The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, April 30, 1892, Image 3

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c«j*» I Organ of Wore Oontj. Olriil Orgaa of Charlton Cm!;. Official Organ City of Way mm. “ rr-r=r.zrrr will give night. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY “Hare you not beard It said fall oft. A woman’s nay doth stand for naucht T The Herman flub had a quiet Ger man at the Armory on Thursday night. The Ladie* Auxiliary to the Rifles entertainment next Tuesday SATURDAY, APRIL »». 1*92. ADVERTISING RATES. owr. 1 1 Inch 2.00| 4 .Or 7.H0 I0.U* ' s.noj r ! 000 10.0014 .00 2 inch 3.0 3 Inch 4.00. a/Sf 14.00 20.00 | Gil. 0.1)0 12.00 20.00 JOuOft A tVd. 10W. *20.00 30.W3O.fs* I tol. l.YW 3D.W30.W «AMi! Csainine •!»#• mb-wofanr fint-cla«« weekly w -paper and >'»u will fir * ' he less. LOO per Milmincnt insertion. in h first insertion. . ... Reading notice in loral column* l«r Ine first insertion : fie fwr lii inetit insertion. Professional rani* Hits* is January 1st. For f heap adtrriisiliK *■ Advertlsem s <-)|k fiiiiMl in advertisement*. Inserted «i our regular rat'-*. and for specified time, will lie charred for at iret of making said Additional ral<*« will i n - . barged for spe cial position. ADVERTISERS COLUMN. Oil'TII GEORGIA RANK of Wayt-i A. I.IPSIIIT/. A dance is on the young folk*’ pro gram, we hear, though no canl of invi- t at ion has yet reached the Her a I K The loan office established here by Mr. J. S. Tart «ill undoubtedly till a want in the Isirinn* operation* of our live and growing city. price that will rau«« othe .l. r Ik. r it* dor The box of 1 vigorously in would seem to a congenial Inn •haem plants growing so the Hi:feai.i> window mlicatc they had found e in WaycruM soil. Tile r Kaiguu -ollai K A W.. It. J. SMITH. HAD WATHIN A * . I I IN IIIT/. V. NDIITOS ’Millinery. jf’K A 80X. P. TKNNKNT A 1 A SON a Ml M.KIS. rilK WESTERN FI’RXm KK« TIIK PIHKXIX. STKH KI.AND HOUSE. I) IN IIS) IN S KKSTAI'RA NT. THE MAKSIIALL. Savannah. TIIK IIARNKTT HOUSE. Sava UII.DiN .1 IIPDSON. Fn II. Levy. Itro. A < Mr. Herbert Riggins and Miss Annie Johnson, niece of our towusnian, t’apl. I,. Johnson, were married in Hlaelfsliear on Thursday night. A |«irty of our young folks ■weut to Itlacksliear )*n Thursday night to attend a “lag party," at the resilience of Mrs. Archie Brantley, ami report •• very de lightful affair. Elijah t’hevcrs, charge*! with the murder of Depu’y Sheriff C'ulpetter, and who was tried and convicted at the spring term of Ware Superior Court in IM!*l, will hang on May Id, next, in Way cross. A merchant who advertised a *|KH-ial sale in the HkraI.D last week, sent us word to withdraw the notice this week, x* lie hail had such u run on the adver tised goods that the stock was cleaned To imr disappointment we have been uiialde to get a report of the Missionary Centennial held in the Baptist church the last days of last week. The program promised a rare treat to those who were I able to attend. Mr. D’Auvergne » preparing a number | oft he High school pupils in an Amazon i Drill that will Ik* incor|s»ratcd into the - closing exercises as a pleasing exhibi- - 1 tion of manual training ami the power j ami Wanly of discipline. warren 1.0 rr. k MlillT «V ALLKN. HF.NItY IlollENSTIES .1 M. JF.NKINS A )')).. 8« .» It. KNHHIT. Agent. I.1DDKN A HATH* Savami I*. It. KN»iUSH* r "’ B<r ’ Haiti, Uasn. Kir I.I.OYDA ADAMS. Snvaitn The strawberry ami i»*e cream festival given Tiles*lay evening by the Indies Aid Society of the Baptist church was patronized most liltcrally, and everyUMly had a thoroughly goo*I time. The violin playing by Mr. Hutchison, with organ accompaniment, was much enjoyed. Smith will sell .