The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, August 18, 1909, Image 5

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>'^4 Pen-Picture of Newton l Presented By Special Correspondence to The Covington News, Brick Store. Mr 1. L. Graves, General ' ' Railway, t for the Southern vieniphi 8 Tenn - and Mr ' ' here (!raveH , of Atlanta, were a ,1 last week on business. Mr Marion Paine, of Grawfordville, here on business last week r,! as of September rP t, u rn the first kc this his home for another year. ma Mi M Margaret Stewart of Rutledge, where for a stay of two weeks with her grandparents, Judge and Mrs. W. H Stewart and her aunt, Mrs. Higginbotham. She has many here who are always glad to see her. Mrs. Overton Lawrence of Concord, spent one day last week with mother, Mrs. Nannie Sigman. Master Woodson Benford, of Salem, is spending the week here with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ozburn. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taylor and Mas¬ ter Julian attended a Barbecue near Social Circle last Friday and they re¬ port a good time and a fine dinner. Mr. Washington Swords of Atlanta, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. T. T. Elliott last week. Miss Henrietta Paine and brothers, Messrs. James and Robert are here for a faw days with their sister, Mrs. M. C. Higginbotham. Messrs. Porter and Joe Jay and Frank Sawyer of Walton county, were here one day the past week hav¬ ing work done on the Montgomery cemetery. Mr. W. H. Aaron was in Covington one day last week on business. Mr. Pat Sigman is spending some¬ time in Florida with the sand flies and mosquitoes. Prof. W. S. Noel spent one day last week at Social Circle. Mr. and .Mrs. Fields Taylor and lit¬ tle Edwin, of Covington were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taylor, Sunday and Sunday night. We are glad to report the improve¬ ment of Master Jeb Stewart and hope to see him out again soon. Mr. Tim Swords, of Decatur, was tile guest of his sister, Mrs. J. T. Elliott Sunday. Miss Emma Gene Dyer, of Nor¬ wood is spending several weeks with Mrs. W. A. Dyer. Walmitgrove News. O.i last Tuesday morning the little 3year old daughter and 17 months old boy of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hard¬ man was poisoned by eating mush rooms and the little girl recovered but the little babe, taken at 9 o’clock a. m. and died at half past 5 in the afternoon and its remains were laid to rest on Wednesday afternoon in the family grave-yard at Tabernacle church in Jasper county. Its death "as a great stroke of grief to its mother and father and grand-panents. Mi>s (trace Johnson has returned home after a weeks visit with her brother at Starrsville. Mr. Charlie Evans and Alvin Car jj Saturday 1 '" 1 Hayston and were visitors here Sunday. M.-, and Mrs. C. H. McCart of J r arrsv,lle and Mrs. are R. visiting fcheir pareutlS ' L. Johnston. jj M a' with 4 * her Carter spent the week cousin Mr. and Mrs. R. barter. Mi» I earl Jordan visited Miss i^ we Johnston last Tuesday even knapping Shoals. l ) " ‘‘hlon made business trio ^ t Covington , a : Friday. | part'of p 'V* 1 U Johnson with spent ber the latter Mrs * daughter, r w h. Presson. • oraldavsum/u ? h her 688011 m °ther, is spending Mrs. sev- F. Jaeksn,, HOn at Stewart, A. - | I |i « ' must hiisi i ' Moving time and we Meeting!,fy"! meeting a e,n ,lere and attended Camp - report a good Jack r '!. Rlad to s, report that Miss is improving. I Mr ! M ! f »nj ‘ lrtin is improving rapid Wl 1 - [ U, h“ he will soon be out. „ visit!)' K ^ J' i >ress °nand Raz Law - Pace Locals. Camp meeting closed Thursday night. Mr. B. F. Rowan spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Mrs. J. C. Nixon visied Mrs. J. r p Stowers at Fairvie w Friday. Miss Myrtice Tucker, of Conyers, was the guest of Miss Dollie Burns during camp meeting. Miss Susie Sandiford, of Oxford, spent a part of last week with Miss Annie Cowan. Mr. C. D. Almand lias accepted a position in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ramsey return turned to Covington Friday