The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, October 13, 1909, Image 3

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FOR SALE On First Tuesday in November, ’09. REYNOLDS STREET NORTH Corner lot one block Corner lot fronting from public square, Reynolds street 72 feet, In the sale of* these lots willhave fronting Reynolds St., fronting Elm street, 73 you an 70 lege feet; St., or fronting City School Col¬ 70x102 public feet, One block from 103 feet. square. opportunity of securing positively the best 70x102 70x102 CITY HIGH SCHOOL and prettiest available vacant residence lots 70x102 70x102 70x102 in the city. The opportunity mav never College Fronting streets Conyers or the Fronting Conyers public One bioek fronting from ^ •/ or street. square, City school. Conyers and Elm Sts. present itself again for you to secure prop¬ SOUTH that will necessarily CONYERS STREET CONYERS STREET erty increase every year. Look at them before the date of the % sale and you will agree with me that they Property within 1 50 feet of these 50 ing street feet Conyers front. and 50 ing street feet Conyers front- and Corner feet, Conyers fronting lot St., 50 lots sold for $ 1 5.00 front foot 50x100 50x100 City school City school & City school everything I claim for them. per 100 feet deep. 100 feet deep. 100 feet deap. are T wo room Two room one day last week. house lot. on this house lot. on this FOR FURTHER INFORMATION W. B. SHEPHERD, Covington, Ga. AND PARTICULARS APPLY TO Reception. Among the delightful parties of last week was the large reception at whieh Mrs. Janies P. Rogers entertained Friday evening at her beautiful col¬ onial home on Floyd street in of Misses Sara and Bonner Simms who left Monday for their future home m Macon and Miss Nelle who will also leave this week for quite an extended visit to Texas. The house was very attractive with its handsome ferns and foliage plants. Dainty refreshments were served. Bowling Party. Miss Susie Lewis was the charming hostess Saturday Morning at a most, e lghtful bowling party at which she entertained the members of the bowl ll j? club and their guests at the pop ■» bowling alley of Mr. James Sim :° «iss IW Mary ’ n h° nor Lewis, of her lovely sister of Clemson, S. C. ‘ ter a roost interesting game J “Jy , lc Was refreshments en joyed by all present, Those W'ere served. present were, Misses Mary °f Clemson, S. CL, May and ns me \\ hite and their guests m Si T Ht INIMITABLE COMEDIAN & DANCER _ of Old Kaintuck’: 11111 COBURNS MINSTRELS AT OPERA HOUSE OCT. 19TH. Misses Fleurine Hatcher, of Colum¬ bus, Mary Walton Trammell, of Mad¬ ison, Essie Jordan, Anna Quillian, Ida and Ethel Higgins, Ruby Weaver, Anna Keith and Susie Lewis. Chafing Dish Party Last Wednesday evening Mr. James Simmons and Miss Essie Jordan en¬ tertained at a delightful chafing-dish party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jordan on church street in honor of Miss Nelle Butler who leaves this week for Texas. The house was very artistic with its arrangement of ferns, foliage, plants and cut flowers. Those present were Misses Nelle Butler, May and Christine White, Anna Quillian, Messrs Jamie Knox, Berto Lee, Ernest Callaway and Wil¬ bur Harwell. To My Friends. I wish to say to any and all of my friends whom I have been unable to see that I have entered the Piano Contest and I would be very subscrib¬ greatful for your aid, by renewing or ing for The News and voting for me. Don’t forget to vote your weekly cou¬ pons. Yours very truly', Una Smith. M L COVINGTON NEWS Card of Thanks. Editors Covington News : Please allow me space in your uable columns to express my thanks to the gallant “fire of the Covington fire department, their prompt and excellent work saving the Star Building from truction by fire last Friday With the aid of our sprendid new tem of waterworks and the action of the firemen, the fire quickly extinguished, with but paratively small loss. Without works and the quick action of gallant “fire boys” the fire could have been suppressed. For all which I am truly thankful. Yours Respectfully, J. W. Anderson. Pace Locals. A number of Red Men from place attended the services held Covington for that Order last Sunday. Mr. Otis Nixon, of Atlanta, several days recently with his here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrison and little son of Zion visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Clemmie Boyd spent several days last week with Mrs. L. R. Al mand in Covington. Mrs. Crowell has returned to her home at Snapping Shoals after a two weeks visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Crowell. Rev. W. 0. Butler spent Thursday night at Fairview the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boyd. Mrs. W. D. Elliott visited Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ramsey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hill spent last Thursday in Covington. Mr. C. D. Aim and has returned from Atlanta where he spent the past two months. Misses Claude and Mary Dinnon of Logansville visited friends here last Mr D. B. Crowell and son Grady spent Sunday with relatives at Snap¬ ping Shoals. Mr. Bob McCord, of Texas, is visit¬ ing his brother Mr. O. P. McCord. Mrs. L. R. Almand and children returned to Covington after have with Mr. and spending some time Mrs. Win. Boyd. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Butler and little daughter Elisabeth visited Mr. C. D. Ramsey’s family Monday. After a visit to her daughter Mrs. Emma Ellison, Mrs. Middlebrook has returned to her home in Conyers. Mr. George Willingham and his mother visited Mr. and Mrs. Claud Kinnett at Magnet Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Dr. Rosser and Mrs. Warren Brantley of Lithonia spent last week with Mrs. Emma Ellison. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gordon was buried at the ceme¬ tery here last Sunday afternoon. The Fourth Quarterly Conference of the Salem circuit will be held at Salem church next Saturday and Sunday Oct. 16th and 17th. Every¬ body invited. Covington Mill. Mrs. Huff and son, of Jasper county day. were visiting Mrs 1 Niblejjt here Sun¬ Many of the boys from here atsend ed the special service of the Red Men in Covington at Baptist church last Sunday. Mrs. Anglin, of Monroe, visited her son, Mr. Marsh Anglin here last week. Mrs. Johnson, who has been quite ill is convalescent. Covington News Coupons are get¬ ting very popular now. The pound party at supper at Mrs. S. F. Burnett’s Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. Mr. Bud Hopkins and wife spent Sunday in Walton county. —HOUSE FOR RENT. Four room cottage on Conyers street, close in. Apply to— J. W. Anderson. —FOR RENT. Travis house and barn, just recovered and repaired. Ap¬ ply to—M rs. A. M. Travis. Notice. Well, we are at it again, making those same good oyster stews like we made so many last season. Try one when in town and wanting something to eat and then jou need not be afraid of acute indigestion from eat¬ ing your dinner in town.— Parkers Place. Dry Pine Wood delivered anywhere in town. Apply to 8. A. Brown. 4t —WANTED—One good Gasoline Engine, Pump, Tank and Power.—Ad¬ dress N. G. Maddox, Note, Ga. tf The Bank of Newton County Solicits your banking business We are amply able to handle all business entrusted to us. J. F. Henderson, Pres. M. G. Turner, Cashier J. W. Harwell, Assistant Cashier. .TiAA.Ti AAAA A■?«»T«A»?«*f« »T« .7.»?« .T..T.AA AAatSitT. In my New Quarters Having moved into new quarters in rear of court house. I am now better prepared than ever to fit my friends and the traveling public up with a neat team, for pleasure or business trips. Give me a trial on your next trip. WOOD AIKEN PHONE 92. ww •a"'***"** -ava****** vwfv SEED OATS FOR SALE. Appier, winter grown. Also, the old purple straw wheat, none better. S. R. ELLiNGTON, Oxford, Ga. R. F.