The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, April 30, 1892, Image 2

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: ; , NUALB WliUtWIiflOOWfilWY. hMkWI m tW JUr.Lt 0»r, Mib*criptlon $1.00 par animat. mi: III KALU Dm iwlwriwJ mmnuuin will U p«..,..W •ok Imuprt (TnlmWi iMm( lhf« ftuthcrity. duly i>p«d Wy ik* X«M|n ^ t»« h •flk»writ»». Purrly (itrvMl crwtMniin will I' Ukrs o*ly K ftdvmittag nutter SATURDAY, APRILK», 1892. IS THE HERALD HFJUB! A Corretpodenr* that Speak.* for It«elf. WarnuHs, Ga., April 28th, 1892. Rftior Of' the Wayereau, HrraU. Warn*', (la. Dka* Hit:—At a inerting of a very large number of» true and tried Dcmo- cwb »there are in Ware county, held in the interest of that true and tried Itanoerat, the Hon. Henry G. Turner, of Brook* county, a committee *» ajr* pointed to draft a preamble and resolu tion* and i**ne an aelelre** to the Ilemoc- : John M. Palmer in Mima* dr let at rou foi the choice of the Pnaident. The Phil adelphia Times nan liurned out on Wednesday night, Ions aU»ui $20*mh*o, lemidr* etlitor Met'lore’s valu able political library that he has M-eu fifty years in collecting. Judge Atkinson in beginning to wake things up. Opposition nerves «»nly to increa*e-his power and eloquence. Ttiere in a rising tide iu bin favor that will sweep all np|Minition before it. Kven iu the larger places hi« friends are lie-gin- ning to multiply. Irook out lor the young giant of the Klevmth. The Savannah New*, usually so placid and nereiice, and whose |nililical judgment is always so neatly balanced a* to enable it at will to stand on the side of the big majority; under the cap tion of “The talk of a subsidized pnw,” proceeds to “talk” with more vigor than dignity. Why don’t the News, with her extraordinary resources, analyze, investi gate and discuss, in a non-partisan manner the causes and cure for the many real evils that have cast their baleful influences into the heart of our Itody |N»litic, or is it the purpose of that rich cor|K>ration to treat with indiffer ence and contempt and raise the cry of partisan prejudice and sectioual bias against the ignorant horde of commou folka who presume to'complain of unjust discrimination and to demand impartial legislation. THE OCALA PLATFQRM .1 SH PA TER X AI. COVERXMEXT. EUtor Hrratd :—It is said with * fused” “equal privileges” in our col umns. We think your assumption un warranted by the fact< which a little friendly inquiry would have developed. On Thursday night, April 16th, Mr. Turner spoke in our opera house. Pre vious |o the meeting we requested Mr. Dauiel. your Secretary and our Attache, to procure fnmi Mr. Turner a copy his speech for our issue of the following week. This he was unable to l prepared, ourselves, a complete report, syiropsi*, of Mr. Turner's speech.which "if W.r. countv „J tk* Jlth Coo- ! "P"" *' ,hink • TOU wMI eon, ' ,d ' KTMMioaal I li.trirt (*f 0«w*i,. TbeSJ- ! fa ' r * 1 " 1 ^P"*** 1 . »»'• H 1 "’**' ,h >- r'-olwtiofM and the addrem wpre imani* j •‘** nM * ■” * he «*•“■»» «■>«• «*"» >.lopt<-.l In tl.e ,,id mtrting of “P” 1 *".'' '•'*' rv '" 1 f '» ,h ' P"!"* ‘ .lorlin K „d the So.- " “ li * hl h *' r «"PP»-W> ofui.1 in.'.-iiii- [ i« ; '«* -P~ h *“•' in*rtt.lyourrwoluuo^ furafadt yon with a oopy for^tion b “‘ « <"oe. «ud »t.H in vour next issue Vuiong those pres- I l " ink » thal thespeech was of the greater rat at tint mining, wrw a large aumhtr 1 ■ ul l ,or t*nce, .n«l AaaM ho puhliilml Of v.h.r MihMTibrr. ...I ...I a fo. of the [ «"*• .totk-l-dd™ of the Hnui.Ii ! ‘I"" 4 "' lhr H 1 J”*" 1 t’o and one «»r two of the lb»ard of Di- P' a ‘‘ e *•' l' 1 ** speech, we would have done hole thing was under the . our Club. We will say further that several com- u | ( j j in unicat ions favoring Mr. Atkinson have e Messrs. T. K lender, F. I L. Johnson. I was fully expected that v •ng whom concede to thnui gentlemen the privilege of expressing their .lelilierate opinions through your column*. Two rditiou* of your pa|ier have been published since that meeting and not a line of the sets ....I .loing. of Uhl noting h.