The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 28, 1892, Image 1

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the Herald Front CAN me RKXTRD. Ample space for an office, veil lighted, window for display, etc. VOL. XIU. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1892. NO. 26. ornrats or ware ioixtv. Warren lott-OnHoary. \V. M. Wilson—t'lerk Superior « Y.i.n s. ¥. Miller—Sltcriff and Jaifor. K. II. Urawley—Trea-u nr. Joe |». Smith—« 1 < «*nnty <Ymuni*rioner W Itavfclson ami P. J. Itlaekbiin Adder***, Waycn***, Ga ('ITT OFPfCERH, WAYCROSS, «A. Arthur M. Knight, Mayor. Ahhnnen \V. A. McXirl. W. W. Sharp. J. II. (Hllon J.(l. Justkv, il. II. Murph POWDER Absolutely Pure. I [Concluded from 1**1 Week.] Only the very poor in Havana go on | find, the street* are 1**> narrow for pedes- trianism to Ik* pleasant, or wholly safe, j It is never necessary lo go out of one’s ! way to find a carriage, victoria* line the Few of them are really educated, none are strong-minded or alive to the pro- i of the age. It was on the fifth day after our ar- ; rival in Cuba that we got up very early ! in the morning and with our guide took ; the cars for Matanzas. The first-da** coach of the ferro-mrri/ was very ordi nary, indeed, and at every station boy* came through the car to sell brings of live chicken* and fresh fish. We made the sixty miles in two and a halTimurs, although the railroad mem ber of our party, who viewed the track from the rear ' platform, said the road was very good. While he watched rail* tie*, we viewed a beautiful, , .... pm™** *nd tramjiorta- f er ti| e cwmtrv, T eiy f.irto tho fyeo with ^ ni d ___ M. Albert* W. A. 4'osoi.. W. I). Ilomilt.. Warren l/>lt, K V. W*4 A. M. W*yrr...-> lxMlge. No. »«5 F. uud A. M., M and 4th Wednedav* at 7:I*i W. M ; K. II. Reed, a John . II. W. Rml. , y.x. Off. Clerk »nl« lo Tren-a Secretary. i»U, Higliest'of all in leavening stretigl '(trrrmnrnt fhod BntOii. l’ov.\i. itAKixr. lv*ni»r.n4'o.. loo Wall Si. N.Y. j -Several shopping tour* resulted in dis- j Kxcel>t t j, c villages, we saw only ; ‘Winln.cnt to ..ur party, oven .ilka, ,., le tl.atch.xl cottagw’ anil ivratlior'- HAV ANNAII A DVKRTIHEMF.NTt*. j limn and Iucck Wing a higher prio,- witl , hanana stalk*! than in Nog York. It is possible there Malanias is a quaint olil fit, of stone, EDWARD LOVELL’S SONS, I is one price for Cubans and, a liWral in- i^utirully situate.1 on the set!, with a V creaHC ,or ‘M'r"****, WHO are an »up- f a i r harbor sheltering a number of ves- po*sed to l>e rich. sels loading with cotton, tobacco, oranges Tlie Cuban h..r** are small and Hc „ w „ delightful breakfast was I ,0U K I ‘ b,vnnd Wtet *'"*■ ,itU « h '.r«- served us in courses, which despite onr : will clatter along these narrow, rocky : |ime mteupie.1 us from eleven j streets for a Jialf-day, drawing a vieto- unt !| igeive oYloek. An omelet with holding three person*, lieside* the , it. v Fritlur in wli month romp. W. W. Sharpe, II. IV; Itl Ft K. II. |;c<-ri, Secretary. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Hardware, Tinware, Plows, Turpentine Manufacturer-* Supplies, liar, Rand and Hoop IRON. Wheels, Axles and Wagon Material, 1 lun*, Riftols and Ammunition. dlO-lv Frwl Flekrn, |»wther. K. It, iihotiikriiood whomutiv UIUKKIIH. !, Paine, < 'hlef Engineer Itl In*. Agent; A. K. Hall Fint Awlstant Lloyd & Adams. DEALERS IX j Paints, Oils, Doors, Sash ami Blinds. Terra Colta and Sewer Pipes, , "”"rriiXNo A ^ "“ i ;"wen: I BUILDERS. HARDWARE, M., r. T. X. Hyfan, Secret ary. MeftoSdand i . 1 || • lc * ■rfongivM an.l Wldiaker St-., Engine WAVt ROM RIKI.KM. npany —. 4th nyi “\J. McP 1 4 Volin «V|*rlV! leery. <’upt. J. McP. J. II. Oillon; 2.1 Li llogan; inm-iuvr. u. i Folk-. Regular monthly meeting '.'