The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, January 30, 1892, Image 2

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•HUgftgQgg ferula.. Hl«ALOPUBLISHIKC COMPANY. Hnbacrlptkm tl OO prr annum Xn. fc. I- llErn. H>»pr. *’ > mn| A|tal aa4 C'amtytaAtat ■•'■■“aawM ■MMlw(taK. A «nit< THE HERALD jft^aaaraar •fcaadky U»« Hmi|R I jawnri - ~i f- r^'—“— t^niT ytnammi ukca oely u adwtfaac mum SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1802. War ? Not yet. (Jhili apologise* And the war cloud vanishes. The cause* fur the disagreement be- tween the republics of Chili and th« United State* may be briefly stated. Chili waa in the throe* of a civil war. Under international comity the United States aUrfxl neutral, but recognised, of c«iurec, the existing government until the Revolutionists gained the ascendancy, when they were duly recognized. In ita neutral rapacity the United State* had seized the Itata, nil insur gent war veaael, in accordance with in ternational neutrality law. This seiz ure and the failure of the United State-* to prematurely recognize the revolution- i*t* are the initial cause* of the tension l*etween the two countries. The Immediate Cauwm of the «i*a- greement were the insult* heaped upon the United State* minister and citizens in CTliili an evidently premeditated at- tnck upon the aailorsot the United States man of war, 11*1 iimore, in the city of Santiago, and au offensive unofficial note addressed by the Chilian Minister o! Foreign Affair*, Mr. Matta, to Mr. Monti Minister to the United States. TlIK Result of this state of affair was an ultimutuin sent by President liar nmon to the Chilian government de manding an immediate a|*>logv for tin offensive note of Minister Matta, repara tion for the attack on the Haiti more sail ors,and protection to American citizen* in Chili, and Ja message by the President to Congress reviewing the siiuatiou and directing the attention of that body to the farts, for their consideration and ae-. tion upon. Chili, however, hastened to avow her willingness to make ample amends in n full compliance with the demands of our government. that our government lias lnn-n shown the necessity for a more thorough naval equipment, and will undoubtedly pro ceed at once to add to her naval strength The people of the North have been shown that the Southerner is a patriotic citizen and will be foremost in defense of hia nation’s honor, and other nations will have greater respect for the dignity and greater confidence in the perpetuity of The New Orleans incident is frequent ly referred to|by the foreign pr*ss as a justification of Chili should she refuse the demands of the United States. Wo fail to sec a parallel between these incidents. In New Orleans there existed a branch of the Italian Mafia, which society the Italian government had tried repeatedly to root out in it* own cuun- try. Members of this gang killed the New Orleans Chief of Police. They were arrested and tried, but through a pcijurcd jury were released, when a task of citizens took the law in their own hands and mected out justice these men who were not proven to have been Ital ian citizens, and were certainly not uni ted representatives of the Italian govern ment. On the other hand, it is clearly shown that the indignities in Chili were reserved exclusively for the men who wore the naval uniforms of this country. The offence was against the government, and not the individual. ATTEXTION TOBACCO GROWERS. On Monday night, February 1, a meeting of the Tobacco Grower* Aaso- darion will be held at the Y. M. C\ A. room* for permanent organization, at 7:30 p. m. On Tuesday night. February 2, there wiltts? an informal meeting of all who arc interested in the subject of tobacco growing at the court rpom. Farmers and >thcr» interested should be present to discuss this important subject. Cur contemporary promise* to give me facts regarding its circulation from the j*ostmastere in Charlton and Ware counties. We are glad of this. The statement of facts from that source will be- an interesting innovation: Facts and evidence ure the Herald's strongest allies, and we liave an inter esting array of them for the enlighten ment of our readers, both as regards circulation and other matter*, Brother, you ha\e adopted at last th»* correct course, and one which the Herald hx- frequently recommended. SEWS OF Tin: WEEK. Associate Justice, J<v. P. lira) the United State* Supreme court, Washington, Jau. 22nd, of illnes* ing from an attack of la gripj»e. A large delegation of Michij Nothing see; Mexican revolt of 4 iurza, whici WARESBOBO. Wae»>bobo, Oa., Jan. 27, 