*11 jou a Opera place to delight eager and Am rnique Sermon. Rev. W. 11. Scruggs, pastor of I Baptist church Ui this city, several Si days ago preached a very id at the same time queer, sermon. He took the |*.sitinn that the Y. M. t’. A. and the \V. T. U. were hindrance* rather than auxiliaries to the cause of t’hrisl. The money *|*ent in maintaining these institutions if applied to home and for eign missions would do more g»»oJ. Much .-omment lias been made ii|kiii the sermon pro and con. Mr. Serugg* is au able minister, and his thoughts arc worthy of consideration.—Brunswick Tinted The Kaater Issue of the t’nrnesville Tribune reflects the talent and the enter prise of the gifted editor Mis* Ellen Dortch. In this el.s|uent edition die Imys a touching tribute to the memory of her father, James S. Dortch, “The Dead School Oonimuwioner,” records Commissioner Bradwcll’s wonls of com mendation for Franklin county’s great advance in educational matters, and em bellishes several pages with the exceed ingly One looking faces of our good t Kiveruor- Northen, Capt. Bradwell and llie teachers of Franklin minty. We have read this ianq.of the Tribune with )»ride and pleasure as au evidence of woman's helpfulnesa in any work which she brings her talent and 1 beautiful impulses for good. \V. J. Smith will sell you a patent tip Oxford Tie for 85 cents, and give you urw pair for every one that ripa. « Stare* to Close at ft30 O'clock. We understand the Merchant* of Way- crow, with the exception of three, have entered into an agreement to close tlielr places of luisincH* through the summer at tk30 p. m., commencing Monday next. Early elusing will not be in effect, how ever. on Saturdays, or on the .lays of the loth. D»th and 17th of each mouth. Wedding Bells. Welding bells and!wedded Wiles are the itrder ot the day, and many a home has l wen started and made bright and happy W the joining together of “hearta that leal as one." We record another marriage that, while not directly in i>ur midst, is of in terest to our |)CO|de. Mum Kate M. Cannon was married to Mr. IVn. K. Meek* in Brunswick Sun.lay night. The Brunswick Time* ha* a very full account of the brilliant occasion. every pair that rip*. The High school i< the educational eye, interested in their work are both er* ami pupils. The commencement ex- I ereises will undoubtedly W up to the ■ usual high standard, aud will show the | tine and in refill training the children have lieen receiving. All the clerks of the city are request ed to meet at the Y. M. 1*. A. rooms next Monday evening. Step* will W taken to express projM-r appreciation of the kindnesss»f the merchants inclos ing the store* at tJ:30 o’clock, aud «Slier matters of importance will Ik* discussed : and acted upon. Every clerk in the city is earnestly requested to W present. The “Pirate* of Penzance" did not come, greatly to the disappointment of our amusement-loving people, who are feeling the uuusiial dullness of the social world, just now. The loss of the rich musical treat our jieople would have en joyed in McDuffie's Orchestra, can only W atoned for by their coiuiug in fact jiersoii, at an early date. him. anti lie will give you ‘some nobby good* very cheap. ft Dr. J. ll.Tleddimr. The return to Waycroas of this genial friend and popular physician has grati fied our residents exceedingly. The Doctor pays our city the compli ment of leaving a good practice in Sa vannah for the sake of making his home here, and he also come* to us strength ened by a valuable couree of special lectures taken in New York last fall. The Doctor will have much hand-shak ing to do for the next few weeks. Pleasant Caller*. Rev. G. W. Mathew* paid us a much appreciated visit this week. Dr. Redding called in for a social chat ■Our young friend Mr. Whelpley go*- ripped pleasantly with us about mutual friends whom he had recently seen. Ool. E. H. Myers regaled u* with fish stories from his reoent "outing.