-l Thm* day »*l'each month. Prill night* Tue-.|n; i.inl ri.ur-.Inj of each week, 7:.a» p. m. WAYniOHN UIIM1K I. o. ». K. Meet- every Monday evening at Ti-'W* o'clock J^V. Jone-. X. II.; f». William*, Secretary. A mom; tiie churches. I Savannah, Georgia. Sole A gel A CUT ON RATES. driver, and show no fatigno. The pack horses are very funny sights, I with their enormous loads that often v | hide the little annimal completely, as he - ! moves along patiently under it. Heavy carts are drawn by |oxen that are as large a* the horses are small. The cows, a* well as oxen, are lieautiful and look like the Jersey. We see cows led from door to door, the poor little calf muzzled, while the mother's milk i* drawn an.l sold in .any quantity re quired. This insures the leverage Wing sweet an.l gives the farmer’s pump no chance to figure in the transaction. Our first afternoon in Havana was de voted to a drive als.ut the eitv for gen eral impressions, and out to the Rolan- ieal (ianlen*. These gardens are lieau- tifull as well as interesting from their, to petit ham and the ever presiding dish of olives came first, flanked by the hard, hard rolls that form the one only bread eaten on the island. No waffle*, buck-wheat cake*, mtiffias, biscuit or even corn-bread! We may pity the Cu ban* for their misfortunes, but we must admire their wholesome, and no less pal- ateahle cuisine. Who will venture to deny that were Americans to abolish from their tables, cakos ( pics, hoj breads, nuts and confectionary, they would be healthier, happier, 1 letter-tempered ; longei lived ? Rut the Matanzas breakfast wait: the omelet. Ware County Board of Commissioners, May Term, 1S92. Present: Warren Lott, Chairman; t'ommissioneis: Davidson, Cason and Rlackbum. Minutes last meeting road and con firmed. On motion of Commissioner Cason, it i* ordered that the Road Commissioner* of tho I0i*2nd District be notified to order out the hands of said district, and work the Ctlenraore and Waycross road from tilemnore to the line of the 12ftl*t District at once. Tho following hills were audited and ordered paid, to-wit 2800 275 Sat ilia MT* Co.,2 manteU.i4.00 . ji 00 •ndrewHar’— MBCa Andrew Hanley, H’dwaro now court house ......... J. W.Mallon, i E. II. Crawit y, amount paid outfit and dray S. Griffin. Samtor, salary, April, mo \V. H.McIntosh,carpet and matting, 8. F. Miller, Hheriff jail f^ April and extra sen lces for Bailiffs April Wayci Jones, S. A,Spence,expenses bringing Isaac »t Yvilliam Taylor(priaoners)ftom Way county to Waycro*s~ 7 .*» W.M.Toomer, 3 days as stenographer at April term '92 of Superior Court 45 00 Mile* A; Bradt, final payment Ware . county court house 3,707 90 14 70 n case of the State vs John superintendent It 90 State vs David Davidson Mary Davis, witness from Coffee county'' ““ "*'*■ ■ * * .Smith Oeorgc Felth county court house, balance in full - 154 00 J. S. William*, salary, April.. 41 0(1 Wayeros* Lumber Co., material for new county court house in full, principal..... ( $r».4f t from May 1st to June 1st. < 288 00 1993. Total f §5,700 43 The following monthly payment* were ordered paid for Wnefit of pauper* of said county A change of plates, and fish, shrimp- ’ **! el. . John Boyli- aim net- cookch charmingly, appear. Dan Higun-.. Another change, and we have tender loin steak* broiled to |>erfectinii, ami fried |m>- tatoes. When this course i* carried away we linger over the novel desert §10 00 PRIMBYTKKIAN • — W. abltuth is 81 reel. Kev. W. 8. I\i every “ * * '* •’idock Wi-lne-ilay nftcnxi i linn li! Thur-tlay nig school at 9:30 a Fjtrnrst Worker- i ml *7 p. m. Sabbath -'ItonI 3 p. ni. t'hri-tian Kndeavor. 