The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, October 06, 1909, Image 6

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XX XX Whether or not you snail get Furniture Values for your money. That is the question which should XX XX interest you, whether you buy furniture for a mansion or a cottage. Never in the history of our store XX XX has so much thought been given to the careful selection of goods in each line, but in our furniture de= X XX % XX partment. You will be especially pleased with the variety, both in design and finish. XX XX Bid Room Furniture These artistic pieces are beauti¬ fully finished in mahogany or quar¬ tered oak. Finest quality French bevel mirrors, brass or wooden handles, perfect locks and casters. XX OUT Prices* trad*.' and have made XX XX " an1 . Vl,m ' price's that will secure XX you as customers if you compare QUALITY AND PRICES XX XX R. E. EVERITT. 1 COVNGTON. - v. 1 , GA. XX Headquarters for Furniture, Pianos, Organs and Undertakers Goods. Call and inspect Stock. | XX our XX SHERIFF SALES. Will be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Covington, during the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday described in November, 1909, the fol¬ lowing property, to-wit: One house and lot in the city of Covington, Newton county, Georgia, and being the lot deeded to Amanda Choat from R. I. Weaver and R. R. Fowler, administrators of Ike Brown estate, and bounded as follows: On the North Stone Mountain street; on the West by West street; on the South by lot bought by Amanda Choat from Jones and Taylor; and on the East by lot bought from L. L. Middlebrook, said lot containing one acre, more or less. Said property levied on as the property of Amanda Choat to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Newton county in favor of the Bank of Covington against said Amanda Choat, upon a rule absolute for the foreclosure of mortgage on the above described property. Said prop¬ da erty being in the possession of Aman¬ Choat. All proper papers properly recorded in Clerk’s office of Superior Court of Newton county. Written notice given said Amanda Choat as required by law. This Oct. 2, 1909. S. M. Hay, Sheriff. Also at the same time and place will be sold, the following described property, to-wit: One house and lot in the town of Mansfield. Said house being a four room house facing Sec¬ ond avenue and surrounded by lands of Adams Hugh White, J. A. Starr and E. H. and known as the M. H. Cook house and lot. Said property levied on with a fi fa issued from the City Court of Covington in favor of Mans¬ field Lumber and Construction com¬ pany against M. H. Cook. Written notice given as required by law to J. M. Edens, he being tenant in posses¬ sion. This Oct. 2, 1909. S. M. Hay, Sheriff. For Letters of Dismission. Georgia— Newton County: Whereas Jonathan Poison, Admin¬ istrator, de bonis non, with the will annexed, of Mark Poison, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered Mark Poison’s es¬ tate. This is therefore to cite all per¬ sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be dis¬ charged from his administration and receive Letters of Dismission on the 1st Monday in November, 1909. A. M. Meador, Ordinary. J For Letters of Dismission. Georgia—N ewton County: Whereas G. W. R. Knight and R. L. Cowan, administrators of Miss Lou Lummus, represents to the Court Chiffoniers and Chif-Bobes Decidely the very best values can be found in these useful pieces of Furniture. their petition duly tiled and entered on record, that they have fully ad¬ ministered Miss Lou Lummus’ estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrators should not be discharg¬ ed from their administrations and re¬ ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in November, 1909. A. D. Meador, Ordinary. For Leave to Sell. Georgia —Newton County: Notice is hereby given that the un¬ dersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said county For Leave to Sell the land belonging to the estate of Bryant Osborn, late of said county, deceased, for the payment t>f debts and distri¬ bution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of November' Ordinary on the 1st Monday in 1909. This Oct. 5th, 1909. S. P. Thompson, Administrator Estate Bryant Osborn, Deceased. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Newton County: By virtue of an order granted to us by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Newton County, on the First Mon¬ day sold in September, 1909, there door will be before the Court House in the city of Covington, on the First Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, to-wit: An undivided one-ninth interest in Two Hundred and Seventeen (217) Acres of land, more or less, lying in Beersheba District, Henry County, Georgia, and bounded as follows: West by lands of J A. Presson and J. A. McDonald; South by lands of S. T. McDonald; East by South Riv¬ er; North by lands of W. T. Stroud and T. J. Stewart. Also an undivided one-half interest in two town lots in the city of Cov¬ ington, towit: Being lots Nos. 5 and (1 in Block D., of Covington Heights, as shown per plat in the Clerk’s office. Said lands being sold as the prop¬ erty of the estate of William McDon¬ ald, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the purpose of paying debts and distribution among the heirs. Terms of sale cash. This the 4th day of October, 1909. S. P. Thompson, E. W. Fowler, Administrators of the Estate of Wil¬ liam McDonald, Deceased. PETITION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA— Newton County: To the Superior Court of Said County: The i petition pi of Chas. G. Smith, N. Z. Anderson and J. C. Knox, all of said State and County, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be THE LOVINGTON NEWS Dining Room. Every woman has her own idea as to dining room furniture. Real¬ izing this we have suits ranging all the way from the dull finished ma¬ hogany to the simple mission style. Round and square tables. incorporated under and made a body politic the name and style of THE REALTY & ABSTRACT COMPANY for the period of twenty years. 