The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, August 18, 1909, Image 8

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0 C I E T Y Written Especially for the Covington News by Mrs. J. Thomas Wright. [It is with pleasure that The News announces to its readers that Mrs. J. T. Wright will have charge of and do the editorial work of the Society De¬ partment of this paper. Mrs. Wright has had quite a good of experience in this line of work and the readers of ThE News may expect to get all the social news of each week through this department. Mrs. Wright will appre¬ ciate it very much if the ladies of the city will call her up when they have a visitor or anything of social inter¬ est.. It is her intention to make this department the best of any paper ever published in Covington, and to do this sin? would like you to tell In r of your visitors.— Editors Note.] Dr. Luke Robinson spent Thursday in Atlanta. Capt. James M. Lace spent Thurs¬ i day in Atlanta. ; F. visited j Mrs. James Rogers At¬ | lanta Thursday. Mrs. Clint Lee, of Atlanta, was in the city Thursday. Mr. J. C. Broadnax, of Walnutgrovc was in the city Friday. Mrs. W. C. Thompson, of Atlanta, was in the ci y Thursday. Mrs. John M. Wright was among those visiting Atlanta Wednesday. Miss Ora Lunsford is spending this week in the country with relatives. Miss Katie Viuing has returned j from an extended visit to relatives in Conyers. Miss Dessa Hays spent the week¬ end in Conyers the guest of Miss Gladys Tilley. Mr. Ben F. Hays, of Hayston was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Hays Friday night. Miss Belle Beecher, of Atlanta was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Tur¬ ner last week. Miss Annie White is spending sever¬ al (lays in Atlanta the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Griffin. Mr. J. Tom Corley was shaking hands with his many friends in the city last Thursday. % Miss Annie Clyde Minor, of Mil ledgeville, is the guest of Miss Evalina Middlebrook this week. i§ m Material Reductions In Summer Clothing Wo never put on a big sale to unload a lot of goods on the people—in fact, m we are not Irving to unload, but we have a number of new summer suits that we are offering to our customers at prices substantially reduced, making them Exceptional Values and we believe that if you will come around and let us show them to you; the newest cuts, fabrics and snappy, stylish finish, that is all it will take to convice you that you need one and let us send it around to you. To appreciate them you will have to see them. T. G. SWANN COMPANY, Covington, Georgia. The Store of Good Values.” Mr. C. A. Franklin and young son Master Rufus, spent Thursday in At¬ lanta. Misses Ruby Landers and Knight, of Monroe, spent Monday with Mrs. Robert Vining. Mr. Wolf Cohen left Saturday for a three weeks trip to New York and other points North and East. Mrs. and Mrs. J. J. Corley and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Heard attended earnp meeting at Salem Thursday night. Miss Eunice Delaney, of Orlaiulo, Fla., is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Anderson. Mr. C. D. Ramsey, of Salem spent Monday in the city the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ramsey. Miss Maggie Webb, of Starrsville, spent a few days of last week in the city, t in- guest of Miss May Livings ton. Mrs. Mamie Terrell and her accom¬ plished daughter Miss Madge, are the guests of Mrs. George D. Butler this week. Mrs. J. W. Black and daughter Miss Carrie of Kings were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon McDonald last week. Mrs. George T. Smith has returned home from a very pleasant visit to Alabama, where she was the guest of relatives. Miss Dempie Biggers and sister, little Miss Annie May, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. L. Skinner, at Starrsville. Miss Ruby Weaver, who has been visiting Miss Ellyne Franklin at her attractive home in Mansfield, has re¬ turned home. Miss Corinne Harper and Mr. Law son Kibbler of Atlanta were guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Perry and Miss Lottie Hendrick. Mr. Herbert Corley and two sisters, Misses Aline and Fannie Kate, of Starrsville, were in the city last Wed¬ nesday morning. Mr. John Rush and Eugene who have been spending sometime in Roswell with their aunt Mrs. Charles C. Foster, returned last week after a very pleasant visit. THE COVINGTON NEWS Miss Ellyne Franklin returned to her home in Mansfield Thursday after a short, but very pleasant, visit to Miss Ruby Weaver. Mi’s. Ensiley J. Wimpey, of Atlan¬ ta, and Mrs. M. B. Rice, of Gaines¬ ville, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. H. M. Quillian. Mrs. Charlie Cook and daughter, Miss Bernice, are spending sometime in Elberton the guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. W. D. Smith. Miss Eloise Cooper, one of Coving¬ ton’s most popular young school girls is visiting Monticello, where she will remain until school opens. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Scruggs and charming little daughter, Miss Neva, spent last week in Tampa, Fla., the guests of Mr. Scruggs’ father. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis and baby, after spending the summer pleasantly with relatives in Georgia, returned to their home in Oklohoma Thursday. Miss Lucy Bryant, of Atlanta, who has been the guest of Mrs. H. B. An¬ derson for several days returned home Tuesday after a most delightful visit. Mrs. Virginia Conley and daughter, Miss Maud, of Atlanta, are guests of the formers’ sister, Miss May Livings¬ ton, at her home in North Covington. Mrs. C. J. Norman and two charm¬ ing children were guests of the for¬ mer’s brother and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. G. Paul Hurst, in Monroe, last week. Mrs. J. J. Fincher, and little Mabel returned last week from quite an extended visit to relatives and frieiids at Yatesville, Fayetteville and At¬ lanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ramsey who have been spending the last week out at Salem camp-meeting where they occupied a tent, returned home Sat¬ urday. Mrs. J. D. Howard, of Milledgeville, spent a few days of last week in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Turner, at their home on Monticello street. Miss Nelle McCalla, of Lumpkin, was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Carr and daughter, Miss Flora, at their pretty home in North Covington. Miss Flora Carr, who has been spending several weeks with Mrs. Henry Steiner, in Buffalo, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carr in Philadel¬ phia, has returned home after a most charming trip. She visited other places of interest and had many lovely while social attentions shown her away. Mrs. Sallie Rogers Chancellor, of Savannah is spending several days in the city the guest of her sister Mrs. John B. Davis at her attractive home on the hill. Mrs. T. J. Speer and daughter, Miss Macy, of Newborn, spent the week¬ end in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Speer. Miss Embry, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. D. Towers, at Por terdale, spent Monday night with Miss Nelle Butler and attended the dance at the opera house. Mr. Wilbur Harwell, who has been spendiug sometime in Eafconton with his mother and visiting other places near Eatonton, has returned home after a very pleasant trip. Mrs. James Porter and Misses Sara and Bonner Simms, who have been spending some time in the mountains, of North Carolina, have returned home after a very pleasant trip. Miss Rose Rheberg, formerly of Covington but now of Atlanta who has been the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rhebergh the past week returned to Atlanta Monday. Mrs. Hal. Pollitzer and children, of Jackson, arrived Monday morning and will spend about ten days in the city, the guests of the former’s pa¬ rents, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Higgins. Mrs. C. A. Franklin entertained the Mothers Circle at her attractive home last Friday afternoon. After a most interesting program was carried out delicious refreshments were served. Misses Ethel and Ida Higgins, who have been the popular guests of their sister, Mrs. Hal. Pollitzer, in Jackson, for sometime, returned home Monday morning, after a most delightful visit. Mrs. D. P. Melton, of Jonesboro who was before her marriage Miss Mary Corley and Miss Vivan Allen of Atlanta, are expected this week to visit Col. and Mrs. L. L. Middlebrook. j Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Adams and son, Paul Bracy, of Monroe, spent Thurs¬ day night in the city with Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Cook, enroute to New Jer soy where they will make their future home. Miss Julia Thompson, one of Cov¬ ington’s fairest and most popular members of the younger set, left Mon¬ day for McDonough, where she will be the guest of Miss Lucy Reagan, for a week. Miss Frances Henderson