** They were forty |*>unJer*, and plentiful at that! Mr. Howard lVxter, of Brunswick, talked eloquently to th« Herald about the Pirates of Penzance. McDuffie’s Or chestra and Congressman Turner -aud yet we are to lose them all! We are indebted to Mrs. S. L. Bishop, ot the Cherokee Nurseries, fur the beau- tiful bruiquet of flowers that brightened our editorial sanctum one day thi* week. thir esteemed friend. Rev. J. O A. Cook, send* ns a good word from Fort Valley, in praise of the Huuui Savannah Gain Week. Merchant* May Week. May UKh to SWl Rwinced rate* at the “De Soto. v it The Tragic Death of D. B. Hilliard. Our city wa» shocked on Friday by the new* that D. B. Hilliard, the effi cient and popular superintendent of the Waltertown lumber mill, had been pain fully and perhaps fatally injured. Later tiding* c**nifirmed the worst fears enter tained from the lint, and, by the close of the day, the report of his death was sadly reported throughout fthe city. The accident that caused his death ts met within an excavation at the lirick yard, where the mm of dirt form ing the sides of a pit gave way and fell upon him, covering and crushing him under it* weight. Though help was im mediately at hand, and a few minute* of earnest work were enough to exhume him it was manifest both to himself ami to his friends and family that he had sus tained a serious and probably fatal hurt. From this time, K o'clock a. m., until .*» o'clock in the afternoon, under the aid of Dr*, Walker and G. P. Folks, effor wa« made to hriqg about reaction, and hope was entertained that the first diag nosis might prove to lie erroneous. But the internal injuries were of the most se- haracter, and the end came a* above described. The funeral services were held on Sunday morning in the Waltertown church, of which he was an earnest mcnilwr and valuable officer. The sense of bcrcavment felt by toe town evidenc ed itself iu the large attemlance and in other silent marks of affection, the white friend* crowding the church, and the colored ones thronging the exterior aliout the window*. The services were participated in by Revs. G. G. X. Mac- Doncll, Mathews and Glenn, and by W. T. Lott who paid a tribute of affection to hi* friend who had aided him in his own Christian life. Two train loads atteuded the body to Waycroas, where, having been met by another throng of friend* they committed the body to the grave, in Everygreen Cemetery, his pastor, W. C. Glenn, pro nouncing the words of commitment, “dust to dust, ashes to ashes." The Knight* of Pythias and Masonic Fraternity were present in large for< ami took part in the burial. < 'oinniiinicated. An Appeal to Democratic Farmer*. Every fanner in the 11th Congress ional District feels a sense of injustice done, and well he limy, when his fidelity to the Democratic party is put in ques tion. He feels, and with a great men* ure of correctness, that an honest apical to his own |iarty, for the redress of his own wrongs, should not result iujih being read out of that party, and forth with listed among the enemies of the Iteuioeracy. „ That our national Democratic plat lorn will embody every liberal reform the farmers ask, those I test informed feel most assured. That an independent Third party move, will not lx* crowned with success at the polls next November and will put the farmer* only farther away from the relief they seek, is like wise realized to Ik* true. The most san guine of these Third partyites expect, at best, to semi to the electoral college, from this, our Democratic Georgia, a Third parly delegation. This they Iiojk* will Ik* reinforced by the delegations from two or three other State*, now Democratic. What then? Just plain this: The ■ngtli of ltemoeraey broken in the South aud the Republican party re turned to (lower. This they tell us, forsooth. is a* agreeable to them as the •uccess of Democracy, That statement •uggest* some sober argument. The wo questions, of paramount importance o the fanners, are the reduction of the tariff and the free