1892. To the Herald: The casualties since our Iasi are sad to record. Ogaly Giddings, while off in the country last Sunday with a party of young people mounted a very fine horse of one of the party, upon which the horse took fright, ran away, threw young Giddings, ren- lering him insensible and continued Ins race until he materially injured him- j ►elf. Mr*. O. moved here recently, bringing her beautiful 'laughter and 1 bright eon to get the advantages of the High School, and now by this misfortune her son, at least, will lie detained for some time aud probably a cripple f> life. A woeful result of a Sabbath ex- We learn that Tilden Spence, n small boy and son of S. A. Spence, Town Mar- r •lml, had hia arm broken while wrestling with a little chum on the 24th. This brings us to the ►age conclusion of the old African: When Use got to rastle wid a mau, I’ll fight him while I’se at it. A. I). Middleton and A. 15. Spence, of Wayne and W. G. Carter, of Coffee, mong tin- matriculate* to the High School tbi» week. Besides these, 7 more f the local patrons entered. The fair weather has depleted town isitors, and the farmer is radiant with ►utiles at being able to start the plows. Our farmers seem to have set in with | LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Ware Coast*. STTRMTVP^g TAX SALE OF UNBETURNED WILD LAND FOR 185)1. GEORGIA. WabkCounty. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next at the court door iu said county with in the legal hour* of sale to the highest bid der foi cash, the following Rots ntiretumed SHERIFF’S TAX SALE. highest bidder for cask, the following lands. 3, 45. seal ami i i of plenty i litcnce of which a : lately be predicted. I see men raise their luit* when a dis- isea by; I note that w when a lawyer or !a; I observe that ? rich merchant has under considem- n, possibly, ‘-the bending of the cring v follow famine, vatment i* considered good r the jioor, dirty, delving le whose work i* tlu? most >f human comfort, whose daily tinguislied div I* ople scrape ing knee tha but * lots number 113. 103. 82, 7 ’ ■* * >f — 113. ISth district of said county, and No. 97, 72 In the 2nd district, lots No. 338.578, 346, -IftS. *1,251.2351.238. 234. 527.521. 5U9. 561.496. 492. 4oO. 451. 453. 401. 471. 341. 484. 254, 267. 253. 291. 272, 271. 29. 40. 91. 118. 135, 138. 139, 151. Iff). 167 in the 8th district, of said lty. and lot No. 324 in the 7th district, also lots Nos. 549.544. 338. 557. 532, 477 . 475, 630,0)7. 614. 629. 31. 39, 105. 176. 185. 247, 253, 254, 255, 25**. 318,326, 327. 331.389, 390, 403.464. 40). 461. 462. 473 in the 12th dis trict of said county. Said lots of land con taining each 190 acres more or less. Said lots of land levied on as unreturned Wild Land, under and by virtue of Tax Execu tions issued by T. T. Thigpen. Tax Collector of Ware county, for State and County T^x due thereon, for the year 1801. This Janua ry 26th. 1*02. S. F. MILLER, jan 3o-36l Sheriff Ware County. the Court House door in said ‘ e legal hours of sak*. cask, t to-wit: One lot of land No. 363, in 8th Dbtri< containing 490 acre*, more or less. Levied on a* the property of W. W. Ashbuni to sat- execution issued by T. T. Thigpen, I»i. t>nn . . Levied property of Mr». Wm. R. Cox. to satisfy a tax execution issued by T. T. Thigpen. Tax Collector of said county, lor her State ar * county tax. due thereon for the year 1891. Also at same time and place 20 acres lan lot No. 361. in 8th District of Ware count Levied on as the property of W. K. Cone. M. Stiger. Agent, to satisfy a tax executic.. Issued by T. T. Thigpen. Tax Collector of Ware county, for his State and county due thereon for the year 1891, Also at same time and place lots land No. 140 and 141, in 8th District of said county. Lev ied on as the property of G. W. Glenn, J. M. Stiger. agent, to satisfy a tax execution is sued by T. T. Thigpen. Tax Collector Ware county, for State and county tax, due there- SHEHJFF’S TAX SALE. GEORGIA, Ware Cocxtv. Will be sold on the first Tuesday March next^it the court house door in sj county, within the legal hours of sale to t highest bidder for cash, the following prop erty to-w’* (10) ten lying and being on the for the year Also at same time and place let land. No. ©.in 5th Dist. of said county, Leried on a* the property of M. Hall, to satisfy a tax ex ecution. issued by T. T, Thigpen. Tax Col lector of Ware county, for State and county tax, due thereon for the year 185)1. This January 27th, 1892. S. F. MILLER, jan 30-30d Sheriff Ware County. f lot No. 246, in 8th lid 10 a s of land the west lands it. Levied on as the property imore. under and by virtue of n issued by T. T. Thigpen, Tax -aid county, for his State an ’ Jue thereon for the year 189 S.F. MILLER. Sheriff Ware County. who the Mexican^ can get (sisavsrti : youthful o{»crator, C. 1*1 Davidson, nabled us last summer, during the ‘ of agent Hillhouse, to provide so • for His Excellency's visit, hv his l ollectur of county tax. This Jan. 27. 