«o l«o j « a " «"«*. publUhnl, nor hat.- ri'hrr the |>rra.nhle I t * m l““ r '" ~ an.l • rtonlntioiiH or a.hlres. sjiprared. You elnim that you are publishing a hciniHTatic sheet, and yet in Imth issues von puhlidi a lengthy addr**ss, marked of Tom Watson, in interest of the “Third ilifTerent times gone. pace. Finally, we have frequently assured iur readers that our columns were open o any proper matter of reasonable still i lethiug aMmt a “thre;iteiieil Imycott.’ exjMN-t the friendship or patronage ol very large and inlliieiitial numlier of o b-ading citizens, when von refusi* tin equal privileges in the eolumiis of yu pa|H*r. We ould Henry «J. Tnrne ami giveji* youi publish their ac their address. «t res|iectfully request is and through us, the Club of Ware county reasons for refusing to . their resolution.* and o doubt vou have seen although we cannot individual, club, society or church any definite space unless the same i* secured iu advance and paid for, hut we will cheerfully accord your Club or Mr. Turner’s friends at any time such space as we can spare, not inconsistent with the demands of other societies and individuals who have an equally just claim iqioii our column*. We will again request Mr. Daniel to insert the resolutions iu our issue of this week and will give space to this corres pondence iu order that our readers may fully understand the situation, and we are satisfied if you gentlemen will extend to the Hkuai.Ii the same spirit of friend ly liberality that the Hkrai.i* is ready at all times to accord to you, there will M* no cause for dissatisfaction on either JJDGB .1 lYIKSOX /A* 1VA YCRQ,SS. Judge Atkinson addressed, in au in- ‘ formal way, a large crowd in Mallon’s | hall on Tuesday night. Hi* speech was| well received, and it was apparent that a large majority of the audience was with him. The Judge reviewed the situation calmly, presente*! the main features of the Ocala demand* and showed conclu sively that they are not undemocratic. He stated that if he wa* sent to Con gress he would discharge his duties his fellow countrymen with the same delity that had characterized his a* while among them. The Judge’s reference to Cleveland j wa* greeted with loud applause, and the clone of hi* speech was a signal for renew ed demonstration. Let u* exercise calmness and dignity in the discussion of measures ami men us accord honesty of purpose to those who h:neatly disagree with us. us be slow to call names, and while close ly scrutinizing the record and character of candidates, let us not lie too hasty in ascribing baseness or impurity of mo tive until we have clearly established the fact, and al»ove all let u* remember that our opponents are of the common na tionality and the common brotherhood with ourselves. Let us' be fair and our opinions will command a respect that intem|M>rance never can. ovrimu ov ch vrltox cocsty. Aaron Dowling, Ordinary. A.ti. Gowcn, Clerk Superior i «*nrt (M‘. J. A. Wainright, Sheriff J a rhs Thompson. School Commissioner. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Charlton Conmy. GEORGIA—-Chariton Cocsty: all whom it may concern: Jack; Sellers having in due form applied to the undersigned for guadiansbip of the .person and property ot Alma Sellers, minor child of Silas Seller*, late of said county deceased; notice is hereby given that hi* application will he heard at my office on the first Mon day in May next. Given under my hand ami otfieial sHma tun- this March 17th. 1 sft» AARON DOWLING. marJAdt Ordinary. i iKORGI A. Cu \ ui ton Cor* To all whom it may Thompson having in due FRANK C. OWEN Exclusive Dealer in