The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, April 16, 1892, Image 4

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wh ri . there‘n<» warfare up.*u the) abuse fM:n the one party or the other? B*cnu«c national hankers o.ntrnl thun both* . * I Yet men who think they 'are dealing 1 with the question fairly aay “Give the Uen iert.i a chance.” Very well; let us give them a chance. aupiMMe that the Democrat* cap- ture all the WmAfi of the government and enact into Vnr every plank in their me; which can tax me out of all just i proportion to the wav it taxes some one | else. The burden is n it laid with reicre-u-e to the strength of him who i* to War it. 1’pon the other hand, the richer the citizen, the lews hi* lav- as compared to the (Kxir. Not only is thi* » . hut when the rich oitizrn is engaged in manufacturing., • making tinware, glassware, iron ware, or ; an> other of the inauy indu-tric* which I are prottctctl undo - our tariff system, In* I actually make* a splendid profit out « f the taxc* of hi* fellow citizen*. How is thi* don«-? , The iuerfased price on the h.* I make* (owing to the tariff) cornea out of 1 ; toe (RHrkvt* of all «*f us who buy his ■ j paid*. TIho p» into his. Therefore ; hra iwotit* mainly «*»ne fnWi our »a\c<. i The government never gets a teat i lr«MU him. The g-oenunem sW* u» 1 ' money «xce;*t Tnc.u the t'-weign |S»>fai«N r , who briny* the same ntir!j ln+e to Sell i • to us and who under the tariff sys eai , must pay a rsMotn boo* • .Imy for the ; k»itil»JS-- Wheb we Imy fr** a foreigner he j a-lds the duty t i liis original pries* ami ‘ • see jay it. it pus, therefore, to ike 1 • goyempiout through lire cunbwi IhiasM. f IUrtobtui .il the ciionuous increase. I »f prkfQL which the tariff can*** «n TRADE WITH US AND YOU WILL ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES AND LATEST STYLES ' TSb is gran ring more than rvasn ami Experience tells us we should. lint let us do it! Then what have we got? We still have the national 1 tanking system in nil it* favoritism, armed with ail its |n*wec. threatening all its dangers, for the IVynrnric platform contains no Arc what we offer you now. Every one is surprised that calls on us. You will say it is a positive fact that such an array was never seen before. Our specialties in Furniture are Fancy Parlor Suit-, Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, Man tels and Standing Cabinets* Office Fittings, Etc., Etc. Our Carpet detriment Specialties: Monquette, Wilton and Brussels Carpets, from &Uc to $1.6d a yard. Also, a large apartment of I .are Curtains, Tambour and Renaitmancr Portlet* of every Style and Quality. Window Shades s Specialty. Don’t forget that wc can $11 your wants, no matter what they are. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Slatting laid: Window Shades hung—all Exclusively free of charge. Come and convince yourself that we mean what we say. Pee our $20.00 bed room suits, Worth $30.00.. Our assortment of mattresst^ ami springs will nuke you aware what lurgain* mean. «hir gran I selection of pictures, **nr most desira ble ass>nta»ent *»f quilts, blanket*. c**mH*rt*. ami our large otock or chain and rocken will make you believe we mean l*j*ine**. We want money. You want the soaiething of that list, or some article which we have in stock, and they are too numerous to mention. J-rt ns puke the exduage. We sdl our poib on the Installment Man, nml we give you a gnml <K*--.mnt bv paying Ca*li. He appeal to you all, citizen* of Waycm** ami vicinity, to give u* a trial, and patronize us. C.A.SNOW&CO. Over |»rmluctton means that we have 1 made more than necessity calls for and that, all wants being satisfied, the sar- plm is cheap becanae no nun Bfeb it. Woold that it wcee no? Would that our people had all the fi*od they wished, all the clothing they needed, nil the ne cessities which make a comfort and a haven! Then indeed we would care little about the surplus of cotton or corn or wheat. XOTHISO TO BUY WITH. No gentlemen! The explanation FARM AND ALLIANCE. < an he Made bjr Agents Selling the Farmers Alliance History And Agricultural Digest. - BY N. A. DUNNING. And...r.4--The Phlk<*i>hy of Pri.