The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, February 20, 1892, Image 1

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vol. xm. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1892. NO. 21. Services every Sunday aflt for men only. Hnvnnnnh, ( • cot*ggf4t■ feb 3)-ly ... , "me imtn which incite miuiiiEruiuu randattng agent comfortably coopud up , rcthe , upwior and advan- inatoxnar. Thet.l^ph, fr e .*U. «- ^ thVunifcd State.; higher «*e», If If 1 "®”,’ 1 ' 1 . V : “ fewer hour, of labor, better living, free- tbe car, aud w ten . r. mi eairea to f n(nl niiiitarv duty and burdensome turn round he sitnplv backs out of hw ^ . , *. . . e guru ruuuu r- taxation and regulations involving free- den. and goes back m the same way. , , . , , , ’ f .. . A dom of movement and personal liberty, The people there would appreciate a aD( ] better opportunities for rising to depot and we hope the officials will take higher social levels in this country; and the matter under advisement in Russia it is due to religious persecu- Tbefarmem in that aecHon are thrifty They obtained rtatistica from all and are making a suceeas in their line. They are preparing for larger crops this c »e n t. of the immigrants who land here year, from what we can learn. They come upon tickets sent by relative* or will plant mainly grain crops, cutting off friends who preceded them, and which the usual acreage of the fleecy staple, are purchased in this country.” many of them will experiment on tobac- co this year. The American Aeronautic. Machine —“ r ^ . 7 7* ... . Company has been chartered in Savan- Cbm, Mcilralq ™» elect toeutetitn „ lh . P ^ e K>nlI>ulr will coadruet the Sing Sing penmn bebntxvy 8th. The fl; „;,l to hove been in doctor. who were pec** declared, wtth ^ ,, r M , T H Gignillut „ young 'SjZtZEZ. Savannian. Me. d. H. MO. and many Tbi* b the seveth execution in New ! prominent gentlemen of Savannah, are York State by the new process of in- ! among the incorporators. People are dieting the death penalty by electricity, ; rally skeptical about flying ma- and b considered been more ; chines, bat von will wake up some “VKr^bc li^KZnfcr.I movniu- and'*c one mooting riong was subiected to such advene criticism \ right through the air. With one of these and hints of bungling a* to cause an j machines Editor Estill can start from edict not oermittiog any reports to news-1 the cnpalo of the News aud land in front «SrTof Se su«eeding executions, t of the Macon Telegraph office, hi- other unm the Governor wisely interfered and j daily, in an hour, writing editorials on removed an embargo that couhl only ex- | the way. Tin* is a great age.—Free dte suspicion and unjust surmises. 1 Press. Wahesboro, Feb. 15. C'apt. Ben. E. Russell was unanimous ly chosen to deliver an address before the Reading Circle at its next meeting. His fame a* an orator has caused an eager desire on the part of young and old of our town to hear him. The gen tleman who seconded his nomination last Friday evening spoke of him as the “John Temple Grdves” of South Geor gia. As improvement in oratory b a main end sough; by thb society, she has chosen the fairest exponent in the coun ty. While on thb point, I venture to censure our institutions for a lack of locative pride and appreciation. Our people seem to think that a man who b met and seen every day b not meritori ous or talented, and theno mi plain that our neighbors and friends are overlooked when vacancies occur in State, judicial or diplomatic circles. The truth of i t fUTTLE LIVER Foreign andDomestic Fruits CANDIES, CONFECTIONERY. TOBACCO, CIGARS. CIGARETTES, Ar. Ice Cold Drinks, Albany Avenue, WAYCROSS, GEORGIA It is supposed by many that pears do better here than any other fruit crop; but it b a mistake. Peaches, plums, grapes, figs, apples and almost all other fruits do equally well and are fully as profitable. Dr J. R. Deilge has moved hi» den tal office to the new Folks Block, up stairs. 9-4t OFFICERS OF WARE COl STY. Waro*n Ix>tt—Ordinary. W. M. Wilson--<Vrk Superior Court. 