The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, April 30, 1892, Image 1

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IK ANYTH I NCI KEPT IN A FIRST GLASS DRUG STORE, AT PAIR PRICE**, CO TO B. J. SMITH, Druggist, R«t4 IDork, WlbtPMtoarr. WELEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW Brad Wataon St Co’s Leading Dry Goods Store. Spring ami Kumnm- Hood'. Owens Block, Opposite Depot. WAYCROSP, : : GEORGIA. vol. xm. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1892. NO. 22. OFFICERS OP WARP. COl'STT. Warren lx»U—Ordinary. \V. M- Wllsnn—Oerk Kaprrior* oun. 8. F. Miller—Mlieritfan«l Jailor. K. II. Crawley—Trra»i r IV Hmlth—S-Wd Comn _. J. Wilkinson—Tax Itereii T. T. Tlil|rj*« n—Tax <'oilerto J. \V. Booth—Co CountyCommiMtioner*—W. A W. Itavnbon an.I D. J. Illarkl.ii AiMfM. Wajctw*. tin. TV. A. MrNiel. W. \V. Sharp- J »•.■ cm OFFICER*, WAYCROSS, GA Arthur M. Knight, May \V. W. Siiar, . 1! Murphy ...... Inn.ili " ‘ ' W. F. I* . . Warren Dm. illy Treasurer J. I*, City Attorney. John 1*. Ca«on.<1tjr Marshal W. M K.,inervillr. <1tv Kn*ln . lli rmhl, “ ggi POWDER Tin- Way. ro-* Herald. MO % HU OK KDWATIOK. W llileh. It I*. Ilrvw.r. J. I- Ualkrr. metis Second Saturday m uvmth »l*i.fip. ... . at Illicit building. M All-Msoi W. A.«a**m W. 1* Han Absolutely Pure* . f tarter baking [Miivdcr. M. Marshall, Highest of nil in leavening strength.— ’ * J fmlat r. X fh.rert.mtnt I\«J Report. j It IK i VO IV.WI.KKCo., hit; Wall St. X.Y. j Hr Jonu Hull's tlurn Destroyer j taatef'.Mi.l ami tjiiiekly remove worm* from ‘ . restoring the •alth. Try them. ; SOCIAL. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC, ! In Whirl* the Editor Gosdp* With You on ({imUom of the Day. Sir Morrell Mackenzie, • the great | throat sjKreialiM, caution* agaiu.4 the custom many ladies have of wrapping up the throat warmly, especially condemn ing fur or feather Im.x*. He affirms that the great thing to prevent throat dbeas- c» is tt. harden the throat, aud advises as free exposure to the air for the neck, an is given the face. wreak ai I No ..the . Price 25 , hy John drugs ii.I sure, t hy mail o. .'tor. F. mi.I A. M-. Wcdnedsy* at 7:0»* W. M.; K. II. Reed, CITY TAX NOTICE. ie City Tax Book* will I* open at my r on the corner of l'nrker and Kli/a- i streets, for the tveeptipn of City Tax HL«< KNIIKAR t llAPTKII Meet* at Masonic Hall, Plant Frida) in « Fred Fi. keii.'c.c.; l/mtlicr. K. It. and S. HH OTI IKK 11 OOP LOCOMOTIVK KX- util IS, in City Tn nd daily from 8 oVIu until further notiee. W. F. PARKER, “Press the button and the machine II do the rest.” When inventors get PROCEEDINGS OF CITY COUNCIL, i Waycru**, Ga., March 14, 1891-- Clty Council met in pemuauce to ad journment, at 7:S0 p. Hi* Honor. Mayor Knight presiding. .Aldermen present: McNeil, SliarjH*. Gillon and Justice. Read and confirmed the minutes of last regular meeting, called meeting he*|.l March 1st, and minutes of no quo rum and adjournment on March Oth, 1892. Air. ti. K. Youman* us* heard, ask ing [permission to build water closets; same granted, provided the closets an- not erected nearer the street than five feet. ~ - . ('hoirman public property committee re ported progress on purchase of cabinet for Clerk’s office and suits for city con victs. Was granted further time to re- through fiiruUhing u. with up- |Kirt ou ,, rn c U rciucm „r nile f..r city public building. AN ADDRESS To the Peaple of the Eleventh Congres sional District. Waycpohk, Cl a., April 18.