The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, August 25, 1909, Image 3

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Pen-Picture of Newton I Presented By Special Correspondence The ’j / to Covingt on News. j ll » ► 0^ I ■ M «1 - - ® [ Newborn News. aMPING party from newborn last WEEK. One of the most thoroughly enjoyed outings of the season was the camping party from Newborn, camping near I it tie river, about 4 miles from here. (lay were the campers who started Monday afternoon, with packs of 00 d things following behind in wag¬ g party consisted of Dr. and ons The Mrs. Murrelle and family; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gay and family; Mrs. J. I). Milton and family; Misses C. B. Glass, Annie Riley, Pearl Mitchell, Bessie Smith, Laurie Willson, C. B. Patrick, Katherine Stowe. Messrs. Boscoe Sams, A. M. Gay, Lidelle Childs, Clayton Smith, Doyle Smith, Willie Porter and Ross Stanton. All ceremony and formality were laid aside, even pompadours and powder were forbidden and the girls with their hair combed smoothly back and plain dresses on enjoyed it to the fullest extent in regular gypsy style. Riding, boating and bathing occu¬ pied the girls in the days and hunting, seining and swimming the boys time. The evenings were spent in singing, laughing and talking. Many visitors came out to see how the “gypsies” were enjoying their outing and seemed to think:— “In the gypsies life you read, The life that all would like to lead.” Saturday morning came the time for parting aud everyone expressed it as one of the most enjoyable affairs they had ever attended and how we disliked to break up! Many thanks to Dr. Murrelle and and Mr. C. M. Gay and their lovely wifes for the “good time” we had. They know just how to make the young people enjoy themselves and nothing was left undone which they could do for their pleasure. EHWORTH LEAGUE CONFERENCE. The Epworth League conference for the Oxford district will meet with the Newborn League on the 26th and 26th of August. The conference will open Thursday at 10:30 a. in., with a welcome address by Prof. H. B. Robertson, of New¬ born, followed by a response from S. D. Stembridge, of Milledgeville, after which Dr. C. E. Dowman will deliver an address on “The Relation of the League to the Church.” Delegates are expected to be pres¬ ent from all the Leagues in the dis¬ trict and from reports being received from other points much enthusiasm is being manifested and a very profita¬ ble meeting is anticipated. Mr. J. O. Stanton, a prominent merchant of this place, spent several days recently in Atlanta and Carters ville. Miss Ruby Hodge, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rinse Hodge, of Shady Dale, is visiting friends and relatives here. ihursday evening at her home, Miss -Mae \\ right entertained the younger s et, and all report a most pleasant evening. Mrs. Annie Smith, of Atlanta, is visiting her son, Mr. W. H. Smith, a t thin place. Misses Bessie and Kate Peacock, of Madison, are visiting Mrs. J. L. Epps this week. Mr. E. N. McCart, a well known farmer of Farrar, was in our little Clt y on last Friday. Miss Mary Speer, Mrs. T. E. Speer and little daughter, Dorothy, return¬ ed home last Friday from Covington ^'ere they Adams have been for the the guests several of past Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hendrix and chil 'lren, Norris and Verdi, re lr "t (1 home last Sunday after a most Buf^r Vi8it t0 Macon > Atlanta and Mr. Frank Pendergrass, of Jeffer ° n - Wa » here last Friday. ne«!. r man * of l Newborn, reeman , a popular busi , Js Atlanta spent several »' last week. & u est of ? lalone Mrs. H. - of Mansfield, is the Q. Davis this week. *!.’ J. V\. Pitts entertained a niim -' ou ng people of Newborn Tuesday evening. visit;,, S ^ rieUd8 Adams and children are t ontui and relative8 at Bla u>n this tv week. MaiiHflpi MU Slmth,of our sister city, | WaH tho Kuestof Miss Lizzie Davis Vl8 last i / week. isthfi ‘ M ^nTeman, of Covington, guest of Mrs. J. n. Stanton. \T /t *! ^ Irs dren ‘ Ra,d Stanton and ohil th A ‘ n Texa8 « for, , ’ ’ are N. , 8 parente Mr. fctduton, > and Mrs. J. of this place. Mr. H. C. Pitts, Central of Georgia railroad agent, returned last Friday from Atlanta with his new automobile. We were glad to see him bringing it in, for who don’t enjoy an “auto” ride? Miss Jeanne Carter is visiting rela¬ tives in Covington this w T eek. Mrs. R. G. Franklin