is visiting Tallulah Falls, where she is a member of a pleasant house party at the sum¬ mer home of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Henderson, of Atlanta. Miss Aunelle Franklin, one of Mans¬ field’s most popular young ladies, spent Monday night in the city with her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Franklin. She left Tuesday morning for a ten days visit to Atlanta. Mrs. W. E. Stovall and Miss Ruth Haygood of Conyers are spending a few days anil in the city the guests of Mr. Mrs. W. -S. Ramsey. They will go frojn here to Rome where they expect to make their future home. Miss May Bradshaw, of St. Peters burg, Fla., who has been the guest of her aunts, Mrs D. A. Thompson and Mrs. J. J. Corley, most of the summer, is spending a few days in Walnutgrove, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Brod nax. Mr. Charles J. Cleveland, of Bir¬ mingham, Ala., spent Thursday in the city, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. C. A. Franklin, where he came over for his little sister, Aheida, who has been spending several weeks with her aunt. Miss Maud Cook, originally from Cusseta., but who has been spending the summer with her brother in Edge wood, was the guest of her b.other, Mr. Walter Cook, last week at the home of Mrs. W. H. Wells, on Floyd street. Mrs. John Alford and children, of Canton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Osborn, of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Osborn, of Porterdale, are all in the city, having been called to Covington by the ex¬ treme illness of their mother, Mrs. Cynthia Osborn. Mrs. J. C. Vincent and bright little daughter, of Atlanta, who have been spending a few days with their grand father Mr. It. M. Everitt, left Thurs¬ day for Conyers where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Vincent was before her marriage, Miss Willie McClaren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Brooks and lovely little sister, Miss Ida Will Brooks, of Washington, who spent several days of last week very pleas¬ antly with their mother, Mrs. J. T. Wright, left Thnrsday for Atlanta, where they made a short visit before going to their home in Talbotton, and Miss Ida Will Brooks returned to her home in Washington Saturday. Afternoon Party. Miss Eugenia Guinn, was the lovely young hostess at a most delightful afternoon party, last Saturday, when she entertained between thirty-five and forty of her young boy and girl friends at the lovely home of her pa¬ rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. (’. Guinn. After many interesting and enjoyable games, delicious refreshments were served. Vandergriff. Miss Ruth Vandergrift Webb last Wednesday Black were unittc / man 1 " 3 by Rev. H. evening a t # ^ c. Hammond byterian church. The .J he! a quiet w ‘ Dg one on account uf death in the bride’s reJ , Spend-the-day P ar ( v A most delightful affair the of tw 7*f was spend the day Mrs. W. T. Partv a Milner enP rta n l I d»yta attractive honor■o!M» home on Fl 0V d ,H ,“ at Johnson, 8Ui J of Atlanta, guests J W. W. Childs and ° Mrs j roll and hw two Misses of Mrs. Elizabeth Allen in and Marjorie Coving 1 1 North Informal Dance. was A most the dance delightful at affair of this J which eutertaJ the gentlemen of the city visiting girls last Monday evening Opera House. Among those present Were . mi, Pauline Corley, Marriott a; Lucy] an, Decatur; Louise Haygood catur; Lois Embree, Richmond’ Alma Delaney, Orlanda, Fla. An Franklin, Echols, J. W. Mansfield. Messrs’ ] J. L. Callaway, Harwell, J. c. \y ea E. E. ('allawav > Elliott, W. S. Cook, \y, p q G entry McCauley, B. s. Heard K. Cooper, J. C. Knox, J. e. Fi lin and Mr. and Mrs. T. (j. (alia Party In Honor Miss Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King BroJ entertained very informally Tuesday afternoon at the home! J their mother, Mrs. J. T. Wright Washington boys and girls street , about forty their"lit yoJ in honor of sister Miss Ida Will Brooks of in] wJ ington who spent a few days city t he guest of Mrs. Wright. Mi jolly games were played after wlj refreshments were served. Little Miss Ida Shellnut, of dersville gave a beautiful recitatj which added much pleasure to occasion. Little Miss Brooks received guests wearing an exquisite hand* broidered white lingerie dress bej tifully trimmed in val lace and white silk ribbon. Dr. N. Z. Anderson and Mr. Pai Hays spent last Thursday in AtlanJ They went up in Dr. Anderson’s new automobile.