-The fol lowing resolutions have been passed hy the Henry ({. Turner Club at this place. Wiikkkas. We, the undersigned, strongly believe that the Hon. Henry G. Turner is the ablest and best, and there fore the most available man to represent the Eleventh district in the next United States congress; therefore be it Revolted, That we organize ourselves into a club which shall be called the Henfy G. Turner Club of Ware county. Retolcnl, That we individually do all in our power to have the Hon. Henry G. Turner nominated and elected. Ware County Board of Commissioners April Term, 1892. Present: Warren Lott, Chairman; Commissioners: Cason, Davidson and Blackburn. Minute* last meeting read and con tinued. The monthly allowance or Margaret Scott, a pauper of said county, was raised from six to ten dollars per month. Harry Mack was placed on the pauper list at $8.38 per month. Stepney Morgan was added to the pauper list at the rate of $2.00 per month. The following amounts were ordered paid to paupers for the month of March, 1892, to-wit: The club bus adopted the following j | SAVANNAH AI) V ERTISKM ENTS. ! EDWARD LOVELL’S SOUS, j SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. in.mill at 2 p. m.. Brotherhood hall, lteed Mock. 1XTKHMATIOMAI. A UNO. MACHINIST*. Wayi riM l/slge No. 74.W. T. Brewer, M. M.. C. T. N. Syfan, Secretary. Meet* 2d and -II). Sul unlay* eaeh month «l U- 1- K. hall. :x,t- Hardware, Tinware, Plows, TurjH-ntine Manufacturers* Supplies, Bar, Bind mid Hoop IRON. W heels, Axles and Wagon Material, linns, Pistols mill Ammunition. .119-lv pa rut us to meet all the exigences .'-f life, the world will lie run hy lightning, in deed, and there will In* little left us to do in any line but “press the button.” A Chicago man has invented an ar rangement for carrying a small battery* in carriages, with appliances for commu nicating a current of electricity to the horse in case of his running away. The horse daslic* off madly—a button is pressed, the horse stops and meekly waits for furtlver instructions! A great age, this. ——— Our relations with China prom is? to Ik* anything hut pacific with the pass age of deary’« anti-Chinese hill in the House. The object of the hill is not only to exclude Chinese immigration to this country, but to prevent the return to this country of any Chinese now here, should they make a visit to their native land. Llovd & Adams. Street; committee reported on new streets and street lines, and was granted further time for final rejmrt. The'Mavor;stated that incompliance with instructions of Council he had Imrrowed $2,000.00 to pay outstanding indebtedness of the city. Council examined mul approved the bonds of cemetery keeper and street overseer. Monthly rejmrt cemetery keeper read and filed. Petition of citizens of the 5th ward asking for more lights, was, on motion of Alderman Sharpe, seconded hy Mr. McNeil, referred to tlffi chairman street committee to investigate and report. Petition of citizena?a*king for the re moval of the bulletin lioard atjpark on Plant avenue and to have the park beau tified, was favorably considered, and on Motion of Alderman S|iur|K\ seconded AMONG THE CHURCHES. vhkhbxykhi an ernwii. ’raver meeting Thursday night Yl.s k. KaM«l1i m hisd nl »»»«. i ..inlay. The Birn.-M Worker* me Vr.lnes.lag aftenmon. J. It. Bieknrll. It.s Servhvs II n. in. and 7l*» p. m S ins.I li a. m. maitint nnncii. Albany Avenue, IU-v. W. II. K.*niR* SaM>alli 11 a. DEALERS IX Fnints, Oils, Doors, Snsh mul Blinds, i i Terra Colta aiul Sewer Pipes, < the commercial relations of the two BUILDERS HARDWARE, I ' i s,r0ft ,luly receivw1 ' Lime, Plaster and, Hair and Cement. I United States. — Comer Cougivs.* and Whitaker Sis.. Savannah, : : Georgia. |K‘tition the property committee for per mission to l>eautify said park. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. E. H. Ree<l, secretary of 'saiil .**n:mittee, of *.!.’ A KM A dai Is-st V’niyir ^M. vti uj pvert •> y Schoo ' pn-jiaration in the world f.»r i»la*l«-rinj walls and .