The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, September 29, 1909, Image 2

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0 C I E T Y Written Especially for the Covington News by Mrs. J. Thomas Wright. Mr. F. D. Johnson spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. John Bailie, of Atlanta, was in the city Friday. Mr. Charlie Wright, of LeGuin, was in the city Friday. Mr. Moses Cohen, of Madison, was in the city last week. Dr. 0. L. Holmes, of Stewart, was in the city Wednesday. Miss Kate Elder, of Decatur, is the guest of Mrs. Dan Jones. Mr. C. C. Lunsford, of Starrsville, spent Monday in the city. Little Miss Lois Wright was among the young visitors to the city Monday. Mrs. Emily Dial, of Monroe, was the guest of Mrs. U. M. Dial recently. Mr. Robert Buchanan, of Atlanta, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Meadors and children, of Leguin, spent Monday in the city. Mrs. F. S. Cowan has returned to her home in Atlanta after a visit to her niece Mrs. L. D. King. Mrs. Ed Jarman is in the city the guest of her sister Mrs. Muse on Floyd street. Mr. Carter Franklin, of Mansfield, is in the city at the home of his uncle Mr. C. A. Franklin. Mr. J. J. Fincher returned Wed¬ nesday from Yatesville, where he spent several days on business. Mrs. Walter Corley and daughters Misses Aline and Fannie Kate, of Starrsville were in the city Friday. Messrs J. L. and R. E. Huson, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Huson. Mrs. Delphia Lee Blanton returned to Covington Sunday afternoon from a short but very pleasant visit to her home at Farrar. Mr. Ollie Bradshaw and Miss May Bradshaw spent last Mond ay in At¬ lanta where they went to meet Miss Annie Bradshaw. Mrs. T. D. Johnson returned Sun¬ day afternoon from Atlanta, where she has been visiting relatives the last week or ten days. Miss Mary Belle Payne, who has been the guest of Mrs. Andrews for some time returned to her home in Atlanta Wednesday. Miss Ruby Weaver who has been the guest of Miss Ruby Ezell of Mon ticello, returned home last week after a most delightful visit. Mrs. J. T. Wright will spend next Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Sam¬ uel Green, who is convalescing from a recent operation for appendicitis. Mrs. R. P. Lester, who accompan¬ ied Miss Annie Mae Lester to Lynch¬ burg, Va., where she entered Ran dolph-Macon, returned home Friday. Mrs. Lee Callaway who has been the guest of her sisters, Misses Alice and Eugenia Dearing returned to her home in Lexington Friday after a very pleasant visit. Mrs. Callaway will be pleasantly remembered by her Covington friends as Miss Eva Dearing. ( ) N next Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 st and 2nd, Mrs. V. A. Harper wishes the pleasure of having you attend the Fall Millinery Opening ] of her new parlors in M. Levin’s new store. ( You will find on display some of the most ) exclusive modern French Patterns shown l \ I this season. I Mr. Walter Corley and son, Herbert, of Starrsville, passed through the city Saturday en route home from Atlanta where they spent a few days last week. Mrs. W. C. Clark, who accompan¬ ied her daughter, Miss May Belle Clark, to Gainesville where she en¬ tered Brenau college, has returned home. Mrs. Anna Bevil of Savannah is in the city the guest of Mrs. Robert Travis who is spending some time in the city with Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Travis. Dr. A. C. Perry spent Sunday in Atlanta where he went to see Mr. Lewis Perry who has been quite ill with typhoid fever, but is now con¬ valescing. Miss Julia Thompson, one of Agnes Scott’s brightest and most popular students, spent the week-end in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Thompson. Mr. Louis Falligant, of Savannah, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Travis left Monday for Annapolis where he will enter the Naval Academy. Miss Annie Higgins one of Coving¬ ton’s most lovable young ladies spent the week end with her parents Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Higgins and returned to Monroe Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Fincher and bright little daughter, Mabel, who have been vis¬ iting relatives in Fayetteville and At¬ lanta for the last week or ten days, returned home Friday. Miss Annelle Franklin one of Mans¬ field’s popular young ladies spent Wednesday in the city the guest of Mrs. C. A. Franklin and Thursday with Miss Ruby