The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, January 09, 1892, Image 3
Oadal Orgaa GBy if Wajcmi. Examine tb* rate* of an/ fint-claas weekly newspaper and yon will find oun to baleaa- Transient advertising inserted at $1.00 per inch first insertion. fiOc subsequent insertion. Reading notice in local columns 10c per line flrstlnsertion;5c per Una each sabae- qoent insertion. Professional cards |fl.00 per annum after January 1st. _ For Clieap advertising sea Cheap < olumn. Advertisements to insure insertion any week must be in by Wednesday of that week. Changes made in advertisements, inserted at onr regular rates, and for specified time, will be charged for at ccwt of making said K Cl Ad5itional rates will be charged for spe- ial position. Saturday. January m«* _ Arrival aaA Deyartars rfWI* AT WAYCR088. ARRIVE A. V. From ths North. South snd West 0:30 From South and East £1* From North 9; fo ARRIVE P.M. _ From ThomaavlUe. (iaorgia 400 From Savannah, Macon and Atlanta 4 30 From Way cross AlrIJna Oil DISPATCHED. A. M. Mail closed for Warcroas Air Line 7i0 Mail tor North. East. South and Vi eat 8.30 P. M. Closed for Savannah, East and North 3:30 Cloned for North. South and West . ABOUT TOWN. Cod give us men ! A time like thin demands Great hearts, strong minds, true (aitli and willing hands. Men whom the lust of officr doe* not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor, men who will not lie; For while the rabbis, with their tliumle wom creeds. Their large profession* and their little deed*, Wrangle in selfish strif*—lo! Freedom weeps. Wrong rules the laud ami waiting Justice sleeps. —Oliver Wendell Holmes. The “Twelpth Nyght*” eutcrUimneut given by the young ladies of Wmycroaa, at the residence of • Mm. Olenian on Wednesday evening, was at once, the moat novel, and enjoyable one of the season. The room* were beautifully decorated with evergreens, though the entire ab sence of all mistletoe, caused no little disappointment to some of the ardent swainea. The ladies, almost without exception, were costume* of the last century, and with their powdered hair added the crowning beauty of age, to all the charms of youth. Indeed could their great grandmother have seen them, they, the, “to the man ner born/' might hare been pardened some feeling of jealousy. The young gentlemen for various rea sons, mainly financial and physical, did ,_jM>t-4ppear in old time dress, but looked their beat in preaent day costume. It was no surprise therefore, when it was announced Rat one of them has been captured lira lassie, who had boldly availed lienwlf of her leap year privi lege^ At exactly the right time, supper Was announced, and a supper. There was nothing that did not tempt the ap petite, and there was nothing absent that could serve to gratify it After this serious business was dispos ed of, danelng and the more sentimen tal diversions were resumed, until the candles lighted to test the constancy of the maidens—which test by the way was in the highest degree flattering, burned low in their sockets, when the guest bidding the charming hostess and her accomplished daughter good night, feced the homeward way and the bitter air. jp the visiting ladies who added b to the occasion by their pres ence, were Miss Eva Acosta, and Miss Susie McKinney, of Blackshear, and Miss Maude Cook of Bamesville. That was one of the most enjojrable Hops ever giv» In Way cross on the night of December, NI, 1*91 and morn ing of January, 1, 1892. It was con ducted by the Way cross Rifles in'their elegant armory. Thk IIerali* reporter haa Attended a number of entertainments giro by the Rifles and they were first- dam ic every respect. The fact that the Rifles are at the bind of everything •odd b a guarantef of its high jCarac- There axe babies' «m! the OMllr. uiy Williams owns rincertea- morning gets ahead even of Batyr Rath Cleveland, fsr he's a boy, and shV, poorfdear, » only a gkb : v its advent on the 12th day after Christmas, it comes under the i ■£c charm of the mistletoe, and is bound lb love and be loved, and to have all manner of good.fcrtnne. TMb Herald wishes the Baby—with a big B—on GRmore street many happy is over. Ihe new year has begun. The city election has been de cided sad every man should now lie at peace with his neighbor. The last of the paring on Plant ave nue between New and Old Waycross i* completed, making a splendid bu-ine*s thoroughfare. Home of you may not hare noticed the formation of the new legal firm of Hitch A Myers, successor* of Col. 8. W. Hitch. The courteous gentlemen com posing this firm arc well known to The Herali> readers. Their legal talent is unquestioned, and business placed in their hand* will have prompt and satis factory attention. The charter for the Tobacco Growers and Manufacturers Association has been