-I’llings. Write for Hr. ufam. dee 19-ly 1S71. The Ohl Reliable. 1S92 HARNETT HOUSE, SAVANNAH. ISA., Eiertrie iAaht ami ttrlln, | ARTKRIAN WKU. WATER. all lh*poi This catering of congress, by both parties, to the race prejudice of the Pa- ^ j[ r McNeil rific CKKt inwlorto gain elwtonl | ' Halved Couilc |*oint* a demoralization in government ; \y AVC that would work the downfall of nation. Already the Chinese in United States have |»ctitioned their (Hiuntry tu take ,uch «•««-| thU action or Council. apiinst in Chin., aud in J xh( . |H -Uti<ui ofR. P. ri w. luil-. " ; apprentice gang, asking to be relieved of *• I street duty received, and the request do- resident' of the j ( ., ineil |, y Council. Communication from ex-City Kngin- ■;Tlie Imrrc imut go, al'lcasl for com- j „, r Somerville, with bill for map of tltc moo u«- on city pavements." Probably ! ci(T „ r Warpnw( . Onlerul that he Ik- one of the first things to impress the ru- ] , 2 6.tHI for said map. rat visitor to Sew York, or other large , T) , e c- ity T „ Assessor and Collector eitite, is the hard lot of that t hcretofore elected, and name withheld, mal, the horse. Driven, or goade-1 on, ■ WM anuolIll e.Kl, Capt. W. K. Parker, mercilessly, almost night and day rough cobble stones, loads, bis magnificent strength of sinew is soon strained and lost. addres* Frllote Wizen* 0/ ll’r/v ( Xtunty and of the Kterenth i hngrtmonal Dhfrirt 0/ (Jeor- tjia : The committee apjtointed by the Hen ry <1. Turner Democratic Club of Ware County to draff and to issue a preamble and set of resolutions giving their rea sons for sup|>orting the Hon. Henry G. Turner of Ilrooks county in the nomina tion soon to take place, desire to address you at greater length than was possible in the aforesaid preamble and resolu tions. We want to rail your attention to the all important fact that, perhaps, the greatest crisis is now upon the Dem ocratic party that lias occurred since the memorable campaign of 1 Stiff. While we do not for a moment believe that the result will bring on another sectional and fratricidal war, we earnestly believe that the happiness and the material in terest of the whole country is as much involved in the issue now as then. We are fully |>ersuade«l in our own minds that certain men have been Ixiught up and arc now in the pay of the Republi can party to sow the seeds of discord in our ranks and thereby break up the sol idity of our southern Democracy. To defeat the schemes of tliese worse than Benedict Arnolds, we need and should have as our leader, the most ex perienced statesman iimljiblest mail in our district. Now as to Mr. Turner’s experience, there can lie no question. He has represented the Second congres sional district with great credit, term af ter term for many years. As to his abili ty, bis works shows for themselves. He has been on the right side of every ques tion that lias come Iteftrte the House, and has been the advocate of all the good legislation we have had all these He has been, Han Rigan ..$1000 ... 500 ... 20 00 Margaret Scott Susan Ashley 7 00 Chas. Howard 7 00 Dick Baldwin 500 Eliza Fnlwood 600 Malcolm White^. 500 John*McOuaig .*. 10 00 Ransom Johnson. 7 00 Brister Garrett and wife 8 00 Rachael Houston 4 00 The following bills were audited and ordered paid: K. B. Keen, bill for well and sewer pipe for jail 50 Am t forward. 02 50 H. T. Dunn * Co. for spittoons Ac 21 75 S K Miller, jail fees, March, 1892. 21 90 (J. 1. folk.*, M, D., tuedi.’al attention 0 topaupew...... 5200 K. r. Miller, railroad fare for prison ers from Savannah 22 28 lister Taylor, witness from Coffee county 111 Knight and Golden case... 5 30 W arren Lott, railroad fare. Geo. Wil- hatnson, pauper, to Charleston, S. C. 7 50 llegau Mantle Co., new court house mantles 94 00 Marshal A Brace, (stationery to date) 83 97 B-^.