The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, February 20, 1892, Image 3

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ADVF.RTISTNO RATES. •rut. -1 mnSmoiino Tyr Tie Met j Editor’* Badge!* It is no longer a mere rumor that the young gentlemen who wen* the recipi ent* of the young ladies’ hospitality on the occasion of the h-ap year l*all. are arranging to return that much-apprecia ted compliment in an entertainment of unusual elegante, on the night of the 2(»th, in the armory ol the Hide*. Tlie drill room will l*e enlarged and room.** secured *rnst the hall for refreshment PERSONAL MENTION. id toilel The !»»» al- l Inch 4.m •JW14J»».«> I Col. , 3M««> 4 col. ,1000. ».»».«> " • l.VW30.0f» VMrt !•».«* *lv l I Col. Ft amine the rates of an/ fint-ola** weekly j the paper and jr« •srefiilly prepared and the t elegant invitation card* will »*on |toliiiK their way to the hands ot *ny fi . i will find Transient advertising insert*-*! ntertainmeiit 41.*»*i' ..._ h Hurt Insertion. .Va subsequent Inw-rfm Rending noth* in local columns l<fc- per i preseut V, ' r ~ given by “Tl„. IJIlie*" ■». nigb. Professional «anl» $600 per annum January 1st. For Cheap advei AdfWttoements — —- —--- .- week must U-in l»y II edneaday of that sirk Change* made in advertisements, inserted at otir regular rates, and for specified time, will he c harged ft change. cheap C.diinm. insure lnserti> at coat of making said <-hnrged for spe- regret at not living al are pleased to note tliai acquitted thcm*el\c* *• .SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1802. * Arrival »ndjitpyl«re ^jMh* AT\Wtftum ARRIVE A g<ssl minstrel performance is appre ciated in Wayeros* as elsewhere, and Ah Field’* troupe drew tin* largest house ol the present season on Friday night ol Front tl«e North, Mouth and IVt* From Hast ami West From North From Booth H:to 9:45 1"45 Mail for .North, Hast. South ami West ADVERTISERS COLUMN. last < fhy the orcliestra fird-ehuw, ami many ingenious ami in teresting feature* varied the rather tire- fleet of much negro dialect and the general foolishness of a strictly min strel performance. t.'apt. L. Johnson went to Savannah Monday. Mr*. Col. Nichols and Mw Kva Acos ta paid Way craw a visit Wednesday. Mr*. J. W. Moore and children are -oon to return from their Florida outing. Messrs. J. W. Davidson and W. 1\ Sja-nce. of WaresUno, were iu the city Tuesday. Mr*. C. .1. .Icnkiti* returned home last Saturday, aud re|s»rts her *lster very much I letter. Judge Atkinson was in town The Judge lielongs a good deal to Way cross anyhow. Mr. il. W. Keed joined Sup’l. Fleni- * on Wednesday for a tour over the line of road. D r . R. B. New, late of Kentucky,-has i-ard in the Herald. We commend him the citizen* of W ay cross. Capt. R. G. Fleming, C-ol. IhiBignon ami Mr. (Jeo. Gadsden spent several hours in the city Wednesday. Several members of Col. Hitch s laui- ily have auccumbed to the grip, hut are now <>n the way to convalescence. Mr. 1\ Ik Merry, of Atlanta, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Ware County. SHERIFF'S TAX SALE OF UNRETl'RNED WILD I.AND FOR OFFICERS OF CH.UILTON COUNTY. . School Commissioner. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR NOTHING. SI00.00 IN CASH 1891. > May Charlton Count}. aid connty with- o the highest hid- for cash, the following Iota unretnnusl in the 5tli dis- wihl land Number STfi, 47a. 2:**. 17;: • i net of said county and lots Nos. 6,9 : 71. TO. U*. »». 67. 50, 49. 47, 51. 51. 52. .V I 43. 32. 31. 29. 19. 2. in the Uth district I Sots numler 113. 90, 82. 