4:."!•> p.m. uHM-K EPiwtiPAi. nivncii. IVmlleton and Mary Street. Ilev. J. U. 111. knell. I ad 79* Service- It s S li.-.l 9 a. ni. BAPTWT t llt ltt ll. Albany Avenue. Key. W. 11. Scruggs, I Frcnt bing every Sabbath tl n. m, p. m. Sunday School every SaMmih : Prayer Meeting every Thur-lay 7: » •day Sunday* 4:4.» p, ni I.- J*' A.C. ftridgman. General L. Johnson, Fre-M From June to October #1.50 PMR DAY, Tfie Ol.l Reliable HARNETT HOUSE, SAVANNAH. C;.V. TIIK HARSHiLL, H. N. FISH’S European Hotel AM) RESTAURANT, slrjngc-Ih.rj. The .venue of royal c | lecWi g, lavn j ellv , , lice d nine- ,»ln>«, IhalTurm. «uch , pretty picture, , lf> bmm un<| ^ lp5 , nl |,^ Th , ii. Cuban Krone., ex.ite.1 nur l.vol.e.1 > r „ r „ „ llM admiration. Through all the residence imrtion* of the' city were women and children peep ing nut through the iron bar* that secure every door and wimlotTin Havana. In the better class of house* the iron screen i* iu fancy )iattems, but the greater mtmlicr are strong, parallel, vertical rods. (Jhts* panes are dispensed with, a* during the. heat of the day the sun is excluded by* inside wooden shutters, which are opened towards evening, and it is then that these group* appear at the iron bar* to watch the life on the Manv bright CiiIkiii eye*, from admir- itfnufa*, those now rare vehicle* found only in Matanzas, have been at the door some time, and our party of six 1 icing Howard Dick Baldwin Kliza Fulwood Malcolm White- Knnsoni Johnson- iarrett and wife 400 200 Blister Rachael Houston..... Stop Morgan.. Harry Mack.. Under anil in compliance with the recommendation of the (Jrand Jury, at the April term, 1892, of the Superior Court of-said county, James Cobb wa« placed on the pauper list from May 1st, 1892, at the rate of #3.00 per mouth. The county lmrrowed the following amount*, at the herein named date* and rate*, to-wit: From Miss Maggie Crawley, May 3, 1892, at 8 percent. .'....91,00000 Interest to Dec. 1st, 1892 40 62 From South Georgia Bank May 4, ’92 2,500 00 Interest 30 days at 8 per rent- 22 85 On motion of Commissioner Davidson, that Waycross Rifles be paid the #200.00, as recommended by the Grand I at the many living statue* of ' nude children in window* and on the j streets, Laura and I began to feel that j { 1 we were in a strange land indeed. , Hava 0 bl PS p s STRtGKLAND HI! Waycross, Ga. IN YOUMANS’ BLOCK One Minute Walk from Union • Depot. Aprviy J.W. Strickland, JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT Plant Avenue—fommient t<» I»«-p»4. Mratla U Om««. U4gl*|t « <>*•!». Farr Kqual to Any House. Kfery Fitrw Seat Away Satisfied. Wo guarantee *ati*fartiou. and solicit the " «f tlie public. All we a>k i- a J. 1\ JOHNSON- comfortably arranged in two volanta*, the outrider* crack their whips and we climb a piece of rocky road to get a view of the Voumori Vidtty; then on again up iii the rockiest road in the world surely. Nothing but this queer vehicle, with its two enormous wheel* coming up as high as our heads, could escape being overturned. The outrider on his horse guides the one drawing the volanta, solely with a view to keeping him on hi* feet among the large stone*, while our great two-wheeled carriage, . ...... ... . , . *itl> >t» unfortunate, wnq.ant*, tumbles I j ury nt ti.o April term, 1892, of the M,K am! bounce* nlon* in the mo., huleserile s.qirior Court of said e^ntv. our husband*, and between blushes lor ,. e .... - 1 j ... . . -: a b' c fiksnion. p|, c Commissioners appointed to re- ! ff™. ,he m *° )r ' ,V,n * " f ' t* Ik hardly a trip for invalid*, uulc*., j vie ». and lay out a new MttiUa District iolent shaking up i* preserilKsl, ( in the vicinity of, and including therein, is our