and son, Ben, were guests of Mrs Franklin’s mother Mrs. J. N. Stanton, last Friday. Mr. Crawford Harwell and family, from Corsicana, Texas, have returned to Georgia after a several months’ ab¬ sence and will be at home to their many friends at Newborn. They will occupy the residence of Mr. C. T. Williams. We extend to them a hearty welcome. Mr. Otis Childs, assistant cashier of the Bank of Newborn, has returned from Covington where he has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Childs. Miss Johnie Tolar, who has been spending sometime with relatives and friend at Monroe, returned home last Sunday. Mr. L. R. Sams spent last Sunday with his sister Mrs. L. J. Pharr. Miss Lillie Malcom, of Monroe, is visiting Misses Johnie and Maggie Tolar, of this place. Mr. J. N. Pitts visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Pitts Sunday. Mrs. R. A. Harwell spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Betts, at Kelly. Mr. H. G. Smith, cashier People’s bank, at Mansfield, spent last Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Smith. Mr. Oscar Perry, of Shady Dale, spent several days last week with relatives here. Miss Annie Riley, a very attractive young lady of Athens, who has been spending sometime with friends here, returned to her home Monday. During her stay here she made many friends who regret very much to see her leave. Mr. H. B. Chandler, of Covington, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Chandler. Mrs. E. E. Gay is visiting her son John Gay, in Atlanta. Miss Chloe Loyd, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Loyd, of this place, left Monday for Athens. Miss Loyd is a teacher in the State Normal school of Athens. Mr. Sherrod Smith, of Mansfield, was here Monday. Mr. Luke Stanton, who has been in Monroe for sometime, was at home last Sunday. Mrs. C. R. Hodge, of Shady Dale, is visiting Mrs. N. P. Smith. Mrs. W. B. R. Pennington, and chil¬ dren, of Covington, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Pitts, this week. Misses -Annie and Louise Duke are visiting relatives and friends in Thomson. Miss LaRue Carter, who has been at Pharr’s drug store for the past year, is spending her vacation with her mother near Pine Grove. Mrs. Essie Rice and little daughter, Ruby, of Atlanta, are spending sever¬ al days with the family of Mr. L. D. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Brooks, Mrs. Allie Atkinson and Miss Maude At¬ kinson, of Madison, visited the family of Mr. C. M. Gay Sunday. Miss Fleda Perry, of Atlanta, is vis¬ iting Mrs. J. L. Epps this week. Mr. G. N. Stanton spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stanton. Covington Mill. Mr. J. W. Wortham has returned from a week’s stay with friends in Kentucky. Mr. Worsham reports a very pleasant trip. He was accom painied home by his two daughters, who have been spending sometime in Tennessee and Kentucky. Mrs. Idora Brooks, who has been quite ill here for the past few days, we are glad to say is some bettei. Mrs. Boswell and sou, Harvie, of Monroe, are visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sammons, this week. Mr. John Kirkley has returned . to the Mill after a month’s stay at other . t P Hoschton, . visit- . .. Mrs. Adams, of is ing her daughter, Mrs. Nicholson. s Pnl) FOR SALE-A q AT p A few few nice nice m Rhode u« Is land Reds and White Leghorn t ock erels. C L. Colium, Porterdale. 4t. YOUNG’S WHITE LEGHORNS. 75 March hatched pullets for sale. J. O. Mills, Porterdale, Ga.—tf. THE COVINGTON NEWS Starrsville News. Miss Sara Edwards returned to her home in Macon Saturday after a lightful visit to her sister Mrs B. J. Anderson. Miss Irene Hays, of Hayston was a guest of Mrs. C. C. Epps Jr. last week. Mrs. Roy Epps has a charming vis¬ itor in the person of Miss Minnie Clower of Atlanta. Misses Dempie Biggers, Janie Gai¬ ther and Annie Mae Biggers, of Cov¬ ington have been visiting Mrs. J. L. Skinner. They were accompanied home by little Miss Mildred Skinner. Misses Frances, LaRue and Master Nym Hurt Johnson have returned to their home in Atlanta after an ex tended visit to their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan. Miss Emmie Mae Holloway and Mr. Leon Goodman, of GladesviUe were the admired guests of Mrs. R. L. Middlebrook last week. Miss Ellene Harwell of Mansfield who has been visiting Misses Ceasla and Gladys Skinner, returned to her home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Epps spent a few days last week with Mrs. C. C. Epps, Jr. Mrs. W. T. Corley and daughter Miss Aline, Miss Rubie Epps and brother Grady attended the Leguin Sunday School picnic at Gaither’s Pond last Saturday. They report a pleasant time. Several couples re¬ turned with them and attended ser vices here Saturday night. Rev. Rembert Smith came down from Oxford Wednesday and preach¬ ed an impressive sermon to an ap preciative audience. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Jones are re ceiving congratulations from their many friends over the arrival of a young son. Mr. W. B. R. Pennington, of Cov¬ ington was a welcome visitor here Friday last. Mrs. W. 0. McConnell and children have returned from a pleasant visit to her parents at Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Epps and 5fiss Minnie Clower spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Lunsford at Haye fcon. On last Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock, Miss Myrtice Morgan entertained a merry crowd ot little folks in honor of her little niece, Frances Johnson of Atlanta. Several games afforded amusement for the occasion. A search for tiny candy hearts, hidden in the room, was the first thing engaged in. Another in¬ teresting feature of the afternoon, was a “Daisy Contest.” A prize was given to the one pinning the missing petal in its proper place. Miss Ava Claude Epps was the lucky one. Dainty refreshments, consisting of candies, cakes and cream were served. Our protracted service which has been in progress for the past week, came to a close last Sunday. With the exception of three sermons, all the preaching was done by our pastor Rev. J. D. Milton. His series of ser¬ mons were strong and well received. Mr. Milton is surely a clear, practical and earnest preacher and as a result of the meeting, there were fourteen additions to the church. The prayer services were greatly helped and brightened in interest thru the aid of Miss Irene Hays, of Hayston. She is a tireless and cheerful worker for the Master’s cause. Snapping Shoals. Mrs. H. C. Hooper spent one day last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maddox. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Presson spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Presson. Mrs. Cass Fisher spent one evening last week with Mrs. H. Fisher. Miss Dollie Roberts is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Presson. Misses Ethel and Ailey Nail one day last week with their sister, Mrs. Ophelia Blankenship. , , . Miss Verne Randall was the of Miss Latrelia Lassiter Sunday. Master Roy Lawson has returned to his home at Stewart after spend ing several days with Mr. W. L. pre880n 1 Mr. D. A. Moore is back home af ter spending several weeks with Plains. Miss Nancy Lummus is friends at Mansfield this week. \ ‘ „_ ™ Homer *1.00 per pair J. M. Aaron. Aaron tf. Walnutgrove News. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Moon visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thompson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter visited relatives at Conyers several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Moon visited relatives near Logansville one day last week. Misses Cleo and Grace Johnson and Mr - Thomas Byrd visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter and two bright children visited the former’s father Mr. J. A. Carter Tuesday af¬ ternoon. Miss Lucy Hudson, of Rosebud vis¬ ited her cousin Miss Myrtie Mann last week. Mrs. Lena McCart has returned to her home at Starrsville after a pleas ant visit to her father and mother, Mr - and Mrs - R - L - Johnston. Miss Cleo and Grace Johnson spent Saturday afternoon with Misses Clara and Maud Byrd. Miss Grace Johnston spent Friday night with Mrs. J. H. Fillingim. Mrs. R. L. Johnston and daughter Miss Grace visited Mrs. Charlie Jor¬ dan Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. G. Mann spent Friday very pleasantly with her daughter Mrs. H. T. Moon. Mrs. R. C. Carter visited Mrs. R. Johnston one day last week. Brick Store. Mrs. Elliott and children, of Salem, are the guests of Mrs. J. T. Elliott this week. Miss Lillie Aaron has as her .guest this week, Miss Ollie Mae Stanton, of Social Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Van Shouse, of Madi¬ son, are the guests of relatives and friends here this week. T Llttle Miss ^ Carrie Beck Qraham „ , ’ of Conyers is spending