The Covington news. (Covington, Ga.) 1908-current, June 23, 1966, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Thursday, June 23, 1966 ! News Notes From E : "Mt : Mrs. Owen Banks 2 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Parker Parish of Tallahassee, Florida visited their aunt, Mrs. Glenn Adams, on Friday. ♦* * * Mr. and Mrs. John Kendrick, Debbie and Mike of Marietta and THE FOURTH NECESSITY? I After the three basic neces sities — food, clothing and shelter — comes the Fourth Necessity — enough life in surance. It guarantees the other three for your family. And the one sure way to make certain they are adequately pro tected is through Metropoli tan’s Family-Security Check- Up. No obligation. Call today! M. E. GOODE, C. L. U. Room 201, Turner Building Tel. 786-2606 Metropolitan Life * |XM M » < oMI'tXY S.P. Trademark of STEELE-PRESCOTT AGENCY Symbolizes Service - Protection When Thinking of INSURANCE Call or Visit STEELE-PRESCOTT AGENCY 14 W. SQUARE PH. 786-3911 114 CLARK ST. PH. 786-2416 Personal INSURANCE Business Treat yourself to delicious, nutritious milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream during June Dairy Month! An extra glass of cold, refreshing milk can taste mighty good at dinnertime. And, another slice of cheese, pat of butter, or scoop of creamy, rich ice cream will add important nutrition to your regular diet. We’re glad to help dairy farmers in our community produce these high quality products through the use of Purina Dairy Chows. Won’t you help support one of our basic food industries—the dairy busi ness? Include milk and milk products in your meals this month . . . and all year ’round. PATRICK FEED CO. Phone 786-3220 202 W. USHER ST. COVINGTON, GA. KWffIWX (Best Coverage: News, Pictures, and Features) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pace and Kim of Decatur spent Father’s Day with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Hitchcock. »♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Nora Hays of Jenkins burg spent Sunday with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Hays and family, and attended chuch at Hayston Sunday afternoon. ♦♦ * » Hugh Pannell of Jenkinsburg spent the weekend with Mrs. Hugh Pannell and Ann. ♦♦ ♦ * We are glad Mrs. Nat Mor gan is home from Newton County Hospital and feeling a lot better. »♦ ♦ ♦ So sorry to hear Mrs. Starr Jones is at Emory University Hospital. ** * * Miss Larue Loyd of Augusta was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Loyd. Mrs. Frances Whitehead of Athens spent Father’s Day with her pa rents. ** * * Mr, and Mrs. L. E. McEl downy, Claude and Jerry spent Saturday night with Mrs. Win nie Sue Goodrich enroute to Jack sonville, Florida. Mrs. Lee Rit ter and children of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Arthur Ander son of Atlanta visited Mrs. Good rich Sunday afternoon. ** * * Mrs. Dolly Ozburn is spend ing a few weeks with her brot her and family, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Loyd of Athens. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Blake Goodrich and family of Panama Canal Zone and Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick and family of Atlanta are spending this week in Panama City, Florida. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings and Lee and Jimmie Harwell of Atlanta spent Father’s Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lu cius Harwell. ♦♦ ♦ * Mr. and MRS. E. L. Rawlin, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Raw lin, Jr., Ann, Pat and Lee of Greenville, South Carolina and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Smith and Jim of Atlanta spent Father’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Hill Pat rick. Mr. and Mrs. James Pat rick, Barry, David and Tracy spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick while enroute to Panama City, Florida. *♦ ♦ * Fletcher Moore returned home Monday from New'ton County Hos pital. Mr. Moore was in an auto mobile accident last week. ♦♦ * * Warren and Carter Morgan spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Lunsford, while their mot her was a patient at Newton Coun ty Hospital. *♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Owen Banks were Sunday guests of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lancaster, Jr. and Billy HI and Mr. and Mrs. Sonny MeElheney and Tracy of Decatur. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ Lt. Col. and Mrs. Jones N. Epps, Susan and Edwin Epps from Quantico, Virginia, Gene Epps from Georgia State Col lege in Atlanta, and Lt. Jones Epps, Jr. from Ft. Benning were weekend guests of the C. E. Roquemores. Friday night the Jack Roquemore family were al so guests. They are on vacation this week at Lake Sinclair. Sun day afternoon guests were James Anderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greer, Sr. ** * ♦ Friends of the Roquemore and Epps family are being congrat ulated on the arrival June 19 of a baby daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watson in Spar tanburg, South Carolina. Mrs. Watson Is the former Miss Jul ianne Epps. The young lady is named Charlotte Anne. ♦* * * Frank H. Greer of Avondale was a visitor to the Roquemores on Monday. ♦* * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas of Miami, Florida were recent visitors to Mrs. N. F. Thomas and family. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sewell have returned to Columbus, Ohio after a week’s stay with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sewell. *♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis and children from Dahlonega are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis. Quite a number of Piper re latives were here for a spend the day Sunday. aiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiita ■ ■ ■ News Notes From “ ■ ■ : Stavv&Me * ■ ■ a ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walton and children from Port St. Joe, Florida are spending this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walton. ** * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cook, Luke and Mike of Columbus ar rived Wednesday for a visit with their mother, Mrs. L. H. Cook, Sr. ♦* * * Mr. and Mrs. Luther H. St roud of Greenville, South Caro lina were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Savage, Alfred and Rhonda. ♦* ♦ ♦ Mrs. W. H. Corley, Sr. visit ed her sister, Mrs. R. H. Trippe, in Covington Sunday afternoon. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Fain Brannon, Jim and Tim of Smyrna were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Aiken. ♦* * * Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Greer and Fred HI of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mutlmer and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greer over the weekend. ♦* * * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Savage, Al- Many new types of business insurance pro tection have been introduced during recent years. You should know about these impro ved coverages. Are your insurance dollars buying all the protection they can? Call on us for qualified and experienced help on any insurance problem . . . complete planned protection, safety engineering and prompt cl aims service. MORCOCK & BANKS AGENCY 102 Clark Street 786*2300 Covington, Ga. "Operation Ice Machine For Viet Nam” Underway Here Your Newton County Jaycees are currently sponsoring a drive to send an Ice machine to our boys in Viet Nam. This is being done to answer a request from P.F.C. Charles W. Wil banks which appeared as a letter to the editor In last weeks News. Young Wilbanks is serving with the Ist Air Calvary Division in Viet Nam. Their camp is at Ankhe, a small Vietnamese vil lage between Bong Son & Plelku, where they conduct maneuvers. Wilbanks has served in this par ticular area for six months. Wilbanks describes anything cold to drink that they may have as only chilly. Can you Mr. Citizen of Newton County, sitt ing there in air conditioned com fort imagine anything so hot and gruesome as it must be over there. People of Newton County please respond to this article. Let’s assure our youth who are Fast Start For ‘Head Start’ In Newton County Program Project Head Start got its of ficial send off Monday, June 13, when some 198 or more parents or guardians met at the R. L. Cousins School for their res- giiiiiuiaimiiHiiianiiig Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaae Capt. and Mrs. William (Ike) Robertson announce the birth of a baby girl born on June 20 In El Paso, Texas. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Pitts Ro bertson. ♦* * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Artie Corley announce the birth of twins on June 11 at Newton County Hos pital. Their names are Aaron Eugene and Karen Bernice. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Hilliard and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Artie Lee Corley. ♦♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Corley announce the arrival of twins at the Newton County Hospital on June 11. They have been named Aaron Eugene and Karen Bernice. Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Hilliard are the maternal grandparents, and Mr. and Mrs. Artie Lee Corley are the paternal grand parents. ♦* * * Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hall of Covington announce the arrival of their daughter, Marcle Lynn, at the Newton County Hospital on May 30. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hall are the paternal grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Hilliard are the maternal grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Morrison of Covington announce the birth of a son, John David Morrison Jr., on June 20, at Georgia Bap tist Hospital in Atlanta. The baby’s grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Morrison, Decatur and Dr. and Mrs. Harold Adams of Atlanta. fred, Rhonda, and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Shroud, of Greenville, South Carolina spent Sunday sight-seeing at Stone Mountain. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starr Corley of Covington were Sun day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Corley, Sr. ♦* * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walton and children of Port St. Joe, Florida, who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walton, left Mon day for a camping trip to the Indian Reservation In North Carolina. Misses Jeanie and Diane Walton accompanied them. They will come back Wednesday. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Walton, Jeanie, Diane, Priscilla, and C. V. Ray of Covington spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walton. ** * * Mrs. Jesse Amends of At lanta visited Mrs. C. C. Epps and Mrs. M. D. Mcßae last Wednesday. THE COVINGTON NEWS serving in Viet Nam that we appreciate the fine job that they are doing on our behalf. All you are asked to do is give a small amount toward this fund. If everyone will only give a little bit (the price of : a pack of cigarettes, a can of beer or any number of Items we throw money away on everyday) It won’t take long to get this machine to Viet Nam. You may give your donation to any member of the Newton County Jaycees, or you may mail it to “Operation Ice Machine”, P.O. Box 131, Covington, Georgia. Also, a special account is set up in the Bank of Covington and the First National Bank of Newton County for the purpose of re ceiving donations to the cause. Citizens, the Newton County Jaycees charge you to prove that you care. Give $.lO, SI.OO or SIO.OO. You be the judge of the amount, but give. pectlve assignment. The schedule for the week was rather hectic as most be ginning school days are. Project Head Start In Newton County will reach 225 children and their parents and Involve some 50 paid community workers and 200 or more volunteers. In eight weeks this summer, as last summer, Head Start will try to make some headway ag ainst the sad fact that too many children are not emotionally, psychologically or physically ready to bridge the gap between homes that do not provide them with experiences that attune them to the public schools. This pro ject puts children of ages five, six and seven who have not been able to attend kindergarten into a “child development center” where under close personal at tention they will be encouraged by simple successes to avoid the spiral of failure that often starts with school’s first day. They will have free: physical examin ations, dental care, two meals, a snack between meals and at least one educational field trip per week; such as: children zoo, Grant Park, etc.. Commendations goes to the parent and community workers who supported Head Start in 1965 and to the overwhelming large number who turned out on reg istration day, June 13, 1966. Much thought and hard work were given for the purpose of making it possible for us to have Head Start this year In order that the children In our community would get the benefit of the experiences that It provides. “The above statement being true, we ask the parents and vol unteer workers to continue to give their support as they have In the past,’’stated C. J. Tinsley, Director. Revival At Dial Town Set June 27, July 2 Dial Town Revival at Dial Town, one mile north of Oxford on Highway 81. It will be an old-fashioned tent meeting, with a different preacher each night. There will also be special sing ing each night. Everyone Is In vited to attend. The revival begins on June 27 and goes through July 2 with services beginning at 7:45 P.M. each evening. "COCA-COLA" ANO "CO«" ARI RfOISTCRrO TRAOC MARKt WHICH lOtNTIFY ONLY YHg RRODUCT OF THE COCA-COLA COMRANY. W wT 'I yIwWiWMI i•••• ••" y iCye ^szj|\ "7 ' V ... % WK* ■ whk 7 4X I for extra fun...take more than one! take an extra carton of Coke! When the hot sun of summer arrives, you want plenty of ice-cold Coca-Cola around. Because Coke has the taste you never get tired of. It’s always refreshing. That’s why things go better with Coke after Coke after Coke. And why it’s always a bright idea to have an extra carton