destination, the “Care* of Bel- j the town of Manor, in *aid county, ap- A necessary rransaetion aBer reaehin g | j^^a \ ^ ^ toehanp- our ITnitrtl Stairs . „ fa onl , mirij , SenjB| , ny . irreenhact* into Spanish money, « | ^ j, 0 (Wlight to RO down int „ „« their pohi coin, silver or paper currency. bo „. ol , of rartlli The latter gave uk much .port over it» ov( , r 0revaMC9j illto „„ lact i tP9 „„d bulkincs*. t-or one dollar in gold we om , ul agmitoC .arming up !,ot reeerve two and a half... thc.r paper. j ^ witll tM ,„ ,, n<Uw . t The hoy, bought lemonade, a | ^ aboT , an( , lKK1?ht onecnd of a five dollar gold p.eee and rece.vng ... ' Rtal „ rti ,„ fo carry honlo „ a MUVenir eliange over twelve dollar.! The.r I After Matamaa, than which nothing imekel, are nut roll, and on , hc Ualld W more quaint and roil, of dmy.,at,ere.1 paper money ami : ,, urioa , to American^ we spent two ‘.lays when they f.e a poor Cuban a Span-: Harml doingodda and end , sight . id. ten rent p.eee (ten eenlavo,) they ^ „ Ich „ driving ont m the great — felieitate ,l.emselv« that they have ; . ^ , nd p lanU tion,, going .n arav nnlv fitnr mnla «lthrunrh ; through some mammoth cigar factories, visiting the market* etc. The market*, In spite of ltad odor* and the rag-tag population swarming in and out, were fascinating to os iu their beautiful ex hibit of sea food In great variety, and in the various kind* of tropical fruit-. Our return to onr native shores was made in the “Olivette," a beantiful and a swifter running steamer than the j Maseotte, though .with no guarantee ‘ against sea-sickness. To any good sea log*; the run over and hack, thirty-six hour* each way, i* only a pleasant whif of sea air, and the little glimpse into foreign life i* certainly in given away only four cent*, although the poor fellow i* thankful enough for that. Their silver quarters are worth twenty cent* to u*, aud their gold dol lars six per cent, less than onr*—al though that per cent, fluctuates. Like all Southron* tlie Cubans lire an amusement loving people. The bull fight did not hold ont sufficient induce ment to our American taste* to keep tm on the island for another Sunday. An excellent place for seeing the people i* at the theatres, which are J thronged nightly by all classes, from the mechanic and servant to the Spanish j .nobility in their fine raiment and jewel*, j Ticket* terms of the law, and the Ordinary was authorized to proceed in terms of the law to have said district established. FINAL OERTIF1CATE. Waycross, Ga., May 3d, 1892.-—I hereby certify, that Miles & Bradt, are entitled to the following payments, in full satisfaction for all claims as per their contract, . dated the fourth day of August, 1891, and October 26, 1891. Also payment in full for all extra work from March 2d, 1892, to date: Ain’t of balance In full on contract $4,10933 a work 21944 ulars of cost and credit for the gas pipe* see general hill. Your superintendent also, with your consent, went to Savan nah and purchased the entire outfit of hardware for the building, the cost of such hart!ware Ac., being paid from pro vision of $200.00 included in Messrs. Miles & Bradt’* contract. For i»artieiilar* see general hill. Your superintendent also, with your approval, selected the wood mantels; cost of same was paid from the provisions of $10.00, each in Miles A- Rradt’s contract. [lYmiinuod on fourth pape.] A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA—By W. J. Northkx, Governor. It Is a fundamental principle in onr or ganic law that “no person shall he depriv ed of life, liberty, or property, except by ilue process of law." This, supported by the farther constitutional provision, “pro tection to person