The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, April 09, 1892, Image 1

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NO KEPT IN A {FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORE, AT PAIR PRICES', CO TO B. J. SMITH, Druggist, Star lla* Port OfBcf. vol. xrn. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1892. NO. 19. OFFICERS or WARE county. Wam-n I^oti—Ordinary. W. M. Wilw.n-CWk Superior f. ran. * F. Millrr-.SiM-r.ff mm Jailor K. II.«'riwlry -Tn-A-nn-r. Jue I». Smith—Sclmol Oitiiniiv-iourr. J. W. Knoth- • •ountr<i»mtnie*i<iTwr>—W A * :«»on. . W Davidson ami l» J Blackburn. A.Mrrrt. Waym**, (is. CITT OFFICERS, WAYCROSS, OA. Arthur If. Kllishh «•)<•. IV. A. MtXW. IV. IV. Hhtrp. J II Kill™ J. <J. JiMtiff. It. II. Murphy. \V. D. Hamilton^tlrrk ..f t ity < W. F. l’nrkcr. i ffy A—-.«<.r ai.J < \Varr«*n I*ity Tn-an I Ha- J. !.. Mwrat.«ity Attnmrj Jolm'P. Cumhi. Illy Marshal. W. M- H..nwrvillr. Mtv Knghn — — Jlrrahl, Official Ortrati m POWDER Life*# Border-Lands. »•• burn, ami its sobbing hn*ath abed on the shores of life and death, j Ito«-kinx to rv** in a mothers amis. • Tin* world inr- by with its lurking harm>. l Sweet U.nlcr-land of her love Is? his— j What n»ore have king- ’mid their dynastic**? « Youth come* apace a* a day in Jun«— Tin* ■ his he t has lo tto Mill OK KDtfATIO.1, II. W Heed. Pnwideti Secretary; W. .1 «'ar*w \V. Ilitrh, II. V. Ilresrer Board Absolutely Pure. cant of tarter Lukin-.' |*owder. Marshall, ' Highest of all in leavening strength. - II L. Joi.i.o.n, s'. ' Ixiltrt V. S. (iorrnnnent Furnt Jlrpori. J |. Walk. r. 1 Kov a I. IS\ kino 1*..wear Co.. lor. Wall St. NY nlay i j He feels the flutter of passing wings. While he singing toils and toiling sings, Iw-cknn* afar to flowery stands— ■ He dreams in tin- light of its border-lands, j Now the man delves «leep in mines of thought • Till A mbit ion’s sword with tlaiue is wrought On the Is.rdt-r-lai.d mirages loom, j And his heart goes down in waves of gloom, j < *. temple of love and tender youth, ; Awake your altar with lips of truth. Return with lilllcs so white and rare j To twine on the fevered brow of care. I High School building. %%'ATKHH'OltK* < J .... II. W. M. Wilson. Re-give the While peac And Iiojh* with justi. ; Till the race shall k< i Whose I .order-land a The life and love oft Is he K. ■ml A. M. ly.irins l,*dgc. . J.l and 4th A. V F.nglbh. W. 4th We.lne.lays lll.4<KMIIKAIt < SO. 1 Meets Ml Hull. I’lnnl Avf Friday in each month i.t 7:-*S<» p t on.p W. W. Sharis*. II. IV. Rt K-t W M. Somerville, Secretary. ;kkhciao: »every Mo Fred Fickrn. i\<\; I«owtlur. K. R. llttOTII KHIIOOn UM'OJIUTIVK KJ UIXKKKN. I»ivision 4.1*. K. S. l’aine. t hief F.i.ginn und Ins. Agent; A. K. Hull First Aseistm Fnginerr. Meets *„M and 4th Sundays ea. month ut *2 p. m.. hall. lb* \V 4 Vt'llOSS IIIKI.KS. X 2 0 X Dl D4 X h- £5* m C/3 £ OK PERSONS PLACES ASM THINGS, Mixed With Judgment, We Hope, Spiced Wilh Variety and Seasoned With Dood-nill. IIa- not the postal note liut.ilxi^ con tinued in existence long enough* It dm*.** n..t give the security many thought less person* think reside* in it. and thus, through its apparent safety for transmis sion through the mails, act# as a fraud. It puts the remitter to the trouble of having it issued to him, to say nothing of the fee of three* cents, it gives the re cipient the task of having it cashed, while it affords not a praeticle of safely, as any di dmnest postal employe, or other person, can cash it with jK-rfect facility. It was a senseless ex|K*riment; let it give wav to the issuance of fractional currency. Wall Whitman, the Poet. The pinion as to the merits o! the unique i - rv ..f Walt, as they have I - ended