Roberts and were the guests, Sunday, of and Mrs. L. T. Roberts, of Rocky Miss Lartrelle Meadows, is visiting in Atlanta this week. Mr. Leon Disk, of Gaithers, was a here Sunday. Misses Ilene Ivey and Grace Parker, Stewart, were guests of Miss Alice Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. S. Wright and daughters, Leila and Pauline, visited Mrs. F. H. Franklin, of Eudora Sunday. Miss Clara Meadows had as her guests Sunday Misses Bessie Thomp son, Irene Meadows, Carrie Beck Edwards, Minnie Lee and Ora May Cunnard and Ines Vining. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cunnard and Master Holmes visited relatives in Jasper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Roberts spent Wednesday and Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. John Meadows were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Meadows. Mr. Tom Smith and Misses Alice Thompson and Phena Meadows at¬ tended preaching at High Point Sun¬ day morning. Mr. Bankston Ellington was a visitor at Mixson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Edwards spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thompson. Mr. F. H. Wright and sisters at¬ tended the entertainment given by Mrs. Bob Middlebrooks, atStarrsville, one night last week. _. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meadows visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Meadows Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Penington an¬ nounce the birth of a baby girl. Miss Allie B. Wright spent several days last week with Mrs. W. R. Roberts. Mr. Bunch Thompson attended Sun¬ day school at the Chapel Sunday af¬ ternoon. Notice. To R. B. Sandiford, Susie G. Sandiford, I,. Sandiford, Horace Sandiford. and Perry L, ford, heirs at law of Ralph B. Sandiford I ( . Johnson having made application to us require titles to be excepted to him to lands diseribed in two bonds for titles signed Ralph B. Sandiford, late of Newton Georgia, deceased, alleging that said lands been fully paid for, you are hereby notified said application will be heard by me at my on the 2nd day of August 1909. June 19,1909. A. D. MEADOR MILLION DOLLARS FOR COTTON FACTORIES Many New Cotton Mills Are Now Being Built Throughout the Southern States. The Georgia and Alabama Industrial Index published at Columbus, Ga., says in its regular weekly issue: “Conspicuous among the industrial news items of the past week was the action of the stockholders of a Col lumbus, Ga., cotton manufacturing company in formally voting to enlarge their plant at a cost of nearly $500, 000. This cotton mill has been in operation a few years, and the fact that its earnings and its prospects for continued increase of sales are such that its owners have decided to double its capacity illustrates strikingly the profits in cotton manufacturing in the south when properly conducted. The addition to the plant will he slightly larger than the original building, and the enlarged structure will be an im¬ posing mill, four stories high, 534 feet long and 128 feet wide. The enlarge¬ ment will give employment to 400 or 500 more operatives. “The energetic manner in which South Alabama is taking hold of the culture of Sumatra tobacco is illus¬ trated by the announcemer. of a big tobacco-curing and manufacturing plant in Baldwin county. A large three-story building will be erected by the company, which will encourage the culture of tobacco in that section, inviting the co-operation or the farm¬ ers. “The contract for the erection of the first paper mill in the world in which the material used will be the stalks of the cotton plant was awarded at Cordele, Ga., and within a short time the work of erecting a large plant there will be in progress. “About one-half million dollars will be expended in Birmingham, Ala., this year in the erection and enlarging of churches. Among the church con¬ struction items for the week is the award of an important contract at Columbus, Ga. “Probably the biggest auction sale of lots in the history of Atlanta, Ga., took place during the week, $171,003 being the sum realized from one day’s sales. AtBirmingham, Ala., a $75,000 land deal was consummated, and Savannah, Ga., reports an $80,000 transaction in realty.” # l ||; 2 w. J. Higgins r I l I dentist Over Cohen’s Store. Your Patronage Solicited Covington Georgia 1 Q For Sale 2 l One good automobile swing no plaee to use it ^ $10.00 bnt ( 'w sell at a bar . News office for information tf m 'll , m "DEFORE a shirt can ^ carry a CLUETT Label, it must come pretty near to being a perfect shirt. The label in a Q€uM ■ ii. SHIRT is your guarantee thaj everything is right. All in the hav shirj you to look for is the pat tern you like—$1.51 and more in white o in color. LEE BROTHE1