^ars, witness from Coffee county, Knight and Golden case..... Chisholm, M. D., Chatham > prison- l railway t i death. ck. Plant Avenue, lb 8 a. in. «•» 9:3o 1*. hi. Mondays, Wednesday*. Fridays ■niupanies drive him to When no longer strong enough * soulless corporations the poor « braced up lietween the shafts of and Wharves. ] rickety wagons and carts and pushed RATES $2 PER JDAY ' hy the huckster*, garbage men M. L. HARNETT. 1 and day, over (<jjy Assessor and C'-ollcctor. The Clerk I , . . , " ’ ilmn'inir . . i chuiriuftu of the most uuiHirtuut com- itranin 0 dirccteii to inform C ant. Parker of his 1 . . .... Xf - *«** - -T '7" “ I rlZ nnee anil arrange hi* book, for the as- J C( , nilual ,j, al „, lltiu „ ofUl e ID,use sessmeut of property, on the [ ^ of |hj t „ ul „ ry wch „ bul il the like. The horse must be deliv- ered from this cnieltv and he inus*. also Katunlay. Knndays 4:15 p, 1 A. C. Bride At the IIaunktt Hoi’sn, Savannah, ! Ga.. yoli can get all the comforts of the • higli-priced Hotel.*, ami save from One , to Two iXdlars jier dav.—/>Wuu 11,mr go liecause he is too expensive. None but the wealthy aud prosperous cau af ford tn maintain him in health and vigor. He eats too much, dies too soon and cannot be sold for food. Horses make filthy street*. The hundred miles, or more, of smooth asphalt [»aveinent at the capital would be a* clean as a house floor were it not for horse droppings. The streets swept at great expense in the C*i I FAriDi) FY I-l nfol I «rly morning are littered afresh before EL U I UfJtJd. II nULCI nin * ^ m by the various teams of town a no i and country. A few hours’ sun and [ wind by the aid of the sparrows con- ^ ESTT VJ R A TT j i vert * muc ** this filth into dust, that Till: IIARSIULL, H. N. FISH’S 1st of April next. The application of Mr. J. S. Sharp to have last year’s taxes on the stock of goods of Bibb A Dekle refunded to him, the same having been twice paid, once by himself and once by M. Ferst’s Sons. A Co., was on motion referred to chair man finance. Audited aud ordered paid the follow ing bills, to-wit: Bill of B. 11. Levy, Bro. A Co. (pants) $ 1 iff W. M. Somerville imap) 2000 •• ** **- “ ** (engineer feeg) 4125 •• ** Ixiokout Sewer Pipe Co., (mping) 13U7U Bill of Satilla M'fg Co. (lumber) « €7 44 44 “ “ (lights).. 165 27 44 44 J. W. Mallon (sundries) 31 45 44 44 W. H.Davis A Co.(s tone street*) 426 70 44 *• Waycroas Lumber Co. (lumber) 70 50 44 44 W.P. I^ee (provision.*, mules and convicts)— 150 40 rtnvu nainliy feb 20-ly rjsriti. A MAIM nS?&S450 HIS NEIGHBOR l«sire Vcsrsill ■aesggfS; LUDDER S BITES, Smud.Gi. bv afternoon h waftetl into every door and window. The recent decision of the Supreme Court in the Counselman case is said to have rendered the Interstate Commerce Bill of W. T. Brewer (dray tags).... 44 44 O. D’Auvergne (work) —.. 1 -w 44 44 Grace A McNeil (clothing, con victs) 50 15 On motion the regular monthly meet ings of Council were changed, to be held hereafter on the 3rd Monday night of each month, at 7:30. Council adjourned. W. I>. Hamilton, . A. 51. Knight, Clerk. Mayor. Waycross, Ga. IN TOUUANS’ BLOCK Oue Minute Walk from Union Depot. **»>7 J* W. Strickland, Ag- 1 JOHNSON’S RESTAURANT ITant Avenue—<'.•nvoni. nl !