The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, October 27, 1909, Image 9

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E ‘ I 8 0 B I E T Y J N Written Especially for the Covington 1‘ News by Mrs. J. Thomas Wright. j Bowden, of Oak Hill was , E A . | Tuesday- Wright spent Wed LjohuM. L Atlanta. r in Hay*, of Ha *' eton was in L jiy Saturday. I ‘ B Sanford, of Macon was . L [.Cliff c ity Thursday. Skinner of Starrsville, was L city Saturday. L Aldo McElreath of Atlanta, L the city Friday. Luth Ethe Downs, of Porterdale, city Friday. f ff g. Jones, of Gum Creek, ijtbe city Tuesday. q l. Holmes, of Stewart was “Saturday on business. w B. Parker, of Conyers, was Tuesday on business. Carl Adams, of Mansfield spent iv here with friends. Land Mrs. W. R. Roberts and Uelle Wright, of Leguin, were city Monday. j, S. Gardner has returned a weeks visit to her mother, [ff.R. King. Annie Cowan one of Salem’s charming young ladies was in [city Saturday. if. and Mrs. Nolan A. Goodyear, ford, were among the shoppers iecity Saturday. (s, J. W. King and daughter Mrs. sfrom West Newton spent last ay here shopping. tR. T. McCord, of Mindon, Tex. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. t mnear Salem, Thursday. J. I). Milton, of Newborn nt Monday in the city the guest and Mrs. W. B. R. Pennington. , Henry Branham and young gliter Mias C. B. of Conyers were p-end guests of Mrs. C. A. Har- 8. Walter Corley and daughter, |fAlline, of Starrsville, returned ay from a visit of several days to ata. p Inez Lassiter spent Monday phre with Mrs. L. I). King en ito Mansfield where she has ac a school. s. W, M. Venable, formerly of ngton but now making her home lie country, visited relatives in [city last week. Sam H. Broadnax, of Walnut pc,spent Saturday night in the 'theguest of .Mr and Mrs J J ' lev, she enroute has home from Atlanta! been spending the last ,ee ^ s - |i I' my New Quarters V & :« S' S' Having V moved into quarters in S' new l rear of court house. I am now better I prepared than ever to fit my friends and I ^e traveling s> pleasure public up with a neat team, * or or business trips. Give me a trial on your next trip. WOOD AIKEN PHONE 92. f V V W 'i 1 V V ♦ li* V v •£« ^ •£« •*« v V Nic e fresh groceries ^° U always find at nice and and fresh Gro * my J store as as nice T Cfln C3n kc i ^ oun< _____1 ^ *_ iL city, *» and when you purchase N A.*, fro, lfn me I make it point to get them to your home ^ a as quick as it is possible for me to do it. ^ESH MEATS ^rl( ^ e m connec tion with my store a first class Meat f * an< ^ Can furnish with the choice kind of Meats you e M> We N* Giveme order. I will appreciate it and F^to an ple aS e you. M Tobacco. Cash Paid for Hides. R. F. Wright, Covington, Georgia. Miss Edna Taylor, of Social Circle who was with Mr. C. C. Robinson for so long spent the week-end in the city the guest of relatives. Mrs. John S. Wright, Mr. Charlie Wright and Miss Allie Reck Wright, of Leguin, spent Monday in the city the guests of Mrs. R. H. Trippe. Mr. Hugh Biggers, of Savannah, arrived last week and will spend some time in the city the guest of his par¬ ents Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Biggers. Miss Kate Thompson, of Eudora, passed through the city Thursday en route to Atlanta, where she will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Herbert Corley, of Starrsville, who is attending school at Stone Mountain, passed through here Friday enroute home to spend the week-end with his parents. The Woodmen of the World pro¬ vides life insurance protection for its members at absolute cost. Pays all death losses promptly, and places $100 monument at grave. . Mrs. Lizzie Thacker who visited her cousin Mr. J. W. Ellison last Sat¬ urday night and Sunday, returned to the home of her daughter Mrs. C. Q. Cowan Monday morning. Miss Addie Harwell, of Greensboro, passed through the city Monday, en¬ route to Newborn where she goes to attend the Childs-Nelson marriage, which occurs today, Wednesday. Mrs. Wilbur Stuart Sewell, of Ma¬ rietta, who was before her marriage Miss Mary Loyd, arrived Thursday af¬ ternoon and will spend two weeks in the city, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Loyd. The many friends in the city of Mrs. Samuel Green, formerly Miss Alline Wright, will be glad to know that she has sufficiently recovered from her recent operation for appen¬ dicitis, to return to her home in Kirk¬ wood and trust she will soon be quite well and strong. Misses Smith, of Palmetto, Beulah Pirkle, of Monroe and Ollie Belle Holt, of Sandersville, the trio of chaming girls who have been the guests of Miss Anna Quilliait, returned feo their homes last week after a most delight¬ ful visit. Many social affairs were given in honor of these lovely visitors. Hats for men, boys and children at ' Cohen’s. —Harry Death has on display in his photo gallery some of the finest cabi¬ net pictures ever shown in this section Join the Woodmen of the World, Charter member fee only $5.00. Cohen buys his goods for cash and you get the advantage. THE COVINGTON NEWS WILL ENTERTAIN AUTOMOBILE RACERS. Citizens of North Covington Are T reparing a Luncheon For Automobile Party. An invitation has been extended to the president of the Savannah Auto¬ mobile Club by the citizens of North Covington for the runners in the Sa¬ vannah to Atlanta contest which passes through this city on the