72, *o. OK, 57. & the 9th district of said county. t lots Nos. 47V. 4U7. 2*11, 113. 13th district of said county. aml_ No. 97. 72 the 2nd district, lots No. 33*. 578. ."dtl. 495, ail. 251. 23:4. 238. 234, 327,521, 509. 492, 459. 451, 453, 401. and also lots Nos. 549,544. 47*:. 475. t2K>,4»; 247. 253. 254. 255. . 629. 34, _ 8. 31i' “ SW. 403. 404. 4»D. 401.402. 1. 557, 532. 47; 9. 105. —* 318.321!. 327. . the 12th dis trict of *aid county. Said lots of land > turning each 490 Said lots of land levied on as linn-turned Wihl Land, under and by virtue of Tux Kxeeu- Tliis Jatin. S. K. MILLER. Sheriff Ware County SHERIFF’S TAX SALE. GEORGIA, Ware Cars* March Tuesday at the court house door in said v , tin the legal honrs of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following prop- #rt _ «i„. interest of the I county, within the legal li the city rhurmlay in the interest **i uu | , ti „, 14 ^ f | li( i,i.. r f,»r enJli ti Americanized Kncyclopetlia Britannic Mr. Heath, of Waldo, spent an hour | District of said county, said lOju-res of land with liis friends here Wednesday acres of land of lot No. 246, f said county, lying and King on the For tin* lienrlU of our advertisers as well an ft it Information of the public we propose to publish in this column each week a full lint of our advertiser* ami to call attention to npreial l»aigains otTennl by them, in various line* of trade, and we request reader* in purchasing from any of the firms named to mention the fart that they re the offer* of the advertisers in the column the Hkeai.d. We intend the 1Ik*am> tol* the medium of communication Iwtwecn ad vertisers aiwl their patrons. The patrons who advertise in these col umns are thoroughly reliable, and parti*-* out of town can get. what they want by writing to or calling on them. Hew Ailr»rtlwiatBUaa4»FrcUI Itergalas The coming week promises to 1m* one f marked gavety :i« i* usual in society just before Ia*»t. On Monday night the 22ml, we will all hove the privilege of turning in half a dollar to the school building fund, ami the further privilege of watching the ev olutions of a “Box of Monkey*" -real home talent you know, not the imj*»rt- ed article at all. On Thursday night at the OjM-ra House will In* told “The Old, Old Story” in a finished ami artistic manner. This I I is a troupe that plays only in the large cities, WayeroN* ltcing the only exeep- favored mi account of our location. 246. irtUlllded us follows : K. «k W. Railroad; I lauds of D. J. McIntosh; . ule of said lot On the south by on tiie north l> . LI1-SII1TZ. SOl’Tll GEORGIA BANK . ' (letklsg F. F. t»WEN8. It. II. LEVY, IIRO.AUI. E. H. FRAWLEY, Hr. lilt AD WATBON A DO. i’AHtlN A MILLER. FwrMltwrr. THE WINTERNF I RNlTl llF.» H. V. BARNIW. THE 1TDKN1X. THE OAMPBELL llOVHF. THE MAKB1IALL, Bavannah. morning, while waiting t«» make connec- i the tion south. of li. j. Sweat. Levied on as the pmperty , , . ofZeke Dunmore. under and by virtue of Mr. I*, r. <Huey, <*f Charleston, sj>ent . lax exet .„,i 0ll by T. T. Thigpen, Tax hu-t Sunday in the city with his son, Mr. | ^Hei tor of said county, for his State and n»- M. I* GrFTON. Carriage*. Ac. SATII I.A MAS F.rO.. LumU-r. A**. GlI.LON A IIITtSON. Fourniers am cblnUts. play at the-4 Ijn-ra House on Tueiwlay night failnl. fr**m some reason, to draw the jK*oplc out. 1'ossiblv the pay train at the dc|*ot pr*»ve*l a counter attraction to a railroad town, or possibly this play followed t*>*» soon on the heels of the one of Friday night, hut there probably not over 40 reserved scats taken. The empty chairs, usually