The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, March 12, 1892, Image 4

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■ of Wire Cowrty.' Tffirr* “~T~ ** r*** 11 *" ‘***' T - OBrUl «rf»n «lj •» Wojvro.*. HKRALO PUBLISHING COMPANY SATURDAY, MARCH 12. 1*92. ADVERTISING RATES. I Irwh, 2/M 4.©» 7/M 10/M l inch 3'«r 6.00 10/M 14 0* i Inch 4/M 8.00 14.W» 20/M I Col. 6 00 1 12.00 JO/M 30.0* u 4 ill. lOfft.-Ji.OOWM 50/M " 4 V*l. 1500, ■M.00 / 50/M 00/M •; Examine the rate* of an v lir-wla** w.i kl> i-wnpaper and you will find onn to In- le** Transient advt-rtUing inv-rted at $1.00 t>*i if* 11 lint insertion. .'<*• *ub*cqucnt insertion Reading notice in b»cnl coin inn* 16c pei . ne fintm**Ttion:5r per line earh mu** qaent insertion “ vfaakm ‘ tarr I*t . rtlieai . Advertisement* O* insure insertion ai Week must be in l.y Wednesday of that wee Change* made in advertisement*, insert at onr regular rate*, and for *p<*iti«*l tin will be rharxi-l for at net of makings Additional rah-, will Ik- el.arged for *| cial iKMition. Arrival and Oepartare of .Mail* AT WAYOROriH. ARRIVE A. M. From the North, South and W«*t 0 From Kaat ami West ]• From North * From South Amotyr the noblest in the land. Though he may count himself the least. * I That man I honor and revere. Wl»o. without Tavor. witliout in tlie great ritjr dare* to stand The friend of every friend!*** le-ast. J. V. Norton ha* a handsome d«*ck of patent leather tie* with cloth top*. C. C*. Grace A Son hate a bargain in China silk, black, and delicate shades of blue and pink. Brad Watson A Co. have a very pretty Igood* calle«l “Cashmirette*," resembling he long-|K*pular anfint*, but of finer We failed to record, last week, the marriage in Ware*boro Mi-** Minnie, •i. J. W. i Macon ARRIVE I'. M ,nd Atlai From Thomasville. Georgia » Wayci H closed Mail for North. East l’. at 4 'lowed for Savannah, Ku Cloned for North. South i advertisers column. SOUTH GEORGIA BANK of Way. ilaughtei Mr. Ja T. Millei Ilavidsoi I'earsoii, tia. A young mileh cow, full J. ing three- gallon* of rich milk |**r day, l*e liought for one I iu nil red dollar*, part cash and the re>t on time. Inquire esidence of II. W. Heed 4>r at Hkhai.d iffice. Several ladies were greatly distressed >n last Saturday by seeing a citizen of Waycnaat cruelly beating and kicking a balky horse. Apart from the humani tarian side of the affair, the owner of the ? loss'I »ng. _ The sociable and oyster lieuefit of the Baptist eltut field’s last Friday night B, J. SMITH. Ur*r (ioorfa. C. C. t ill At'K A SON. I). B. ENGLISH. K. II. ritAWl.KY. Sr, BRAD WATSON A lt* riali»-<l, and the^iraise for * «-d oysters ever eaten" rel ns on the lmsU-sses. ,pnes Bradley, a worthy am oung lady pupil of the Wave liool, has returned to her h A. I.II’HIIITZ. J. V NORTON. MRS. M. 1*. TKNNKNT A <■> DAN BUI»AI *\V AY ENGLISH 4 AHON A .MIIJ.EK. II. V. BARNES. Natela. THE I'HtKNIX. THE t'AMI’HEl.l. HOUSE. THE MARSHALL. Havanii: EHWAHB LOVKIJ.’S SO E. H. t'HAWI.EV. Sw. IIENIIY IIOIIENSTIEN. warren i.orr. Jewelry BENNETT A WEL1.KR l.i'|i|*l'.N A BATE**. Savannah Hhoe*. Ktr. |> B. ENOI.1SH. Kuh, Doors. Kle. I. 1.0YHA ABA MS. Savannah. Taharro Wee*t. R 1.. KAGl-ANlV UitgglcN. W«P'U«. We. J. A. JONES. ish for lie fruit trees and onianic greatly redturd pric-i iplanliiig, as tin* m.I at that phu and lasting si the value of v dd fifty rojM-rtv. "BISHOP 5ELS0S>S TISIT ToWiyrrou, wad InrkkaU of th» Inter- eatlBK Er«l. The two ilays the talented young Bishop spent in our little city will re- n a memorable occasion to the little 1 of Episcopalian*, and a pleasant re- memlieraiice to all who saw and beard him. Earnest, forceful, and blessed with tsually fine physique, this ener getic young clergyman lias consecrated a gifted manhood to hi* sacred calling and has entered on what prom ises to be a life of uncommon vigor and usefulne*-. S>K-ially, he is