8. V Miller—Sheriff an«l Jailor. K. H. Crawley—'Treasurer. Joe II. Hroith—School i J. W. Booth—Coroner. County Comml-»lonrrv-W. A. W. IhiTidsirfi and I>. J. Blarkbnr Address, Wiymw, On, C1TT OFFICERS, WAYCROSS, HA Arthur M. Knight. May. \V. A. MrNi.1 tv. tv Hh»n I. G. Jnatk.. K H Murphy. ». B. » Clrrk "I t... . V. Farlu r, (try Anw-nrirml FiWntr Hr BOARD OV KDVCATIO.W. II. W. Reed. President: J. M l Marshall. Secretary; W. J. 4 an.well. L. Johnson, 8. W. Hitch, II. P. Brewer. J. L. talker. Hoard meets Second Satunla> in nionih at 2:39 p. m.. at High Hohool building. HAMITARY 4 UATKBWOHKH COM *. II Murphy. < horn. W. M. Wilson. M Albertson. |.eni JohnMin. W. A. Cason, H. W. «ml. W. I). Hamilton. Ex. Off. Clerk. Warren l/.tt. Ex. Officio Treasurer. Absolutely Pure* A cream of tarter baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength.— V. .S' fiurrnirnr,it Fmni Jlr/torf. WUI Von,l)u If t Use the Averill Paint, and paint but once in a Ion* period, or use somethin* "said" t< 1* a* poo.1, and n-paint every year or two Averill Point Is the liest. It is tlu* handsom «-st; no other has so brilliant a gloss. It i cheopcr than any other at any prirt Fred Ktoken, C.C.; Lowttu-r, K. H.and S. BHOTIIKRIIOOD IXK4UUITIVK KM- CllNKKH*. 1Hvision 425*. K. 8. Paine. Chief Engineer I and Ins. Agent; A. K. Hall First Assistant Engineer. Meeta 2d ami 4th Sundays earli month at 2 p, m.. Brotherhood ball, Reed i block. IXTKUXATIONAL AMO. MACIII5IIHTS. Wayeross Uslge No. 74 W. T. Brewer. M. M , T. N. Syfati, Secretary. Meets 2d and 4tli Saturdays eaehlinonth at IV E. E. ball. other paints demand proof of their dtii-ahil- Ity. The question is not What is the first eost ? •' but "How Ion* will it last ? ” Beau- ; tiful sample eanl of fashionahlc tints free, i The Sotilla Manufnetiirin* Co., Wayeross, I TOBACCO ! lank and slim, s fellers in the restaurant *uyin' him. V'nolo . sattcerful, as uncle took his cap— "When I s«srd your sign out yonder,” he went on to Unde Jake. “ 'Come in and get some coffee like your mother used to make,’ 1 thought of my old mother, of the l\*sey county farm. And men little kid ag'in a-hatigin'on her And she set tlie pot a-hilin,' broke the eggs and poured ’em ip"— And the feller kind o' halted, with a tremble in his thin, And Uncle Jake ue fetched the feller's coffee back and stood As solemn for a moment as an undertaker would; Then he sort o’ turned, and tiptoed to’rds the kitchen door, ami next Here comes his old wife out with hint a-ruhhin’ off her specs; And she rushes for the stranger, and she hollers out, "It’s him!” Thank God. we've met him cornin'! Don’t you know your mother, Jim?" And the feller, as he grabbed her. says, ’’You l>et I hain't forgot”— And wipin' off his eyes, says he, ’’Your coffee's mighty hot." --James Whitcomb is others treat us just as we treat our selves. If we have a genius among us, instead of taking advantage of every oc- oaaion to put hint forward, to advertise his capabilities, by wanton indifference we smother the flame until every spark has died out. We have lived in several States and our principal occupation has been “to teach the young idea how to shoot” yet none have held a steadier bow or sped a swifter arrow with uner- ing course than the wire grass South Georgia boys and girls. Oh! ye editors, ye fanners and friends, ye ministers aud merchants, ye teachers and tutors, let ntc implore you to encourage and pat ronize home talent. Their fame is a rich heirloom for your posterity. As “orange blossoms aiul mistletoe” will claim our attention and your space next week, we close with thanks for printing program, and send the follow ing of-the Reading Circle for the 2Gth inst: 1. Song—Wondrous Glory, by the society. 2. Recitation—by Miss Leila Rrittou. 3. Composition—subject, Phys iology, by George .Strickland. 4. Ad dress—by Capt. Ben R. Russell. 5. Re citation—“Rock of Ages,” by Miss Jes sie OTjuinn. Response by Miss Maggie Britton. t». Dialogue—by Julia Strick land and Mirian Spence. 7. Discussion —by Air. Mideleton and Mr. Caswell; Air. J. A. Spence and Air. Wilcox, sub ject “Front which do we receive more WAYC KOM* UIKI.KS. Company —. 