The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, July 02, 1892, Image 1

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RESTAURANT, "An u whole lot of tires—ml an blue green." SliipprftA \ Mat*! <Salkm Pfeiagr*. all ntlun^ Prices per gallon light e*Au*» Sri . Metal* lie Itiintn 7.V. Thrw are wholesale price**. .VWww all orders to S. GRIFFIN, Manager. URima P.41 XT rtx, AakiMvUIr, Flo. J LITTLE LIVER wait’ll 1 tell you somethin else—only don't yon dare to breathe it to a son!. Land! she'd be jnst wild if she knew 1 knew 'boat it. Well, the other morula fore she waked np I saw the end of a picture sticlcin ont from under her pil low, and when 1 peeked at it whose do you s'liose it was? Guess.” Bab brings her white teeth down rath er sharply over her under lip. She kicks thotoe of her pretty slipper restlessly against the edge of the step. Tomorrow she will giro this small sister a little piece of her mind, but tonight—well, what is the use of making a scene to night? Everything is said new that can be said, and what is worse it is all true. She actually com- ' quietly down a step to catch Ducky's u.; wer. “Mister Jones?" Ducky's voice is faint and a little donbtful. bnt her words win a storm of scorn. “Mister Jones—Jones—Baldy 'Jones? Whyee. Ducky Arnold—well I guess ft wasn’t. Don't 1 tell yon my sister Bab's dead gone on that handsome other one. Guy—what - * his name? Coarse the is. So’m L But IM like to know where she keeps that picture daytimes. 1 never saw it before." Their voices flatter off into a little rondntlftl on fourth pare. J. V. JEXKIXM. U\ A. JAVLLKT. J.M. JENKINS & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance Agents \a. 75 Broughton Ktrrrt. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. mrlMro “Course 1 do." A series of happy little giggles and lie voices grow fainter as the children ass the window and go around the Reduced to $i.oc Per Year. W. A. WRIGHT, J. P.. And Agent For National Guarantee Co Securities obtained on e»«y term*. Special attention riven to the collection of clsiiu». THE NEW NATION, X* Weekly Paper, Devoted to the interest* <>f Kalitnl by EDWARD BELLAMY, .Author of "Uhdrinr Backward.” The Nxw Natio* aim-print* il.c IVopl.-** parlv iwxn. «•*» A; GENTS A <\>PY Add less, THE SEW NATION, 13 Winter >4.. llmma, M»«. ROWBOTHAH A MURPHY. Architects and Builders. WAYTOOSS. O SOBOL*. Flu, u4 S|»riflMtloM finliW. —.tTT aorcn i 1 '.— CHEWACLA LIME. —tout Acnrrs rou— WALTERTOWN BRICK. Febtt-tf. you are sure to be out or just going. It is really a pity that you are so pop- Bab laughs. She looks a trifle self conscious, as smooths oat the folds of her morning gown. "Oh, but I'm not," she declares; “truly. I'm not Aren’t yon coming in? Do." But he his bead. “Thanks. Can’t possibly. 1 must be in town by 11, and it is quarter of now. I was riding P“* on my wheel and though^ I'd jnst run in to ask if Ladies are I'nTorti Because the higher they rise weaker t liey Jin.l themselves I Phil..token controls the uerv in various functions. and with tl»e many ill* of woma ; hilly. If your ilrntyi-t ha:- ..... ...... R I will onkt it Ik you ft*r $1 a bottle, from ; Alia*. F. Kisiry. Wholesale Druggist, «Q i Cortland s*t_ New York. Scml fi*r a des- [ eriptlve pamphlet, with directions and err- tiiicaui from many ladies who hare used h and can't say rikKiyli in favor of Itisley's ; Bilik**™. iurii-ly- »e in >ochrty the i bodily. ltisley's and no coolness or manner or srornini j words could ever affect liim to the point i of keeping him away. There is really something delightful i to study in his imperturbable self es- I tffm, or, that is, be might be a marvel to a disinterested outsider. To Bab he is a bore. Nevertheless she greets him ; with a winning smile as he crosses the t lawn and joins the fsmflr groan. The COLUMN# OF THIS PAPER. THE WAYCROSS COLONY AT THE SEASIDE WATERING PLACE. CuantyCwamlwrionrr*—\\ W IHivnlson and l». J. Black Address. Wsycross, Ga. Absolutely Pure* A cream of tarter baking powder. Higlu-st of all in leavening strength.