or two around. Pick up a few next time you’re shopping. things go better,! ^withiwa CoKeWr Bottled under the authority of The Coca-Cola Compai by: CONYERS COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY CONYERS, GEORGIA (Our Advertisers Are Assured of Best Results) Fortsons Hosts A t Rehearsal Dinner Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fort son, of Elberton, were gracious hosts at the Atlanta Athletic Club, on Friday evening, when they en tertained at a dinner party, hon oring their son, William D. Fort son, Jr. and his fiancee, Miss Stephanie Ginn, following the wedding’s rehearsal. Arrangements of pink and white carnations, snapdragons, roses and stock enhanced the attractive appointments of the elongated table, which was overlaid with white damask. For the occasion, the bride-to be wore a full length, off white crepe costume, with matching stole. Covers were laid for some thirty-five guests, including the young couple’s parents, and members of the wedding party. Mrs. Winn Bridge Hostess On Wednesday The home of the W. M. Winns, Jr., on College Ave., was the scene on Wednesday of an in teresting social event, when Mrs. Winn entertained members of her club, and guests, at a dessert bridge. Blue delphinium and white roses were combined In a cupld base compote to form the dining table centerpiece. A delicious sweet course was served with coffee, by the hostess, as guests arrived. In the ensuing games, Mrs. Bill Hoffman tallied high score; and Mrs. Matt Klem was con solation prize recipient. Others playing included: Mesdames D. M. Johnson, James Purcell, James Hutchins, and John Porter club members; and Mesdames Roger Mclntosh and Marion Piper, guests of the club. Attend Church Sunday W^iii Boys will be boys Fun is one thing ... a lawsuit is something else. You can protect yourself and still be a good neighbor with home owners insurance under The Travelers umbrella. See us for details. EADY ASSOCIATES Insurors - Realtors Mortgage Brokers 107 Clark St. - Covington, Ga. Tel. 786-5600 Repraaontlng THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANIES Hartford, Connecticut $l9O, 861 GRANT (From Page 1) the Individual employers; how ever, the organization intends to take applications for employ ment and make these lists avail able to employers should they wish to use them. Individual employees desiring to participate in this program may inquire of their employers whether they will participate in the program, or they may at an early date contact the Upper Oc mulgee OEC as local headquart ers will be set up. Employers will be given such Information as they need as soon as local offices have been set up. Applications will be taken in the near future for personnel to administer these programs on a permanent positions basis. At present the following positions and salaries have been aut horized, and, to the extent pos sible, will be filled by local ap plicants who may be qualified: Upper Ocmulgee EOC: Executive Director, $8,400.00, plus travel; Secretary, $4,000.00; Bookkeeper, $2,400.00. Manpower Development Train ing: Project Director, $7,500.00, plus travel; Asst. Project Dir ector, $6,000.00, plus travel; Secretary, $3,800.00. ♦Food Distribution: 1 Commodity Director, $6,000. 00; 4 Warehouse Supervisors, $4,008.00; 3 Warehousemen, part BEI I'- J., : 9 1/it a H IN ONLY 30 INCHES! Dishwasher, Range Top, Oven and Hood IMZOXDEZRJST IvUS-IID MARINE & Building Supply, Inc. COVINGTON, GEORGIA Phone 786-7002 1425 Washington Street time, $217.00; 7 Warehousemen, $234.00; 1 Secretary, $3,600.00. Home Management Program: Program Director, $5,220.00; Aide Team Leader, $260.00 per month plus travel; 12 Home Man agement Aides, $234.00 per month, plus travel; 1 Instructor, part time, $640.00 per month; 12 Home Manage Aides, part time, $217.00 per month; 1 Home Management Team Leader part time, $243.00 per month. Family Planning, Butts County: 1 Physician part time, $2,600. 00; 1 Registered Nurse part time, $520.00; 1 Registered Nurse, 50% time, $2,262.00; 1 Clerk, Rec eptionist, $1,170.00. The above schedules are all subject to variation as to qualif ication and availability of qual ified personnel. All above per sonnel will be covered by work men’s compensation Insurance, unemployment Insurance, and social security. Notice will be placed in this paper and requests for applicat ions for these positions will later be seen In this paper. During the past week The Cov ington NEWS was notified by both U. S. Senators Richard Russell and Herman Talmadge and 10th District Congressman Robert Stephens, Jr. that the Upper Oc mulgee Economic Opportunity Commission had received the grant of $190,861 for the three county project. Page 7