coinage of silver. How do these two parties stand on these two questions ? The Democratic party is about evenly divided upon the ques tion of free coinage of silver, at this time, and earnestly advocating the farmer'* views upon tariff reduction; the Republican party solidly opposed to either the reduction of the tariff or the free coinage of silver, and loud mouthed in their indorsement of force bills, pen sion roberiea and debaucheries of the governmental service. Farmers of Geor gia, the men, who would thus beguile you, seek to climb to higher things on stepping stones of your dead selves. Men, eminent in the Democratic party, have championed your cause. Judge Spencer R. Atkinson ha* recorded his great liberality upon questions which interest you much, and now offer* yon hi* service* in the United State* Con gress as an advocate of the rights and privileges of Democracy and Democratic farmers. If you would have him repre sent you, there is work to be dooe in support of hi* candidacy. You must be unmindful of the effort made to question his Democracy, and this because he would have his party heed the call of 'our toiling millions." When, with justice, they shall strike from the Democratic roll, the name of Spencer R. Atkinson, then indeed, the sun that shines upon the fair fields of Georgia will light the way of no one among us, whose Democracy is above reproach. PERSONAL MENTION. visited Valdosta idling friends convalesc* Mr. L. H. Buchanan this week. Miss Georgia Evan* i Cnthbert. Mr*. A. M. Knight h ing steadily. Mis* Clara Latimer of Eastman, is visiting friends in the city. Mr. W. A. Ecord. and Mr. H. A. Mat tox, of Homerville, were in the city this week. Mr. M. X. Baker and friend, of Lula- ton were in the city Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mr. A. G. Daniel, representing the Alliance Farmer, lias been in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. |A. G. Carson |came out .from Havannfih Monday, ami will •pend the week with Mr. ami Mrs. II. H. Basnrtt. Miss Merrick, neioe of Mr. G. B. Hinkley of Savannah, has been spend ing some time with Mrs. W. R. lVnfield, of this city. Mr. E. H. Reed aud W. W. Sharpe went to Macon this week in attendance on the .\nnual Masonic Lodge meeting f the State. Atention i* called to the card of Col. S. L. Drawdv, of Homerville, in thi* is sue of the Herald. We commend Mi- Drawdv to our reader*. Mr. Will J. Taylor of Thontasville, lias secured a place with Mr. F. C. Owens. The Evening New* speak* in the highest terms of him. Mr J. C. Kirkland ha* au object ot in terest to our farmers in this county in a stack of fodder nine years old, and ap parently in good condition. We learn with 1 egret, of the accideut at Douglas* last week to our friend, Maj or Spence. The Major was able to re turn to Waresboro on Saturday. Dr. ami Mix. T. A. Bailey, of Way- cross, are in town this week. l)r. Bailey seem* to be doing an immense amount of dental work here.—Douglas Breeze. Mis* Emma Davis ha* returned to her North Carolina home after a pleasant visit in the family of conductor Croom. If the aweet perfume of the orange blos som, in its handsome setting of glossy, green leaves, fails to work its wonted charm, her friends will lx* greatly dis appointed Agreement for Early Closing. We, the undersigned, agree that on and after the first day of May, 18U2, and until the first day of September next, we will close our stores at fi:3« o’clock p. m., except on Saturday ami the loth, lllth 17th and 18th of each mouth: H. T. Dunn A Co., Herschkovitz Bro’s., D. B. English, B. H. Levy, Bro A Co., J. A. Jones A Co., J. A. I»tt, W. C. Yates, W. J. Smith, J. R. Knight, W. IL Mclutosh, C. C. Grace A Son, J. V. Norton, Cason A Miller, C. English, Bibb A Bro., T. M. Sweat, E. High- smith, Mrs. M. E. £niith, K. H. Crawley, G. G. Cowter, Mrs. Julia Knight, Grace A McMeil. W. P. I<ee. I advis „ pond wkh him Ier Dnryee, Address, Tfc* Ostjr Oar Km Printed-Can Van Find the Went! There i» a 3-ineh display advertisement in •. thl* week, which has oner, tl wor»l* alike eL.., true of each new xcept one word. Tin* same is . new one appearing each week. from the l>r. Harter Medicine Co. This bptise place* a "Crescent" on everything PATF NTS 3. Interference* ai prosecuted in the Patent office t rosecuted ami tlcfcnded in t ^ce* Moderate. 