for and against the difficult re anil |>liraseoloyy ..f the great l!..le | l“' v I i 1 standing l»v uneiilti- placed tent* the tin oinfortahli I of the day. primitive!!. jMipu!:; his lan- i volitional guage that reader with its mental and ness. That lie has admirer cultured and scholastic, argues an u;i- | e doubted genius, hut one made repcllant, i delicate mind. l>v I J" 8 * 1,1 iiisivo diet of a dyspeptic, in a , is frequently confined to a t milk three times daily, of exhaustion, the alimentary powers w ill frequently res|>ond to the tonic and nourishing effects of hot milk more readily than to more jiowerful stimulants.. We are impressed to recom mend this as a more common diet since reading what Prof. II. W. Conn has to say in the April Popular Science Month ly aliout “Bacteria in Our Dairy Pro ducts.” But for bacteria in milk it would remain sweet. Absolutely pure milk is free from it, but, according to Prof. Conn, after standing a few hours it will contain, under microscopic obser vation, millions of bacteria for each tumblerful, and the result of their pres ence is to form lactic acid. POLITICAL SCANDAL S. From our Washington t’onvspomlent, Washington, April 4, 1S92.—The black wings of the foul bird ‘Scandal,’ arc flapping ominously over this admin istration, which has iiceu lauded—by Republicans—for its purity and hon esty—ever since it came into power. No wonder that Mr. Harrison, who, to "ren der under C:esar that which is Ca*sar’s,” is a man of great personal purity and sterling honesty, is shocked at some of the most recent cx{>osures. Any honest man would be. And what makes the matter worse, is that prominent members of Mr. Harrison’s own party have shown up some of the wont thing#. For in stance, it was a Republican Senator— Manderson, of Nebraska—who on the floor of the Senate, proclaimed, ami pro duced the documents to prove that the authorities of the Indian bureau have for several mouths lieen trying to com pel the army officer, who is acting Indian agent at Pine Ridge ’ Agency, to accept and distribute 120,tmo pounds of bacon which had 1k.*cii sent to the agency by a Chicago contractor and refused by the army officer, because of its Wing unfit to eat. Ilow Mr. Harrison must enjoy reading the letters from the saintly In dian commissioner (who signalized his entrance into office, several years ago, by creating a scandal, in connection with saddliug his wife’s traveling cx|h*u- ses on the government, besides getting her a salary by appointing her his pri vate secretary), to the honest array offi cer in la-half of the dishonest contrar- sujierficial 1 CAMPBELL HOI!SI leer.. Cunt. J. Mel*. Farr. 1st Lieutenant. u avirimw .*% - - » -• - .1. II. taftoii; 1.M Uriitenant, T. O’Brien: »****«« . il,,. ..l. ! bacteria diet, but for the very sensitive ; «*,. *.» the (lovernment 1 ^ a j® S ® ne Dollar Per Day. i usllil| | v n ^ 0 .. iateil ,. M .,r V an,. C I’* 1 - 1 -’ the knowledge of llieir prcaonce ,;<>n m< KIIU Uland, in > ;,''t Tl.n^l.'vXtl, S.';Zr'"* .t;, , , , I «*<• ItHrs!,. anmrtrM -If I "‘is'" lH- <.l.jecUonable enough to lead to bor, nn Mpenditure »Lic will spare u*» effort*to make our ^iiests islni- ' ail his work. : I ,ract ' w °* niilk lor use as a : aiM j Senate committees ot \V4 Y4TIOSH laOIHlK I - JOHNSON’S RESTAURANT AMONH TIIE CIIFIU HES. cting Tliursday night URA< K KPIMOPAL CTIUIU'I NntU 'i - IViki ImmIkIi i Fare liquid to Any $2-a-l>a.v House. (Every Patrou Sent Anay Satisfied, '* We guarantee satisfa. tion. and solicit tin i patn»n«i*e ..f the publi. . johsso: PEARLS OK THOUGHT. -Host- J. It. Bit knell. Km Jiminieboy (t’ie Iwhy)—“papa, arei What makes life tireary is the want of motive. -George Eliot. Who knows whether the best of men W known, or whether there be not more remarkable j>ef*ons forgot than any that stand remembered in the known account of time?