after spending the past week here. Mrs. Daniel and baby, of Franklin, are visiting Rev. and Mrs. W, ()'. Butler. Rev. J. T. Fakes, of Eatonton, spent last week here. Miss Vera McCord has returned from a pleasant visit to Atlanta. Mrs. W. G. Turner and little son, of Covington, visited Mrs. J. C. Nixon last week. Mr. Olin Cowan spent Saturday af¬ ternoon in Covington. Mr. John McCollum, wife and chil¬ dren, of Fayetteville, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ramsey recently. Mrs. J. C. Nixon spent the week¬ end in Covington. Mrs. L. R. Almand, of Covington, is quite sick with pneumonia at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Ruth Vandigriff, of Atlanta, visited her sister, Mrs. Otis Hardman, recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Elliott and little son, of Covington, visited the former’s parents part of last week. Almon News. Quite a number of young people at¬ tended the picnic given at Mrs. Win¬ nie Puckett’s last Thursday. Mr. J. W. Ellis and family and Mrs. J. L. Ramey and Mrs. Larue Barker attended preaching at Porterdale last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Rice and Mr. Will Kirkus and family visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith at Fairview one day last week. Mr. Mike Stanton and family of Ebernezer, and Mr. Jesse Yancey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith one day last week. Mrs. Mattie Turner and Miss Nonie Stevens have returned to their home at Duluth, after a pleasant visit to friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rice spent last Sunday wi;h Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gofer at Hawkinville. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ewings spent a days last week with relatives and friends at Alcova. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Underwood are all-smiles over the arrival of a bounc¬ ing baby boy. A good many from iiere attended campmeeting at Salem last week. Mrs. D. F. Rice spent last Wednes¬ day with Mrs. M. W. Brown at Fair view. City Court Jury List. The following named persons wen 1 drawn to serve as Jurors for the regu¬ lar September Term, 1909, of the City Court of Covington in open court, July 30, 1909, to-wit : W. T. Smith, T. J. Harwell, C. W. Berry, S. B. Fuller, W. H. Aaron, J- C. Stewart, B. M. Leach, O. P. McCord, J. A. Scott, W. B. Smith, T. B. Black, Otis Hardeman, J. A. Grant, A. H. Milner, L. S. Smith, L. L. Johnson, E. W. Fowler, D. A. Thompson, A Hairbreadth Escape. A certain comedian Is hakl except for a rim of hair a few Inches above his*collnr line. he said “I’m In an awful hurry.’’ one day to the Lambs club barber. “Can you cut my hair with my collar on ?" barber. “I “Sure," replied the can cut It with your hat on."—Success Magazine._ Poetic License. Sporting Editor-Just what do you understand by the term "poetic li¬ censer Literary Editor — Broadly speaking, It Is that singular provision In the constitution of the universe un¬ der which poets are permitted to ex¬ ist— Chicago Tribune. THE COVI(NG'LON NEWS Covington Mill. Miss Beaula Smith, daughter of Brother W. P. Smith whose death we mentioned in last week’s news, was patient in all her suffering, and spoke of going away as if going away on a visit. We have known her some time and she was true to every trust com¬ mitted to her, ever kind to her father and step-mother and all that—knew her as a loving, modest young Christ¬ ian that was getting ready to go to heaven early. I just wanted to put this flower on her grave. Mr. Fill Harris visited friends at Crawford last week. Mr. Farr and family who have been visiting friends in Cobb county for a few days lias returned home. Mr. Jim Long, a former resident of this place who has been living in Jackson for some time has moved back here to the delight of his many friends. Our superintendent, Mr. J. W. Worsham is visiting friends in Ken¬ tucky this week. Mr. Seab Jones is visiting in Wal¬ ton county this week. We desire to thank the good people of this community for their kindness to us during the sickness and death of our daughter and may God bless and save us all at last.