Weaver. Mrs. C. B. Bagley, of Fayetteville, Tenn., arrived Friday afternoon and will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Wright at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright. Miss Dempie Biggers, who has been spending the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Biggers, left this morning for Richwood, where she goes to teach the following year. Miss Ruth Mobley who has been the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Carroll in North Covington for some time has returned to her home in Monroe after a very pleasant visit. Miss Cordelia V. Glauton left last week for Rock Hill, S. C. where she goes to resume her duties in the Winthrop college, after spending a most delightful summer with Mrs. P. W. Godfrey. Mrs. S. J. Graves, of Marietta, ar¬ rived in the city Friday afternoon and will spend some time the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Perry and Miss Lottie Hendrick. Her many friends extend to her a most cordial welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carr, of Phila¬ delphia, arrived Tuesday afternoon and are guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright. Mr. Carr was operated on some time ago for appendicitis and his many friends will be delighted to know that he has sufficiently re¬ covered to make the trip south and extend to both him and his wife a most cordial welcome. THE COVINGTON NEWS Mr. R. R. Fowler spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. Luke Robinson spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. Tom Barnes was among the vis¬ itors to Atlanta Tuesday. Mrs. O. S. Porter and Miss Bradley of Porterdale went to Atlanta Tues¬ day. Mrs. R. W. Milner left Tuesday for Atlanta where she will spend some time. Miss Ethel McCord spent Saturday and Sunday in Conyers, the guest of Miss Vida Waldrop. Miss Georgia Shaddox has returned home after spending a few days with relatives at Starrsville. Mrs. Lowery, of Oxford, went up to Marrietta Tuesday to attend the marriage of Miss Anderson and Dr. Manget. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Franklin, Mas¬ ter Rufus, Miss Josephine, Mrs. A. B. Cleveland and little Aneilda, spent Sunday afternoon out at McDaniel’s mill, a beautiful and picturesque place about five miles above Oxford. Misses Annie and May Bradshaw, of St. Petersburg, Fla., who have been the charming guests of their aunts, Mrs. D. A. Thompson and Mrs. J. J. Corley, for some tinre, returned home today, after a delightful visit. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Carr left yes¬ terday, Tuesday, for Athens where they go to attend the State Confed¬ erate reunion which is being held there this week. While there they will be the guests of Mrs. Mary W. Camak. Mr. and Mrs. A. Moreman and ac¬ complished daughter, Miss Minnie, who have been spending several weeks in the city the guests of Rev. and Mrs. John B. Gordon, left last week for their home at Maitland, Fla., after a very pleasant visit. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryan and hand¬ some young son, Perry, of Ft. Land erdale, Fla., who were guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Perry and Miss Lottie Hendrick last week returned to At¬ lanta Tuesday where they will re¬ main a while before returning to their home in Florida. The pastor of the Baptist church is expected to preach two sermons next Sunday night, but not at the same place. After preaching at 7:30 from his own pulpit, he is expected to go immediately to New Hope Baptist church, colored, and deliver the ser¬ mon to that congregation. Mrs. Mamie Terrell, who has been spending the summer in Covington with friends, left Thursday for At¬ lanta where she will be joined by her accomplished daughter Miss Madge. They will spend a few days in the city and later will go to their home in Florida where they will spend the winter. Mrs. A. B. Cleveland and lovely lit¬ tle daughter Aneilda, of Birmingham, Ala., who have been the guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. C. A. Franklin, for the last two weeks, left yerterday for Lithonia, where they will visit Mrs. Charles Pendley. They will also visit relatives in Griffin and Cordele belore returning home. Bowling Party. A delightful affair of last week was that at which Miss Eleanor Hays en¬ tertained the members of the bowling club last Friday morning at the popu¬ lar bowling alley of Mr. Simmons. After a most interesting