so | dispiriting to actors, did not prevent the company from giving a very fair play in ilitahh* ami painstaking manner, al though the conduct of the IkmmMooiii el- t iu the gallery was such as to have warranted any troU|*«* in vacating the hoard*. Aside from any eonsideration due ae* t«»rs, who probably have feeling* in com mon with the rest of humanity, it i> only fair to those occupying the ImmIv «»f the house, aud who pay g<Ku| prices for their seats, that they 1m* allowed the privilege of listening undisturbed by yells, laugh ter in untimely places and a general guying of the pathetic aud dramatic sit uations that excite the risible* of the un tutored do«l and the small lmy, to whom •thing i* sacred, ami whose place is at home with his mother. Will tin* management not put ail otlicer in charge of the gallery who can control Isrili these riotous element*? A. C. Olney. M. tHuey's friends ways glad to see him. “U. <1. Fleming" is t*» be the name of Wavcross’ new fir** engine. The genial I Siiperinti'iident *»f the S. F. A \V. i* de- j serve«lly popular in our city. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Beckwith, of Hleumore, were in the city Tuesday. They will leave Olenmore soon for S|»arks, <m the ti. S. A F. Railroad. Mr. K. L. Hendricks, of Duke, was in the city Sunday. He i* superinteu*!- ing a Sunday school at the Mock *vl\oi>l house near town, and U doing a gotsl . due tlu-reon for the year 1891 S.F. MILLER. Slieritf Ware County GEORGIA, CiiiRLtox CorxTV .— The j-rtslitorsof 1L «i. Norman h; plied for admiqistratiou Norman. d»*ceas»*il, ami no one Ihe Superior has hereby Isvn ap- uleivsl any I ‘ k . . Go wen. of said county» . by virtue of otti. oint*sl adminUtrat hi- January 27th. Hr. 1 . AARON iHtWLING. To Be G-iven Away. NO LOTTERY SCHEME. NO RAFFLE. But a Straightforward Donation of $100.00 in Cash to Our Customers. Cash at our Store, wo will 1 when One dollar’s worth.’or any one person, we will cash With each Ibdlars'i. worth of g*MHl* purvhasisl give a l*a**h t\iii{Miu giMsl for Five tVnt* in t’ash, twenty of these t'oupon* are preseuto*! s«t our *toi To all w hom it i ini*tn»t*>r of t he loeeasoil. applies ft ly I'oiH'fni: .1 Raw l<*. a.I of J. It. lkuhlott. ipplies for letter* «»l Dismission from said ailtninistration, and 1 will pa*- upon hi* applieatioi them, paying One Dollar iu Silver for sain We want every ImmIv to take advantage « We are headquarter* for all ginnls in out Conn* ami see us, and bring your friend* a fthis grand donation, line, and our priei** hi id neighlM.r*. A*k fort “r»H*k U*ttom." •Cash I’oupoii,’ ! with \ i March. 1^*2. at my othee Given under mv hair ire, thi* l»ec**inber 23 hand and official sigtta- >r 23*1. 1891. AARON DOWLINt:. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA. I’ll VKLT..S GnfXTV. Will U- sold, «m the First Tues.lay in Matvli next, at the Court House door in >ai*l county, within tin- legal Imurs of sale, to the *-;T*h. the followil highest bidder of land, to-wlt ; Nos. 7. 13. 14.: 143, 146. 147. * •AM, 213, 218. ; 247,248. 251. : Distrii.... . 137. 