good to meet, and all who attended the reception given him at Rev. Mr. BicknelPs Saturday night were impre**<?d with his strong character and ptaised with his hearty friendliness. of Sunday morning Grace Church filled with a bright, interested audience on the yui rire to hear the new young bishop, and certainly none were disap pointed in the plain-spoken, practical argument he put forth for his church, and tlie simple, but earnest, consecration of the little building henceforward to tuicred uses only. The entire consecration service was beautiful mid impressive, Bishop Nelson being assisted by Rev. J. R. Bicknell and Rev. Mr. IVrry , The clergy, accompanied by the choir, left on the C’. & F., limited, for Black- shear, where during the afternoon, the rite of confirmation was administered Mr*. Shank and Miss Su*ie McKinney. The sermon in the evening was much ailmired by a large congregation, and onfinnatioii wan conferred on a class of even: Mr. and Mrs. Svfan, .Mr. W. *. Barker, Misses Maggie Somerville, Susie and l.ottie Sasnett and Mrs. Tift, >f Tifton. Saturday afternoon, immediately on ■ ' his arrival, Bi-diop Nelson administered • ! the rite of baptism to Mrs. Tift, Mrs. . Svfan, the young baby of Mr. and ■ Mrs. A. M. Knight and Mrs. A. K. - Ilall and infant. Baby Knight had th< [ ! the first recipient of the >f the Bishop and also •cive baptism from the Bishop Nelson left oi ug train, Monday, car lost of kind wishes^fro PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Thomas of Schlatterville, was in town Wednesday. We noticed Dr. J. M. Spence of Ware- boro in the city last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tift, ol Tifton, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city. A poetic gem will be found on onr first page, contributed by ‘lour Bob." Mr. Ben Apple spent Wednesday in e city among his friendb whom he nnmbers by the score. Miss Mattie Sasnett came from Sa- annah to attend the Bishop’s services, and will remain some time. Mr. Felder Lang, president of Charl- county alliance, and one of the promi nent citizens of the county, was in town le day last week. Mr. D. B. Sweat, general agent of the Herald, visited several points in Ware and Charlton counties last week. Mr. RobL C. Wright, of Stillwell Mil- len & Co., Savannah, spent Sunday Way-crone with relatives and friends. Col. W. A. McDonald shed the light of his countenance on us last Saturday. The Colonel is always a welcome visitor to Way cross. We regret to learn that Mrs. Chanler, who has been visiting her neice, Mrs. W. W. Sharpe, will soon return to her home in Springfield, Mass. Mr. Morrell, general accountant, and Mr. Mclver, auditor of the B. & W. railway, spent last Saturday in town, and made the acquaintance of the HKR- earn with regret that our corres- pondent, I’rof. S. P. Settle, of Wareslmro, sick last week. Hope lie is better and will renew hi* interesting communi- George Williams and one Pritchard; both colored, employed by the Suwanco Canal Company, pn into a dispute over trivial matter the other day. and commenced firing at each other with Winchester rifles. Thirty shots were exchanged, but neither of the men were Willia Stinson, an iunoeent negro who was standing in his door some dis tance from the scene of the shooting. hit by one of the stray bullets and instantly killed. Williams and Pritchard escaped as soon as they found out what had hapi»e»ed. Summerell & Cason have established i upholstery business on Albany av- lue, near the Baptist church. 