The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 14, 1892, Image 4

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T. E. LANIER, jvajK'r*. Apply to your nearest orgauizer i /or information. Where none have been i «p|M>intc<l. apply direct tb National Alii- 1 anee Aid, Washington, D. C., care The ' Economist, or Huron, South Dakota. tradk with i s and you will always save money HBsSSkL; -- LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRIG LATEST STYLES Are what we offer you now. Every one is surprise-.! that calls on us. You will say it is a jKwitivc fact that sueL an array was nev.-r seen before. Our Specialties in Furniture are Fancy Parl*>r Suit*. Bc«l K-wim Suits Dining ISnm Suits. Man tels and Standing t'abinet*. Office Fitting*. Etc., lit.-. Our farjset department Specialties: Mouquelte. WiU«-n r.n ! Ents-*-;* C.irj*eta, fr.ui SOrto >1.(H) a yard. Alan, ft Urge a:»'.M»rim«nt «>f Lace Cdrta*n.*, i'amhonr anil Kenais-wuncc Fortiers of even" Style an 1 Quality. Window Shade* u S: eeinlty. D.n‘t that we cun til! your wants, no matt, rtthat they are. Car;s-ts, Oil »'iotlut awl Matting hi.h Window Shade* hung—all Exclusively free of charge, ('nan-and cotiVinre yinnWclf that we mean wliat we say. See suits, wurth >80.00. t *ur a-s wtuu-nl *»f m.-iltivs.-*-* and '* >'.*u aware what Inr^iliu mean. »Kir gran 1 * de *ti »n of pictures Ide assortment «»f quilt*. blanket*, comforts and our large sto* r.K-kerv will make um U-licw we mean business. We »::»! i.u the something of that list, or some article wljjch welsaw in >t«n t<»o numerous to uieiiiion. !.et us make the • xeliange. We sell ... _ - - Snstallin.-nt l*!an. and nvgive you a gnnd dis-vsiut by paying fas’ii. Jlrajijwl you all, citizen* 4»f Wayerc** and vicinity. to pw us s. trisil, ati.l patruuia- t which will Ik' very much appreciated. Y«nrs nu*t humbly and rc*,K*ctia»Iy. will make advertize this one. liecpnsc it always ;.!ea* ■ -*. Order ja-t the lies?, n»r the I«»v price nf>2.o». Ifcmble Its*!j Trt:ai|<fti, Niekle «Vimenc and Uiaap. !!• sew.sul t*;ise Sin- lixdx*'*. **Nuf s * 1” if you want an Acc*>: Ft ml ?.Y- f« r cm- af ihe 1-C--1 llarm.iaiwJ Order i f Niefcle LANIER Jeweler, TIIE WESTERN El'l.NHTRE (’<). Herschkovitz Brothers, WAY*'ROSS, & WESSON PISTOLS. SMITH Ladies are 1'nfartanate. ItceaOK* flic higher they rise in*© I PAY ixpress ; Char BOTH WAYS! MAGAy. 31) I mate tlic Repairing of Watelir* a Specialty £j apt! work entrusted to my cure is certain to w; receive careful attention by skillful workmen. f My prices are always lower than loss cnmpe- .aiit workmen, as I inn fully prepared with all the necewoary fads ur.d machinery to do any kind of work on short notiee. .1 usually have ived, unless the job be a very diflicult one, or needs I© {•inter ALLIANCE NOTES. You I the age of policy holder, j afford not to do it! We glee addresa of •omc of the State and pouting district organizer* to whom all commu nications from those district* should be addrrwed: Michigan- A. K ( ole, Fowlerville. Iowa—K. I!. < !a»ton. Iowa Tribnne r Ik-* Moines. Kaneas—W. II. Riddle, To|<eka; or II. I&Uglitnan Rurrton. Miwiuri—J.