••, N«*U t» Cent*. MglH’UrraU. Fare Ivjual to Any 92-a-Dxv II. si So. Every 1'aIron Sent Away SatidM. We guaranU-e satMartimi. amt «4iril the iiainmtge fiif the pnblio. All sre ask Is a trial. J. i*- JOHXSUX. n»rl2-3m J. R. Knight can aril yon an Organ or Piam» cheaper than you e*u. hay tn New m Ct/il wj muevesae N i y'una j Commission powerless to enforce the law under which it acts. Counselman refused to answer the I jury when asked if he had received re- I bates, etc., on the ground that a reply ; might tend to incriminate himself, and '• the Supreme Court sustained him on the i ground that no perton $kaU be compelled ! in any criminal rate to be a tritnen against j Minuet/. Commenting on this derision the | Omaha Bee says: The dour b thus opened to unlimited ; contracts ami agreements in cmitraven- ti<a. of the law, and there b no present : remedy. A remedy, however, must be ! fnuud, ami the duty of doing tbb de- } volve* upon the people of the States. • Every State will have to provide a max- ' imuin schedule of rates, and in order, as ! far ns possible, to secure stability and | prevent the indiscriminate cutting of | rates, it may also be expedient to pro- ' vnle a minimuni schedule. Railroad 1 regulation, which the Supreme Court of the United States has practically taken oat of the hands of the Intentate Com merce Commission, must be assumed by the Sutes. In the mean time the ! friends in congre* of the policy of na- * .- I - - k- ^ .LamM vnnn.1v MJi. few other members ean do. The testi mony of that ablest Democratic daily, the New York World, is that Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, and Henry O. Turner, of Georgia, are the best lawyers in the United .States congress. This is the opinion of a large majority of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Fellow 4 citizens, Henry G. Turner is known to you also, and you do not ques tion either hi* ability or lib experience. At this time when money, influence and every means known to the politician and the trickster is being put forward and freely used to keep the Republican party in power for thirty years more, why do you want to initiate an untried, inexperienced man to fill so important ah office. Can any man other than Henry G. Turner fill the place with much credit aud satisfaction to you ? We are personal friends and great ad mirers of Judge Sjiencer R. Atkinson, of ^tlynn county, and from what we know of Judge David M. Roberta, of Dodge county, we also accord to him the re spect and honor due so good a citizen. minty, medical attention 14 00 Commissioner Cason was authorized to sell the old court house furniture. Ordered that the Commissioners here tofore appointed to review and lay out a new Militia District near the town of Manor, in said county, be allowed till the first Tuesday in May to make their report. S. Griffin was appointed janitor for the new court house, at a salary of $lft.00 per month. ^ • The meeting then adjourned until the next regular term in May. W. M. Wi 1,son, Warkkx Ia>tt, Clerk. Chairman. April 5th, 1892. The Kind or Men They Like. The Indies’ Home Journal says wom en like honesty of purpose and consider ation. They like a man who is interest ed in their new dresses, who can give an opinion on the fit, and who U prop erly indignant at any article written against women. They like a man who likes them, who doesn’t scorn their opin- 1, who Itelieve* in their good taste, who has confidence iu them aud who, liest of all, knows that the love promised giveu him, They like a man who can be strong a lion when trouble comes and yet, if ie is nervous and tired, can button up a shoe with an amount of consideration that is a mental and physical bracer-up. They like a man who is master of the situation—that is, who has brains enough to help a woman to decide what is the best thing to do under the circum stances, and who has wit enough to real ize, when one of the fairer sex is slight ly stubborn, that persuasion b mote powerful than all the arguments in the world. Wayccohs, Ga., April 4, 1892.