The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, December 08, 1909, Image 11

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THE COVINGTON NEWS Hi EMPIRE LIFE LEADS First Company To Pay a Policy First Comyany In The Good Will of On The Life of Harvey L. Ander¬ Georgians as Shown by the Fact That son, The Prominent Atlanta Busi¬ For Year Ending April 30, We Led all ness Man Killed by an Automobile. Companies Doing Business in Georgia. The Really Successful Advertiser Of Today Is The One Who Practices TRUTH AND RIGTH DEALINGS * S. C. Dobbs, Pres. Associated Advertising Clubs of America. Believing firmly in the practice of truth and right dealing—right planning, right act¬ ing—THE EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Atlanta, has strived since organization to earn the confidence of the insuring public. We have given out our statements of the business honestly; we have written our advertising in a fair and honest manner; not decrying our Competitors among the other Southern Life insurance compa¬ nies or competiton from the companies native to the North, East and West—we have nevertheless, endeavored to truthfully point the way to a greater South, i. e., investing Southern money in the South. We have strived by every fair means within our power to build the Empire Life Insurance Company into a great and good company. We want you to believe in us, further than that, we want you to cooperate with us, and when you take out a life insur¬ ance policy we request that you give the Empire Life a fair and impartial hearing. From the fact that the Empire life led all life insurance companies doing business in Georgia in new business, and in gain in insurance in force for the year ending April 30, 1909, seems to us that the public is mare and more arriving at the conclusion that this company, “founded on the mighty pillars of Georgia,” is practicing, in the conduct of its business, truth and right dealing. We claim to be “the best company writing the best policies” and we ask you to jnsure your life with a Southern, old line, legal reserve, MUTUAL, company---THE EMPIRE LIFE. EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Wm. W. Reid, President S. C. Callaway, Vice-President Thos. M. Callaway, Secretary E. J. Spratling, B. S., M.D., Medical Director Samuel Barnett, Actuary F. A. Hooper, General Couucel Home Office Peters Building Atlanta, Ga. THE BEST COMPANY WRITING THE BEST POLICIES W. C. Sanders, Agent