1892 jan 30-30d SHERIFF’S TAX SALE. GEORGIA, Ware County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the Court House door in said county within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, tin- following property* to-wit: (400) four hundred acres of land, !< 492. ill 5th District ..f \\* Le istynt Thigpen. Tax Collectoi cl by T. T. the year 1891. This January 26tli. 185*2. iiINiaedon the telegraph c Home from Cuba. The Herald had a delight Id* week from Mr*. .1. G. Justi ih* recently returned from a tri uteroting little island that lie* s'Utliern coast—that i* so Real n the custiTus and habit. . n language, government a lebool this week. We ol. W. A. McDonald paid milar if the people. ..I religion. Kinish neigh- thc soil. m- Tampa 1 l send off ct temptation -ide* ; ieallv leave a part lars at home, tte proved a Mas- them safely to the West, where they ighl-seeing, aud on to which One or two of our little whipsnapper exchange* are worrying themselves need lessly over the success of the Herald. It la the ancient story of the fice barking at the mastiff. Boys, don't make your selves ridiculous by squeaking out your disappointments, under the cloak of a patriotism of which you are incapable of understanding the first principles. Try and grow a little and when you arc full- Acdged|swn you can discuss honest prin ciples with other men in a straightfor ward and logical manner. When you learn that truth to be sustained does not require the arts of the demagogue, and that evidence is the noblest weapon known to the civilization that breeds honest, earnest, intelligent men, you will discover that the public exhibition of poor puerile disappointments is very bod taste, and a wanting in the first el ement of true principle. FARMERS INSTITUTE. On Tuesday, February 2, during the recem of court, there will be a meeting of citizens to discus* measures for the entertainment of delegates and visitors who will be in attendance on the Farm- era Institute that will be held here l>or. taken less than it year ago by the editor, wu* vividly recalled by mutual remiuiscencs,which were almost identical in every detail, even to the “slight touch” of sea-sickncss while on the “heaving main’’ (no joke intended). Our friend’s party consisted of fifty North Carolina school teachers, and the feast of reason etc.,” did not pro- ent them trout seeing all there was of merest t«» the interrogative American Mr. Plant’s 1 * gave them a g.x and lessened th> pickpocket*, beside* giving tlici opportunity to patri of their American d The steamer Me*' rocky shores of Ke; liud five hours of the beautiful harbor of Hav they entered on the sixth anniversary of the steamer’s nautical life. All the party felt much sympathy for their cour teous officer, Captain llanlon, whose sad affliction in the death of hi* wife from a fall from the g-.tng-plunk at Port Tampa, was not made known to him until the telegraphic news reached him at Key West. A week in Havana .was seven days of unabated interest, strange sight*, sound* and experiences, and doubtless a visit long to Ik* treasured by every member of the party. Kay I- Royce. As an impersonator and delineator of character, especially in the humorous side of life, Mr. Royce i* a notable sne- i, and likely to reach a good measure of fame iu his line. The company was a pleasing one, and the play a medley of fun and music linked together with a thread of romance in the usual proportion of love, senti ment and human nature well portrayed. A. C. Brooks made the ‘ideal rural landlord, and the camera Send, Arthur C. Moore*i* a banjo player par excel lence. The house was a fair one in numbers, and select and appreciative to a degree. There was a larger attendance titan usual of ladies, especially young ladies, and they all looked charming and hap py- of Mrs. A. R. Ik jittend the Wareslxi edit. At lai J. llro gone and outfit for that pajx J. G. Carter, and M, last Tuesday with a mule*. We bid them took a lock of theii; h idUpo g the hotel De united the countv < able to be on ey, and A. I). Mid- red on the 24th to > high school, of the Union, hi purchase the pre* Lctlera of Administration. :EOROIA~Wabe Cocxtv. To all whom it may concern : Janies M. Sweat haviujr. in proper form applied t. permanent letters of a.lministratioi estate of Alexander It. Philip*, lai J county, this I* to cite all and singular • creditors und next of kin of Alcxuiulc It. Philips to lx.