139 ami 192 in the 2nd Distr *. lh». M2, ’ill.’ 239. BRAD. WATSON & CO. THE LEADING DRY GOODS STORE, OPPOSITE DEPOT. Waycross, - - Georgia. ry containing Said proja-rty Icvitsl *m a* the projicrty <d W. T. McArthur, principal and \V. A. I’hil- ■. pruu-i| t »r of tJ I for the ; by the Tax < ’ollector of said county, lor State and county t ' - - - —” r, - : - January 4th. SHERIFF’S TAX SALE. iKORGIA, Wake Coi first Tues»la Marcii next, at the Court House door it: county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for c Si, the following lands, 8th District. . _ IdCVUsl on as the projK-rty of W. W. Ashhurn to sat- ‘ - tax execution l*sue«l by T. T. Tlngp**n. said county, for his , due thereon for the yea c time and place lots land N< and 141. in St It District of said county. Let li 9-69*1 SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA. flltUl.TO.N <'*»CNTY. Will IK’ siild, oil the Fir-t Tuesday in next, at the Court House tkatr. ii county, within the legal hours * if ; lints of lands So. l»n. , 316. : the ; Dist . 407 sue*l by T. T, Thigpen, Tux Collector War* 1 Cbuuty. for State anti »*ounty tax, due there on. for the year 1891. Fitts, of this city, left Also at same time and place lot land. No. "i8,in 8th District ot said county. Levu**l on i propi>rty of Richard Hoblis to satisfy ... iu.-n.ul '1' Tltitmifil 'Vil execution issue*! by T. T. Thigpen, Tax 27th, 1892. Mr*. Mattie on the vestibuled train Tumlav, for Kastman. She is visiting her brother, Mr. .1. 1>. St*ikes, islitor jif the Kastman Journal. l-’x-Mayor Grace ami wife passed through Waycross cn route from Jekyl Island to New York one day thi* week, and had a social hour with «>ur |Mipular ticket agent. Our worthy Mayor is now the proud posses>or of three hoys, the youngest of which came bright and early Monday I t)l satisfy J,|, execution issued from tin- morning, am! is presiding over his select | County Court of Ware_eotinty. in favor of SHERIFF SALE. Will Ik* sold on tin* first Tuesday March next, at the Court House door in s: county, within the legal hours of sale, tin* highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wlt a* the property John Forsyth, i execution issued l*y the Tax Collec- ■ of said county, for State ami county tes for the year 1891. This January 4th. *2. J-- i9-OKi WAGONS AND BUGGIES. Homestead Notice GEORGIA, ClIARLTOX I'OI XTV. Aaron Dowling ns Onlinary. lias appl t** me for valuation and setting aside himself and family, a homestead in terms of the law. and 1 will pass u|ton the We have Just Received a Car Load of Wagons OF THE BEST MAKES, And liave in Stock a full line of Buqnies, Road Carls and 3 HARKTESS. Gall and examine our stock ami gel prices. J. A. JONES * CO., Plant Avenue, Waycross, (-a. the First This January 18. IOWF.N, <1*-rk Su|M‘ri*»r Court C. i\ Ga. Iiouse in said county Monday in March 1892. 1X92. jau 231*1 Notice of Sale. Agreeably to an order of the court of Or- s of land of lot No. 8th Dis and 120 acres «if lot of land No. 274. iu 8th District of Ware county, Gs with all improvements then-ou. I with inherited grace and dignity. 1IKNUY IIOHENSTIEN. Savannal WARREN LOTf GANNON & WELLER. ~ U««, Brkk. K*r. ROWBOTHAM A MV Ill’ll Y • CHEROKEE N€7R8ERDy. PIimMbk. Wo R. It. KEENE. run on, SUc. {bpji& i ySi , nK n 8»w i|n » |1 MkOea. Wo II. H. LEVY. BRO. A «Y>. The Wavvross Uitle* are preparing a competitive squad drill to take palace in the near future, ii|m*ii which occasion their many friend* will be invited to come to the armory ami witness the In-st military drill ottered by any company in the State of Geergia. The **pia«ls will 1h* commanded by sergeant*. The offi cers of the company acting as judges, and a prize will Ih> awarded to the 1m*sI drilled sqaud. Naturally a great deal of excitement prcvail*"aniong the different members and each one is doing his l>est t«* excel the other* in excellence of drill. Iii Savannah. Since Mr. ami Mrs. Fish took charge of, ami marie over, the Marshall House in Savannah, our citizens can be assured of every attention