granted aud a meeting of stockholders has been called for Tuesday, January-, 12 at 7:30 p. m., at the Y. M. C. A. Rooms. Htorkholders should lie pres ent in {>erson or by written proxy, with their 10 per cent. All arrangment* have )>een made to begin planting at once. Those who have not subscribed to the stock and desires to do so, should attend this meeting, A sash, door, blind and cheap furni ture factory will be located here this year. At least, so says the gentleman from Newark, N. J. who has been here and engaged a site for the purpose, aud who selected Way cron* in preference to Valdosta, Brunswick and Jesup. The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers is composed of an intelligont and honorable membership. The members of that order in Way cross are as affable a set of gentlemeu as you can find. Their rooms in the Reed block—which we were courteously shown through a few days since is elegantly furnished and has an air of permanency. The order has recently closed a contract with the 8. F. and W. railroad on the basis of pay for miles run, and the members are highly gratified with the change. The new organization of conductors if properly managed can do much good for their membership. We hope to see them permanently locate in quarters of their own at no distant date. The new safety gates at the crossing near the express office in nearly com- pletedand will be the means of preventing serious accident, several of which have already been narrowly avoided. The big pile of fresh clay on Plant Avenue near the depot means that a sub stantial foundation is being built for the waterworks stand pipe. Have you seen that big new addition to the School building? Contractor Brown will complete it next week, and then we will have room for 100 more pupils. That roof on the new Court House presents an imposing appearance, but the contractors will have to work fast to be ready for the April term of court. Ixx>k at the new advertisement of Cason A Miller. These gentlemen make specialty of fine butter,, direct from a farm in Orange County, New York, and fine flour from the West. Try them. Mr. W. E. Spangler is starting a novel advertising scheme. He proposes to build a large wagon with advertising spaces for sale on each side and the back, and will go through the country distributing and posting advertising matter for our merchants. Mr. Spangler is well fitted for this work. He will perform the ser vice faithfully, and this form of advertis ing is sure to pay. He will represent The Herald and work for its interests on his various trips. The Confederate Veterans’ reunion Waycross will be a grand affair. ^ should not only aim to give our guests a rousing welcome, but we should press them ,with the future importance of our growing city. Those who want to buy tobacco seed should write to H. S. Ragland Seed Co., Hyco, Halifax Co., V*. See their ad vertisement in this number. This com pany has the largest tobacco seed farm the world. PEUOm MENTION. Dr. McSIaster and Mr. McWhorter paid New Year’* call* all day and in the evening. This is a pleasant custom too much neglected in Waycross. Mr. W. H. Miller was taken quite ill Saturday evening after close attendance on the election as one of the supervisors in a building not warmed. We are glad to learn the indisposition was only tem porary. Dr. A. M. Moore, a prominent citizen of Blackshear, died December, 30th. af ter a long illness. We see by the Florida papers that Mr. H. A. Bennett, representing Ferst A Co., is a jiopular Knight of the'Grip. Miss Hattie Murphy gave a party to her young friends New Years Night. Mr. Robert Austin, who was several yean* ago recording clerk in the Road way office of the 8. F. A W. R'y here, spent last Sun<iay in Waycross calling on his many friends. His headquarters are now in Macon where, as auditor of expenses for the Florida. Southern Rail way, he ably fills a position of trust and responsibility. Col. Htone of the Savannah Morning News looked in on us Saturday. Our friend, Guy Pride, of Jackson ville, made us a pop call Thursday. •Santa Claus put a baby girl in his stock ing. He says “the mother and child are doing well, and the father is expected to recover.” Guy has a good voice for singing lullabys oft in the stilly night. We wish him all the delights of father hood. We learn with regret of the illness of our friend Dr. J. L. Walker. Our genial ticket agent had a tight shave. STATEMENT or Ok Condition of thr Sooth GoorsU Unnh of JTnj.ruu, at the Om of B«hriti January 2, 1*92. Overdrafts " i, stocks or other securities... 