1 wa* several years Principal K’ the Patent Office, and Mine rvij private business, have giver patei and to all other patei eipt of model or sketch .1 ex-CotnmUiioner of Patei good work ami fai many time* l*-en spoken ot 1 Montgomery. ex-Comniissio ’ my friend* ami e Dnryee, ex-ChiefClerk 01 me.”—M. V. r of patents. r».”--Sehny- *atent Office ATLIN, Atlantic Huildin^. Mention this paper. Washington D. 0. Wonderful which are being effected by Dr*. ' V» Arch St..Philadelphia, tion. Catarrh, Non ’ ’ inatism. and all e * indeed n If you are a sufferer fron rhich your physician lias f; barge This IxK.k. aside from its great merit a* a medical work, giving, a* it does, the result of years of study and experience, you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY &PALEN, 1529 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Id) Sutter St.. San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. apr23-6iu SHERIFF’S SALE. (iKOlUHA—Ware tsb.vrv. Will Ik- sold on the first 1 highest bidder, for cash, the folio' Cx*on an«l running along Parallel : west 57 feet, thence north altout 100 im, thence E street, thence north along K street aliout 110 foet.or to the land* owned by Wesley Cooper, them e east a**out 210 feet or to the land* owned by Mrs. Mollie Ca*on, thence south 210 feet or to Parallel street fo the plan* of beginning. Hounded on the south by Parallel street and land* owned l>y R. ft. Bryant, Lucy Quick ami L. C. Wil liams, on the west by K street, on the north l>y lands U-longing to Wesley Cooper, J. D. Smith und Kninia Moodr. «m th#* east by laud* of Mrs. Mollie Cason. Iz-vied on as the property of Mrs. J. H. Spangler by an execution issued from the Superior Court of Ware county in favor of L. C. William* against Mrs. J. R. Spangler. This April 29th, IS! 12. S. 1\ MILLER. upr.Jn Sheriff Ware County. SHERIFF’S SALE. next .at the court Iiou.m- door in said eo within the legal luturs of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property. On Tuesday night Dr. J. H. Redding was united in marriage to Mias I. C. Rem*hart, at the residence of t th* latter. No card* were issued, and only the mediate relative* and friends of the con tracting parties were prtaent, among whom were Mm. Johnson and Mrs. Del aaaoy and daughter, of Savannah. The Rev. G. W. Mathews officiated. The Hekalp wishes IN*, and Mrs. 1 Redding much hsppiftess. Knight* of Ramon. Mr. J. F. Walker i* meeting with sut cess ami encouragement from ou citizens, and will next week establish ii Waymw* a conclave of the Knight* of Damon. The features of the order, on* of which is that ladies are not excluded, commend it to our people. Savannah’s Million Dollar Hotel, Terms $8 per day and upward.*, ac cording to location of room*. Accom modation* fur 600 guest* at tliat price, with board. The start of all the pro gram of festivities for the week will lie from the "De Soto." Three Grand Con cert* daily by Cobb’s Military Band, Complimentary Ball to guest* at the Hotel Friday night. Bring your friends, and do not fail to stop at the palatial lie Soto” Hotel April 30-2t. The State Sunday School Association. The 19th Annual Convetion of the Georgia State Sunday School Associa tion at Marietta, May 18,19 and 20, will occasion of great interest to the workers in this grand cause through out the State. The Sunday-school inter- thl* section will be represented at the convention. Each county is en titled to representation, and we trust that