* and appear at my otlic. within the time allowed by law. and shoi cause, if any they «-an. why pcnnnncnt ad ministration should not lx? granted to Jam M. Sweat on Alexander Philips’ estate. Witness my hand and official signatm this 18th day of January, 1S!)2. j a n23-41 WARREN LOTT, Ordinary. Kinannel Williams Sarah WUliaii In Ware Superior it, Sarah William*, mat appear i«. DtT-' 0 next mnuar ter held there to ’iFtl in and Monday in April 185)2. then ai swer the plaintiffs libel in default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain. Wit ness the Honorable Spencer R. Atkinson, Judge of said court. This the 18th day of January, 1802. W. M. WII-SON twice a m2m. Clerk S. C. W. FRANK C. . for the year 1891 ' ’ 10 at same time l 8th District of Also at same time and place lot land. No. application will lie The: Leading: Clothier. OWENS BLOCK, WAYCROSS : GEORGIA. (: o:) MY MOTTO: Best Goods for the Least Money. TTiTTTi Citation. GEORGIA. Ware County. To all whom it may concern: Francis E. Prendcrgast, administratrix of John C. Pren- dorgast; deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the stock in the Chatham Real Estate and Itnprov inent Company, belonging to the estate. said deceased, and said ap heard on the First Monday in March iy office in the court house of said This January 20th v 1892. AN ORDINANCE Mure Clearly Defining the manner of Enforc ing the Collection of all Specific Tam Lcriol in anti for the City of 1 Tayerou, and the Petialty for Carrying on Any Baeinersin mid City upon which a Special License Tax is Levied, without first Paying the same. See. 1. The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Waycrocs, in meeting assembled, do ordain: That for the purpose of more clearly defining the manner of enforcing the col lection of all specific taxes levied in und for said city, and the penalty for carrying on my business in said city upon which a spe- •ial license tax Is levied without first pay ing the same, it is declared that any person who shall transactffollow or carry on oren- gage in any business, occupation, calling or pursuit whatever within said c ity, to a specific tax without first pa. same and obtaining u license therefoi mcli rule* and regulation > rescri bed, upon first paying tl»e - - - ln ,| cr lie prescribed, upon conviction shun shall Ik* fined ill a sum not to ex ceed one hundred dollars for each and every day such person shall so transact,follow.ear- ry on, or engage in said business, occupa tion, calling or pursuit, or be sentenced to work on the city chain gang not exceeding ninety days, or toconfinement in tlu* guard house not exceeding sixty days. Execu tions othei SPECIAL BARGAINS AT Dan Broadway English’s. A pretty line of 27-inch Worsted (all colors) (d It), 12A ami 15 cent* per yard 36-inch Cashmere (all colore) (S', 25, 271 and 50 cent* |x*r yard. 36-inch Suiting Flannel . r *0c., worth 65. 42-iuch Silk Warp Henrietta 68, 77A and $1.00. We don’t keep the cheapest Calico made Only New Styles, Best Colors, 5, 7 and X cent*. Our Domestic De partment i* full and complete. Bleaching*. Soadslands, Canton Flannel*, Checks, Ticking* Ac., at Bod U«M*k Prices. All wind Red and White Flannels 20, 23, 28, 30, 38 to $1.00 per yard. A Big Line Ladies and Cents Merino ami Wool Uuderwcar and Hosiery at any ice. Ladies Cashmcr Clove* 25, 40 and 50 cents; Kid* 50, 85, DO, #1.00 and $1.10. Corsets from 50 cent* to $1.50. ?w srrival* weekly in Millinery that don’t stay in long enough to quote. Order what you want in this line. We have it. Examine our St.K’k of Shoes, and sec where you have been wasting money. Parties ordering Dress Good* would find it to their interest to have us put in Trimming, Lining Ac. to suit the goods. Our line of Trimming is unexcelled, and Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH. levied i take effect from and immedi passage, and the Clerk Ls di ‘ “1 also h . for shall B Sec. 3. And l>e it further ordained. That all ordinances and part* of ordinances in conflict herewith l*e and the same are hereby tract from Council proceeding* Janua ry 20th, 1892. Published by order of city council of Waycross, Ga.. W. D. HAMILTON. Clerk Council. The next play at the open booked for the 12th. The Hexald, is rapidly making February 6th, and for providing a place ! quaintance and friends with the farmers of meeting of the Imtitne. viled. All are in- I in Ware and adjacent counties. That’ right, that means