—Sir T. Browne. 1 hate to see a man's arm drop down as if lie was shot, liefore the clock’s fairly One Minute Walk from Union »’* truel£ ’ J l,st as 11 he ’* ncver a 1,11 work. Tliever It was also a Republican—Chandler, of New Hamshirc—who, us chairman the Senate committee on immigration, first directe.1 public attention to the fact that officials of the treasury department had authorized theex{ieiiditun* offtfoO,- Hc tails to state the important fact of I oOO more than there was any legal au- ileleterious to health is this thority lor spending, on the buildings, lent Immigrant Sta- Netv York llar- hich the House Immigration that degree of heat would 1 aru now jointly engaged in investigating, 1 for the purpose of placing the responsi- r,us * ! bility therefor uis>u some one official, if With the recurrence, from lime to , j KW31 l,i C- It cannot lwchargeil that pol- a bald-headed ; time, in the newspapers, of ghastly sto- j j t j cs | 1;l j anything to do with exposing going to plant, ries ot persons lieing buried alive, the j e |t!ier of these charming s)H*cimens of world will turn gratefully to a method ! oir , cial cm .,kcdness. The pension office insure the distruction of all disease Waycross, Ga. IN YOUMANS’ BLOCK liing every Sal.batl. II a. in. and 7 iunduy School every Sal.lw.jl. ”> |. in. V’rayer' Meel Y. M. < Joltu-sin Block, I’ll. i2Tlw W Mondlys\V,,i!! SMtnnlay. tomprl .S-r- Sun.Lvs 4;l.'» p. in L. A C. Ilridcinan. tienri Depot. J, W. Strickland, id delight ill ? ’ull go o • it.—(Jea turning a hi -'«* Eliot. suggesteil by a young French physician ' as a sure ti*st of death. Doctor Martinot asserts that an unfail ing ti*st may be made hv producing a blister on the head or foot of the liody | bv holding the flame of a candle to the ! same, for a few seconds, or until the blister is formed, which will always oc- i cur. If the blister contains any fluid it ’ pride * s evi ^ e,ll ’ e :iu, i the blister only grind- ! t,iat l ,ro< * ucc ^ an ordinary burn; if, r ymi on the contrary, the blister contains only steam, it mav be asserteil tliat life is ex- v\V ANN All AI >V EUTISEM ENTS. The burden of buttering seems ; stone hung about our necks, whil alitv it is onlv the weight which EDWARD LOVELL’S SOHS.irzrZ^;!^" omb- Tlirre i- a S-inrh tli-play'advertisement in i lids |>|iiH*r. Ibis WM-k, which has no two , words ■like except ..I... wnnl. Tin* same is : true of each new appearing each week; from the Pr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a "Civstvnt” on everytliinx lliey make und publish. Ds.k for it. send them the name of tin* word, and they will ntarn you Ihwik. l-mu.iul l ithographs or Samples Free. janil-ly SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Hardware, Tinware, Plows, It is proposed to fine old bachelors for contempt of court.—Boston Journal. Called you a freckled idiot? How ab surd! Why, you are not freckled!—Fun. The i**tage stamp will celebrate its fifty-second birthday anniversary Muv G. Kindness in women, not their beaute ous looks, shall win my love.—^hake- Tur|H‘iitiiic Manufacturers’ Suppli. Bur, Band and llm»p IRON. Wheels, Axles and Wagon I ous loi Material, 1 sj^re. Guns, pistols and Ammunition. dlO-ly J The father makes a mistake when he hips his ln»y for chewing tobacco while igar in his mouth.— Rain’s , r , Lloyd & Adams, jt: a lone period, or use something ’Said to; J I* 101 ikI. and repaint doing PKAl.KUs IN | Sunday School Teacher (sadly)—“I brilliant • gloss, it is ‘ Paints. Oils. Doors. Sash and Blinds, | afraid, Johnnv, that 1 will never meet ;W[. t P &l Terra Cotta and Sewer Pipes. von in Utaven.” Johnny-Why? What iaSMi « , BUILDERS HARDWARE, ReynoKU. Cto4on Lak'*. N. 1.. 