and property is tlie para mount duty of government and shall In* im partial and complete," should make every citizen absolutely secure in lii* right* guar anteed in tho Oonstitntion of the State. Th«»e right* 1 have sworn to defend, ami so long as I continue in office I will exert all the power the law confers upon me to se- to every citizen of the State, of what ever class or condition, the enjoyment of all the rights given him under the law. Under onr peculiar social conditions, xvo ■e liable to many and great criminal out rage*. I cannot conceive, however, of any iolation of law so outrageous ay to justiiy setting aside the authority of the State, in order to find suitable punishment to meet the end* of justice. This is especially true since, by an Act of tlie present General As sembly, the Supreme Court is required to give speedy hearing and determination in criminal cases, and to transmit promptly the clerk of tlie court from which the writ of error was taken; and the Judge of said conrt shall then have full pow- •, In - term or vacation, to pass any order, sentence or jmlgement necessary to carry into execution the judgment of the Court. There can be no just complaint against de lays In the law. Tlu* laws of the State an* ample for the protection of tlie people; the courts an* op inion, and the Kxeeutive stand* ready, atoll times to enforce the judgment* of the courts against lawlessness and vio lence of any ami all kinds. The killing of a citizen by a mob is deliberate mtinlcr, and the perpetrators of tho crime should suffer, at the hands of the courts, tlie proper pen alty. Lynching is brutal, cruel and barba rous. I now call upon tlie people of this State, in the name of tlie law and onler, to respond promptly to the summons of tlu* officers of the law for the protection of citi zen* whose lives may Ik* threatened l>y a ihob. We cannot afford, injiny ease, how ever aggravated, to justify the defiance of the law. The law provides that the Sheriff, in sup pressing a mob, may summon to his assis tance, cither in writing or orally, all the citizens of a neighborhood or county. The acts of such pot*e shall Ik* subject to the same protection and consequences as offi cial acts. The law further provides: "Whenever any riot, outbreak, tumult, mob m shall occur or lie imminent, under such cir cumstances that timely application cannot lx* made to the Governor, and action had thereon by him, the Mayor of any^eity, town or village in which any of Hald volun teer forces are located, if he ascertains, or has good reason to believe, that the ordina ry pow romitfihis or civil power of tlie coun ty city, town or village where such viola tion of the laws and peace of this State oe- appears imminent, are or would be unable to promptly suppress or prevent the p, may, without first making applica nt the Governor, direct the commander of each company, or part of a company, of PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PIXON w. HITCII r.DW. If. MYCRS. HITCH & MYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Up Stair* Wilson’s Block. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. J s. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. WAWItOSS, . . . ■ GEORGIA. JOHN C. NrDOilALD, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WAYCROSS. - . . GEORGIA, Omnt up stuir* in Wilson Block. A. WILSON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS, ... GKORGIA JJ C. CANNON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS, - . . GEORGIA. Office up stairs in Wilson Block. Will practice in the Brunswick Circuit and elsewhere l»y special contract. Nov 15-*90-ly. J. Ij. onAWuarjr, attorney at law. WAYCROSS, (IKOIMHA. Office in the Wilson llnililing. S. L. DRAWDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HOMERVILLE, : : : GEORGIA. DR. J. H. REDDING, OFFICE, FOLKS BLOCK, Near Hotel Pliocnix. apftO-ly WALLACE MATHEWS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WAYCROSS, : : : : GEORGIA. jan23-lv “ in full fbi . M4 erm*l*r*. A1 HmrtAX.” 