The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, July 21, 1909, Image 5

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Pace Locals. j Ramsey visited Mrs. W. ^Butler Tuesday afternoon Willing) d Mrs. Ce rge a n ly£dMr. , „ n B. F. Rowan lust and Mrs. SUn<ia ‘, spent part of last JEin E cowan Conyers with her sister wh< is quite sick. W 0. Butler visi :d Mrs. O. AleC u'd Saturday afternoon. p and lit Mr a nd Mrs. H 15- Rogers daughter, of OovingU-n, via. ted Mr 1> B. Crowell Sunday. Walter G »>de, of Atlanta, visit jj r recently. gd relatives here Miss Alva R wan spent last week relatiivi s and friends in 0 .nyers. fith Ir and Mrs. L. «• Al. and and j eicn.vingtu.. visit u an. children, B.Almand’s family Sunda . Mr and Mrs. C. 1 • Ramsey spe.i Monday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kan - sey. Mr Howard \ aughn, of Conyers, was a pleasant visitor her Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Park and little daughter of Crawfordville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. AImand. Mr. W. G. Turner and little son, of Covington, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nixon. Mr. J. B. A Imand has returned from ai extended visit to his sister Mrs. A. T. Hind at Waleska. Mr. Underwood and doughter visit¬ ed Mr. and Mrs. O. F. McCord Sun¬ day afternoon. Miss Ruth Vandegriff, of Atlanta, spent several days recently with her sisters here. Mr. Hugh McCord and sisters, Mis¬ ses Vera and Mamie visited relatives in Covington Sunday. Misses Letha and Vera Cowan spent Saturday in Conyers. Mrs. T. J. Ramsey and children vis¬ ited Mrs. C. D. Ramsey Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Almand and two children, of Conyers, spent last Sun¬ day with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Almand. Master Guy Rogers, of Covington, visited Grady Crowell several days recently. Mrs. 0. P. McCord and Mr. Hugh McCord spent a short while in Coving¬ ton Tuesday afternoon. Misses Clemmie and Angie Boyd visited Miss Anna Butler Thursday. Miss Selus Hill is visiting relatives and friends in Covington. Mrs. W. D. Elliott and Mrs. J. C. Nixon visited Mrs. T. J. Ramsey last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Pearl Treadwell and her little daughter and Miss Nellie Treadwell were in Covington Monday. Rev. W. 0. Butler and Messrs. O. P. McCord and C. I). Ramsey attend ^ the District Conference at Social Circle last week. Mrs. C. I). Ramsey and children Mrs. spent Wednesday night with Mr. and T. J. Ramsey. Mr. J. c. Nixon has purchased a home in Covington and will probably move his family there in the next few months. The revival rerviees conducted by “ v - W. 0. Butler will begin at Salem next Sunday night July 25. A number of people from this sec- III I I I I xS Ernest E. Parker, State Organizer, Independent Order Foresters. Sardis Locals. Miss Ida Mann was the guest of Miss Annie Lee Sunday. Mrs. Mary Burt, of Monroe is visit¬ ing Mr. and Mrs. John Camp. Mrs. Henry Boggus Jr., visited Mrs. Anna Cook Sunday.| Mr. and Mrs. James MeCart and two children of Alcovey visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ellington have as their visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Art Mobley of Concord. Several from here will attend the Sunday School Celebration at Center¬ ville next Friday. Mrs. Elizabeth George and Mrs. Maggie Byrd spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. C. P. Lee. Mrs. J. W. Poole and Mrs. Bob Mann were in Covington Saturday shopping. Mr. Grady Ellington and Mr. and Mrs. Art Mobley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter at Walnut grove Sunday. Mr. C. A. Poole and little daughter, Grace, spent Sunday with the latters grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boggus Sr. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Smith and daughter Miss Anna Lois were guests of relatives at Walnutgrove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Berry Moon and little daughter of Conyers, were visitors here recently. Misses Ivey and Luna Mae Elling¬ ton are at home after a visit to their sister, Mrs. P. W. Harris near Jersey. Leguin Locals. Dr. C. E. Dowman and Rev. E. G. McKa^' spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. I. W. Meadors. Mr. H. E. Wright and litte Miss Mary Trippe, of Covington, visited Mrs. J. S. Wright and family last Sunday. Masters Eugene and J. P. Clark, of Atlanta, are spending this week with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meadors. Mrs. Charlie Walker and daughter, Thelma, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Osborn. Several young people enjoyed some line water melons at the home of Mr. A. S. Ellington Sunday afternoon. Miss Nellie Wright is spending this week with Mrs. Herman Grant at Mixon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Edwards and children visited Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson Saturday and Sunday. Several young people attended ser¬ vices at Red Oak Sunday. Misses Nellie Wright and Alice Thompson attended quarterly meeting at Bed Oak Saturday. Miss Maggie Pennington spent last Sunday Miss Ora May Cunnard. Little Misses Ruth and Christine Roberts visited their grand mother, Mrs. J. S. Wright Sunday and Mon¬ day. tion attended the funeral of Mr. John Vandegriff at Prospect last Mondaj . Mr. Vandegriff lived in Atlanta at the time of his death, but was a resident of this place for a number of years, and has many friends here who regret bo learn of his death. He was the fa¬ ther of Mrs. Paul and Otis Hardeman. J^EtORE CLUETT a shirt can ^el, carry a it must come prett y near to being a Meet shirt. The label in a SHIRT guarantee that the shirt to ' I * ^ y°u have ter 0 * 4 i tor is the pat Z 1 ° ° U rc 'ike-fl-SO mwh,te w eolo or r lee brothers. THE COVINGTON NEWS ■ i ! Gum Creek. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Dial and little son, Thomas Jackson, of Oxford, were the guest of Mr. R. A. Bostwick’s family Sunday. Miss Mattie Ellington and little brother, Albert, spent Sunday with her uncle, Mr. Bob Ellington. Mr. E. C. Ellington and two daugh¬ ters, Misses Clarence and Ellen were the guest of Mr. John Smith’s family at Walnut Grove Sunday. Grandma Dial has been quite sick, but we are glad to say that she is bet¬ ter. Gum Creek school opened Monday morning, July 19th, under manage¬ ment of Prof. Parks Allgood. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dial was the guest of the former’s sister, Mrs. B. A. Bostwick one night last week. Mrs. Bettie Me Waters is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Edd ie Eidson in Rockdale county. Mr. Parker Allgood, of Walnut Grove, was the guest of Mr. R. A. Bostwick Saturday morning. Miss Lucile Bostwick had as her guests Miss Floy Garrette, of Monroe, and Miss Stella Dial, of Oxford, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dial were guests of Mr. R. D. Dial’s family Sunday at Mt. Zion. Master Vester Dial, of Mt. Zion, was the guest of Master Collie Bostwick Sunday afternoon. Miss Eva Middlebrooks was the guest of her sister, Bethia Fillingum , Sunday. Little Julia Bird and Minnie were guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Ellington Sunday. Bowenville Items. Rev. W. O. Butler filled his regular appointment at Union Sunday. Miss Ruby Thurman is visiting friends and relatives at Jackson. Mr. Jim Bowen’s children spent Friday night with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowen. Sorry to say that Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowen are not any better. Ye scribe attended the celebration at Smyrna and heard some fine sing¬ ing and lecturing. Mrs. M. E. Bowen was the admired guest of Mrs. Roseberry Thursday morning. Mr. John Reagan and daughter were visitors near Turner’s church Sunday. ft Mr. Pete Philips was a visitor in McDonough recently. Mrs. Press Ford has returned home, after a pleasant stay with relatives at Decatur. The farmers are busy laying by at this writing. Success to The News. Alcova News. Mr. W. C. Beck’s birthday dinner was enjoyed by a large crowd Sunday. Ice cream was served in the afternoon and all had a nice time. Miss Nina Aaron and Ida Dillard, of Social Circle, were the guests of Miss Kate Nash Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lueile and AUene Swords visi- ic/UE OF 20CHAINS To The {«< _ R 3 -*/ Sl5\*v Zft K V; ^ r ;/o •V.v : <T Vv • •o I*- t * 'l ; rs. O''. \, 'HD or-u X s 13.*5 /o/Trr/ CM / v&r to Sell at V V __ \j/ 9 *of 0>V £V0C r \.. lof ^rAcm :: Auction Geo. Atf- Dial 3 0 CK T uesday On August 1 7th, at 10 o’clock, I will sell to the highest bidder, at my old home place, in Newton county, the three fine farms shown in the above plat. This is my old home place sub¬ divided into three convenient and desirable farms. This is some of the most valuable farm lands in Newton county. It is a rich mulatto soil and very productive. It is well situated, being on the new Covington road and the Covington and Lawrenceville road. Has R. F. D. service and there are schools and churches within a short distance. The new Covinfiton road passes thru each of these farms, and teere are other good roads, making it easily accessible from all directions. There is abundant water and timber supply, about 20 per cent, of each farm being in fine original forest. These are sel-sustaining farms and the man who is looking for an ideal country home or for a paying land invest¬ ment can’t afford to miss this sale. There are few desirable farms like these on the market today. In fact these would not be for sale but for the fact that I am so far from them as to make it impossible to give them hardly any attention. Terms of Sale I have made the terms easy so that this land will pay lor itself. The terms are as follows : 5 per cent, of the price on delivery of bond for title. I will accept a good note for the 5 per cent, due Dec. 1, 1909. * Note for 20 per cent, of price due Jan. 1, 1910. “ “ 25 . ...... . 44 Jan. 1, 1911. 44 44 25 44 44 44 “ 44 Jan. 1, 1912. 44 44 25 44 44 44 44 44 Jan. 1, 1913. All notes to bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent. Remember this land goes to the highest bidder. Don’t forget the date and place. TUESDAY AUGUST 17TH Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott Saturday Sunday at Brick Store. Miss Eddie Mae Harper, of Walnut, was the guest of Miss Kate Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Margie Faulkner, of Social was the welcome guest of Mrs. F. Nash Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Harp Hays, of Mansfield, was gnest of her sister, Mrs. Fillyaw, and Sunday. Mr. Homer Harper, of Walnut spent Saturday night with Mr. Nash. Little Rufus Nash has been very for the past week with the fever. Mrs. Maggie Merrett and little Beatres, of Atlanta, visited J. F. Nash last Monday and Mrs. J. T. Aaron, of Social Circle, the guest of her brother, Mr. J. Nash last Monday and Tuesday. Let me do your laundry work. have the Troy Steam Laundry, will do it as cheep as any body, will do up any thing from a tent to a pocket handerchief. Leave order at McGarity’s stable 167-L. HARRY AIKEN. Come to the Road Rally August 18. fW We Carry a Good Stock of ! Trusses and adjust them sieentifically for relief of hearnia. Read what a ▼ customer says: i Atlanta, Ga., July 6, 1909. DR. J. A. WRIGHT, Covington, Ga. Dear Doctor:— My truss is all O. K. and I am telling the good news to every one. I feel like a new man. I wish you may live long to benefit suffering humanity. Yours very trnly, The above was an Unusually Bad Case. We carry a full line of Spectacles and can test your eyes and fit your glasses according to the most approved scientific methods. W e guarantee satisfaction to those who deal with us. Dr. J. A. WRIGHT