14 years on 7 IM« of Ml*. W. K Ode. Mt. Vfnion. N. Averill Mnt has U-en in use 25 yean. led. If yon arc ur*cl to buy I Savannah, : : Georgia., . I k ’i 1 « W . il , 1 U ? .7. . B ^ U ‘ Sole Agent* for Adamant ffla-irr. best ‘ U to have hi _ explanation is as follows: “A : corpse is nothing more than inert matter, bile lie i un ^ cr t * ,e tmtnediate control of physical j laws which causes all liquid heated to a certain temperature to become steam; the epidermis is raised, the blister pro duced, it breaks with a little noise and the steam escapes. But if, in spite of appearance*, there is any remnant of life, the organic mechanism continues to be governed by physiological laws and the blister will contain serous matter, as ; <rf> * () in the case of any ordinary burns. The j test is as simple as the proof is conclu- ; wi jj u nive. Dry blister: death. Liquid blis ter. life. Anyone may try it; there is n<» error p..»idble.”-Translated for Public Opinion lY.mi Opinion Ameionot de Giro- The pens! scandal Mr. Harrison has had with him so long that he has probably almost be come accustomed to it; but some of Raum’s admissions, to say nothing of the testimony of others to the Horn mittee now engaged in investigating that office, must have made very interesting reading for Mr. Harrison. The first step toward* the tariff form, which the Democratic* party* t ask the voters of the country to endc next November, will have lieen taken when the House passes the Springer free wool hill, this week, and others will follow in due season. If the Republican Senate sees fit to refuse to pass these hills, so much the worse for the Repub lican party. Silver rumors are thick just now, prob ably because oT the agitation in the Sen ate caused by the debate brought Senator Morgan’ LEAVING THE BENCH. Jwl(r Atkinson's FnrswsU to Ik* Qns4 Jury of PUrr* Connty. The grand jury of the county of Pierce for the March term of Pierce Superior Court embodied in their general present ment.'. their sense of deep regret that Judge Atkinson should retire from the l»ench. They extended to him their ust cordial good wishes for the success of whatever he might undertake, and re corded their high appreciation of the im partial, able and unsullied manner in which he had occupied the judicial chair. In dismissing them the Judge spoke briefly, eloquently and feelingly: “I have served, in my present posi tion, faithfully, and your assurances cause me to realize that I hare served acceptably. There have been time# when I had unpleasant duties to perform, very; but I haw endeavored to adminis ter the law in the spirit that I would see it administered in this community. In its administration, I have endeavored I know no man, but hare looked, with a steadfast purpose, honestly to give just expression to the rights of every man, a9 lie is entitled to them. Errors I have committed. To hope to the contrary would be to believe that I possess that wisdom which does not belong to the huiiiaii race. These errors a generous jieople will excuse and extenuate. They have heen errors of judgement, not of conscience. The people are free and generous in the extenuation of errors that result from the infirmities of the humuti understanding, but there is no apology, and should never be, for any imperfections of our human inititutions, which result from an obliquity of the conscience. It makes no difference what position a man may occupy in this life, whether a judge, juror or private|citizen, he should answer first at the bar of his own conscience, and then at the bar of