1MM< lupkkt, 0*. BAITER HEMCtlS CO.. SL LMX. M* trial. nirl24Un Ladies ait Unfortunate. control* the nerves, awl* nature \\> saw verx tew pretty Cuban won- in various functions, ami thus eombat* j _ .* J , , with tip* many ilfc* of womankind sucre**- j «*» »<>•*« “ n * lookinfr, after onr healthy fally. If your druggist l»a* not got it be American standard. A thin face white ...I* «5l._l* no S.OI.UX. , SSL-fr ££ -itatf-S I » porior «. u. to*, btok mptof ^ - -v* To*, i bUet Jmprt! with th. block ~ CITY TAX NOTICE. The City Tax Bonks will le open at my iifllcr on tlie rorner of lhirkrr ami Kliza- beth street*, fix* the ro-cptiixi .ff tlty Tax fally, ‘lf y» , -Tt.i ... ,t ... . r c t Balance due Miles A Bradt $3,707 90 (Signed) Geo. Feltham, ’ Sup’t Ware county court house, Way cross, Ga. Report of superintendent for court hoa*e building in Waycroaa, Ga., for the county of Ware: To the Building Committee and County 0>M»»i«fioMrrft ; Gentlemen'—.Your superintendent with j to ^ the foRowing statement, vir Tlie whole of the contractors work is completed in a most satisfactory man ner. Daring the progress of the work your superintendent found * it necessary r , purr , h1 ^ 1 j t^ R "^b?hirtmrtl^'iS“;i,'h- j 10 .'°“r to -»«.)• I ; f "" U, “' mn ot *!" rh ■ oat dnnbt promoHr. of Alnrricnn palri- ! V?* “nd erroi. of ro M trt.ct..n « tod | tqe body »>f the house goes out, and re- -. down in the plan* and specifications turn* for another act, or not, at the : “* — ♦ supplied. pleasure of each individual. We were j “Any Fort la a Storm.*’ Having laid the several matters be- dUapj)oiu!ed in the acting, or in the ‘ That’* a good maxim, but it will not. fore yon, which were duly explained at i girl*, who were neither pretty nor grace- 1 work a* a rule in the purchase of a rein- j t | ie various time*, you instructed your ful. Their Spanish conversation did ! *** of t * 1 * i superintendent to make all alterations not interest ns, and their ain and graces ; noM^tbem £fi. Soo f t SS^^e ’ «d dcvUUon* necrasary to insure the with their Ians and lace scarf* grew mo- and prolong agony. Get Dr. Drum- j stability, utility and general good ap- notoono* after three acts, and we threw ‘ mond’s Lightning Remedy, and a speedy j pea ranee of the building. Inaccoidance cureU certain. It cost* $5 »J>ottle, but■; tberewitls. vour superi one bottle is worth a hundred of any thing else, and for that reason it is the cheapest when a cure i* wanted. Sent to any address by prepaid express on re ceipt of price. Drummond Medicine C*x, 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. therewith, your superintendent pre pared the necessary plans and specifica tions for use of contractors. By your consent and approval, your superintend ent omitted the ga* piping, and substi tuted the plumbing' arrangements in the two laboratories, at a trifle les cost to the county than the ga* piping. For partic- ( said volunteer forces, in the county, or said city, town or village where such lawlessness exists or is threatened,, to call out, and re port with his command to such civil officer, to enforce the laws and preserve the peace, and it shall be the duty of such commander, and all persons composing such command, to obey snch order.” The honor of the State demands that the law be enforced, and that all citizens be given a fair and impartial trial before the proper