The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 28, 1892, Image 4

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I I I i Front Albany to Brans MAD rPWA«p From Brunswick to Albany. Wonderful STATIONS. 22 “ * round 581 10G 287 44 40 812304 By ain't included in Geo F.-l- tbon*» certificate and paid. 443 *.U Extra work in main tower. Cau*e— Error in detail plan*, walls too thin, and therefore of insufficient weight to eoun- ! terhalance projecting cornice, store work, ami terra-cotta work. 4.175 bricks laid in lime mortar fit 11 50-MO per m ,80053 Cricket in main roof in tear of tower. lal«or and material ... 5 00 gutter 30jo. S§ yds supl painting 2ftc , S3 ft snpl eaves cornice ft- 131 yds supl plastering S7»' The cures which are being cffi-ctcl by Drs. Starkey A Palen.1529 Arch St-l’hiUidelphia. Pa.. m Consumption. Catarrh. Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, an«l all chronic diseases, by their Compound tlxyacn Treat- llninswick. .—Jamaica .Waynesvillc. ... Atkinson— ♦12d,000 in gold on deposit in your tank to my credit” Thus it»that this National hanking system holds the parse strings of Amer ica, controls the labor of the country and escapes taxes. It has its center in the East and throws oat its tentacles, drawing, the life-blood of the Nation from every occupation in the country. In fhet, the East owns and controls the capital, the manufactures and the trans portation of the country. There u not an occupation, a man, woman or child in the South and West that does not pay tribute U. the Easj. Xalmnta.. .Sehlatteirille- WAYCROSjC Ware^boro... 1 slO 48 . ijfio a) sio re>. \\%\tt 40*11 18 . .McDonald— ...Pearson -Kirkland— .. .Wes ton la. Ii« Mile Post. No.4 to'r w'dow fnmo Tinniug sides of tower. 50 to sheet lead and I .Tifton— 40011 sanl ami matt-bed flooring, ririt 'leek <4 25 —. Retraction shaft from sentillative In' court room, abo flooring fixed on THE HERALD’S Job. Printing Plant Is the Finest in this Section. - SEND IX WR ORDERS, When you want boys and youths cloth ing, try W. J. Smith. It'S a specialty with him. and he will give you some nobby good* very cheap. ft Apply at Herald Office from Western Furniture Co laid in lime FARM AND ALLIANCE. sm ex jots sous coxm; nr & “MBit PAUSE SLSZIlXa CCACE." simultareotrsH-." sprmt^affording a: hence serve* for older chfldretf^ 11 * Tho -Palace Sleeping Coach” will quiet th. ctoueat baby, make it less nervous and mon amiable; thaa shaning its destiay, temfvr, cka> KINDS 3x4 dremd on foundries pine supl 1J tongued ami grooved redon 2 ride*. flooring. $45.09—. raple flooring. 3d qality. *15.10 “ 11 T and O pine slats .... *• IJ dressed 4 sides division— - rough lnnd>er. m ‘-pout and IL W. leader*. 15c. FURNITURE and STOVES T. II. Morton, President: II. C. Williams, ’jce-I'rrsidcn;; J. J. Wilkinson, Secretary; .«. Clough, Treasurer; Rev. Thompson, hnUin; W. D. Hamilton, laetmrr; H. L fishop, Assistant Lecturer; M. J. Mock, loor Keeper; C. D. Todd, Asabtant Door ieeprr; 8. F. Miller. Benteant-at-srm*. Post office Waycross. 17 pairs of hinges and screws 8 wrt iron strap dowels and screws. 16 *■ *• angle plates and «lo— #*• “ dowels 5-8 ami 3 —. 5 hooks and staples painting. A Patent II.C.Williams. President; H. L Bishop. Vice-President; :F. B. C, Johns, Secretary: J. Cl. dough, Treasurer; J. M. Freeman; Chaplain; M. J. Mock, Door Keeper; C. D„ Todd, Assistant Door Keeper; T. If. M. ieeper; T. •eturer. Waycross Hob-Alliance meets in Way- Feblcr Ling, President. J. R. Vice-President; Newton Hoddcnlx-rey. Sec retary; A. <1. dosren. lecturer; J. D. O'Quinn, Assistant lecturer; X. X. Miwll. Treasurer; P. II. Baker. Business Agent. Post office Folluton. ‘‘Tlie great interest of this country, the producing cause of its )»ro»i*crity, is labor, lalior, labor. The government was ma<lr to encourage ami protect thii industry and give its security to thi very end; with this precious object it view power was given Congress over cur react' ami over the money system of the country.” -Daniel Webster. Capital i- non’ in these first our second century placed aliove latar. The first principles