public opinion, if needs be. He must do right, whatever may be the judgment of the public, and when a man meets all of the responsibilities that are cast upon him in private or public life, when he elevates the public to that true standard of which you speak in your present ments, the world at last appreciates the honesty of his purpose. Mr. Foreman and gentlemen of the jury, since I have presided in this court, no syllable has escaped my lips that has not had for its purpose the elevation and ennobling of the character of this jieople among whom I live. The great est satisfaction that can come to me is the hopes that these precepts will sur vive my term of office. I need not say to you that it has given me unvarying pleasure to come among these j»cople and jireside over their courts. I have found them always ready to uphold the ann or the law in its efforts to vindicate the rights of the people. This is a law- abiding and law-enforcing people, and if you continue in this way you will find iu the years pass along fewer occasions that require the judges to sit here ii judgement upon the people. ” PROFESSIONAL n.inna • LOT W. HITCH «D». H. HVIH. HITCH & MYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Up Stairs Wilson's Block. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. J L.VWEAT, Attorney at Law, WAY0RGS9. . GEORGIA. W*U prjfjic* in the Brunswick and Booth- fS iSw ““P—OHrt, .»d Nov. l3-*90-ly. J •• WHilAJH, Attorney at Law. WAYCR0S8, .... GEORGIA. John c. McDonald, Attorney and Counselor at WAYCROSS, . .. * . GEORGIA. OmcE op stair# In Wilson Block. 1^ A. WILSON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS, - . . GKORGIjt JJ C. CANNON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS. - . GEORGIA. Orrica up stairs in Wilson Block. Will practice in the Brunswick Circuit and elsewhere by special contract. Nov jr. J. X*. OJtvA Vv jllHTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYCROSS, : GEORGIA. Office In the Wilson Building. WALLACE MATHEWS, I. D., PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0X. WAYCROSS, ; : : : GEORGIA. jan23-ly Driven from Sea to Sea. Among the many books in cheap, jHtjnilur binding that have come to our table, we have read with great interest “From Sea to Sea,” by C. C. Post To sav it is readable is not enough. It is enjoyable and thoroughly instruct ive from start to finish. We are won by the manful struggles of John Parsons, who is really the hero of the story. His fight with relentless corporations and his successive loss of four homes, taken together with the other hard fortunes by that eflcoinjMissed him, would have ilution and dial- J crushed the heart of any one but a man of his hopeful and courageous nature. i read, without tears, the unex- pected and tragic end, when, with the ashen lips of delirium and death, he said: “I’m goin’ over the range, Marty, to stake out another claim, add I’ll be there waitin’ for you and the children Reynold*, < houses of Ml*. W. Y. Averill filnl 1 and is goaraAsed. other mints Amsii tital a er ! Dr Joaa DalPs Worm Destroyer taste good and quick)/ remove worms fron China leads the world iu her banking system. Decapitation of all the official.