that a first-class hotel can give them when they go to the city on business or pleasure. The editor nnd two pleasant days in Savannah this week. The Forest City is alive and blooming, except for the chill hand of “la grippe" here anti there Mr. and Mrs. Heu Apple, in their pretty home on Waldbnrg street, have the same hearty, happy way of entertain ing their frit-mis that endeared them to all iu Waycross. Mr. Henry Hoheiistein gi>cs North next Monday to join hi* wife in New York, where she ha* ln-eii for some time. Mrs. Hohenstein will Ih*, we Iiojh-, quite restored to health and aide to return with her husliaml. ' v I’axtoh «V Mattox, against J. M. Stigcr. levied on as the property of J. M. # Written notice given defendant. This Jan uary 28th. 1*92. jan; »-3od . F. MILLER. Citation. GEORGIA. WakkCoi.xtv. To all wltonr it may concern: Fran* Prenderga*t,administratrix «ifJ«»lin C. dergast, ih-ceased, has in ilue ftirin up to tlie undersigned for leave to **-11 the in the Chatham Real Estate and Imp inent Company, In-longing to tlie e.*t said *lecoase»l, ami K»i*l application w heard on the First Monday >0*1, * if said county i April e place 2 hull* ... the first Friday within the U-gal Imurs of sale property, to-wit: as tin- 11. II. if land i under cultivation. 2"0 fruity rent kinds, all In-aring, :*l the italum-e will Ik* pluut«*«I iu dm gisnl condition at the 15 head stix-k cattle, 1 . h**gs. 25 hea*l chicken- W. P. PEE, GROCERIES,: HAY, ‘.GRAIN! , 1 sugar mill, I sugar boiler. bold goods and kitchen fiirnitur*-. ami Terms cash. fvlKVUHl LLOYD A ADAMS. Savannah K. L. RAO IAN D. |taol»Wt|«u,Ktr. J. A. JONES. Answered. When conscience a*ks the qiu-stiou. Is il right? , Tliere lies the answer, open as tlw day; For never tloes the tcvri4 need lgl>k Sate when he joamejra oa an unsafe way Ov^bruuUt Mon-lvLighl, »t the Opvni hr pKMOVtd i Ofligktftil little comely On (he first page of next week’s i of the II will Ih* found an able letter on the Presidential question by rising young barrister of our city. Tlie opening of the columns of the Herald to a free discussion of the |*>litical issue* that are now of such grave import is bringing before our people the knowl edge of home talent and Ability that can match with that of any section in the State or country. Considerable alarm is felt in New York city over the breaking out of typhus fever among the recently arrived Letter* of Administration. 1EORGI A—Wars County. To ail whom it may concern : Jam Sweat having, in proper fot for permanent letters of administration mi tlie estate of Alexander R. Philip. late of il county, this is to cite all and singular within t^e time allowed* by la' caus**. if any they e ministration should not he granted to James M. Sweat on Alexander Philips’ ' WAUUEN IjOTT, Ordinary. Notice. IKORGI A, Wark County. Ordinary's office, said county. February grants from Marseilles, nearly all of | whom are Russian and Polish Jews. They have been removed to North Brother Island, the black flag of i*esti- lence hoisted over them and the places they were taken from fumigated and their effects destroyed. Tl\e Dramatic Club is bard at its Box of Monkey*. Rehearsals rk c 7 called “A Ik»x of Monkeys” by three u fcj n g pi are every afternoon at the Op ladies ami two gentlemen t wbo are all eta I Ease nnd something fine may be well known as among the m«fc*t promt-1 looked for on Monday night the 22nd. •rfil am! charming of our socidy people, j Remember that these young people have The little farce is in itself a delicious undertaken thi* entertainment solely