2t TO THE LADIES. FINE 3IILLINERY LATENT STYLES. DRESS MAKIKTG, PERFECT FITS. / You are eordiajly ir M11S. ited to visit the new and elegantly nppi TENNENT Toh.iv one di*iring tl.c “A,.i Kfi«-yclo|K-di:tBritannica” revi* larged, in ti n volumes, any hi sired, we can furnish the set f> I a r* less than the usual price, lie of this work, a complete itself, is of course beyond priei is ail unusual inducement to s We learn that there was a social entertainment at the ri Col. S. W. Ilitch, on the evci 4th instant. The young folk a “coup de main," bn nt Colonel and hi i be takci ks intended id that tin ■liable lady ires. Tlier nit, and all i change ol honor of being ■ite at the hands the first to rc- iew font, the early morn- ring with him a i tlie friends he i Wav The furnished bv the choi Steward's commissary near Folks ton, vs broken into Friday night and thirty dollars stolen. Jessio^Morgan, John A. Robinson and Nep Edwards were arrest ed on suspicion by Leon Roddenherry, deputy ixmstabte. Edwards was released on bond. Morgan and Robinson were brought here and put in jail to await order* from the sheriff of Chorlton comity. Old Doctor Drummond, After years of patient study and ex periment has given to the world a prep aration which is an absolute and perma nent cure for every kind of Rheumatism. Ask your druggist for it. The price is *o, but it is a large liottle and will cure you, or the money will be returned. If vou are offered something else, write di rect and we will send you a bottle by express prepaid. Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. l-l-2t & CO., Now open in the Owens Block, just opposite the depot, Waycross. Ga. You will find it fitted up exclusively for Millinery and Dress Making. Our Stock embraces everything needed to make a Summer Hat Stylish and beautiful. Special attention is invited to the entirely new and faultless French System of Cutting and Fitting. Courteous attention and entire satisfaction will In- given to you and your friends. Mrs. M. P. Tennent & Co., Owens Block, Waycross, Ga. Two Doors from Brad Watson & Co’s Leading Dry Goods Store Dr. Win. A. Felton u r to the Atlanta Join Livingston to the gaze thetic public in his true and careless political likely to lie deserted by admirers. r let- inlcnded to • much pleat Mr. W. W. Shar^ The regular choir kindly assisteil by id the Blackshear i Butler v, “Not ashamed of Christ," was la-aiitiful and appropri- ate, and Mr. Toomer’s tenor solo was a complete success. The baptismal font is of handsome ilesign and exquisite workmanship, and was made by tlie Sat ilia Manufacturing Company, which will please our loyal It was paid for by igs of till* Sunday the birthday ofler- ichool children of nine let tin old fasliionc * danced by ,1 dame, “the tin' lovt-lv ihiu irandniothers’ ,cn in Staple- . by a distill- nd gentlemen. ADVERTISER’S CHEAP COLUMN. • O.VK-fK.VT-l - H«B l». scried in this column forONK t'ENT a v cash in advance. Anything you wan buy. sell, lease, let. in fact any want jrou mav have can i»e made known her* FomSaiz—A Jersey c*»w and calf. p|y to LA. W0*dw. FobHalk— A fine young Jersey i**w i first calf. Inquire a* H r -aM ottlce. FoaS*!-* a kdQMff* jdC 3 • ild am! well *n*wn...or " auite Bt Her?T 1 „tF * the great George Williai Erast us Wiinan led the i will now prvdiably be the \mpular d: ml i the streets, until they : •lass condition that t lie town as well as a •itixens. Wc do n _ * propOM t*» give to our sucscrihers who wishltn pbmt. 'Vaycro^ llerald Hoiw to Rmtr.—Two wtlages one room one lirr-nwm. in New Waycross. fclT&r Tlenju 5i£. Try some of those patent a»ljustaMe dic tionary holders. Sold by l». B. Sweat. Beautify your grounds, plant a gun in six yean will support yon and yoni ily. Trees from the Cbemkce Nurseries w ill riuible yon to do Uqh. Ornamental tnew and shnibU-ry. fbenYkee Nun»-ries. Furrr Tun.