— Jjltrrf J' S. (iorrnihintl Food Prporf. Royal IDkixu PowmsaCo.. 1(h; \v„u m. N.Y. vol. xm. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1892. NO. 31. OFFICERS OF WARE COI ATV. Warren Lott-*Onlinanr. W. M. Wilson—f 1**rk Pnm-nor < oiirt H. F. Miller—Sheriff and Jailor. PITY OFFIC ERS, WAYCROSS, «A. Arthur M. Knlitht, Mayor. AMenm-i W. A. MrKirl. W. W. Sharp. J. II. f j. G. Justice, R. II. Morphy. . ... w. 1». ICsIrfUmtH l-h-rk of * Ur Omm il. \V y. rifrtK!'**J ‘ .die. b.r. Warren laiU/tiljr Trwieurer. J. L. Sweat, tlty Attorney. J«d*n R l —.n.t l’T Marwhnl. W. M. H«»)iierrllie. ‘Tty Kfarfneer. The Wny. ib raid. DfltHal ttrean. no.4nu OF KlU'C.tTMW. If. W. lire*I. President: J. M.« Marshall. Secretary: W. J. ‘nreaell. U Jr>hnw>n, b. \V. Hitch, II I*. Brewer. • L. Walker. Hoard mrei* Se.*.ii.l Satunlay In month at 2:30 p. in . at High building. M4NIT4BV A WATWWOHKH COM'S. If Murphy, fhin ii. W. M. Wifcon, M AlliertM. LS&.' The tthudnw of death and grief fell this week, for the first time, .at the Way- cross colony, in the death on Saturday night of the infant non of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Knight. The little sufferer had l»een severely ill for severalgreeka. ani l was brought to the island Wednesday of last week as the last hope of the devoted parents. Saturday evening, less than an hour after Mr. Knight’s arrival by the even ing lmat, the little life went out, and sympathizing friends did all in human |K»wer to comfort and minister to the be reave.! family thus stricken, away from home and kindred, and where hut for helpful hands aud loving hearts the des olation of death would have fallen on them with a two-fold power. “Asleep” in the tiny white casket, with the white Iillies of St. Simons over the stilled heart, little “Donald” was carried tenderly aI>oard the steamer at noon of Sunday, the hush and beauty of ■: j the Sahhath day, carrying, we trust, some ’ i healing from the good God who Istth I ! givetli aud taketli away in love. On this sad journey, Mr. Kuight was older uoys are ousy arranging me roex- eta and planning for the most advan tageous places for the colored tires, and small army of children ore making is air hideous with their excited reams over the sputtering of firecrack- A “Well, well,” says Mr. Jones with on appreciative smile, “this is downright jolly. 1 really think. Miss Austin, you were wise to stay at home. Can I sit here on this rug beside you? No, no, 1 don't want a chair. This is ever so much nicer." Mr. Jones looks at her with approval, is not so dark yet bnt that he can see how very becomingly she is dressed. It seems to him that he has never seen her look so sweet and dainty before, and all unconscious of the irony of Fate, ho placidly congratulates himself on the fact that it is all intended for him. “Perfect night,” ho says, throwing his head back to peer np through the trees. There is not a clond in the sky, and al ready in tho far distance the stars are beginning to glimmer faintly. “Doyou remember. Miss Anstiu, how wo went to the lake a year ago and got canght in drenching rain? Awful, wasn't it? That was the time, I believe, when 1 lucky enough to have PROFESSIONAL CARDS. vision v. linen row. h. MTBKs. HITCH & MYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, l’p Stairs Wilson's Block. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. J s. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. WAYOfcOfH, .... GEORGIA. John c. McDonald, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WAYCROSS, • • GEORGIA, Omen up stairs in Wilson Block, | ^ A. WILSON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS, - - • - . GEORGIA g C. CANNON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA. Orricic up stair* in Wilson Work, e, wneu i Will practice in the Brunswick Circuit aac umbrella, i elsewhere hy special contract. Nov 15-un-ly. and jnst on account of it succeeded in ; cutting out another tout.. I really he- j J. X.. OH.AWL33Y, heve you would have gone home with *• w w * • him if it hadn't been for that umbrella. | ATTORNEY LAW. „ I am treasuring it yet—it saved tho day | WAYCROSS, : : GEORGIA. Office in the Wilson Building. W- A THE MATCHMAKERS, NOTH KIIIIOODjji*^** 2JZ EDWARD L0VELL ’ S S0NS - | accompanied hy Mr. II. W. Heed, you a enjoy goinj Waverly tonight to see :»o fireworks. 1 believe there’s to be quite a display." Bab flushes up to the soft unruly waves of gold brown hair upon her fore* He laughs with unquestionablo pleas- ro at the recollection, bnt Bab bites her lip aiul turns her face away. She has be- > suddenly interested in tho lighting of tho Chinese lanterns that have been strung between tho trees. That awful day! Itlmd been tho Iwginuing of all her misery. Why did he speak of it and bring to her its fl*M*l of bittersweet memories? Mr. Archibald Joues is not ut all . Agent; A. K. Hull E 2d lllld till .■miiiuuj-* «nii ii Brotherhood trail. Bed SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. m:\i.VR4 tv I Hardware, Tinware, Plows, ’ j Turpentine Manufacturer/ Supplies, | Bar, Band :md Hoop I HUN. ! : 1 Wheels, Axles and Wagon Material, ■ ‘ dun., .„i,l Ain,mmili,,u. ,ll!>.|y | Lloyd & Adams. DEALERS IN rtints. Oils. Doors. Sash and Blinds. Terra Cotta and Sewer Pipes. Mr .swick arrangements were ; rv the l«»hy to Jacksonville, ’ Knight’s family live, and it her, the lamented Colonel » so nohlv sacrificed his life vol low fever scourge, lies rs. Kuight, not yet recovered from a illness, and prostrated by grief, re- us. for the present on the island with lister, Miss Evelyn Daniels, and her remaiinng children. t builders hardware, , u dkajrrr meeting Tl.un-lay ulgl.t at 7:»»; . . 1 own d.s.r. U4PTINT OIH'IU Albany Avenue. Rev. W. H- ^ t'readiing ever>- SaM.aib p. in. Sunday HcImmiI every t Prayer Mectiug every Thun V. M. V. A. Johnson IthM-k. Plant A open VN'ek dAjrs 8 .n. in. to t* bath* Alomlsys. MN edties*lay- Sutunlay, tbnpcl Servl.*>s l Sundays 4:t » P, m L. John: A. i'. Bridgman, General Sc* Savannah, : : Georgia. Sole Act-nis f..r Adamant Plaster. Is-t . ° : prenar.ition in the n.irld f..r nla-tering a wall- aud iviliugs. Write for t in ufars. dee 10-1 v « a cut a;; Bvrbs. j o From June to October r t $1.50 PER DAY, p ! i The Old Rcli:ij)1e through the night and all through the day. Will it ever stop? Per haps it wouldn’t l>e so bail if one's thoughts were happy, but when they are' nut it is .just awful. Rib leans ont . . . . *11 H*® library olonists arc arriving so rapidly : ^ndow and lifts her Hushed face to the every steamer, it is diflicuit for light breeze that sweeps by. •ter to keep the record and get j Things are going all wrong with her. K-ate.1 and properly tabulaterl. > K°i»8 «ver »inee , , Mr. Archibabl Jones has seen fat to de vote himself to her with a persistency that has driven away all the other men. To be sure slio rather liked him ut first lie has horses to take her driving with and plenty of money and leisure time to spend with her at the theater, lawn tennis parties and all the other good things that come along