for bit of humor, and its well-delineated j t | ie purpMc of agisting the School character sketches are »h>ne full justice jk W rd in completing the ad«lition to the to by the talented members of this re- , })i^ School. Come and have an enjoy- cherrhe society. i able evening and help them make a — Tf . . , i-ess of their labors in a g«ssl cau**-. Rev. W. H. Scrags was the recipient | ___ ^ ok Wednesday evening, ot a charming surprise Croat the members of hi* church Everv farmer should take some first- agriiAiltural i«per. True there Postmaster-General Wanamaker ha* is.*ue*l an order giving money order fac ilities to all postoffiecs where the com pensation of the postmaster reaches $200 annum. The expense of carrying this order into effect is trifling, and the offices already established under it are loing an amount of business greatly in excess of the anticipation* of the dopart- The beautiftrt aud toothsome cake* made at the City Bakery for the Valen tine j»arty and other entertainment* have been greatly admired. F. Parker, administrator and K. 1. Ivey. William Ivey and Priscilla Ba*s. heirs •’ - "" 1 Ivor, deceased, are hereby iV. Hitch, as the holder of a liond for titles from said deceased to*Mrs. C. E. Arnold, to fifty acres of land lying in the southwest corher of lot No. 125. in the 8th district of said county, ha* petitioned the undersigned for an order requiring said ad ministrator to execute the titles according to the terms of the bond, and that the same will be heard at nty office in Waycross, Ware connty. Georgia, on the first Monday in March next. , Witness my hand and official signature. WARREN LOTT. feUXWd Ordinary. ADVERTISER’S CHEAP COLUMN, im.-n. vi i-n on it. i may Lav Wantkh.—Herald nude kn«iA n here suburban land. Apply to 11. W. It***-* 1. do any kind * The Herald. aid office ToB-uvo Seki».—'We hi Hestor and other varieties of Tobae that we propose to aiittantitv of thc ""Dbaecof * Waycro** Herald. Next Door to the north of Lanier & Younians, Wlteie, with his SPLENDID STOCK • ; siipplyiiig*tlie public at Lowest Prices. Call oil me and lie satisfied. W- F». lee. Waycross, Ga., July 4-tf. S. L. GUPTON, PROl-IUKTOR OF THK Waycross Carriage Works, -Manufacturer and Dealer In- BUGGIES. ROAD AND FARM CARTS ETC. Emanuel Williams ) Sarah Williams. be held in and the First Monday April 1892,* then and there for said connty pril 1892, ----- the plaintiffs libel for divorce; o in default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain ness the Honorable Spencer R. At) Judge of said court. This the 18th January, 1892. WM. WILSON, ‘•The Old Old Story” at the oj»em house Thursday night, the 25th. and other friend*. They cam? like a valiant army, silently, quickly, unexpect edly ami laden with jmuml package* «f every thing good to eat, and enough to make the pantry groan with plenitude S I r - rulturt-’v'i'u !l<“ imu-li t. bivp thi- wiahri* to acknowledge through the ™ VE,, Herald, hU appreeiatum of this lindly - home. The Un- who leave the turn exjiremioa from hi* friend*. - are generally the one- who have notli- ! »ug to read at 1iJhh\ The tuind netsl* ' wUl lie an oyster rapper at tlie ' ^ :fcl wc u t ke laxly, and there i* reoidence of Mrs. W. R. Penfield, corner mental starvation on the form than wTEBliMbud raki no KtVl*; j „, u1k^ pla-c. evening, March 4th, fur the pur|Mwe of' ♦ — - raising ftinda for the building of the new j A small party gathered at the Campt Baptist church- The public ora fordi- I bell House Thursday evening and * pen ally invited. * • a few hours in dancing and