—Now' is tlie tins- n get anyth Go to C. C. Grace & .Soi ami see tin* most complete line of dress t hving to the lack of information we omitted to note the arrival, las', week, of a distinguished little visitor to Black-- shear, who will, vve^ope, soon take up her residence in Waycross with the proud young parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. .1. Mi The ladies arc invited to the millinery J ojK-ning of Mrs. Tennent A Co., on the 17th. 18th, and 19th. * ; The Brunswick Advertiser of March n mourning -t«<y, the Friilay rthe juui< bodied in tveiling. ‘ apiK'aranee r editor, 1*. G. Brunswick c who* catlu-i spring i UJHI ic canal. Don’t l malarial germ* tuntivl up to the light of the sun just as we are becoming the hetUhicst community in the State. Our friend Mr. Charlie Murphy, is now a bieytUM, as well as a happy ben edict, a proud father and a good bus iness man. That is ju«t the way with some of our ambitious young men, they want the world and want it fenced with fancy railing. Now an intimate friend of the Herald could have given Charlie some pointers as to the time aud place for his first <**says to mount the wily steed. This is the way our 1. F. now at tacks a tlealer, when he ha* a return of the bicycle fever ••lk> you warrant this bicy gentle? I want to know abo its. The last bicycle I had threw me, but whirled al*out tlie gr*umd and jumped all ov« town is finding out Iv strictly first-class have very properly i auction <lrv- gooils" Brad Wz i Co. Dr. J. Ij. Estes has completed his medical studies in AugusUi and will take up the practice of medicine in his home town, Blackshear. The Herald extends him good wishes for success in chosen vocation. Don’t fail to see the elegaut hats and bonnets to l*e displayed at the opening at Mrs. Tennent’s & Co., on the 17tb, 18th and lftth. Mr. Wbelpley informs a* that the dif ficulty experienced with the lights i opera house during the |*erformance of the Josephene Cameron troupe has been entirely overcome, with no danger of re currence. yourfrait term. Yon c ... that line at tlie tlicrokco Sursene*. Fin. trees, low pri.v*. Job I*Bi3rnx«i—Conn- to Tn* I1hyVi> of fiee for your J**b printing. We an? linns nj onr steam fist an-*, aisl have new prv*e* an. type on the way tliat will make our oilier j mote complete than any other ofti.v in thi- I section. Fine wedding can!*, invitation*. pn>- gratua, hall worn list*, ladies and gvnu visit ing cards, business oanl*. wMr and bn»i- new stationary, poster*. pampUk-ts and all other printing executed in tlie best manner and lowest prior* at Tux llteui. «4tlre. llant a venae. Summerell A Cason can repair all your chain, table*, bedsteads Ac., aud can renew and make nuttt leases. Call and see them. 2c IXm’t wait until the week be ft tor. but t ome now and buy your worsted* aud lawn* ln-f.-re tli uiakei* get too busy. We li; • Kan- 1 fine!- k-L i i to Summerell & Cason old sofa*, divans Ac., nade anew. Mr. T. M. McConnell, a prosperous naval store manufacturer of Manor, was in Waycross Saturday last, and dropped in on the Herald long enough to re new his subscription. Solicitor General Brantley, in compa ny with Col. J. L. Sweat, paid the Her ald office a visit Thursday, and admired our new presses and the improved fit- tingup*of the Herald building. Master Haines Reed has been pre sented with a cane—not gold-headed nor of rattan, but of pure fresh candy, made at the City Bakery. There are few boys are willing to be “caned” in that fashion. Mr. J. S. Baxley and Mr. M. N. Bax ley, of Hoboken, were in town Thursday and called at the Herald, office. Mr. J. S. Baxley is the senior member of the firm Baxley, Boles & Co., cross- tractors. Mr. W. B. Baker of Schlatterville, called on as on Wednesday and renewed his subscription. He says the Herald is the best’ paper in this section. Mr. Baker says he is for Turner for Congress, , ^ p] easun but is a friend of Judge Atkinson. Capt. R. G. Fleming, Superintendent of the S. F. & W.,passed through the city on his returen from inspecting tlie prop erties of the Plant system with Mr. Plant’s party. The Captain has our thanks for kind expressions regarding the Herald. Our esteemed townsman, Mr. A. Beu- nett, representing M. Ferst & Co., of Sa vannah, was reported on our streets last week as dead; but he turned up on Sat urday, a lively and indignant corpse, ich to the satisfaction of Mrs. B. and his many triends. Mr. Carroll, inspector of agencies of tlie.