of our govemn have hern |*erverted and they inns restored. Wall-street speculators never going to consent to their rest tlon and they must l»e forced into i mission l»y trie votes of the toiling i General Weaver explained the whole thing in a nut shell jn a speech l*efore the iVnsylvania Dairy Association, was (touring hot shot into the in kings of the East when a gentle smarting under the general’s hurtling words, rose up in the audience and , “tleneral, please tell us wliat kind cow do you consider the Itosl com |tur|KiM* dairy cow in Iowa 7 ” “Well, said the general, “we are very iniicli dit pleased with our dairy cow not only i Iowa hut in the South ami West gener- »l!y. She is not compact euougii stands with Iter hind feet in the her forefeet in the West and we West and South do all the feeding and you gentlemen of the East do all the milking. And the (tropic of the West and South are proclaiming in the Ian guage of Andrew Jackson, ‘by the Eter nal,’ we are going to turn this cow around in *t»2 and have milk and but ter for Sallie and the tabic*." Sup't of Construction Court House. Account of labor and material ordered by superintendent for county outside of Messrs. Miles A Bradt’s account for the building: Ilecan Mantel Co. for mantels Jf 94 00 Railroad charge*, freight from Louis ville, Ky~... Drayage < * Satilla M ila M'fg Co. for 2 pine mantels .It. Iltts New York. Brwsrkk Balance forward— ....JliS 41 tors carpenters firing do ( thimbles and covets for \V. H. Mnllins. for ventilating center ceiling ornamem 15(0 Freight and drayage on do — 3 67 Hanley, Savannah, arc’t hardware..— 181 45 ** Registers. 10 80 Freight and drayage on do 1 07 Snp't exp to .Savannah seleeting, do 850 ” \ contract for plnmhinr 118 00 8570 14 pipes; also (trading and laving cost of pipes: HubbanI, Jacksonville. ae'l for pipe- 4057 Freight and drayage^ .... 13 82 hours stone mason fixing, do$280 10 pounds lead 1 00 Cutting do, t 821ft 11x2 nosing 82 ” 3-4x3-4 seotra molding *' “ tipi dressed lumber Installment Plan, -Speciai. Prices I-'or Cash. j As I desire to give tlie people the benefit of my cash trade. 1 all; Furniture and Stoves will lie sold low down for cash. ! Parties desiring to purchase these goods will do well to state that they intend to pay cash, so ns to get the benefit of Cash Prices. Ill addition to onr large stock of Furniture and Stoves, we. curry a full stock of- HERSCHKOVITZ BROTHERS. Dry Goods, lotions, Shots, lints, Crockery and Hardware. J. V. NORTON, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS. The Largest Stock in this Market. LADIES SLIPPERS & HOSIERY Call and Examine the Dress Goods Department. ters at do 13 80 t painting on «io .*1 3u 828 21 .May 3rd, am t titivate sign. thou There Iteing n the Cnnimissint journed til first W. M. Wilso*; NEW STORE. New Goods. We are opening up the Iwsl : Meats, Can Hoods. Coffees, Tens, usually kept in a First Class Grocery Store. FARING UTENSILS AMI HARNESS. I will lie pleased to price goods at any time. COURT HOUSE SQUARE. R. B. KEENE, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, TIN. SHEET IRON AND COPPER WORK. STEAM FITTING A SPECIALTY. TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK. DEALER IN’ Pmnps, 9*i|>e, Steam, (rsik nuril Wittei- Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well . - GUARANTEED. At Price* never ltefori speot our goods and j » other business before prs, the meeting ari- Atesdliy in June next, Warrkx 'Lott, L't me show how National hanki cape taxes on the gold in their vaults. The State of California has a strict per sonal property tax law; the hankers hold large sums of gold. The first that the law went into effect it caught the hankers for #20,000,000 in gold to (iav taxes oil. In three years the amount had dwindled down to such an nificant sum that a cashier was forced to come liefore the courts and on the wit ness stand to explain matters. The taxes Wing assessed on the 1st day of January ami I’nitcd States Isolds and National tank notes not Wing taxable ■* property, on the last of December the National hankers of California would