and exciting game, a delicious salad course with iced tea was served. Those present were Misses Anna Quillian, Essie Jor¬ dan. Eleanor Hays, Nelle Butler, Ethel and Ida Higgins, May and Christine White. Special Sermon to Red Men. The Order of Red Men have desig¬ nated the second Sunday (10th) as a time at which they will attend in a body the Baptist church, and have notified the pastor that they would be present. It will be occasion of a special sermon to the order by pastor E.'R: Pfendleton and the other fra¬ ternities are to be invited to join with j them in this worship. This is in keeping with the spirit of j the Order and will probably be the ! beginning of a closer relation between the lodges of Covington and the churches, as there should be. It is expected that the members of the order shall take notice and ap¬ pear in time to take on the regalia of the body and attend worship at eleven o’clock where seats will be reserved for them. —Horses and mules bought and sold every day in the year. If you want to buy, sell or trade, I will try to ac¬ comodate you.—A. S. McGarity. tf —FOR RENT—One or two rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Electric lights, city water, bath room privi¬ leges. Convenient to meals.—Apply to A. H. Foster, or ’phone 254. tf YOUNG’S WHITE LEGHORNS.— 75 March hatched pullets for sale. J. C. Mills, Porterdale, Ga.—tf - Snapping Shoals. Mrs. Gertrude Steward spent Mon¬ day afternoon with Miss Nannie Aik¬ en very pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stroud spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud. Mr. Sam Aiken, of Covington spent Friday night with his brother Mr. William Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Presson and little son Trellice spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. A. J. Lawson at Stewart. We are glad to report that Miss Jackie Steward is some better. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Miss Nannie Aiken spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Ethel Presson. Dr. J. H. Randall is erecting a beautiful cottage where the Boyd’s old home once stood and he intends to move in as soon as comoleted. Everybody subscribe for the Cov¬ ington News between now and Dec. 22 and vote for some contestant you will never regret it and you could’nt subscribe for a better county paper and you might help to make some heart glad. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chestnut and sweet little baby were the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Willie Stroud Sunday. —Horses and mules bought and sold every day in the year. If you want to buy, sell or trade, I will try to ac¬ comodate you.—A. S. McGarity. tf Well, we are at it again, making those same good oyster stews like we made so many last season. Try one when in town and wanting something to eat and then jou need not be afraid of acute indigestion from eat¬ ing your dinner in town.—P prkers Plvce. FOR RENT—From 3 to 6 rooms in desirable residence on Monticello street. Apply to this office.—tf Wagons I have been trying to sell Standard Two-Horse Wag¬ ons at COST for sometime and have failed to sell. I now offier them at $7.50 less, at $45.00 for sizes 2 3-4 and 2 1-2 for CASH ONLY. Buggi es Rubber Tired Buggies, all grades at LESS than the Factory Cost For Cash. . A. THOMPSON WE CARRY AN IMMENSE STOCK OF All Sizes One and In Two Stock. Horse. COLUMBUS WAGONS. These wagons are built of the very best material and are built to stand rough usage. CJ If you are going to buy a wagon and want the best, come in and let us show you the COLUMBUS. We are anxious to sell them and if you will give us a look, we’ll sell you the Best Wagon that money can buy, and guarantee every part of it. We appreciate your patronage. The Fincher-Norris Hardware Company) Covington, Georgia. ♦ AAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Ai In my New Qua rters * -■— -------- - i Having moved into new quarters i __ n | prepared rear of court than house. fit I am friends now better | ever to my and f the traveling public up with a neat team, | for pleasure or business trips. Give me | a trial on your next trip. I j WOOD PHONE A1KEN~ 92. 2 £ * m- :Ci ► ty’s Finest Drug Store \ j ► SMITHS DRUG STORE 1 ► 4 r ► ► Also nice Line of Stationery, j a < ► r ► ► Cigars and Tobacco. J - ► --- * ► Nunnally’s , Fine . Candies Always \ + Fresh. r in. rut in 1 1 r liOllllllli Qmith • covington J JUi GEORGIA 1 b