*, is the jK*nalty of a bank failure, and jam- isliment falls so swiftly that no protect- portrait of hiuufir nude bv an amateur in* Canada can tiiroo- ber arms about artist probable does not yet kuntv vrlrat , ,hc «<*■“« defaulter. It is claimed that i who has never had a s free, i . THE BRSimi H. N. FISH’S European Hotel AND RESTAURANT, lenge to the Senators to define their jma- sitious. In spite of all that is said it is very doubtful whether the Senate will xtent of voting on Senator ee coin ige bill It certainly will uot, if the influence of the adminis tration is strong enough to j.revent it. The most interesting rumor Is one that says more than eighty members of the House have entered into an agreement to filibuster continuously oh everything, except tariff bills, unless the committee on rnles will rejmrt another rule setting a date for the consideration of the Bland free coinage hill. Further than that such a request has been made of tlie committee, the rumor* cannot Ik? firmed. ! Chinese “patriotism" U just m present Superintendent of immigration, Owen, the nge in death ; embodirf in tUc llUcmpt exterminate ; In aiatin ex-Congressman "'horn A»- proper one. '-O ; , 1irijti a„ missionaries and to discourage ! ’^tant Secretary Xntlcton ha, accused the coffin plate tell the Story to all *•>« I Europ eau influence, in the relesti.l cm- ! of ’>«"£ unfit f,,r b'* pl«* and careless, are interested in such personal gossip. | if not dishonest, in the handling of Howard. Cartoons ridiculing the foreigner’s re- vouchers for Uncle Sam’s hard cash, has among the industrial x..—«, The PoUonon. AcMn - | ligion, and extolling their own, are dis- endeavored to answer the charges by . great body of brain-workera, to the cry- In the blood, should lie taken up and ' tributed in great number, in every pro- throwing the blame for everything that ing wrong, perpetrated in the name, and removed by the Liver and Kidneys, but ’ vence, and the enterprise has the active . s ' 11 '.' wrong in his office on his these organs get out of order—fail to do ! sympathy of uianr among the official and ■ c ^ er ^ B » an '^ W charging that General their work, and the result is Rhenma- literary classes. ’ Ncttleton is trying, in the interests of tfeai. Tliere are a thousand remedies q-jm hostility is *o malignant as to . part* 61 who opposed the creation of the fair the liver and Kidnev.*, but there is. ; . _ office of onlv one mire for Rheumatism, and th.t i ^ , ”r S' ! ". ,e 1 is l>r. Dn.mmond's Lightning Uemedv.' " f •*! F-uropcon .ustitutmus in A large little may Ik* had at the drug- ; 1 “J? 51 * v , v . gift*, or will l»e sent bv express to anv Tbe Ncw j ork . * - - -—• • "Tins atnwious assault upon Chnsti-i . remarkable because it | d,Hcmht U ^ n “* U ,!i pride fully humbled. ; fail,,re has occarre.! in 1*00 years. ; notices. And s perintendent of immigration, and bos been from the time he (Owen) took charge of that office, to throw ob- . . staclc# in the j.ath of its work and bring r “£ -K *'■ auittrth” ^.“rkabir^r;; i “>»" « «• •» ' ■ ! is ttmde by the representative. „f evetv- j believe that Imth of them are telling the ; TSlTlTrfullv reoiiTbv the firm thing that stands for civiliaatiou and ; truth, Itepublivan officials are such a ! Druiumou-l Medfcine Co., tlw M.U™ ! ialelledtual vultivattoo^in China queer lot. Mr. Harris,,., i, willing, it Lane, N»nv York. Agents wantcl. !8-2t * “ * n will be sent by address on receipt of i price of a cure, aud any ' ing an argument with the Rheumatism, The style of the book commends it. It is that easy measure which abounds in books full of every day life and Incir dent#. If it# plot is not real, it certainly ought to have been, and one can but doubt whether fiction could fill i many details that present the charaeten that cling to as so after we have laid the book’ away. We commend it to readera, and hoj>e it will incite all to higher aim# and greater courage,and that it will prove another index finger pointing un erringly to the dawning of a great day when the wrongs of earth will be righted. The awakening of the people, not only under the protection of, legislation, fully demonstrated by the ready tale this new book of the