2. The principal office of said Com¬ pany shall be in the City of Coving¬ ton, State and County aforesaid, but petitioners desire the right to estab¬ lish branch offices within this state or elsewhere, whenever the holders of a majority of the stock may so deter¬ mine. 3. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its shareholders. 4. The business to be carried on by said corporation is to act as a real estate broker, in making sales of real estate and to charge therefor com¬ missions to be agreed upon; to make loans on real estatp, either with its own funds or with funds belonging to others for whom it may be acting as agent; to make abstracts of title to real estate, and to charge therefor such fee as may be agreed on; to rent property either for itself or other parties, and to collect rent for same and to charge a commission for mak¬ ing such collection; to build and con¬ struct houses for rent or for sale, and to otherwise improve real estate either for itself or as agent for other parties; and to engage in, do and perform all other work, as may be incidental in doing charge a adequate real estate business, and to compensation there¬ for. 5. The capital stock of said corpor¬ ation shall be One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) with the privilege of in¬ creasing the same to the sum of Ten Thonsand Dollars ($10,000) by a ma¬ jority vote of the stockholders, said stock to be divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. Ten per cent of the amount of capital to tually be employed by them has been ac¬ right paid in. Petitioners desire the to have the subscriptions to said capital stock paid in money or property to be taken at a fair' val¬ uation. 6. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be im¬ pleaded, to have and use a common seal; to make all necessary * by-laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said busi¬ ness, and including the right to buy, hold sell real estate and personal property suitable to the purposes of the corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebted¬ ness incurred or which may be incur¬ red in the conduct of the affairs of the corporation, and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed or other form of lien under existing ! laws. 7. They desire for said incorpora¬ tion the power and authority to apply for, and accept amendments to either charter of either form and substance by a vote of the majority of its stock outstanding at the time. . They also I ask authority for said incorporation to wind up its affairs, liquidate and discontinue its business at any time it may determine to do so by a vote of two-thirds of its stock outstanding at the time. tion 8. They desire for said incorpora¬ the right of renewal when and as provided by the laws of Georgia, and that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as Odd Pieces. China closets, plain and leaded glass, with or without mirror back, all in beautiful and tasteful finish. Book-cases and library table that were chosen with a view to good taste and service. Come and see for yourself. Wagnos I have been trying to sell Standard Two-Horse Wag¬ ons at COST for sometime and have failed to sell, 1 now offier them at $7.50 less, at $45.00 for sizes 2 3-4 and 2 1-2 for CASH ONLY. Buggies Rubber Tired Buggies, all grades at LESS than the Factory Cost For Cash. THOMPSO are incident to like corporations or permissible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore petitioners pray to be incorporated style under the name and as aforesaid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth and as are now or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. Middlebrook, Rogers & Knox, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed in office, this 5th day of Octo¬ ber, 1909. JNO. B. DAVIS, Clerk. GEORGIA— Newton County I, John B. Davis, Clerk of the Sup¬ erior Court of said County, do here¬ by certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter of THE REALTY & AB¬ STRACT COMPANY, as the same appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature and the seal sf said Court, this 5th day of October, 1909. JNO. B. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court, Newton County, Ga. —FOR SALE—A good Edison phon¬ ograph, with fifty fine records, a large horn and stand. Will sell cheap. Gall or write to—Miss Clara Elliott, Ox¬ ford, Ga. 2t. Chair Department This includes davenports, and lounges, hall sets in three pieces, odd chairs from the genuine leather sleepy hollow to the baby rocker. Our line of art squares, matting, linoluim and rugs in axminster brus sels, crep and bath rugs is complete. City’s Finest Drug Stori SMITHS DRUG STORE Also a nice Line of Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco. ► Nunnally s Fine Candies Always (Geo. T. Smith COVINOTO' OEORbl.