tribunal—the courts of tlu* State. On the 18th of May, instant, James Red mond, Bob Addison and Gus Robinson were securely confined in the common jail of Habersham county, in the custody and under the protection of the law. They were forciobly taken from,said jail and hanged. These persons were believed to be guilty r a murder ’recently committed in said county. They had never been arraigned before any tribunal under such charge. They were merely' captured and hurried to jail During their fint night in jail a mob seized-and hanged them. The citizens of Habersham county have, in the past, sustained the reputation of be ing peaceable and law-abiding. The Supe rior Court of the county is presided over by an incorruptible and upright Judge. Tlie prosecuting officer has always been faithful his dnties and uniformly ncocesefal in bringing offender* to trial and to punish ment. The body of her people, represented by her juries, luid uniformly shown a dis position to aid In giving adequate protection to life and property. the outrage committed upon tlie live* of these defenseless men is absolutely without excuse or palliation. 1 now call upon the people of Habersham county, fint by their approving, sober, judgment; and, next, by their earnest and diligent efforts, to akl the Executive in bringing these offender* justice. In the execution of my purpose to secure to every citizen of the State the enjoyment of all the rights guaranteed to him by the Constitution, 1 now direct that the Secreta ry of State record and issue a proclamation offering a reward of Two Hundred Dollars each for the arrest and delivery of the sods actively participating in the murder of •aid persons, with proof sufficient to « vict, to the Sheriff of Habersham county. By the Governor.^ J- W. Wiirzx, W. J. XoRTtrax, See. Ex.Dep'm’t. Governor, 'j IrMpiireaTlIerabf.' DR. J. E. W. SMITH, Office at B. J. SMITH’S DRUG STORK. Residence Hicks Street. WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA. ])It. A. I*. ENGLISH, Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS - GEORGIA. 03IT All calls promptly attended. JJ». D. E. MeMAKTEK. Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS,' - - - - GEORGIA. All call* promptly attended to. oaf D R. F, C. FOLKS, Fhyrician and Sur geon, W’aycroR*. Ga. Office overT. K. Lixira's Jekelry Store, mrs from 9 to 10 a. m, fsidenoo, comer I’c tswick avenue, Jwlie.. sionally engaged. j>’4.1y DR. RICHARD B. NEW. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at'MinH Renmhart’*, WAYCROSS, : : : GEORGIA. janSCMim ^ DR. T. A. BAILEY, DENTIST, Office over Rank, On Plant Avenue, WAYCROSS, : GEORGIA. •i. hr J It.HEDGE, DENTIST, WAYCRO&S, - - - GEORGIA Orrtrr np stair* in the Folk* Block. D r. JAH. C. RIPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, (late of Pennsylvania.) ■jpedal attention given to Genito Urina- K Surgery. Can always he fonnd at I>r. K. Goodrich’s Drug store. April 14-tf. WARREN LOTT. Fire, Lilia and Accident In. surance Agent, Time Tried and Fire Tested Fire, Life and Accident Iiwurancr Com panies, and REAL ESTATE OFFICE, KNIGHT A ALLEN, mriDly Waycross, Oa. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W. A. WRIGHT, J. P.. And Agent For National Guarantee Co Securities obtained on easy terms. Special attention given to the collection of claim*.. Post Office Building. Waycrom. Ga. c. x. mcefuv ROWBOTHAM & MURPHY. Architects and Builders. WAYCB088. . . . GEORGIA. PU» and SpMUtatloiu FBnhM. —CUT ACER* FOB— CHEWACLA LTM~R- —rout ac.bxts fob— WALTERTOWN BRICK. Fd> r . Jersey Cow For 8ale. You now have an opportunity to buy a fine Jersey Cow, of the best strain, young. In fall milk, and absolutely without a fault. mSmSmBm