*,” “Ills tonr of the United States Dollar.* am! As Muriate Editor of Tin* National Economist, ofiirtal orcaii of the Naiioiul Farmer* Al- lian.ean.1 Industrial I'nion. The book contain.- ■*•) past*. 30 elegant' pboto-cngravinp*. It contain*statistical in formation tliat -hotild bo in tin* pweession of every Alliance metnlier. It t* a i-orrect mirror and reflect* the tnie act* and pnv- gn-** that the AI!ian<. ha- nuule from its inception op to date. ^ Pmv. cloth, fcLVh lialf Itu-ia. in. Send. Alliance Publishing Co-, 2J> North Capital Street, marSff-lt Washington, 1». C- FURNITURE As I desire to giv Uorv>n. riMOral: > J • J. J. WilkWilUho^Mr; inch, Tew. nor; Her. Thoamaon, i:W. I>. H.mllton. Urtmw: H. I. 1,-ktuit M. J. Mock, rprr; V. It. Todd. AnbUnt Door It ia not that the people «fo tad wi to buy. Oh no. It i* t«rau«r th have not the nieans to |iay with. Georgian* want more wheat. Th haven't the mean* to buy with. NT ftreprr: u ■>. imu. atm’iwi wper; i*. F. Miller, Sergeant-at-arm*. Port office Waymwa. II. ('.WllUanm, IVridnrt: «. I.. Ifelm* Vice* Frr*i. lent; V. K.G. John*, seemtarr. J. «. Clough, Twtwm; J- M. Freeman; Chaplain; M. J. Mock. Door Keeper;C. D. Todd, AwbUnt Door Keeper ; T. H. Morton lertnrer.*. Snb-AlUance meeta in Way- erim the 4th Saturday In each mc.nth at 1«> The Satilb Alliance meet* oemi-montlil' »n the Sat unlay lieforc tl»e second an. fourth Humlay in each month. J. J. D*vw, O. F Haoxrox Secrrury. President. TON'S MISS To the People of Georgia- Calm Presentation of THE sm'ATIOM IT THIS ( OI XTRV A, Aptrt-.l whlefc Will be Knit -Ilk Interest by All f'laaaea and Parties F.te. too much abundance. Knoll had t«H much prosperity! Infinite absurdity ! What i* the trin • of distre** when- inmwtry did *. much to supply it* ncol*? Tlie medium of exchange had l*cel contracted that a *p»*-i.*l rlns* enjoy ing special privileges had the power ti keep lalior’a product* from exchanging with each .»lhcr at their true value 1 Thi* alone can explain why alntn- lance bring* scarcity. fro: M1LVKB. What d**e* the IbmiOATatic |"»li<7 offer a* a remedy for .thi* awful state tf thing*? Theyj offer U* an iiuv.-.i-c of I centa api.Tc in 'the cnrrrn. y undt Eland Silver Bill ! With that princely addition t« circulating m«*lium they say th mu*t real sa!i*fh*l; disband <mr r> army; cca*e to agitate and nlucate; to ask for #.*m» |**r capita; and go I nick to our drowsy indifference till such time a* the. lunkcr* deipoin-tlre silver a* they did in I ft73. . Mr. Illand silver bill claims that it would inoron* the volume of currency $22,IMNi,OOo an dually. About thirty cent* jht capita ? Rea tlie rejsirt and s«v for yourselve*. Yi Northern and Eastern Demm-rat* <«f th banker sort) arc kicking like uiuU against this slight increase. Hill’s liei; tenant* are lighting it— fearing with tin best of r(*asou* that the New York lh< mocracy will repudiate him promptly if he favor* any changn in our IV Tin: wha Thi* i* laid enough but the worst i* to line. The Democrat* who favor this in crease of thirty cent* in our currency are coolly claiming that if they the measure through tin* H«m*c, the people biunf