SHOES, oncern: Kisiah ... form applied to ilcrsigncd for the guardianship of the the persons and proj>erty of Slteldon Thomp son. Calvin Thompson, Kisiah Thompson. Jefierson Thompson, Kley Thompson, Nath aniel Thompson * children o unty deceased, i ask more questions ; than ten wise men can answer, but there is one question that the supporters of the Democracy of the Ocala platform j are called upon to answer, or their de- fence fails. It can hardly lie denied by any one ; that is familiar with the history and tra- I that a gomlly immM-r have published sail though they differ ns to the man to resent the District. Awaiting your iinmediute reply, main, very respectfully vours, Jxo. tfHAKI’. Cli’m’ii Turner Club of Ware i our exchanges j address, even i We Very respectfully ye Wayi , Ga., April 2"»th, 1892. Sharp, Chain*,,,. Tatar r (1 Wy, ll’.i has been «smiuiitte*l from its birth against auything that hinted at |iaternal li ; r :- I. , (ia : letter of April 28d, making |>ertiiicnt inquiry re- wliicli were passed by the H. - „ - , ! fl- Turner Club of Ware cnimtv, hut in- r centralization. This lieing true. | ... . ... . ... *- . bow lhr„ ran therp !»■ an. ,„e.‘ur.. of, ,,,r , r "^' *> <bal we <ref...«l to relief «in the lines of the sub-treasury I I**»bliah saul matter. hill, or imletsl any measure of direct j You are aware that the Secretary of KnvrnioMUl aid to tbe |wnple, »dro- v<Hlr olub u the foreman nflhe Hr.bAl.n [!» '“BHK-rM. wilhmit cnntrtren- . „ Bi „ Vollr olnl. I,el,I n meetine „n ing this cardinal principle of Democra- ' . , . , . «-y ? An aaswer will greatly oblige a 1 * al,,r 'K v »•*.«!>*, April I Itli, ami another JEfTKitNOXUN I)KM(M RAT. j «« Tncwlav night, April 14th. On two That our frieud is “no fool" is appar- j occasion* M-tween the*** dates we re- ent from the ingenuity of Ids question. J quested Mr. Daniel, your Secretary ami He will readily admit, we presume, that ! ol,r foreman, to give us a re|*ort of the another cardinal principle of Democracy ] proceedings. On Wed lies*lay Mr. Dan iel handed us a long ?e r set of resolutions requiring, we estimated, over a column, of space. The notice published at the head of our editorial page distinctly »|K*cifics that “t'omiuunicatioiis to ensure iusertion must lie in by Tuesday." One side of our pa|*er w as at that time ready for the press ami tlu* space had all l»eeii assigned for the other side, with the ex ception of one column which we had re- Our *• Jeffersonian Democrat” will j *erved for Mr. Turner’s address on further admit, (as he doubtless knows Thursday night, and the history of Thomas Jefferson quite that is always reserve*! f< U. that government is intended for the protection of the rights of the individual against the encroachment of every other individual, ami that his idea of paternal ism may he stated in another way, viz: that the individual liberty and private jthlgment should not lie restricted by government except when they interfere with the same rights in other imlividu- Hie morning after the resolutions question were, passed hv the Turner t'luh, as Secretary of that tilth 1 handed them to the Manager of the Hkkai.ii with the request that they I* published, Several reasons were giveu for not in serting them in the next issue of the p.