4th regiment Georgia teem. Capt. J. Mol*. Karr; 1st I Jet J. II. Gifion: 2«l Lieutenant. T. I Herretary, John Hogan; Treasurer, Folks. Regular monthly n ” •lay of each month. Drill ami Thursday of each weel THE HERALD Furnishes Tobacco Seed FREE To Subscribers who pay One Dollar for a Year's Subscrip tion. Knoughifor from One to Three Acres. WAYCROSS, Ga., Jati. 20, 1892. # City Council met pursuant to adjourn- ; Cl, j 0 > ,,lt>nl Lighter Heat? 8. Lecture nunt. His Honor, Mayor Knight, pre- h - v I,r - J - M - 8|«»ce, continued. !>. W tiding—full Imanl of aldermen present. J ^ uet Miitsifs Dicie Giddius p i ten m ns l: i _i_ Read and ajiproveil the minutes edward lovells sons, Willi i . . Serviced on the first ainl thinl atll o'clock a. m and 7810 p. n meet in* WedlH-sday night at 7:3 Sahlwth fcIkmiI at li :i9 Tin* Karnes! Workers •lay afternoon. School ■APTIIT CHURCH. Albany Avenue, Rev. W. II. Scrag Breaching every S#U«tli 11 a. u. n». Sunday School every Sal.Uith :t p. I’raycr Meeting every Thursday 7::*» i> SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Hardware, Tinware, Plows, ■v WediMw- ' T ,,r I H '»tine Maiiufactiircrs’ Supplies, Ikir, Band and I loop IRON. :1s, Axles and Wagon Material, 'istols and Ammunition, dlft-ly Lloyd & Adams. DEALERS IX Paints, Oils, Doors. Sash ami Blinds. Terra Cotta and Sewer Pipes, BUILDERS HARDWARE, I.iiuv, Plaster aii.l. Hair and Ccnie 2 < 0 •/ X 35 © 0- S © (£ £ X. HS Savannah, : : Georgia. Sole Agents for Adamant I’la>>t«T. liest pronaration in the worhl for plastering walls and rrilinga. Write for circulars. dec 10-1 y the mmi, H. N. FISH’S European Hotel RESTAURANT, ittndl meeting held Jan. 18th, 1892. Chainiian Sharpe made rejiort on pur- hase of chemical fire engine. The en gine was purchasetl aud contract signed by parties to the same. Sanitary and Waterworks Commission a* granted two weeks further time to make annual report. The mayor was authorized to draw his warrant ott city treasurer for $500.00 o^* j d interest fund in favor of general d and $300.00 of same fund in favor { of water works. Passed ordinance relative to collec- ' ion <*f s|>ecif«c taxes. (Said ordinance ' •ublished.) Communication from clerk of county omniissioncrK laid on the table. Public property ^committee instructed o buy clothing and shoes for convicts. The bid of W. P. Lee to furnish pro- isions for convicts and mule feeil, ae- epted for one month. City printing awarded the Wayeross Herald at $120.00, and 10 per cent off of current prices for job work. City officers salaries for the year 1892 fixed at the following sums: Mayor’s salary $240.00 Aldermen’s salary $48.00. Marshal’s salary $780.00 Policemen’s salary, (each) $45.00 per month. Clerk Council’s salary $500.00. City Treasurer’s salary $150.00. City Attorney’s salary $200.00. Tax Assessor and Collector 4 jkt cent i collections. Street Overseer’s salary $720.00 j*er anuunt. Cemetery Keeper’s salary $150.00 per annum. City Engineer’s salary for services per formed as per rates heretofore fixed. Public Property Committee instructed to buy cabinet for Clerk’s office, at cost not to exceed $25.00. Tljat tlje chemical fire engine bought by the city be named R. G. Fleming honor of Capt. R. G. Fleming, General Manager of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway Company. Resolved Further, That the May requested to write Capt Fleming to ship the engine over his road free of freight charges. Council went into executive session and elected city officers, (list of same published in Wayeross Herald of the 13th inst) The regular mouthly meetings of coun cil same as last year—2nd Wednesday night in each month. Council adjourned. W. 1>. Hamilton, A. M. Knight, Clerk. Mayor. Miller. 10. Biographical sketch of Walter Scott—D. W. Lott, 11. Song anti music—by Miss Anna and Isliatn Tyre and Eveline Davis. 