people has met with, it being now in its fiftieth edition. The price in j>aj>er is only fifty cents, and it can be had of Savannah book sellers, or by writing to the publishers, Chas. II. Sergei A Co., Chicago, III. DR. J. E. W. SMITH. Office at B. J. SMITH’S DRUG STORK. Residence Hicks Street. WAYCROSS, . GEORGIA. [)1. A. r. ENGLKH, Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS - - GEORGIA. All calls promjrtly attended. TJE. D. E. McMASTER. Physician and Surgeon, WAY'CROSS, . . - liKORtllA. All calls promptly attended to. ,#■' D R. F. C. FOLKS, Physician and Sur- feon, Waycroaa, Ga. 1 have removed my office over Lakibb A Yol kaiw’ Jewelry store. Office houn from 9 to 10 a. x. Can be found at my residence, comer Pendleton street and Brunswick av enue, when not professionally engaged. F. C. FOLKS. July 4,1801—ly. DR. RICHARD B. NEW. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Mias Remshart’a, WAYCROSS, : : : GEORGIA. Jan 80*6m JJR. 6. P. FOLKS, DR. T. A. BAILEY, DENTIST, • Office over Bunk, On pilot Avenue, WAY'CROSS, : GEORGIA. “■ n.l| A. IIULLINnilBAD, Dentiit, CROSS, . . 7 OEOBOIA. - Omen peer South UeoigU Bank. J K.UEDGE, DENTIST, WAYCROSS, . . . UEOKOIA Orrica tip >tain In the Folks Block. JJl JAB- C. BIPPARD. Physician and Surgeon, (lata of Pennsylvania.) Special attention siren to Oenlto Crinn- ^feh•. c ff^|:s b • , ' K,,, ' , " Dr * Anvil lA_«r April 14-tt WARREN LOTT, Fire, Life and Accident In- anranoe Agent, WAYCBOSS, . . . OEOBOIA. —Nothing bnt first-claw companies repre sented. Isscbaxcb effected on all dame a of Tiie Tried and Fire Tested Fire, life and Accident Insurance Com panies, and BEAL ESTATE OFFICE, KNIGHT A ALLEN, tnrl* ly Waycroaa. Oa. s the work of itieo of letters, men of a _ ; really lofty scholarship lucaanretl by any ' Auion- the wittv Jefinitbun. that hate 1 MandarJ pe may apply. Tb« «tch men i , i . .. , . : who#e ordinary concern in life is with ! been credited to eminent men tiie fol- phno3op j 11 «r# pecu Utioa-, high political lowing by Ingersoll i# particularly neat:__ economy, statesmanship, or purely aw- “A jiolitician is a man who want* the i thetical* divagations, shoald stoop to ex- people to «lo something f«*r him; a state#- | pedient# not only absolutely depraved, i maw la a man who want# to do some- ■ but of childlike imbecility^ Is something 1 thing for the people.’ * : that doe* not readily^explain itself Raid, to sacrifice Owen, who i* his j>er- sonal friend, and also Ncttleton, if that would settle the scandal; but he has been told by member# of both the House and Senate immigration commit tee# that they intended to probe the whole matter to the bottom, whoever it might hurt, #o that he will probably wait awhile before making any removals or asking for any resignation*. When the Heart is Affected By Rheumatism, or any of the muscle* near that organ, it is likejtampering with an electric wire, for death may con any moment.. If life is worth $5, go to the druggist and get Dr. Drummood’s Lightning Remedy, or send to the Drum mond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send you a large bottle by prepaid express. It is not as quick as electricity, bnt it will save your life if yon take it in tinfe. Agents wanted. 18-St W. A. JilLlZT. xx.Jsxxnm*co, Real Estate mi Insurance Agents *-• TS Bento law BMC SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W. A. WRIGHT, Justice of the Peace, (Post-Office Building—Plant Avenue.) WAYCROSS. - - - GEORGIA. —Special attention given to the collection of all claims. Omcx boars from 8 a. x. to 12 and from 2 r. x. to 5 r. x. ROIBOTHAI & IORPHT. Architects and Builder*. WAYCROSS. ■ ■ - OEOBOIA. CHEWACLA LIKE. WALTERTOWN BRICK. Fsbt-tf