ninth of next month to stop over for a few minutes at Midway where sandwiches and coffee will be served them. It is planned by the citizens of North Covifigton to provide gasoline, water and other necessities for the convenience of the racers. Mr. N. S. Turner has gladly con¬ sented to the use of his warehouse by the citizens and the supplies and re¬ freshments will be served there. Mr. R. P. Lester, the genial manager of the warehouse will also be on the spot with his natural way of making them feel at home and the occasion will undoubtedly be a success if the invi¬ tation can be accepted. Other preparations are under way over in North Covington, among which will be a large banner across the bridge and others leading up to the warehouse. The people are looking forward with pleasure to this event and the wel¬ come which will be extended to the contestants will be one of the most cordial of any extended them on the entire route. It is thought that the invitation for the racers to make North Covington a stopping point is a good one and that in all probability it will be ac¬ cepted by the club. If you want to buy the right goods at the right prices buy from Cohen. Cohen’s is headquarters for stylish millinery. Library Paid For. The Womans Club of this city pur¬ chased from Mr. C. A. Harwell some months ago the building formerly owned by the Enterprise, converting it into a library building. When the building was purchased there was a dollar in the treasury and the price agreed on for the lot was $750. By work of the members of the every dollar of this amount has made and the last installment of purchase price was paid this week. Besides the amount paid for the this week the ladies have made a sum besides, having raised by j own resources something over I huudred dollar8 ' The J ^ ^ at once to lay out the plans for thoroughly modern and up to date brary building on the lot, and if past work is an index to their future, the building they intend to erect will he a lasting tribute to their efforts and desires to give the people of this city the best there is in the way of library facilities. Truly Covington has no need of your Uncle Andrew Carnegie with the hard working women of this city! _ A big line of ladies shoes atCohen’s. Shoes for men, boys and children : at Cohen’s. _ THb Difference. “Father." said little Rollo, “what is the difference between farming and agriculture?” “Well, my son. for farming you need a plow and a harrow and a lot of other implements, and for agriculture all you need is a pencil and a piece of paper.”—Washington Star. The Mess In the Oven. “How came such a greasy mess in the oven?” said a fidgety old spinster to her maid of all work. “Why." replied the girl, “the candles fell Into the water, and 1 put them into the oven to dry.”-London Tatler. Mildew. An easy method of removing mil¬ dew Is to place the article In a warm oven for a few moments and then brush It. Nerve. A woman went to the telephone of¬ fice with a kick. She said she tried for half an hour to get the answer to a telephone call and she wanted to know the reason why. “What is your number?” asked the manager. ourselves, “Oh, we have no phone was the astonishing reply. "1 was using my neighbor's.”—Kansas City Journal. Q 0 i.# ■ J#. i * W. J. Higgins DENTIST Over Cohen’s Store. Your Patronage Solicited. Covington - - Georgia Watches and Clocks Repaired. I am prepared to repair your Watches and Clocks and can fix them so they will run, for less mon¬ ey than my competitors and guar¬ antee all my work. When you are ready for your work give me a trial. J. SIEGEL At Dr. J. A. Wrights Drug Store. A PRETTY UNE OF JEWELRY AND STANDARD WATCHES. Well And Economically It isn’t necessary to exhaust your pocket book to have clothes that please you, come here and take your pick from our large stock. We have all the latest styles and newest fabrics in the favored colors annd designs. Prices from $lo.oo to I8.00. Also we have a splendid line of Ladies Tailored Suits of the latest style and color. Prices are $8.00 to I8.00. Any thing else you need in Shoes, Dress Goods, Skirts, Cloaks and Furnishings, give us a call. High Class Millinery. Mrs. Harper heartrly thanks her friends for having made her Fall opening a complete success and is now rea¬ dy to show them entirely new goods for their mid-winter headwear. New goods coming in every day which will please the most exclusive ideas of style. M. LEVIN COVINGTON, GEORGIA. If You do not believe You Can Buy FURNITURE AT The Actual Factory Cost From Venable Bros., go into their store and see for yourself. We can show you the original invoices from the factory to us, and will sell it to you at exactly what the invoice calls for. If you want to now, or ever intend to buy furniture NOW is the time to see our line. We carry a full line of Bed Room Sets, Odd Pieces, Rugs, Matting, Springs, Mattresses and anything else that is handled by a live Furniture Store. We are going to sell Furniture at Actual Factory Cost and want to convince you of this fact. Come and see for yourself. We mean business. Venable Brothers Covington, Georgia. 10 Voting Coupon 10 VOTES VO T K 8 Cl/imiHHE.V)’ Pjnlarit/SnfjJl, CIjjjsDjjji’ik 2 ), I3JJ. Contestant Subscriber This Coupon is good for 10 votes when properly filled in and signed by subscriber. Not good unless it reaches the News office not later than 5 o’clock, Oct. 30, 1909.