*|>er, and the whole matter was referred to Mr. Reed. After looking over the that they would li week. 1 notified the Hkk held the copy subject to call, ami as a mutter of course, awaited their action. The copy was never called for, heuce not published. I did not coustrue Mr, Reed's remarks to me on the subject as instructions to publish the resolution, H4t Ordinary. ' Trunks, % Valises AND KORt GA—I’ll A ELTON ('of NTT. To all whom ii may concern: A. G. Butt*, agent for Henry t'. Semple, administratoi the 4-state of John Scott, deceased, of thr 'ahamu, has. in due form, applies! ilei-signed for leave- to se-ll tliir Democratic Mas* Meeting. By oreler of the Executive t’ouiiniuce a mass meeting of the Democratic p of Ware county is cal lee I to convene at the court house in Waycross, on S; elay. May 7th, next, at 11 o'clock a fetr the purpose of appointing a new ecutive committee for said county, and also to select delegates tei the Htate con vention to choose delegates to the Na tional convention, and to nominate can- inate canelielates for Governor ami State House otficer*. This April 2.1, 1892. K. II. t'RAWI.KY, WaKIIKN lAtT Secretary. Chairman. Our esteemeel townsman, Mr. T. K. I tinier, with ‘his accustomeel enterprise nml liberality, has engage*! a large a«l- vertising space iii the Hekai.p for one year, and is having a large amount of job work done in our office, which shows that Mr. l^nicr, wlm is an olel printer himself, understands the value of printer’s ink ami where te> have it put on to best advantage*. Mr. Lanier has built up a fine business by his untiring energy and his establishment is one of the finest in this entire section. His business is not confineel te> Waycross, but extends to a large section around, in some directions nearly 200 miles. Made a Citizen of Vncle Sam. Mr. Aaron IfencliLnvitz was made lost published then next | week a citizen e»f the l T nitee1 State**. Mr. that I | Herschkeivitz is wellknown to our citi zens as the leading member of the firm of Herchknvitz Bros, our .soe-cessfttl fur niture dealers. «!>«• Alabama, li * ’ 1 for leave* to s eaie. iM>ionmng tot* <1 elee-eased, ami saiel appll heard on the first Monday in This March 21st. 1892. AARON IMIWI.IN 4t Onlin jKOIKJIA, ( IIVKI.TON I «U'STV. To all whom it may concern: Julia Ca- icelei, Ruaniian for her minor chilel, Be-rtha * * in elue form, applied to leave to sell the lands belonging to saiel minor chilel. Saiel appli caiio May i aletsisned ‘ 1 minor chilel. .. will Ik* heard on the first Monday in “ April 14th, 1892. AARON DOWLING, GET THE BEST. hades, Weneel line “Best Goods for the Least Money." CALL ON J Franlx, C. Owens, THE LEADING CLOTHIER, Owens Bletck, Just Oppeisitc the Depot, WAYCROSS : GEORGIA. DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH, Auction Dry Goods, Masonic Building, Plant Avenue and Folks Block, near Depot. with debility and blood elise-ase-s, has lice*n very successful, informed the writer that there was only one patent medicine that he recommended his, patf ‘ 1 n-api K. A. D si»r. John Bulls blood poLs Sarsaparilla. He always nets like i •harm. I’ndcr its influence sores ami crop quickly liealcel and elisappe-areel. ><l pai ishcel, ami the- Dr. John BullN Sarsaparilla soon found ivlmself Utter every way. N better hliMtel remedy can possibly Ik- esm pounded, and it invariably gives perfect sa if you fail te> give it a trial. It is the vci l»est spring meelicine* ami hlevsl purifier tlu e-au he made*. Urge- iMitlle (192 te-si-spooi fills) $1.90. For sale by elruggists. JHV-Ryon F. Franklin, Little Rock, Ark writes; ••! was reeluceel to almost a ske-l. ton, and mi weak 1 e-ould hardly walk. M appetite- nml elige-stiem l*otli were- peior. was extremely nervous, sies-ple-ss all nigl and re*stle*ss all elay. Seven Uttle-s of Bull Sarsaparilla inaele* me as he*alth . I«y.’ NOi K’K OF DISSOLDTION. The- copartnership hereteefem- e xisting un- eie-r the name of Smith Adams is tins, tin* 2stl» day of March. 1992. elissolvcd by mu tual consent. W. J. Smith having (taught interest ..f J W. Adam liliuc till- bll W.J. Smith eh- for their liberal p: d ami vv io firm. W. J. SMITH, W.J. SMITH. Braid, t -ord ami I Ladies ami Gents’ Shews ami llats, Table and Toilet Linen, We save money oil everything we after tlie Cash Trade only. sell. No credit; eve DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH. l.l Folk- I thick l AA r av<*c«>ssi. t'l’lic manager of the Hkkai.ii wishes 1 o state, (MMitively, that she receiveel no loticc from Mr. Daniel that he helel the , •e»py “suhjee-l tee call,” ami iu tact had 1 io fiirthe-r discussion nor kuetwiedge of ; he matter after it was first brought to ’ ler.