-B. Dines, 810 Olive street, St. I»uis: or J. Weller Ixuig. State Hern-tary, Warrensburg. Arkansas—J. W. Dolli.son, State See ( [ary. Rector; or .1. E. Bryan, Favett*- fund for their relief;! villc. Texas—Milton l’nrk, Dallas; D. J. rn-operative degree ; 1 -ladlemon, Denton; R. W. Coleman. S:i Alliance AM Dffitt. Hundreds of inquiries eon in for more complete explanation and in formation relative to the new degree au thorized by the Supreme Council at In dianapolis, showing a deep intern* in the plan, ami a dnirr to know more ot it and to avail Uienwelvrw of its benefit-. The mwdntloti establishing the degree read* as follow*: Whereas one of the cardinal tenets of our Onler b* tfce fluty we ©w- our breth ren in iBstn-sa, lltetr widows and or phan*; and whereas our charter exore**- . • i e ! Fhilotokrn controls the nerves, aid* natmv in various function*, and thn* combat- with tie* many ills of womankind success fully. if your dmrglst has not got it lw* will order it for you for jl a _ bottle, from Wonderful ly providea fi therefore l«e it |{eaolve«1, That lie instituted in tlie Order for the ptir- j Antonio |mmc- of creating ami maintaining a fund <'uumimpti<in. <kitarrli. Stnnlp ti*. Kliet " “* “ li*ra*r*, by their iSnmehitis. KlH-umati' r their Omni smU-c«1 tuarveh for the benefit of the famtlienot deeeaseil Secretary, Homer, T. J. worthy mcinliers, ami that the executive ennimittce 1m- instructed to establish said degree n* hooii a* practicable. The Nutiotml Alliance Aid I>egrce i* the r«-su!t, and it provides for life insor- mice on the nssi-sstneiit plan precisely similar in general featurc^to the ancient onler of I'nited Workmen, Knights of ||«uor, WooilnK-n, Od«l Fellows, ami Masonic and other ancient-order aid as sociation*. It admits all members of the Farmer* Alliance and Industrial |'nion, tneu or women, between the ag«w of eighteen and fifty-five years, who jiasa the required careful medical exami nation. Members over fifty-fiver or those physically disqualified, are wcl- i; Ten (’alifimiin—J. L. (JillM-rt, Rce«ly. i Oregon—M. V. Rork. Salem. New York—Ralph Reauinont. Adi' : n; .1. W. I lean. Honeojc Fells. Tennessee—W. K. (iwynne. White. Indiana—T. W. Force, shnai-. Illinois--II. M. Oilliert, (Jenessee. Kentucky—T. T. Oanlm-r, llirdwell. Mississippi -R. li. Wc-t. Memphis. nf Compound Oxygen, its uuturcand eftis ts. with numerous totinmniala fnini |Kitient>. lim! a very int«-n>ting one. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN, Fhiladelphla. Fa. 1'3) Sutter St.. San Fram w-o. Cal. lentinn thi- pajs-r. apr^Vflin .•omed* *s honorary members without fees, and do pot participate in the insur ance, hu( do in the other advantages. A member can take cither, a 91,u00 or >2,000 policy, or a innn and wife can take a joint >1/100 fir >2,000 policy, in which case the survivor receive* entire E. H.CRAWLtY, SR., more, it as much. :i> trusts you nothing for k d with my work; or if desired I vou can know liow much you will the work done wmv .w-......, - * time to adjust and regulate. KcincinWr I charge other workmen and i*ay all the express charge transportation, and I am sim* you will lw* pic will report price before doing the work, so ilia; you have to pay just the same as if you were in my store. In sending jobs be sure to put a slip of l»aper in with the watch, giving \*>uf name in full, plainly written, also Post office. County and State, and expre it is not same as j»wt office. Always write me when sending sent—whether by mail or express. Send me a trial job and see if i don’t plea-e you. As to my reliability. I you to South Georgia Rank and Southern Express Co's, agent at this place. Address watch, stating bow In sending ordersJ*o careful to state size double action, or safety hammerlcss, whel i deposit of$l.' id. IVarl handier id length of bai >:• blue, finish is required in el. whether singlr or >r nicklc plaUnL l< id van ee. A full line HEADQUARTERS FOR T. E. LANIER, A Full Line of (inns, Pistols, Sporting Ammunition and Fishing Tackle The Lowest Possible Prices. Order from T. K. ! The Jeweler, YNIER, Way cross, Georgia. Wavcross, Ga. amount of jofnt-policy. A joint jMilicy cost* one-half more Ilian a single policy of same amount. The entry fee* arc low; just enough to pay expenses of securing FUfcNITURE and STOVES. CSrTTllMD'A.