3JD0 00 iRg house and fixtures - Wf 98 Other real estate - 1,000 85 I)ue from State hanks and lianker* 4,406 06 the State.. ’ash— Currency 1 Gold 1 Other cash items j Current expenses... Capital stock, paid np... °urplus ndivhled profits .. .... Exchange... Due unpaid dividends. Due depositors, viz: Subject to check ) 67,927 32 Time Certificates > 11,986 35 Cashier's cheeks ) 308 Notes and hills rediscounted.... Over and short per cent STATE OF GEORG I A. Wa be CotJmr. Before me came J. K. Wndley, Cashier of, the South Georgia Bank cf Waycross, who ’ ' ’ lly sworn, sap the above statement condition .of said bank, as shown by the hooks of file in said bank; and he further swears that since last return made to the State Bank Examiner, of the condition of said bank, to the best of affiant's knowl edge aud Mic£ that the said bank, through " ’ ' not violated or evaded any ecd by law. J. E. WAPLEY Cashier, to and subscribed liefore me, this 4th day of January, 1892. Mr. Geo. H. Bell, of Newark N. J. was in the city this week looking for a factory site. Mr. N. McQueen, ol Johnston Station, has been in the city this week getting up stock for a brick manufacturing compa ny to be located on his splendid clay de posit near Johnston. We understand that several parties have taken stock. Waycross will be the headquarters of the enterprise and we wish it every success. J. R. Saunders,of Saunders Bros. Man ufacturers of lumber at Alexanderville, Ga., was in the city this week. # The following gentlemen were in the city this week: R. A. Moody, Jackson ville; J. A. Hill, Brunswick; C. H. Beck with, Glenmore; W. H. Love, Tifton; C. W. Stegall, Thomasville; E. C. Harrall, Bainbridge. Mr. Geo. E. Clark, of the Lee County New, Smithville, visited The Herald this week. places, in New Waycross. Apply J. R. Kinoirr. With the epidemic of LaGrippe ii North and its alarming fatality, it be hooves us mil to guard against exposure colds, which, even in our kindly cli mate may at this trying season lead to serious results. J. U. Knight can sell you an Organ o Piano cheaper than yon can buy in Nev York or Savannah. And that’s just what, the matter with Hannah. seplffif A tax-payer who has risen from land- poverty to the enjoyment of a handsome income through the wise policy he has steadily tried to resist, grumbles because he cannot eat his pudding and have Notes and bills discounted-. other securities— SB ' estate... - tate l« I>ue from banks or banket ...1.W7 50 ...2.790 61 93 10 17,252 21 LIABILITIES- For Rent. iVaj tWeen r the Methodist district parsonage. w anted. Wanted at once, an experienced Saw Filer. Addrss ESTATE J. S. BAILEY. 4tf Beaileys Mills. Camden County, Ga. ADVERTISER’S CHEAP COLUMN. O.TJS-CE.VT-.4- WO HD. Advertisements, ten words or more, in erted In this column for ONE CENT a word »sh in advance. Anything you want to Mzy»aell. lease, let, in fact any want that too may have can be made known here. Fob Sale.—Cypress Shingles, in carload lots, three dollars per theusand, delivered in WaycrosS. Pine Bhingles at two dollars for No. 1, and 25-100 dollars for No. 2. Floor ing and Novelty Weather Boarding and other dressed buiKlina material at lowest rices. Apdres J. - -cPonald, McDonald's SmiT’ IB. A W. Railroad). property and paying for this Small Masonic Pix—Found avenue, and left at Herald office is still n paying for this advertisement. Horses to Rxirr.—Two cottages, one six- room. one five-room, in New Waycross, plastered, fire places and in good repair. Rent cheap. Apply at Herald office. tionary holders. HolS bj >y D. B. Sweat. V’rSTUa the iffierokee Nurseries will enabla you to do both. OrnamentaT l recs ami shrubbery, at the Cherokee Nurseries. Frutt Trees.—Now is the time to set yonr fruit trees. You can get anything in that line at the Cherokee Nurseries. Fine trees, low prices. Job Printing—Come to The Herald of fice for your job printing. We are firing up “ es, and have new preses and type on the way that will make our office fixtures, and have new prese* and ...... ,c wav that will make our “ more complete than any other office Rations, pro section. Fine wedding card;. .... grams, ball room lists, ladies and gents ing cards, business cards, society and busi ness stationary, posters, pamphlets and all other printing executed in the best manner and lowest prices at The Herald office. Plant avenue. CASON tfc MILLER, Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour and Butter are Specialties. Court House Square. Waycross, Georgia. FRANK C. OWENS, -0°:)- The: Leading: Clothier. OWENS BLOCK, WAYCROSS : GEORGIA. ARE NOW OPEN IN THE OWENS BLOCK. Their took Embraces the latest Novelties in Dry Goods and Trimmings. In Ladies Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Etc. their Stock is Complete. A Fall Line of Checks, Jeans, Calicoes and Do mestics at Prices Never Before had in Waycross. A cordial invitation is extended to all. BRAD. WATSON & CO. THE LEADING DRY GOODS STORE, OPPOSITE DEPOT. Waycross, - - Georgia. WAGONS AND BUGGIES. We have Just Received a Car