—City _ _ Onondl in Mpon* to the «U of ! Atkin^uwe .pSfic more fieel* the Mayor, His Honor, the Mayor, pre- : , . . , r 4 . .. . . ' sidiue as he from this end of the district. “ '*■’*** — —- GiI|on Present Aldermen: riharpe, Justice and Murphy. The Mayor stated the object of the meeting to be—to examine and test the fire engine and consider the advisability of receiving same under the contract of puachasc heretofore made by Council. professional cards ’"“”'*."'5“ .nw. K. KTIU HITCH & MYERS, attorneys at law. Up Stair* Wil*on'* Block. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. J _ l. SWEAT, * Attorney at Law, , • • • OEORUU. i n Brunswick and South- S tfeUrt SuS’onm' S " P "“' , ’“ Ur ' • uj Not. 15-TKMy. J K. wFuIAM, Attorney at Law. WAYCR088. - - . GEORGIA. John c. .McDonald, Attorney and Counselor at ‘ Law. WAYCROS8, . . . GEORGIA. Orrie*upstairs In Wilson Block. A. WILSON, " Attorney at Law. WAYCROSS. - ^ . . GEORGIA C. CANNON, ~ Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. Orrie* up stain in Wilson Block. Will practice in the Brunswick Circuit aud sewhere by special contract. Nov 15-’9l>-Iy. J. L. OR AWIiHV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYCROSS, : : GEORGIA. Office in the Wilson RuiUUng, S. L. DRAWDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HOMERVILLE, : : GEORGIA. DR. J. H. REDDING, OFFICE. FOLKS BLOCK, Near Hotel Phoenix. apa<My WALLACE MATHEWS, M. D„ PHYSICIAN AND SPROEON. WAYCROSS, : : : : GEORGIA. jan23-ly DR. J. E. W. SMITH. Office at B. J. SMITH’S DRUG STORE. Residence Hicks Street. WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA. Physician and Surgeon. WAYCROSS - - GEORGIA. W3T All calls promptly attended. jyt. D. E. Jtc.MAHTEH. Physician and Surgeon. WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA. fit' All calls promptly attended to. D R. F. C. FOLKS, Physician and Sur- geon, Waycross, Ga. Office over T. E. Lanice’h Jewelry Store. Office hours from 8 to 10 a. m. Can^ie found at my residence, comer Pendleton street and Brunswick avenue, Jwhen not profes sionally engaged. DR. RICHARD B. NEW. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Mbs Remshart’a, WAYCROSS, ; : : GEORGIA. Jan 30-Crn JJH. «. P. FOLKS, Office am! Residence 011 Gulf .Street. WAYCROSS. - GEORGIA. DR. T. A. BAILEY, DENTIST, Office over Bank, On Plant Avenue, WAYCROSS, ; ; GEORGIA. J R.DEDGE, - DENTIST, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA Orricx up stairs in the Folks Block. tional regulation should seriously cmi- rxau ¥x>SlBtm » rider what shall now be doa* to protect REVIVES|S ENERGY. ‘*»e public the wiAeyrewd re- RCSTORCS Konaal OxtikUkm, and j newri of railroad discrimination, and all vumoTnim “ " n 08. RABTCR KfStCMI tt.. St. Lotfs. Mo> We admire hb ability as a judge and a jurist We fully recognize the great good he lias done thb judicial circuit by ' hb fearless and impartial adminbtration , of the law and hb candid and fair dral- _ . ing with all men within its borders. TVe On motion Alderman John O. Justice ; further recognize the fact that thb part elected chief of the fire department of the Eleventh district b on thb ac- of Waycross and Alderman R. H. Mnr- count under lasting obligations to him, phy assistant chief. ! and at some time we ought to recognize The Mayor presented a petition of j the fact and call upon him to serve us. fifty-six (56) citizens asking to be ml- The same can be said of Judge Roberts lowed to organize as a volunteer fire j in hb end of the district. But they are company, which was referred to Chief j comparatively young men, and can af- Justice, and turned over to him. ford to wait patiently. Just now the On motion the City Attorney b here- ! country demands and should have the br directed to prepare an ordinance or- ( services of the Hon. Henry G. Turner, giuuzing a fire department for Waycross, . than whom the Democracy of Georgia