rest satisticil and quit thi* agitation If the uiouev |kiW( tin* Ku«t could so both t'lrv. laud ami one of them dar«** to rv a* free silwr w< how on earth can w» dare against t of taxing the $50 |H-r capil we e\|Hvt then lull bank* ajtd i KXI-AXD THK CCKRESinr. Lils-rali/i* the medium of Exchange, U*r Ia*gal Tender Paj>cr as well a* the two metal*, |ait enough out to the want* of the people in making their exchange*, and you have, what ? ~ You have the law of trade where left it before the usurer laid hi* unholy hand ii|*m it. I exchange m modify on the lm*i* of its labor cost and its u*cfulnra*; you do the same; and thus every product regulates, ami is rrgnlatrd a vr.irv hmai.i. rt'ii by all the others on true prinei|ile*. (hivr.nvMkxt makjm'Vioxey. We all see that the creation of money i* a soverign right, lielonging .to the people in their collective- rapacity; that the fovemnent with which the.|a*ople have clothi-d thi* power should egervise it directly and nut farm it nut to banks nor c.Hitine tlie limits to two metals. That the government is acting with favoritism when it delegates to hauler* the right to issue money to the |*ople at Itankcr'* profits when the |>eo|de under the law have equal right* with thine hanker*. Tliat the moment the government give* over lh»* enormous power ing or distributing money to any fqiecial class of the people then the ma**c* ol the |troplc are put at a disadvantage; are deprive. 1 of sharing upon equality a benefit which belonged to the mass u not to the class; are made *ut>*crvieut that clam; am financially victimised by that claa*; and in the end are Imuml to lie ruined by that class. Give to’any class the privilege of get ting the people's uiouev at one per cent, and lending it to those ]>eoplr at eight per cent, ami of contracting and «mpanding it at their pleasure, and y«*u have a finsneinl despotism which would in the loug run turn the Nile Valley into a den of pauper* and would Mast j l*l* ,r '* |*roducb the pMsperity of the most industrious 1 " n ** ^ '*hcr Ml their true value. |icoplc that ever bnHtght to the culture ' FKHERAI. taxation. of the brown uplands of our lant fa cored I “ n ^* :ir ‘' * 11 agree J on the States the (intelligence, the* system and | question. the machinery of the nineteenth cm- j The evil «f which wc complain L* l, irv . ’ the FeiltTal taxe* are now levied or ol.t* party KKMKUiix j necessities of man am What are the Democratic oi Repuhli- ! The millionaire puj can parties doing to check this terrible a one-horse tenant claasisin of national tianks ? Very frequently Nothing. a system of taxation What does the platform of either Inerease <' party promise to do alkiot it ? ! " ‘ Rnsiiie.vs I , I’hotuwvaphy. Telegraphy, . people the benefit of my cash trade, Stoves will be sold low down for cash. jg to purchase these goods will do well to state ey intend to pa}- cash, so as to get the benefit of Cash , In addition to our large stock of Furniture and Stoves, — a full stock of ] Goods, notions. Shoes, Hats, Crocker)'and Hardware. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OK UTENSILS AND HARNESS. I will be pleased to price goods at any time. COURT HOUSE SQUARE. PATENT SOLE Calf Slioe, TOY A PA IK FlioSI F. C. OWENS, W:iv(?rossi On. Foreign and Domestic Fruits rANhlKS, confectionery, ■ TOBACCO; * CIGARS. CIGARETTES, Ar. «Ice Cold Drinks, Albany Avenue, WA Yi'ROSS, GlCnlBIIA R. B. KEENE, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, TIN. SHE El' IRON AND COPPER WORK. STEAM FITTING A SPECIALTY. TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK. DKA1.KK IK Pnmpi*, IMpe, Stemn. <»as siitcl Water Fitting. Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well GUARANTEED. Plant Avenue, Near Canal W aycross, G eorgia. ^ j WAYCROSS. GA. Wr lies to announce to the public that we have a.l,lct a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT To our Bank. In which we will receive .Wp.*ii* from $t.rf> to $3,000. paying interest at tlie rate t»f 4 per cent, thereon, per annum, which will l*e credited FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Namely. January 1*1, April l*t, July l*t and (Vtober l*t Save Your Spare Dimes For a rainy day. and put them where they will !>r safe and earning you »omettiing. DIRECTORS: 0. C. Grace, MUt* Alberts* Warren Lott. J. S. Bat lev. 11. Murphy, Lemuel Johnson, J. K. Wadlry. DeposiL* reoeiveil every tlajr during Banking Hours, ami on Sal unlay* fhwn fl In p. m.. amt the 16th and 17th of each month for one hour in the evening—6 to 7 p. in. AN INTERESTING EVENT- TIIK ril'U TttKAiiLUV. lu order that the volume of currency might increase or diutinUh :vs the j-e *- |dr ijct-»h«d it or did not Iieetl it t«» per fect their exehauges the *ub-treasury plan wa* otieretl. No lietter plan has yet Iwcti otli retl Ita prineipb** are *Miml t practical mid conservative. |mf|ai*e is to auppi. piled so that Henry Hohenstein & Go., SAVANNAH. GA. Gonornl Agents vi a rv ii att.v rv Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. CORRESPONDENC E SO I.ICITED. GILLON &l HUDSON, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. (WAYCROSS IRON WORKS.) Waycross, .... Georgia, H AVING added all necessary Machinery to our shop, we are now prepared to do all kinds of casting, repairing and general work on locomotives. We also carry in stock Stationary and Saw Mills, Piping, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers and Brass Cocks of all kinds. We make a specialty of Syrup Mills and Kettles. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IN FRUIT GROW I N< i ISTOGET Good Fruit Trees from Reliable Dealers. THE CHEROKEEE FARM AND IVrUR.SJSii.IES, Have a Half a Million of the best Pear, Peach, Plum, Japanese Persimmon, Apple and a hundred other kinds of trees and plants at the lowest prices. Write them for cata logue and price list. ’ oct^i-iy ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ht» cnttviticpd Give us a trial and jam HAPPY!! NO NAME FOR IT! This Gentleman has found the , most extensive and complete es tablishment of any kink in Way- cross. A regular MULTUM IN PARVO. Where they make anything in wood front a Pine Plauk to an to an Elaborate Sideboard in the highest style of art. '— GOOD SOLID ICE Delivered at your door or shipped in alt)- quantity, anywhere. EDEf .TRIC laKiHTS For Street Store or Dwelling. We refer to the Satilla Manufacturing Company, WHOSE OFFICE AND WORKS ARP1 IN WEST WAYCROSS. Fancy Furniture, Moulding, all kinds of Wood Carving and Ttirning. Two inuneuse dry kilns. Bone Dry Lumber Dressed and worked. State wood at your door at #1.00 for for two-horse wagon load. Agent for Fay’s nianilla building paper- ^>0 4th Store in the Ovens Block! PIANOS! PIANOS! ORGANS! ORGANS! Sewing Machines! Musical Instruments of all Kinds—Small and Great WUl lundU tuith'mg l«t the Be.1 lnMnimMit.. All mV InriniiurnU areal tlie lint Make.. No Single Heed Organ. In rtock. Will not handle an Organ that ha. lew than two »el« K««d» and good Walnut Cane.. GUITARS OF ALL KINDS, Banjos in Great Variety. Harmonicas in Quan tities, Fifes, Flutes, Fageolets and Drums. Musical Albums and Jewelry Cases. FOURTH STORE IN THE OWENS BLOCK. My fritmU arc invited to call and examine my Stock. PIANOS, ORGANS, AND SEWING MACHINES OX EASY PAYMENTS. J. R. KNIGHT, AG EXT* ' Wavrross, Ga.