Load of Wagon* OF TT1-I.1 best makes, And have in Stock a full line of Bugnies, Road Carts and 3 HARiVESS. Call and examine* our stock and get prices. . j . J. A.. JONES a co., Plant Avenue. Waycross, MY MOTTO: Best Goods for the Least Money. All men do not think alike as was ev idenced by the opposition to the Regular ticket on Saturday, but “great minds run in the same channel,” as was demon strated by the result of the balloting. Hauan’s Cordoran, Kangaroo, Patent Leather and French Calf all going for 20 per cent, off, next week only. B. H. Levy, Bro. & Co. Friday the 1st was the 29th anniver sary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Our colored people celebrated it with quite a creditable street parade. The Phoenix Register shows a list of arrivals from all parts of the United States. The election excitement was short, sharp and decisive. The Brunswick Echo will be heard no more. It is defunct. Mrs. Furlong entertained her Sunday school pupils one evening last week. Bead Levy’s advertisement for special shoe sale. You can be benefited by it. Another recently rich property owner makes Rome howl because of a school tax “to educate other people’s children.” It isn’t the State’s fault that this prop erty owner hasn’t any children, and where, O l where are humanity and sweet charity when we cannot give of our abundance to the poor and unfortunate? Apply to E. H. 2k Since the above was penned, we learn with sorrow that the wee little stranger is not expected to live; the mother, how- ««.!• doing well—Ed. In connection with our special shoe sale we will slaughter prices on the **■ * *' ^of neckwear ever exhib- oss. A cell will convince . R H.-Levy, vAiP : The beautiful white japonica in the grounds of H. W. Reed were fro zen Monday night, the coldest night of tie season. The Drualic Society of Waycross makes its debat in the Opera House the evening of the 18th, in the interest of the finances of the High SchooL Mr. W. H. Miller presented The Herald with a turnip raised on his place measuring 18 indies in rircumfer- Warc county sand is hard . Special shoe sale last all next week at B. H. Levy, Bro. A Co’s. Levy’s special shoe sale for mei boys next week will be the greatest op portunity t ever offered wearers of ’fine Grace k McNeil. This enterprising firm, through genial friend, Ben Grace, has written up an attractive ad for this issue of The Herald These gentlemen know the valoe of printers ink. SHOE SALE. will begin Monday, January 11th, and end Saturday. January 10th. making a six day* sale. This will eclipse any sale of fine shoes for men and boys ever in Waycross (20 per cent, reduction) on Hanan’s line. Every ed buyer will remember that Hanan* the finest Hand Sewed line in Hanan’s H. S. Cordivan. 29 per cent. off. Hanan’s H. S. French Calf 29 per cent, off Hanan’s H. S. Kan*anx) 20 per cent, off Hanan’s H. 8. Patent Leathers 20 per cent, off A few other lines in cheap Calf and Buff same reduction—20 per cent. off. This sale will only last Six Days, and every mad boy that appreciate* a fine she Itoonic BuMint. Y. L STANTON, General Agent, 9 REED BUILDING, WAYCROSS, GA., HoproBontlng tlao Equitable Life Assurance Soicety —-Of the United States. Policies Absolutely Incontestible NON FORFEITABLE. UNRESTRICTED, and are PAID AS PROMPTLY AS BANK DRAFTS. THEY PROTECT YOUR FAMILY. THEY LI FT M ORTGAGES, CANCEL DEBTS, and a GOOD COLLATERAL W" In formation Cheerfully Furnished by auy of the Society's Agents. Sept5-4m. MILLINERY GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Mrs. C. A. Cotingham Has now on exhibition the Finest Display of Millinery Goods EVER SEEN IN WAYCROSS. She is receiving her Now Stock Now. and invites her friends to call on her. She will carry a full line of Nevly Trimmed Rats of the Very Latest Styles. Children’s Hats and Caps*a Specialty. She has an experienced Milliner from Baltimore, who will take great pleasure filling all orders satisfactorily Don’t forget to call at her new store BETWEEN POST OFFICE AND BANK. Waycross, ^ - - Georgia. W. P. LEE, GROCERIES,: BAY,: GRAIN! Next Door to the north of Lanier & Youmans, Where, with his SPLENDID STOCK He is supplying the public at Lowest Prices. and be satisfied. Call on me Waycross, Ga., Jiriy 4-tf. w- THECITYBAKERY Everything in Stock Warranted to be Pure aud Fresh. FORE STICK CANDY F&NCY C&ME Are Specialtiser. We fill Orders from neighboring towns in lots not less than One Dollat. Address all correspondence to THE CITY BAKERY, WAYCROSS. GA. S. L. GUPTON, PROPRIETOR OF THE Waycross Carriage Works, -Manufacturer and Dealer 1 mjGGIES. ROAD AND FARM CARTS ETC.. liieffli, Oirtais ad Mil a Stacifr. Old Boggle* and Carts Worked Over and Made to Look aa Good aa Mew. , My Horsesboer is a Thorough Ifofewrifttttil. and is Alwaja Ready to do Your Work. ORDER