telegraph their national hanker in New York asking. “Have yon any Cnited States I Hinds for sale? Please quote price* in gold.” The New York tanker wires tack, “Yes; plenty of them at 12G.” The California tanker answers, "I will take ♦100,000—$12t>,000 to your credit. Please place tand* on deposit subject to my order.” The California banker sacks up ♦12t»,oo0 in gold, marks it to the New York tanker and |»asse* it to his credit. .The New York tanker puts the bomb in an envelope, seals It, % taarks the name of the California tank er on Jhe back. The first day of Janua ry the California tanker gives in his taxable property; has but little gold, in fart, nearly everything he possesses is invested in the property protected by special net of Congress against taxation. The next week the tanker on the Pacific const wire* to New York, "Art*! want of gold on the Pacific coast; place my $100,000 in bonds on the market at 126.” The New York tanker answers, “All right; I will take them; apply faulty eo -t slljil luiol i per m ..... UNO ths wrt iron J 31 per t . 1862. by Feltli andpaitL A1*S Ml Extra work iu the two Pettit Jurj rooms. TWs change was added by (let Fclthon, on ae.-ount of architects plans, showing the windows in No. 1 high; in No. 2, too low: Hoof of No. 1, in circular tower not sufficient height to carry off the rain water. No. 2. jury room in square lower too small fi purpose, was changed to make said No. 2 jury room of the same dimensu Solicitor General’s room on the floor below. 22£7C brick laid in linn'- mortar & 14 60-100 100 pern 10 lft half ronndtrV raves $-20} per ft 265 SI cube cut stone (* 2 50-100 per ft 12 91 70 ft snpl slating (S 10c 45 lft cutting do two hips and valleys 45 lft tin (tasking*, 12}e 111 “ ri.lri. mil IV -J3S3 25 Now Open to the Public. TERMS SPOT CASH. Don’t Ask for Credit. We Don’t Keep it. Highest Prices Paid for Country Produce. Respectfully, BENNETT & BENNETT, 4th Door in Owens Block, Opposite Depot Plant Avenue, WayeixiHH, Hear Canal ieoixria. GILLON & HUDSON, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, (WAYCROSS IRON WORKS,) Waycross, - Georgia, H AVING added ’all necessary Machinery. V> »>ur shop, we are now prepared to do all kinds of casting, repairing prepare and general work on Locomotives. We also carry iu stock Stationary and Saw Mills, Piping, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers and Brass Cocks of all kinds. We make a specialty of t an interesting eventi Syrup Mills and Kettles. Ladies s-^ii^ssisr— FOR SALE BY RE LEVY BRO. &CO NTTRSBRIES, Have a Half a Million of the l>est Pear, Peach, Plum, Japanese Persimmon, Apple and a hundred other kinds of trees and plants at the lowest prices. Write them for cata logue and price list. ‘ oct3i-iy ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 1)e convinced. ns a trial and jam Just West of and adjoining the City and & W. Kailway. S. P. A THE SECRET ()F SU0C.ESS IN FEUIT-OROW1NG I S T() GET Good Fruit Trfees from Reliable Dealers. THE CHEROKEEE EARM AND ANYONE —Can get a HOME LOT OH SMALL FIRM. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH. Until August - 1st I will offer a .choice of locations to those applying. BRUNSWICK AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Time Tatolo. In Effect April 24th, 1892. . [Subject to Change Without Notice. ) 1086 Acres laid Out in Lots, Blocks anil Streets. Size of Lois from 'A Acre to Oxk A cm;, -i Farm BIocIvb f rom 7 to Acres. Five Dollars cash and one dollar per month for • twenty-five months, or $25 cash, will pay for one lot. or one acre. Waycross has grown nearly 700 per cent, ill tell years, and is now growing despite hard times. A like increase for tlie next ten years will increase the value of this land 1000 per cent. Two factories will lie located 011 this land at-110 distant day. For a small Truck or Fruit Farm, or for growing Tobacco, this land is unsurpassed in this locality. If you want the land cleared, fenced and planted, in fiVst a contract can he made at lowest terms. Remember this oiler is good' only -to August 1st. Prices will be advanced after that date.