^L^- I have on hand a full line of AMERICA for *.'|00, fnr *1,0011, *ll for *2,000. As I desire to give the people the lxnefit of my cash trade, all Furniture. and Stoves will he sold low down for cash. Parties desiring to purchase these goods will do well to state \ nia«try fw of *1 on nil pulld,*, r,- | that they intend to pay cash, so as to get the benefit of Cash j rdin* of amount, except joint isdirie which arc >l.fKI, is also collected for office expetme*. All iiiiiw*«1 fee* Prices. In addition to our large stock of Furniture and Stoves, we carry-a full stock of ied into the benefit fund at close of ! > establish a degl and seven «>r more meuil>crs join at out* time, seven ikcing lowest number a char ter will Im* issued to them. The fees may b.* retluceil to >:( each,"but only to charter iiicinWr*, and rcganlletw jf si/o* of jm»1- ieies taken, thus making it an object for an Alliance to join in u IkmIv. A*scs-mcnts are made not oftener than j once in two month*, and then only when 1 death* occur, and are graded according j to age, and never advance after n mem- j Iwr once join*. A meml»er agerl 18 to 25 i* asse**«sl >1.00 on each >1,000 car- j ric«l by him; from 25 to 80, >1.10; 80 to , 85, >1.20; 85 to 40, $1.85; 40 to 45, >1.50; i 45 to 50, >1.4*5; 50 to 55, >2; >500 jail- ! icica one-half a* much, and joint |M»lieies J one uml one-half time* us much. On a I joint policy where the apes diffi llry (iGinls, Mm, Slim, H its. Crockery and Hardware. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF vMIiS. ASH I will lie pleased to price goods at any time COURT HOUSE SQUARE. i of tlieiV ages |is taken » half the N. R.—An error exists in first copy of by-laws relative to assessment*: will Im* rectified next issue. One assessment is always collected in advance. Any regular physician can make examination, and the fee of physi cian i* u-iially >1.00, ami is paid by ap plicant. R. B. KEENE, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, TIN. A relief department, designed to care |i*r the sick and unfortunate, is instituted in every lodge, and it is expected they will act t«*gether in State nr national ca lamities. A bureau of information iutcinlcd to assist mcmlters in selling or exchanging their farms, or securing employes nr em ployment, i* a part of the plan, costing nothing, except to tlutsc who utilize it. A brief but attractive ritual is used, ami the term degree lodge is used to avoid confusion of names. The general headquarters are at Wash ington. D. (’.. with Western headquart ers at Huron. South Dakota, where the secretary’s office i* located for the pres ent, and when* all applications for char- ; tors, ami fee*, and money should be sent, addressed National Alliance Aid. Huron, ; (South Dakota. The Alliance Aid Assn- ; ciation, of South Dakota, which had a large memliership, and has liecu ill sue- i eessful operation for over throe years, j and the Alliance Mutual llencfit Associ ation, of Kansas, have consolidated their business with the National Aid. putting it on a strong luisis to start on. Assess ments are made through The National Economist ami the official State organs, ami the scribe of the l»M*al lodge collect* tin* money and forward* it. The business is conducted directly under the control and supervision of the national .officers SHEET IRON AND GOFFER WORK. STEAM FITTING A SPECIALTY. TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK. UKAI.KR IN blimps*. Pipe, Wtetuu. c»ssw <m<l Wati'i- lehtiug. Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well GUARANTEED. Plant Avenue, Near Canal ■j Wayecoss, Tacorgin. Guitars, ranging in price from Three Dollars to Fifteen Dollars. Order from me and send amount | you want tlio pay for a Guitar, and ; I will send you one at less price for the quality than* any other house I also keep a full line of Guitar Trimmings, such as Ma-1 chine heads. Bridges, Bridge Pins and all kinds of strings. Try or.e set of my Silver Steel Strings at 50 Cents by mail, postage paid. Best Gilt strings made at 75 Cents to One Dollar per set Send 25 Cents for 01 best Harmonicas Send your Order to CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver Ware, SPECTACLES, Pocket Knives, RAZORS, SCISSORS, Bric-a-Brae. RINGS, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Picture Frames, VASES. Toilet Sets, Notions. of my : tak Pen Dollars T. E. 3^A1KrXI£SA> Tlio Jowoler. • Tile Jowelor, WAYCE.OSS, : : : aBORGIA. Banjos JBa.iijos Wayoi-oss, Ga. AMERICA. lhc\ market. the I.tnlics America, and alch, only smaller, as r- America Watch Watches on the Id to advertise them at GILLON & HUDSON, of the Farmtiu Alliance and Industrial > make a specialty of I'nion, aud is a part of the general work, i holding UP aeparate charter. All officers ! ami orgauirem must give satisfactory 1 bomki and It is believed that our mem-, itership will appreciate the effort in their ; bclialt and patronize it generally. There should Ik* a degree hnlge in every Alii- he convinced, ance in the United ?»tat«s ami that ( L quickly. • now to oeuAMZE. Theorgwntantion will t»c under man agement of the rotate Alliance ottia-rs *■> far as possible, who will api**im district organizer*,ia'Hst of whom will he kept in The Economist and the various State FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. (WAYCROSS IRON WORKS,) Waycross, .... Georgia, H AYING added all necessary Machinery to our shop, we are now prepared to do all kinds of easting, repairing and general work on locomotives. We also carry in stock Stationary and Saw Mills, Piping, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers and Brass Cocks of all kind We Syrup Mills and Kettles. HERR YOU ARE: THE BEST BANJO IN THE WORLD For the Money. A Regular Professional. No. 1.309. a—38 Brackets, Full Nickle Rim fS.oo No 130S. a—20 Brackets Full Nickle Rim, 6.00 No, 1303 —14 Brackets, Full Nickle Rim, 5,00 No. 1302 — 8 Brackets, Full Nickle Rim, 4.00 AH of the above arc first-class goods in ©very it**pcet, and arc not to 1c com pared with the cheap tra*li generally sold. I keep a full line of the cheaper Banjo* ranging in price from >1.50 to >8.<H», and can fill orders same day re ceived. A full line of Banjo trimmings in stock, such as bridges, pegs, thimbles, tail pieces, extra heads, Ac. I also carry in stock the very best make of strings at the fallowing prices, ami will send them by mail on receipt of price: 1 Full Sot of Silver Steel Strings in box, 25c. 1 Full Set Best Gut Strings in !*ox 50c. If you want Banjo, Violin or Guitar String* 1 can pie I carry in stock also Ladies Chains, Chatjj fine Harmonicas. Order only of i line of all the Latest Designs in Rings and Jewelry, and guarantee srytliiug to be as represented. Should you order from me any article that docs not please or come up fully to your expecta tion at the price, I will take it hack and refund the money, provided that it is returned in five days and not used. Re member lam Headquarters for all goods iii my line, and send me your order for what you want T. E. LANIER, THE JEWELER, Waycross, : : Georgia. ■■■■■