Ware and the counties near us, in this wiregram belt, will sead delegates. A. Clean, Clear-Cut Issue. From the Philadelphia Record. Heretofore the democrats have shouted for "free wool" as a matter of faith rather tbs" of words. From this time forward they will have a record to appeal to. Every democrat present in the house on Thurs day but one, voted for the repeal of the wool duties and every republican present voted against repeal. There is no escaping from that issue. It is clean, clear cut, mistakable, and can be no doubt about it's signficance in the mind of any man who wean (?) breeches or of any woman who keeps herself warm with petticoats. Hon. H. G. Turner has pttt a bill through putting wool on free list This will be a great boom to the poor man. And yet the calamity howlers go around asking what the democratic party have And also from the Superioi a*t descrilml named Fa...... lightning rod wagon, levied mortgage execution i- r of It. <Cannon agai Sheriff Wan* County, apr30-td* House to Rent.—Two-story, • room*. *12 per month. Will be rated next week. Herald. anti large Tsitting-room, all furnished opening with French windows onto a piazza, be secured by two or more young gen- MILLINERY. Just From New York. I NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES. MRS. E. GOTINGHAM i on deck again with the finest Spring Stoek ever displayed in Waycross. A large number of Pattern Hats, in all the New Colors aud Combinations, have already arrived, and her accomplished New York Milliner is here and is turning out marvels of beauty every day. Don’t miss this beautiful display. Store between Bank and Post Office. „ TO THE LADIES. FINE MILLINKRY LATEST STYLES. DRE3SS MAKIMTOy PERFECT FITS. are cordially invited to visit the new aud elegantly ap|K>inted Store of MBS. TENNKNT & CO., Now open in the Owen* Block, just opposite the depot, Waycroas, C*. You will find it fitted tip exclusively for Millinery and Drew* Making. Our Stcwk embrace* everything needed to make a Summer Hat Stylish and lieautiful. Special attention is invited to the entirely new ami faultless French System of Cutting and Fitting. Courteous attention ami entire satisfaction will lie given to you and your friend*. Mrs. M. P. Tennent & Co., Owens Block, Waycross, Ga. Two poors from Brad Watson & Co’s Leading Dry Goods Store J. V. NORTON. DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS. The Largest Stock in this Slarket. - LADIES SLIPPERS & HOSIERY ARE SPECIALTIES. Call and Examine the Dress Goods Department. i* near the depot ai Inquire ot Herald. For Sale. We keep in st« lars. suitable for feb3) tf. J. A. JONES A Co. DON’T You Want Some of Those Nice I.KTTER HEADS, NOTF. HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS. STATEMENTS. VISITING CARDS, FANCY STATIONERY, ANNOUNCEM GUMMED LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, MERCHANDISE fcARDS, RECEIPT BOOKS, SHIPPING BOOKS. •AMPIILETS, FOLDERS, DODGERS, * SIGN CARDS. W. P. LEE, GROCERIES,: HAY,: GRAIN! Next Door to the north of Lanier & Youmant, Wlieie, with hia SPLENDID STOCK He is supplying the public at Lowest Prices. Call on me and be satisfied. W- P. LEE. Waycross, Ga., July 4-tf. THECITYBAKERY Eierytblng in Stock warranted to be Pure and Fresh. Bll STICK CANDY MWP mweT €&&B Are Specialties. We fill Orders from neighboring towns in lots not less than One Dollar. Address all correspondence to THE CITY BAKERY, GA. Or anything in the printers line. We have three power presses. A. new -- ^ ^ >->. «a?reasa waycross, We iR arranging for » Rulnad De- partmeat ia the Hould to give Rail- qr*y new* and personal*. We hope this effort to represent a targe *wl infoienttal ctara ef our citizens will be attained and encouraged by their liberal support in snbscriptuwr PLANT AVENUE, GEORGIA, CASON db Groceries. Hay, Grain. Flour and Butter are Court House Square. Specialties. Waycross, Georgia