-Kta] well), that Jeflcrson’s Ih*mm*racy is es sentially progressive and cah-ulatnl to fit the greatest gooel etf the greatest num ber. lie asks, “How can there beany meas ure of relief on the lines of the sulvtrea*- unr bill (plan) or ineleeel any measure ot direct governmental aid te> the |N*ople, *** without 'contravening this princi ple.” We cheerfully answer The sub-treasury plan is the only fi nancial measure that has yet been pro posed by any considerable number of American citizens, as a relief fnwu our present very undemocratic national bank system; It is therefore, worthy of careful scrutiny. Doe* our enquirer intend to aasert that because the relief (aid) is in tended to apply Hirrctlf to the people, it ia therefore, undemocratic, and that to lie Democratic it should come iaAimtlyf We understand that to be his objection to receiving the sub-treasury bill aa a Democratic measure. We are uot under the ueewmity, therefore, of affirming the j artier of the relief itself, only the method etf dispensing it. Democracy, or rale of the mamm. is directly opposed to Plu tocracy or rule of the classes. Under a Democracy, the individual is at the same time subject and sovereign, under a Plu tocracy he is never sovereign. Under a Democracy the people make laws which are intended to apply dinetlg to the needs of the people. Under Plutocracy the laws are such as to protect the plu tocrat and iadinetiy or incidentally gives the people a semblance of justice. De mocracy means essentially dartetaerr and Plutocracy means iadinetaem. It Is possible that tte do not tally comprehend the latent of “Jeflersoniaa Democrat.” Tf so, we beg that he will state his views more dearly, and we will he able to answer them, perhaps, to his satisfaction. iroJTAV OF PRAISE, We* have received many valued weirds praise freon our friends, fur and uear, I «*- i fe»r what they lutve been kind enough to on | e-all the high character tlu- Hkkai.ii has mint j attaincel unelcr its present management, that i Much of this ce>mmen«lati«m has come stanel for aimthcr week. How- J froiu men eef prominence and high desired to publish the j standing in the State; and no doubt our tion* a* reque-steel, anel told Mr. Daniel ! readers woulel have been pleaseel to have tlwt if he could condense them or make { known with what favorable comment nsmi for them without crowding out j their town paper was being received other matter that hae! already l»een set; abroad. A notice of us in last week’s ileel for a* above stated, “Adel ’News” is much appreciated, com- »elei set, eithorwix- to hetld them etver, make a note etf the fact, and print them the following week. We considered these instructions suf ficient, as the matter was left entirely in Mr. l>aniel*’ hands, and he ha* full con trol of the “copy” that has been as- signeel him, and we drought that, the autlrority having U*en given and the matter in his hands with the interest that he, as Secretary, woulel naturally feel in their publicatiem, he would see that they were published, and thus we gave the matter iro further concern. The fedlowing week Mr. Daniel fre- quentlv called * for “copy” without pra’ist* and a liberal support referring to the resolutions already in his i |he H^aaf n * < WrSW ’ hand-, and our attentinu was not drawn to the fact that they were not published until the paper was printed. In view of these facts we consider that the respon sibility rests entirely with oar foreman, and your Secretary, for the failure to publish yenir resolutions. Yoa refer to the matter of “Watson’s address." This add