The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, September 15, 1909, Image 8

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ii m 8 Written Especially for the Covington J?! {i NeWs by Mrs. J. Thomas Wright. (Continued From Second Page) Mr. Cliff Skinner, of Starraville, was in the city Friday. Dr. O. L. Holmes, of Stewart, was in the city Thursday. Mr. Charlie Wright, of Leguinn, M as in the city Monday. Mr. J. L. Skinner, of Starrsville, was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Wolf Cohen was* among the visitors to Atlanta Tuesday. Prof, and Mrs.Goodyear, of Oxford, were in the city Thursday, shopping. Mrs. T. O. Lambert, of Oxford, was among the shoppers in the city Thurs¬ day, Miss Jule Allen, was the guest of relatives and friends in Atlanta last week. Mrs. L. L. Middlebrook and daugh¬ ter, Miss Evalina, spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. Walter Corley and young daugh¬ ter, Miss Eloise, were in the city last Thursday. Miss Annie Cowan, one of West Newton’s charming girls, was in the city Thursday. Misses Maggie and Carrie Beck Da¬ vis visited relatives in Conyers Sun¬ day and Monday. Miss May Belle Clark left Monday for Gainesville, where she goes to en¬ ter Brenau college. Mrs. Addie Turner, who has been attending the Missionary conference in Rome, has returned. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cannon an¬ nounce the birth of a daughter at their home on Thompson avenue. Miss Annie Mae Lester went up to Atlanta Thursday to attend the open¬ ing exercises of Washingt on seminary. Miss Ruth Mobley, of Monroe, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Car roll. at her home in North Covington. Mrs. W. K. Blackman, of Columbus, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Milner, for several days, returned home Wednesday, after a very pleasant visit. We are receiving daily our stock of Fall Goods, the Largest and Most Complete toe k that we have ever carried, and we ask the ladies to give our Dress Goods and Hosiery a look before buying. We also have a beautiful line of Ladies Ready to wearSuitsand they are beavties. Give us a call. SWANN Agents for Onyx Hosiery k I he Store of Good Values. Mr. Carter Fanklin, of Mansfield, spent from Saturday until Monday in the city. Mr. J. Tom Corley, of Marrietta, spent Sunday in the city the guest of •relatives. Mr. Jeff Harris and father, of Tyler Texas, are visiting Mr. Robert Harris in North Covington. Miss Vera Franklin and brother Rufus, of Mansfield were in the city Monday with relatives. Miss Marie Averitt, who has been visiting Oordele and Lagrange, has returned home after a most delightful trip. Miss Watson, of Acworth, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Sain, at her home on Floyd street, for some time. Misses Ethel and Ruth Worsham left Monday for Cox college, where they will be in school the following year. Miss Minnie Paul, of Eatonton, spent a short wiiile in the city Wed¬ nesday with Mrs. W. Cohen, enroute to Atlanta. Mr. J. E. Osborn of Birmingham, Ala., spent Sunday in the city the guest of his sister Mrs. I. D. Brisendine. Miss Winnie Perry, of Decatur, spent Monday night and Tuesday in city the guest of Misses Ethel and Ida Higgins. Mrs. Garrison and tw r o handsome sons, who have been visiting relatives in Atlanta have returned home afer a very pleasant visit. Mr. Erwin Perry and charming lit¬ tle daughter Lydia, of Atlanta, spent Saturday in the city the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Perry. Mrs. J. L. Skinner and two young¬ est children of Starrsville were guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Biggers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Bryan and hand¬ some young son of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Perry. Mrs. Brayan will be pleas¬ antly remembered by her Covington friends as Miss Camille Perry. THE COVINGTON NEWS Mr. Rogers Davis and young son, Alexander Reid Davis, of Atlanta, spent Thursday in t lie city, the guests of Mrs. John B. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. King, of At¬ lanta will spend next week in the city the guests of the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Brisendine. Miss Corinne Crawford, of Milledge vilie arrived Saturday afternoon and will spend a few days in the city the guest of Miss J ule Trippe. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green, of Kirkwood, who have been the guests of their mother, Mrs. J. T. Wright, returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. R. F. Osborn, of At¬ lanta were in the city last week the guests ot their daughters, Mrs. I. D. Brisendine and Mrs. J. L. Smith. Mr. Alva Cooper a popular member of the young social set has returned from a very pleasant ten days visit to Columbus, Macon and Monticello. Mrs. J. Bain Terrell, left Monday morning for Atlanta where she will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Almand until Thursday. Mrs. C. A. Franklin spent Monday in Atlanta where she went to meet her sister Mrs. A. B. Cleveland and little niece Aneilda, of Birmingham, Ala. Miss Florence Harwell, one of Cov-> ington’s brightest and most lovable girls, left Thursday for Meridian, Miss., where she goes to enter col¬ lege. Miss Mary Dean Towers, of Mari¬ etta, who has been the guest of her brother Mr. Donegan Dean Towers, at Porterdale returned home Monday morning. Mrs. Phillips, of Montgomery, Ala., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mi’s. R. P. Lester at their pretty home in North Covington, returned home Thursday. Mrs. R. P. Lester, accompanied her nieces, Misses Octavia and Elberta Holt, to Atlanta, where they spent the day enroute to their home in Montgomery. Miss Mary Bob Huson and her brother, Mr. Bryans Huson, of Atlan¬ ta, who have been visiting their un¬ cle and aunt, Mrs. R. W. Huson, in North Covington, have returned home. Miss Alma Delaney, of Florida, w r ho has been spending the summer in the city with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Anderson left last week for Decatur where she will be the guest of Miss Irma Mason for a short while !}#fore going to her home in Florida. Mrs. Margaret Johnson, of Atlanta, spenl (he week end in the city as the guest of her father Mr. R. M. Everit t and sister Miss Jule Everitt. Miss Grace Almand, of Atlanta, who has been visiting Covington, the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Bain Terrell, and her aunt, Mr. Otis Adair, returned home Friday. Mrs. Joseph Everitt of New Or¬ leans, who has been the guest of Mrs. R. E. Everitt and Mr. R. M. Everitt, returned home Monday morning af¬ ter a very pleasant visit. A number of young people drove out to the Echols plantation last Wednesday afternoon to gather scup pernongs, and were delightfully en tained by Mr. John Echols. Little Misses Octavia and Elberta Holt, of Montgomery, Ala., who have been spending several weeks in the city with their aunt, Mrs. R. P. I.e^ ter, returned home Thursday. The many friends in the city of Miss Jeanette Holland will regret to learn that she has been confined to the bed for the last ten days with a lame foot but trust she will soou be able to get out. Mrs. A. B. Cleveland and dainty little daughter, Miss Ameilda, of Bir¬ mingham, Ala., arrived Monday, and will spend sometime in the city, the guests of the former’s sisters, Mrs. C. A. Franklin and Mrs. J. T. Wright. A very congenial party of young people chaperoned by Mrs. W. C. Clark, drove out to the seuppernong j j arbor on the Echols plantation last Friday afternoon. Those in the party j were Misses Sara and Bonner Simms, Annie Mae Lester, Nellie Butler, Essie Jordan and May Belle Clark. Messrs Miles Turner, Simms Heard, John Echols and Walton Clark. Miss Rosa Belle Knox, formerly of Covington, but recently of Chicago, will stop over in Covington and spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. James F. Rogers, enroute to DeLand, Fla,, where she goes to accept a posi¬ tion on the faculty of the Stetson University at that place. Miss Knox has been away from Covington sever¬ al years but has many friends who will extend to her a cordial welcome. Carswell-Wright. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Carswell, of Golden, announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances Elizabeth, to Mr. Ben L. Wright, of Covington, the marriage to take place October 13, 1909.Mjlordon Cor. Macon Tele¬ graph. Dr. A. S. HOPKINS, Dentist Nitrous Oxid* Gas Administered. All kinds of dental work done in a painstaking and care ful manner. Enamel and cast gold fillings are especially j dicated in frail teeth and where discoloration n no is wanted Night calls answered from residence near Georgia depot second house on left toward Oxford. A. S. HOPKINS, 1). D. S. Office 8 and 10 Star Bldg. Covington, Ga. Office Phone 21b Residence Pnone 200-1 Palmer Institute Oxford, Georgia. The next session will open Sept. 7, Tickets for tuition, payable monthly in V advance, can be purchased at Mr. B.E. Dial’s store. Rates of tuition : 10th grade, $5.00 per month. 7th, 8ht, 9th grades, $2.50 per month. 6th grade, $1.75 per month. 5th grade and fourth grade, $1.50 per month. 2nd and 1st grade, $1.25 per month. Miss M. E. Stanford, A. B., Principal Misses Bessie M. Holtzendorff, A. B., Angie Haygood, G. N. & I. C., and Louise Boyd, Assistants. Seed Oats For Sale. Seed Oats and Seed Wheat. Appier Oats, the Old Georgia] Rust Proof and Texas Red Rust Proof Oats raised in Georgia. Tha price is 75 cts. and $ 1.00 per pushel, depending on the kind quantity, delivered in Covjngton. All seed are caretully fanned and recleaned. L. W. JARMAN, Porterdale, Ga.