% F. A W. hail a narrow escape from being run over by the “pusher” while crossing the track in front of the depot. Another admonition for greater t place that does uot admit of heedlessness ou the part of pedestrians. Among those registered at the Phoenix this week we note the following: Iff. J. J. Holton, Baxley; F. Joerger, Bruns wick; G. E. Roddenherry, Folkston; J. A. McCrea, Tifton; W. M. Williamson, Dupont; Mr*. Julia Cavedo, postmistress at Folkston; Col. L. L. Thomas, Wares- boro. Judge Spencer U. Atkinson called at the Herald office on Thursday, and ipent the day in the city among his many friends. Throughout the district Judge Atkinson has gained the confi dence of the people by his impartial de cisions, his fearless charges and his strict adherancc to legal principles and rules. Mr. W. Paschell, of North Carolina, has arrived to take charge of the tobacco farm of the Wavcroas Tobacco Growers’ and Manufacturers’ Association. Mr. Paschall is a young man,and brings with him the highest endorsements as to his ability as a tobacco grower and his char acter as gentleman. The public will watch the experiment under hi* charge w ith very great interest THE LADIES BAY, What a convenience it is to go to Brad Watson A Co. and get anything they want, and everything i* strictly first- class. J. V. NORTON, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS. Thi? Largest Stock in this Market. LADIES SLIPPERS & HOSIERY ARE SPECIALT11> Call and Examine the Dress Goods Department. Suuday School Con vent ion. The Executive Committee of the 27th District Georgia State Sunday school Association, met in this city last Friday, and fixed upon Saturday and Sunday, April 16th and 17tli, as the date for holding the annual convention of the District. At that time Governor Nor- then, Mr. J. W. Wheatley, of Amcricus, R. B. Reppard, of Savannah and other prominent men will Ik* here. The music will bo conducted by Prof. R. D. Clancy of Macon. A lively time is an ticipated. two of Folkston’s charming young as visitors to our city. These Misses Eugenia Roddenherry an zie'Mizell, the latter of "whom » to remain in our city some time. rdav .1 I.iz- xpeots SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. 8100.00 IN CASH To Bo Given Away. NO LOTTERY SCHEME. NO RAFFLE. But a Straightforward Donation of $100.00 in Cash to Our Customers. Willi filch Dollar give n Cash Coupon twenty of these Coupons are prosenlr them, paying One Ifollar in Silver f« We want cverybtMly to take advnn We are headquarters for all goods in m Come and si*e us, and bring your friends orlh of goods purchased for 1 for Five Cents in CnsJi,"ai Cash d when I hie dollar’s - will cash of this grand dona! i-iglihor Ask fo “rock bottom.” ‘('ash Cou|miii,’ 2t Free, Fret*, Free. l)r. H. A. Lawton, of Dallas, Tt will pav our city a visit. While here his office will he in If. T. Dunn & Co’s store on Plant avenue. The Doctor takes <ting and examin ing your eyes, free of charge. He has with him iliplomns from all expositions of note from Mexico to Canada, on his Lawton Lasting Lens, a Glass which the wearer can use with ease aud eom- mgest lights. It will cost you nothing to know the condition your eyes are in. tf Miss Americas Rawlinston of Race ’ond, who'had been ill for several days, died on Tuesday night, the 8th instant. We tender our sympathy to the be- We note the arrival in our city ol Mrs. Julia Cavedo of Folkston, who •topped over for a short time on her waj to Savannah. We are pleased to lmv< friends cal^tind see us. ivith \ GENERAL STORE SALESMAN And Book Keeper desin-s a position i: the general merchandise business. Wug< reasonable. I. McCULLEY. iurl2-3t 