res-, as you will ob serve. is puldished in the Alliane^* ele- (•artment of the Herai.i> and is entirely in the hamls of the County Alliance who appointed their own editor, and dictate to him as they wish. This space is alloted in the same manner as space used for advertisements, namely, for a considera tion, and veto would uot pretend to hold the HERAl.t» responsUile for any matter that advertisers insert in their paid finr space, provided the same applies to their legitimate bttstuew*. Yon assume that von have been “re- SPRING DRESS GOODS C. C. GRACE & SON Have them. Bedford cords, Henriettas, Serges, Cashmeres, Camels Hair Suitings, Silk Grenadines, French Cliallics, Out ings, Etc. ing unex|«ctedly from editors who are* wholly unknowu to us, except as their bright little paper come* every week anrong our cxclutnges: The Waycross* is a regular visitor to our sanctum, and Is read with interest. The Herald has been on the road of improvement the past six month* anel ha* alrout reachesl perfec tion, as it is now the neatest and most newsy weekly published in South Geor gia. In politics the Hkrai.d is couser- ■ vative, but I democratic, and its editori- VOI11* Sni'ino* RoillIPl als are interesting and instructive. Mr. J 1,111 spring HOUllCI. H. W. Reeel, the proprietor, whose en ergy, money end brain* has brought the Hkrai.d to i» present stanelanl, de- Millinery. See our stock of Millinery before ordering your Spring Bonnet. We do not ask any Fancy prices. Ladies Shoes. We have a Large Assortment of Button Goods and Oxfords at Iro west prices. All of our Fine Henriettas. Bedford ; Cords and French Challies are in patterns. SC. C. GRACE L S0N.1 This kindly sentiment b heartily re ciprocated. As thoroughly appreciated U a letter just received from one of the edelest citi zens and largest projeerty owners of Way crus*. He writes us: “Your man agement of the paper, since you hare had centred, is all that 1 could ask. You hare ne»t only maele the Herald a good paper but you have spurred our other Waycross paper into sued activity that I think you deserve some credit there aUx Let the good work go on.” Wc thank our friend for his kindly . , # t expression* of commendation and aa-{ 011)0 001*1^ fUlQ g0( t ll*St (y0OIC0« sure him that, should we fail in any | particular t» attain t» his stanelard it shall not he through want of an earn est-desire to ele* all the gone! fiv our town an«l people. The new sash vest at B H. (ery. Bro. JKWHLRY. DIAMONDS. ROINSKRS FJ.AT WARE RINGS. STATIONERY,' PO( 'KKT * TTI.KRY CARVERS. SPET TAf'LES. RAZORS. Bennett & Weller, JEWELERS. Waycross. Georgia. WE HAVE A FINE LINE AT VERY LOW PRICES WATCHES ! Watches for Ladies. Watches for School GirlR. Watches for Fast Men. Watches for Slow Men. Watches forOld Men. Watches for Young Men. Watches for Good Boys. Watches for Bad Boys. Watches of any size, or for any sized pockot and at any sized prices. WATCH VERY LOW PRICES !! VERY LOW PRICES !! BENNETT & WELLER. BENNETT & WELLER. LIVE JEWELERS, w ayc-rosis, : (iceii-gin. ST.VflONKKY j FRKSII hWK. j GRAND SAIA<: OFTHK RACKET STORE. SELLING OFF AT COST. I announce In the public of Wavcron* an«l vicinity that until the 2-»th ilay At Mare-h I will sell uiv entire stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps anel Gents Furnishing Goods at COBT, to make roe*m for my Spring Stock. I am going to New York some of these elay* for a Spring Slock, anel I need ntonev, ami t«* get it I have marked all the go-sl* in my store at cost, and if you neeel some goesis come- and I.’ll show you how gooeLs can lie sold cheap. Avail yourself of this golelen ojqK*rtunity, ami come early, lee fore* the granel rush. RACKET STORE A. LIPSHITZ, Proprietor. Don’t Forget the Place. Sharp’s Block, Plant Avenue. NEXT TO THE WESTERN FURSITfRE COMPANY, : Georgia, AA’ayeross feb 29 to jau 1 ' HiHHI