12. Song by the Circle—Sinless Summer Land. Miss Maggie Britton, Miss Laviiia Miller, J. H. Hillhouso, committee. One of lUr Station* on (he II. St XV. 1 roul—A Great Neal. A representative of the Hkrai.ii spent several hours iti Hoboken recently. Is the second station below Wave just fifteen miles from this city. There is much about Hoboken to remind that its “glory had departed” to a tain'extent. At one time Mr. W. E. Burbage of Brunswick, and Capt. H. T. Ketinou of the same place, operated extensive enterprises there. They turned into available wealth the Geor gia pine, first utilizing the turpentine and afterward the timber. The remains of what was once one of the best saw mills in South (tatrgia gives an idea of the immense business done there in days gone by. But another enterprise is in operation near Hoboken, giving employment to about three hundred men, and increasing the business of the place considerably. We refer to the extensive works of Messrs. Baily, Boles & Co. They have two camps, seven and nine miles south east of Hoboken, Itauling their ties to the railroad over a tramway. • We are informed that their shipments average $100 per day. A school has just been started at Ho boken, Mr. Edward Caroe being duly installed as teacher. The school is con. ducted in the church building. Services are held in the church once a month, conducted by the Rev. A. B. Findley, of Waresboro. * Mr. W. A. Martin, “Bill Martin,” as he is called, is in charge of the only store here; Mr. Moore is salesman and book keeper. He keeps a good line of general merchandise. Mr. Martin also runs a giu and grist mill iu connection with his mercantile business. It Is a matter of surprise to the writer that the officials of the Brunswick and POTPOURRI. It has been determined to construct the Georgia building at the World’s Fair out of Georgia pine. Governor Northen, chairman of the World’s Fair ex ecutive committee, has appointed a large committee covering all sections of the State, litany of them large lumber deal ers, whose business it will be to secure contributions of lumber and free trans portation for it to Chicago after it has been properly prepared for use in the buildiug, which is to be on an extensive plan. The scheme is favorably received by the press. It is claimed that Geor gia pine finished in oil as hard wood would be a revelation to three fmirths of the United States, much less the for eigners who will visit the World’s Fair. The lumber interests of the State are very, and such an advertisement the Georgia building would give could not fail to prove a lasting benefit. With a buildiug assured, it is thought the balance of the great display which Georgia can make at Chicago would l*e comparatively an easy matter to accom plish. — Florida is making a strong tight to re tain the fast mail service front New York to Havana, Cuba, via Jacksonville, Tant|ia and Key West, and for the continuance of which the Postmas ter General has failed to make any provision in his recent report to Con gress. The Tampa iboard of trade hits drawn up a strong memorial to Congress on the subject, and this memorial will Ik* presented for endorsement to the Jacksonville board of trade, and to all other large cities in Florida and to all commercial agencies, and even to other Suites directly interested. The increase in revenue in Tampa front customs du ties and internal revenue due to the fast ail service of 1891 is stated to be $400,000, which goes, of course, to the support of the national government, and makes a telling argument in support of the memorial. Other coiLsiderations are the immense tourist imputation residing for a limited season in Florida, and clearly entitled to sonic consideration in mail facilities, and the great exjienditure of capital in groves, vegetable farms and large hotels based on the expectancy of a continuation or the last mail service, without which these industries would not have originated and to the continuation of which the fast mail service is indis pensable. In this omission of Post master General Wunumaker to recognize the rights of this portion of the South he evinces a desire to injure the people who have held hint in merited contempt. The famine in Russia is due to a fail ure or partial failure of crops for the past three years. An official estimate of the nunilter of those without food or means of supimrt is given as 14,000,000 persons. Owing to the scarcity, and the poor quality, of food, typhus fever is add ing to the wretchedness of the situation and rapidly decimating the peasantry. Reports are conflicting as to the part the Czar and