The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, December 22, 1909, Image 8

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THE COVINGTON NEWS Wonderful Half Price Solid Gold Jewelry Sale is NOW ON Unprecedented sale of solid gold jewelry for the buyer that wants the best values his money has ever bought. Your Xmas money does double duty here. Beautiful, new and Up=to=date merchandise at less than half price asked by regular jewelry stores through out the world. To the well posted, buyer it is the wonder of the season. BROACHES SASH TINS, BELT CUFF BUTTONS THIMBLES Sterling silver for only 25c. R i' i’%- $2.03 to |L03 values for 69c, BUCKLES Worth $2.00 to $7.00 for 98c, $1.48, Solid Gold Hearts 98c, $1.48 and $2.48. 50 to 75c values for 39c. 25 and 50c $1.98 and $2.48. values for 23c. Regular $2.00 to $6.00 values, for 69c, NECK CHAINS BEAUTY PINS VEIL PINS 98c and $1.48. Worth $5.00 to $9.00. Our price, $2.98 For Monogram, 69c, 98c, $1.48, $1.98 Regular value $3.00, our price, 98c. HAT PINS and $4.68. and $2.48. Values $1.50 to $5.00 for 69c, 98c, $1.48 LOCKETS SCARF PINS and $1.98. SIGNET KINGS worth SCARF PINS Value $2.00 to $6.00, our price 98c, And cuff buttons to match, $3.00 Worth $7.00 for $2.98. $1.48 and $1.98. $10.00, our price, $4.39. For Monogram, worth for 98c. WE CUT THE PRICE AND SELL THE GOODS Come Early and Get The Pick We carry the largest and best line of Holiday Goods in the city. Magic lanterns, doll furniture, hats, stockings and shoes, books, foot balls, games, shaving sets, mirrors, stationery, toys, etc. 100 piece gold and white dinner set, worth $20.00, our price, 12.98. Toilet Sets 40e to $12.00. NOftJfVffiSir 600 new an< * beautiful Stationery & Novelty Co 200 Pounds Huyler's Candy. (lCOnWcal. four-in-hand ties, each in holiday box. All the leading colors Just received. In packages and and brilliant Xmas effects. Worth X-mas boxes. 10c to $5.00. There’s 75c and $1.00. Our price 50c. up Silk Mufflers andd Suspenders in an elegance about it that the girls all Xmas boxes 60c. know. ...... Next door to Postoflice Phone 194 Covington, Georgia The One Store That Everybody In Newton County Is Proud Of SkL TTJRWJ Fashion Features Of Fall Clothing /kMi ywKi* Men and Young Men For The most any man wants of his clothes is to have them stylish, to look well to himself aid to his friends, to fit well, and to give good wear. That’s satisfaction, and that’s all a man wants, isn’t it ? Well, that’s exactly what you’ll get when ou wear they clothes we sell—EBERHEIM \$t* ER, STEIN & CO. CLOTHES. And they’re not only satisfactory, bat they’re also low ax priced—lower priced than you’ll pay elsewhere for inferior garments. That’s why you can XX LikE dress well and economically by purchasing your clothes here. ax % Ml* W PRICES RANGE ax Suits, $8.50 $25.00. Overcoats, Ederheimer, Yeung Men's “ Kenwood ” to $5.00 to $20.00 Stein & Co. M.UEIS sue Clothes for The Boy *0* That Combine STYLE With Wearability. HK Sg xx We have the BEST and BIGGEST line of Boys Clothing to be had where in this section. See line of “CAST IRON” Suits, ax any our at* the pants have double seat and double knee, prices right, bring the boy in and we will fit him in a good suit. ax xx ax XX XX ax T.C. SWANN ax Covington, Georgia. ss