1st. James City, Fla. 100 be mr 12-2t CASON. Aston, Ga. BHAD WATSON &CO. THE LEADING DRY GOODS STORE, OPPOSITE DEPOT. Waycross, - - Georgia. JOHNSON’S RESTAURANT Plant Avenue—Convenient to Depot, Hernia 2S Ceuta. Lodging WCeuta. Fare Equal to Any $2-a-I)ay Housers Every Patron Sent Away Satisfied. patronage of the public. All j.c. Johnson. w. P. LEE, GROCERIES,: HAY, : GRAIN! Next Door to the north of Lanier & Youmans, Wheic, with his SPLENDID STOCK He is supplying the public at Lowest Prices. Call on me and be satisfied. W* r». LEE. Waycross, Ga., July 4-tf. CAMPBELL HOUSE, WAYCROSS, GA. 1 Rates One Dollar Per Day. 3IRS. M. A. CAMPBELL, Prop. We ask the patronage of the public, and .rsu muiw nn effort to make our guests com- fob l.Vtm fortflbfo. We keep ii lars, suitable trade. feb'JO tf. Brad Waisos A Co. Married. At the resitieuev of the bride’s m**tber on Jane t^reet, on the morning of the 8th instant, by Rev. W. H. Scruggs, Mr. Thomas F. T**on, to Mis* Fannie B. Ikxggs. The Hkrald offers iu con gratulations, ami wishes fur the weded pair much happiness un their j**urney through life. A Monster Planer. The Satilla Manufacturing Company has recently put in a planer for dressing the largest timbers. With their splen did facilities for handling lumber it will be to the interest of saw mill men < lines of the 8. F. & W. and B. & W. railroads to hid on heavy lumber dressed and have their work done in \\ aycross and reshipped. C. Grace & .Son are in the lead on millinery, and eapeet to stay there. » Mr. Miles Albertson has two objects of interest at his place, in tw in calves. Rev. Culpepper is holding a revival in Brunswick. The tent is there and Charlie Tillman also. J. V. KORTOX Can supply every man, woman, and child in Waycross with a pair of shoes. Ioidies slipper* a specialty. ^ * Dr. J. G. Gibson will preach in the Baptist church on Sunday evening. A Reward of $500, Will be paid for any case of Rheuma tism which cannot be cured by Dr. Drummond’* Lightning Remedy. This offer is made in good faith by the propri etor, and there is no reasonable excuse for anv one to suffer longer. Any ordi nary case will be cured by one bottle. In addition to the reward for difficult cases, the money i* always refunded where the remedy WB «». The price of * botUe is *5, ud ttjt mthe coAof a erne. Drummond Medicine So, 48-30 Maiden Une. New York. Agents wanted. For Sale. i stock a full line of Wool Col for saw mill and turpentine J. A. JONES & Co. Dr Jons Bull’s Worm Destroyers taste good and quickly remove worm* from * •• * -nven »w>T>le. restoring the health. Try them. No other worm medicine Price 25 cents at drug stores.» by John D. Park it Sons Co Sycamore St., Cincinnati, O. weaker they find themselv< . ' -ves. aids nature d thus combat* 'with the many ill* of womankind success fully. If your druggist has not got it be will order it for you for $} a bottle. from Chi*. F. Risley, Wholesale Druggist. Gi Cortland SL. New York- ..Send ' - * ' , — criptive pamphlet. " Risley' Phflotoken. THECITYBAKERY Everytlilng in Stock warranted to be Pnre and Fresh. PURE STICK CANDY will order it for you for SI holesale ork- Set- ... ith directions and c tificates ?roin many ladi« mrI2-ly NOTICEOF CO-PARTNERSHIP. The umlersinge«l have this day formed . co-partnership as General Inaurance and Real Estate Agents, under the firm name of Hohenstein &. Folk.*. This 5th day (IK HOl^S-STEIS. mrfolm W. B. FOLKS. Are Specialties. We fill Orders from neighboring towns in lots uot less than tie Dollar. Address all correspondence to THE CITY BAKERY, WAYCROSS, GA. The Herald JobiBosin* Institute. OFFICE ^ | Bookkeeping, phonography. Telegraphy, Is prepared to do your Job! ,an * ht '■>’ vxperienreil teachers. Terms e»°y. Call on or address. Printing in the Best Style, i (i w „ staklex, GIVE DS YOUR ORDERS. jsn ^„ n 129 Broad Street, Thomasville, Ga.