nobility are playing in the tragedy, though we prefer to credit the statement that the Czar has contributed enormously to aid his suffering people. The Red Cross society and the great Russian novelist, Tolstoi, are rendering systematic aid, and the United States is not behind in sending contributions from her granaries. From the rejmrt of the commission ap- 1 jointed by Secretary Foster to investi gate in Eurojje the subject of immigra tion to this country, the anarchist should not find the United States a fer- LETTERS TO CHURCH MEMBERS. BY ZKKK JOHNSON. NO. II. Does Christianity pay? It does, even from a selfish standpoint. Church houses and missionaries to the heathen are not the only products of Christianity. It is not possible to treat this subject exhaustively in the limits of these letters, but we will take a hasty view of some important facts: The morality, at least, of our civiliza tion is the product of Christianity. Greece, Route ami other ancient peoples were highly civilized in letters and art, but their morality was very deficient. Remove all the benefits flowing to us from Christianity, directly and indirectly, and we would sutler beyond reparation. There are about 60,000 preachers in this country, sustained by Christianity, and who will estimate tlieir value to the gov ernment in dissuading men from vice and to virtue? Every preacher, if he is I WAYCROSS, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HITCH & MYERS*'"’ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i p Stairs Wilson’s Block. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. J L. SWEAT, Attornoy at Law, WAYt’ROSS, UKORQIA. Will practice in the Brunswick and South- cm J ityuit Courts. State Supreme <\mrt and the l tilted States Court. Nov. 15'90-ly. J S. WILLIAMS, Attornoy at Law. WAYCROSS, - . . . (lEORtllA, TOWN C. >ri)ONAI.b, Attorney and Counselor »t Low, WAYCROSS, . GKORlIIA. Orn.-K tip stair, in Wilson Block. A. WILSON, Attorney at Law, . , , , tile field for his vocation, and labor riots Wetter., railway have « long neglected , w| , hfmW lx! „ luch n ,„ re rare building a depot at Hoboken. We found th , vtr< .. Tht rom n.itrion reports: \f_ T n Cmitk tkn nnkte 4ml •.■mini. * ‘ what he should be, is a peacetnake One earliest preacher, faithfully at work in a city is worth more to the peace of the community than five policemen. The best investment any community can make is churches, the next best is schools. If you doubt what I say try it. Take two communities having equal natural ad vantages, let one have good churches aud pastors and the other none, and ask the price of real estate iu each* l/mk at the vast suuts'of money in educational institutions, hospitals, asylums, put there by Christian people. At present the Baptist denomination alone has over $25,000,000 (twenty-five millions) in vested in education, in this country. Do you say the State would build educa tional institutions if there were no churches? Then will you tell us of a ingle unchristian or heathen State that ■ver built asylums and hospitals for its unfortunates or schools for its ignorant? No such State has 1kh*ii established. Then these institutions are the product of Christianity, directly it established by religious denomination,* indirectly if established by the State. Then consider the power of Christianity as exerted through the religious press. Who can estimate _the good influence wrought upon all classes of society by the books, paj»ers, periodicals, leaflets, tracts of the various religious sects. Besides all this what is the effect of Christianity upon j our laws through its jsjwer to shape public sentiment and secure legislation. ! I recently saw a statement that the ex pense of conducting missionary opera tions in certain of the Soufh-sea Islands had been three million of dollars in flftv years, while America’s trade with the saute people for the same period hail been fifty millions dollars. Now suppose all the agencies for good, direct and in direct, were removed that all that Chris tianity has done and is now doing for mankind could be instantly blottetl out and the human family placed just where they would be but for