—W. B. Smith and family. Gum Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bird and children were the guests Sunday of Mr. S. R. Ellington and family. Mrs. S. R. Ellington and little son, Albert, were the guests of Mrs. R. A. Bostwick Tuesday afternoon. Grandmother Dial is spending a few days with her son, Mr. G. L. Dial. « Mrs. Boh Mitcham spent Wednes¬ day night with her sister, Miss Mar¬ garet Hinton. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bostwick spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dial. Miss Mattie Ellington is speaking this week with relatives at Alcova. Mrs. Claude Hood spent a few days j last week with her mother, Mrs. Jim 1 Mitcham. Miss the Nettie of Moat, Miss of Belma Princeton, Dial j i was guest Friday afternoon. Mr. W. A. Ellington was the guest of Mr. R. A. Boctwick Monday. Gum Creek school had a lively ball game Friday afternoon. ALL NIGHT BAKERIES. Where New Yorkers Can Have Want* Supplied at Any Hour. Among the many places of business of one and another sort that in a great city are kept open all night are bak¬ eries. The bakery Is a peculiarly domes¬ tic business establishment, supplying mostly home wants, and as most peo¬ ple work days and sleep nights it i might be supposed that there would \ be no occasion to keep bakeries open : nights, but here, where with the city's manifold industries there must be a large number of people working at all : times to keep things going, there are j bakeries that do keep open and find trade at all hours. Some lunch of these attachments, all night bakeries where j have room | people stop in to eat going to or from work, while others do a bakery bus! j ness only. At either customers come In at all hours of the night to buy | things to carry away, Just as people do at any hour of the day. for the people who go to work at midnight or at 1. 2 or 3 o’clock In the morning want bread and bakery stuff before they go. just the snme ns do those who begin their labors at 7, 8 or 1). and there is likely night | to be in their neighborhood an all j open bakery where they can regularly supply their wants. From 2 to 5 a. In m. the are all the night hours bakery that j | mark low ebb trade, but customers are dropping in j all night long.—New York Sun. Too Much of a Tonic. When Mr. Chiucbiu returned home from Chinchin & Chinchin's the other day he found his wife lying worn out upon the sofa. "Nothing wrong, 1 hope!" he ex¬ claimed. "I’m afraid I shall have to stop that tonic the doctor prescribed for Tom¬ my,” Mrs. Chinchin faintly murmured. “Why? Isn't he any better?” asked Chinchin. “Oh, yes, but I think the tonic must be too invigorating. V hy, he has slid down the banisters six times this moral ng. broken the hall lamp, two vases, a water jug and a looking glass, tied a tin can to the cat’s tail and scribbled his name on’ the drawing room paper. Of course it’s very grati¬ fying. but 1 don’t feel 1 could stand much more, so I think I—I’ll stop the tonic.”, Our Price to You $65.00. We Are The Only Factory In The South Selling Direct To You At YVholesal Prices. Guaranteed you a saving of from 820.00 to 825.00 on your buggy and harness. All kinds of repairing done by us. Rubber Tiring a Specialty. Covington Buggy Company “ALWAYS BUSY” J t i---i i r—n_ i Fine Chairs and Davenports at EVERITT’S FURNITURE STORE Just received a solid car load of Chairs and Dav= enports. Never before have we been able to show such a magnificent selection of chairs and daven= ports. We have the three escentials for business, Quanity, Quality and price. The line embraces the latest styles in genuine leather Turkish rockers, sleepy hollow rockers, mahogany and oak rockers in the genuine silk plush and leather, push button Morris chairs, porch chairs, bed room and dinner chairs, and a big assortment of childrens chairs. See my show window filled with fine Davenports. Undertaking Department Our Undertaking Department is the best in the city, having the only licensed embalmer. Calls answered day or night. R. E. EVERITT _I