some time with her aunt Mrs. Hill Stewart, Messrs Hodge Lunsford, Elvin and Carl Savage, of Hayston were visitors here one day this week. Mrs. I. A. Stanton and daughter Miss Lela, of Social Circle was here a short while Wednesday. Rev. W. R. Branham conducted a series of meetings here this week. He was ably assisted by his brother of Conyers and Rev. Ed Carwell of Monroe. Several from Alcovy attended preaching here this week. Mr. Spence Pannell, of Social Cir¬ cle is a visitor here this week. Mrs. Henderson is spending some time with relatives in Atlanta. Several from Social Circle attended meeting here this week. Mr. aud Mrs. Mayfield and child¬ ren of Monroe, are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Aaron. Miss Minnie Benford of Pennington is visiting relatives here. Mr. Tom Ozburn, of Morgan count}" spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ozburn.’ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walton and daughter, of Mansfield spent Sunday last here and attended preaching. Mr. F. I). Biggers and daughters Misses Lillian and Bobie Lou of Dixie WE CA11KY AN IMMENSE STOCK OE All Sizes One and In Two Stock. Horse. COLUMBUS WAGONS. These wagons are built of the very best material and are built to stand rough usage. If you are going to buy a wagon and want the best, come in and let us show you the COLUMBUS. We are anxious to sell them and if you will give us a look, we’ll sell you the Best Wagon that money can buy, and guarantee every part of it. We appreciate your patronage. The Fincher-Norris Hardware Company, Covington, Georgia. I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taylor. Mr. Bronsard of Atlanta was here Sunday last the guest of Mr. Billie Aaron. City Court Jury List. The following named persons were drawn to serve as Jurors for the regu¬ lar September Term, 1909, of the City Court of Covington in opbn court, July 30, 1909, to-wit: W. T. Smith, T. J. Harwell, C. W. Berry, S. B. Fuller, W. H. Aaron, J. C. Stewart, B. M. Leach, O. P. McCord, J. A. Scott, W. B. Smith, T. B. Black, Otis Hardeman, J. A. Grant, A. H. Milner, L. S. Smith, L. L. Johnson, E. W. Fowler, D. A. Thompson, Call No. 10-L when you want cream for dinner. One gallon delivered in freezer for $1.00, 1-2 gallon 50c. De¬ livered in cartoons 25c. Parker’s Gro¬ cery Store.—tf. NOTICE. ► I have just installed a Nitrous Oxide Gas Outfit for general anesthesian in extracting teeth, opening ab sesses and such operations where no pain at all is want¬ -J ed. Nitrous Oxide is not only the most pleasant but the safest general anesthetic known J to surgery. -J Dr. J. McCardie, anesthetist to the General Den¬ tal, Ear and Throat Hospital, of Birmingham, England, ■* said: “Nitrous Oxide, as regards safety, is still in a class by itself and should be administered whenever possible.” M -j I shall continue the use of the best local anesthetic. -j A. S. HOPKINS, I). D. S. GOOD FARM FOR SALE I have listed for sale one of the best farms in Newton county, containing 202 1 -2 acres. It lies well and within two miles of court house. It contains one large two-story, eleven room residence worth easily $2,500. There is also three good tenant houses on the place. Be¬ tween four and five horse farm open, and about 25 acres in pasture and 40 acres in good woods. Large fine orchard of peaches, apples, pears, grapes, fine scuppernong arbor and forty-five f bearing pecan trees which produce from one to three bushels each year. This valuable farm will not stay long on the market and can be bought very reasonable. Remember this: Two years from now this farm will bring $ 10 per acre more than it can be bought for now. CHAS. G. SMITH, COVINGTON, GA. Executors Sale Will be sold before the court house' in Covington, Ga., on first Tuesday in September, the following: 1 horse,! ; 1 buggy and harness, also 104 acres of land on South River near Snapping, , Shoals. Property of A S. Bell, da ceased. JAS. S. GARDNER, Executor. FOR RENT—6 room dwelling house located on Montieello street. Building new. Nice lot goes with it. For terms: and Garity. particulars apply to A. S. Me- j IS Y0URS0LE RIGHT? i We are engaged in repairing soles on shoes and other kind of shoe re pair work. Satisfaction guaranteed. You will be the loser if you fail to see us about your work. We are located at Bruce & Stephens Meat Market. We run the only WHITE shoe shop in Covington, Ga. Piper & Johnson. “Sole Fixers.”