Christianity, and wltat would be the condition of the world? Africa, China are partial an swers to the question, though not com plete; for all nations, more or less, have been influenced by Christiuu civiliza tion. Christianity does pay, as nothing else pays. If this is true then what follows? Why, that it should be supported, not by taxation or by establishing one or all sects as a State religion, but by the vol untary offerings of those who realize its benefits and those benefited by it. Pas tors should be liberally and amply sus tained, churches should be well built and furnished, religious literature liber ally supplied to the young, the mission ary spirit encouraged and its operations extended and all the agencies of Christi anity used to their utmost capacity. Who Is to do this? Church members. You, as a member of Christ’s kingdom, belong to Christ and your duty is to do his commands. Do you do it? How do you sustain your pastor? Do you say that you “give” this or that to him, than representing him as a jMiupn? Does a church committee have to beg you for a subscription and then beg you to pay it? If so you are a very sorry church member and ought to improve. Do the colleges and schools beg you in vain for help? Do you give to hospitals, homes, asylums and other institutions built by the contributions of Christiau people? If not your religion is not help ing mankind nor glorying God. If you refuse the duty what will you do with the PHIVILEUK? What about the hounty of a man who enjoys all the benefits and privileges of Christianity and refuses to share the responsibility? Honest men pay their debts; you owe Christianity a debt, pay it Jy L. THOMAS, Attorney at Law, WARESBORO. . GEORGIA R. O. CANNON, Attorney at Law, WAYCB03S, QEORtllA. Owe* up stain in Wilson Block. Will practice in tlioBriinswickCin iiil «n,t elsewhere by special contract. Nov l.V’WMy. «T • L.ORAWIiEIY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. Office in the Wilson Building. WALLACE MATHEWS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WAYCROSS, : : GEORGIA. jan23-ly DR. J. E. W. SMITH, Office at II. J. SMITH’S DRUO STORE. J KciUencc Hick. Street. WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA. f)K. A. P. ENGLISH, Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS - GEORGIA. >All calls pn.mptlj attended. -Ha JJK. D. MeitlASTEK, Physioian and SurtsiSOh, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA. All calls promptly attemled to. D ll. F. C. FOLKS, Physician ami Sur geon, Wayeross, Ga. I have removed my office over Lamer A \ocmans’ Jewelry store. Office hours from 9 to 10 a. si. Can Ik* found at my residence, comer Pendleton street and llninswick av enue, when not professionally engaged. F. U. FOLK8. July 4, 1891—ly, DR. RICHARD B. NEW, PHY8KTAN AND SURGEON. Office at Miss Kcmshart’s, WAYCROSS, : : : GEORGIA. jan 90-Gni A. IIOLLINHIIEAD, Dentist, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA. Sdr- Office over South Georgia Hank. 'yyARUHN LOTT, Fire, Life and Accident In surance Agent, WAYCROSS. - - - GEORGIA. —Nothing hut first-class companies repre sented. Insckaxce effected on all classes of Pii'P^ly* J It.DEDtiE, DENTIST, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA Office up stain in the Folks Block. JJB. JAS. c7 RIPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, (late of Pennsylvania.) Special attention given to Genito Urina ry Surgery. Can always lie found at Dr. K. B. Goodrich's Drug store. April 14-tf. JJH. G. P. FOLKS, WAYCROSS. - - - GEORGIA. Residence at James Knox, in front of the Baptist Church, Office immediately over the Bank. All calls promptly attended to, night or day. DR. T. A. BAILEY, DENTIST, Office over Bank, On Plant Avenue, WAYCROSS, : : GEORGIA. <*« «t. «r _ A. WRIGHT, Justice of the Peace, (Post-office Building—Plant Avenue.) WAYCROSS, - - GEORGIA. —Special attention given to the collection of all claims. Office hours from 8 a. a. to 12 m.. and from 2 r. w. to ft r. *. M. !». BOW BOTHAM C. *. Mt'EFHY JJOWBOTHAM A MURPHY, Architects and Builders. WAYCROSS. - - - GEORGIA. Plana and Spcrileattons Furnished. CHEWACLA LIME. Waltertown Brick. Feb 8-tf.