with the officers of chief and assistant or of the United States has no abler, chief of said department, and defining ! more experienced or truer man. their powers and duties. We beg you, fellow citizens of Ware The chairman finance was authorized *• county, and of the Eleventh congress, to dose the bargain with Mr. E. Coring- “ ‘ * 1 ' There is a delightful sense of room iness and leisure about some things in the Theosophbticsl theory of succes sive incarnations. For Instance, we are told that all good things to be learned in thb human condition must be learned, and all good things to be experienced, must be experienced, no that we shall finally graduate complete. "Whatever we don’t do now, we must come back and do in some future cycle. Ah,well,it b quite a relief to be assured we can do so. I have grieved over many things undone, but I will chide myself no longer. I will do those things next time I come. No longer forward or behind I look in hope or fear, Bat take the thing that’s to my mind, And do the next next year. Thb theory is far more agreeable than that advocated by Carpocrates in the third century, that souls most pass from body to body till they have committed all *in*. And its faith in a future compensating privilege is only equaled by that of the leburely and indolent son of the son who remonstrated against hb master’s urgency with the unanswerable protest, “ Say, now bo«, what dejise fur hurry so, when dere’s all termorror ain’ teen yit! E. C. L. B. jJB. JAS. C. RIPPAKD. Physician and Surgeon, (late of Pennsylvania.) Special attention given to Genito Urina ry Sorgerr. Can always be found at Dr. E. B. Goodrich's Drug store. April 14-tf. WARREN LOTT, Fire, Life and Accident in surance Agent, WAYCROSS, - - . GEORGIA. -'Nothing but first-cla* companies repre sented. Ixsteaxcs effected c 1 classes of Time Tried and Fire Tested Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Com panies, and • BEAT. ESTATE OFFICE, KNIGHT & ALLEN, mr!9 ly Waycross. Ga. ham, upon the terms agreed on, for house and lot for city public building. The CUv Marshal wfb directed to get from the City Attorney the_ bills placed in hb hands for collection, against Joel Lott, J. A. MiB«r and Mrs. Swan Lott, for filling in sidewalk on Plant avenue, and present the. same to the parties for collection. I ] ’Council adjourned. - r W. D. Hamilton, A. M. Knight,' ' Clerk. Mayor. ional * district, not to disappoint the whole State of Georgia .and the whole country br nominating another nun to country by nominating serve von. We say, let well enough alone.* Let iu keep Mr. Tamer in the place be so well fill*. We feel fully as sured, he esn and will do the district more rood one session than any new whole term. We are very truly vouis, H. H. Sasxctt, B. H. Williams, J. E. Wadley, They Have a It seems the owner* of Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism hare a Bonanza, as their remedy has never been known to fail in a single case. There b certainly room in the market for a medicine that will do what they claim for thb wonderful preparation. Al though the price is $5 per bottle if itdoes one half claimed for it the price should be $100. If the druggist has not got it the remedy will be sent to any mddreas by pre paid express on receipt of price. Dram- m >ml Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 22-2^ Real Estate and Insnrance Agents GEORGIA. W. A. WRIGHT, J. P., -And Agent For National guarantee Co. Securities obtained on essy terms. Special attention given to the collection of culms, it Office Building, Waycross. Ga. . ROW BOTHAM ft MORPHY. Architects and Builders. WAYCROSS. - - - GEORGIA. Plans and Specifications Fnrnbhrd. . —CITT AOXXfB ros— w CHEWACLA LIME. • - WALTERT0WN BRICK. FebB-tf