business. They need Among oar distinguished visitors will j us and we need them, and together we’ll be Prot White and Prof Hunnicutt. make Wiregrass Georgia’ hump herself. Sears left towi drove of Tcxa ir, sis they said lack uutil they “hoof and hide” left here with. Rev. Lewis Thomas of Hoboken, filled the pulpit at the Congregational chuuch here last Sunday. While waiting for smith hound train to carry him home the next morning he was stricken speechless and senseless. He recovered sufficiently in the afternoon to talk, but is very low. Prof. Robt. E. Lee Jeffords has been added to the corps of teachers at the Waresboro high school, and has charge of the telegraphic department of that - Wajcros*-Barrel Factory. At a meeting of the incorporators of this company, with others interested, at the Y. M. C. A. room* on Tuesday 11 charter was presented by the Attorney, Col. J. I- Sweat, and accep- i ted. 100 shares of the capital stock, or $10,000 were snl«crib&l and ten per cent, paid in. The following <*lQcers were elected: H. Murphy, President; F. G. Owens, Vice-President; A. M. Knight, Secre tary ; JI. A. Cannon, Superintendent J. L. Sweat, Attorney. Director*: C. C. Grace, H. W. Reed, A. H. Morgan W. P. Lee, G. G. Parker. It is understood that operations will be begun at once, and the contracts made by Mr. Cannon in the interest of the company, will be filled. Although late in getting started, we are pleased to know that this enterprise is at last tut assured institution. An effort was made in the interest, it is understood, of cer tain barrel manufactories at other places, to stop the organization of a factory at this point, but our citizens do not pro pose to allow her enterprises blocked in that manner. Sucres* to the Waycross Barrel Manufacturing Company. . GRACE & McNEIL A.RE STILL Offering Great Bargains I3W WESTERN FURNITURE CO. HAS TO SAY. Mil io lie Compeil with Money Saving TRADE WITH US AND YOU WILL ALWAYS SAVE MONEY, LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES AND LATEST STYLES Are what we offer you now. Every one i* surprised that call* on u*. You will say it is a positive fact that such an array was never seen liefore. Our 8|H*cialtie* in Furniture ure Fancy Parlor Suits, lk**l Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, Man tels and Standing Cabinets, Office Fittings. Etc., Etc. Our Carpet department Specialties: Mouquettc, Wilton and Brussel* Carpets, from 30c to $1.60 a yard. Also, u large u|q»ortuiciit of Law Curtains, Tambour and Rennisssance Portiere of every Style mid (Quality. Window Shades a Specialty. Don’t forget that we can fill your wants, no matter what they are. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Matting laid; Window Shades hung—all Exclusively free of charge. Come und convince yourself tliat we mean what we say. See our $20.00 bed room suit.*, worth $30.00. Our assortment of mattresses and springs will make you aware what bargain* mean. Our grand selection of picture*, our most desira ble assortment of quilts, blankets, comforts, and our large stock or chairs and rockers will make you believe we mean business. We want mouey. You want the something of that list, or some article which we have in stock, and they are too numerous to mention. Let u* make the exclumge. We sell our goods on the Installment Plan, and we give you a gmnl discount by paying Cash. lie appeal to you all, citizens of Waycross and vicinity, to give us a trial, and patronize us, | which will Ik* very much appreciated. Yours most humbly and respectfully, THE WESTERN FURNITURE CO., Herschkovitz Bros. &. Heller. Dccemljer 26-tf Some beautiful specimens Navel Orange brought from the gn»Te of cx-Governor Reed, near Jacksonville, have excited much jumiration in the ed itor’s office this week. One branch con tains orange blossoaw, green leave* and a golden fruit weighing fourteen ounces and measuring fourteen and inches in circumference. •< half DRY GOODS. SHOES Y. 1. STANTON, A3VD General Agent, REED BUILDING, WAYCROSS. GA.. Koprosontlng ttao Millinery. ■JUST RECEIVED, Fifty Pieces of Prints, Splen did Assortments of Colors. Come Early and Get First Choice. Equitable Life Assurance Sflicet" Of the United States. Policies Absolutely Incontestible NON FORFEITABLE. UNRESTRICTED, and are PAID AS PROMPTLY AS BANK DRAFTS. THEY THEY LIFT MORTGAGES. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY. CANCEL DEBTS, and are GOOD COLLATERAL. gjTInformation Cheerfullu Fumiahetl by auy of the Society*n Ayentm. % Sept5-4m. CASOJXT cSo Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour and Butter are Court House Squire. Specialties.