music. All fair minded Georgians will agree that the administration of Governor much in all papers tluit i* not practical i North* n up to thi* date has been, tM> for a- your individual circumstance* I every respect, worthy of public approval, mav l«e concerned, but you will find I The duties of that high office have been much that will be of Wnelit, and above di-sharge^l. under the law. with fidelity good, interesting journal on agri- to hts oath, and to the people. No of- ’ ficial act, s*> far as we know, has l»een condemned, and the official integrity of tlie Executive ha* not lieeu questione*!. —Quitman Free Press. Notioe of Dissolatioa. twice a m2m. Clerk 8. C. W. C. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Waycross. ■ No. 1, and mg and Novelty Weather other dressed building prices. Address J. Mel Mills. Go. (II. A W. Railroad). Old Buggies and Carts Worked Over and Made to I/>ok tis Goo<l as New My Horseshoer is a Thorough Professional, and is Always Ready to do Your Work. Houses to Rest.—Two cottages, one six- rootn, one five-rooin, ii* New Waycross, tlastered, licautify your grounds, plant a grove that in six years will support you and your fam ily. Trees from the Cherokee Nurseries will -liable you to «lo both. Ornamental tree* and shrub!-cry, i Cherokee Nurseries. You can get anything that line at the Cherokee Nurseries. Fii trees, low prices. The Her.\ld • Job pRiroxu-Come fire for your job printing. Mean- _ our steam fixtures, and have new preses anil type on the way that will make on: more complete than any other office GEORGIA. Ware Coustt. AlhertGreen | Libel for Divorce in vs. -Ware Superior Court Mary Ann Green. ) April Term. 1802. attorney, at the next regular term of the Su perior Court to l»e held in and for said conn ty on the first Monday perior Court to lie held ty on the first Monday - and there to answer the plaintiff* libel for divorce, or in default of such appear»n<c the Court will proceed a* to J a-tire may apper tain. Witness the Honorable Spencer R. Atkinson, Judge of -aid court. Thisllth day of Febroaiy, W!. " • M. W lLHJN. fob 13-twi a m2m Clerk b. C. M. < . |>r Jon Ball’s Worm Destroyer* taste givsl and quickly remove wornts from children or grown people, restoring tlie .eat .nd pnaj •?_ tX*. No other worm medxme is so safe and sure. Price 25 cents at drug stores, or sent by mail Tlie linn of Lanier A You matt* is this day j by John D. Park A is'*** <v * ,T " ' * - Fine wedding t«nls. invitation*, pro- rams, l»all room lists, ladies and gents yisit- ig cards, business cards, socu-ty and '»nsi- ..ess stationary, posters, pamphlets and all other printing executed in the best manner and lowest prices at The Hekald < Plant avenue. iic uimi ^ u _ ri i# _ (lx, 175 and li dissolved by mutual consent. T. E. Lauirr | Sy.omore SL. Ctocinnati, O. <lcc5-]y j will continue the bnsiness, coUeet all claims j _ ntk sell you an Organ or I and pay all liabilities. This February 20th. “cheaper than yon —** ! *» v -- 1892. T. E. LANIER. | York or Savannah. And * G. R. YOCMAN5. the matter with Hannah. seplStf Hi i Ou« Omcc »• Oeramr* U. •. warwrr Orew* ' w c«a P*4eat tn kac 8 * 'btnodrt**ot 5*^5 -How to ObUia Patents, wm C.A.SNOW&CO ■ff. PATTHT Omct. WA«NH»CTOW. P- C. At .Sliortcst Notice aud on Reasonable Terms. NEW WORK MADE TO ORDER THEC1TYBAKERY Everything in Stock Warranted to be Pnre and Fresh. PURE STICK CANDY Are Specialties- We fill Orders from neighboring towns in lots not less than One Dollar. Address all correspondence to THE CITY BAKERY, WAYCROSS, GA. • .v >ij ,.u ■ ic. .•iakSS