thr. a man must have a pretty level Ik* able to go in always at his the long row of cottages all just alike and uot numbered. But then there or** level beads that eouie to the route, nor cing a I-nit tie the dig- of Brunswick beer » >f the hilarity efferv .f a Waveross colonist. f cat water-melons here, that is our convivial liquid, except when we ’orient!v swallow a |-irtion of the v crest of the salt, salt billow, as we our daily bath in Mother Nature’s She looks down intently nt the scious of having said tho wrong thing, handkerchief that she is twisting and un-1 A “ entirely different train ol! thought baa twisting between the tips of her fingers. n ,rca ^>’ takeu iwrssesston of him. He. Fate again. Mr. Archibald Jones has | t,M1 * has interested m tho lighting already asked her the same question aud i u i’V rOCeS 'V for tho sake of escaping a tiresome tete- J J v "T?. , !||‘ rno ' v ^ * couldn thelp those a-tete she 1ms declared her intention of j J*; staying at homo and enjoying tho few . Miss Austin, •—let uio go and offer my assist ance? l*ve had such a lot of experience with those things, dou't you know.” Bab noils gratefully. “Do,” she says: “it would lie ever so kind of yon. and while you nro bitfy I’ll just run to the houso for niv shawl. It is growing illuminations that have been purchus for tho children. “I’m so sorry.** sho says, not very steadily bccunso of some emotion that makes her heart throb furiously, “aw fully sorry. It’s too bad, but 1 luive hail to refuse ready, because 1—we are going to hu«o^ _ .. ..... -. few rockets ,iad thing, on the lawn «,nl f atr I'“ » U,U " "" tho children want me to stay with them. ! ,ps ’ j 4 * 0 ,at ® > et l,w ® ul Won't yoo-conldn’t yon count here, ,nB ' hh “ " h »m " nt ' 1 '» Mr. Brayton? I can't promiso yon much 1 hope. of a treat." ehe adds, laughing a little; Iti,VCT >' dark hy tho h, nervously as sho thinks of tho other one. ■ho is fronting on liis own invitation. steps out onto the piazza some few min utes later. All tho light seems concen trated on the front lawn, where the lire- Strickund * House, YOFMAN’S BLOC K, HARNETT HOUSE, thing or somebody besides himself," Rib said once reflectively. She was trying on a love of n new bonnet nt the time—touching its loops of ribbon lightly and twisting her head generous tub. I from one side to tho other to get the of- .... , , , - . ! feet in her uiiror; so that very naturally 1 he schedule of the B. <k \\ . Railway j the sight of her own loveliness brought and the tri-daily tri]* of the Pope Cat- j to her utlnd a pardonable wonder why lin have brought St. Simons so easy of he did not occasionally vary his egotis- •ceres to Waveross as to make the loveiv I ,l 5? 111 HU'c wliolcro.nepndsc * • ; of herself. island seem our very own, and there is . ^ was a little amused ut his conceit little doubt that the present confines of in tlte beginning, bnt us she sees more tin* colony will soon be inadequate for I of him, night after night, week after be if you would come. Then sho lifts her eyes aud looks ut him. They are such lovely eyes, so blue and tender aud wistful. lie sees the wistfujness, to bo sure, but whether it is o I meant for him or the other utan who the seasons, and at a dunce especially he i has invited her, ho cannot tell. Men are acquits himself very creditably in spite j 80 stupid about these things. When of his extreme thinness and extreme i there is any doubt of this kind to be coil- height. ! sldered they usually give the benefit of “If ho only would talk alnint some- *ho otlx ‘1 don’t suppose it'll be very exciting, on but you don't know l.ow glad I should • »*>■>* Now and then a lot of sputtering against metal and a chorus of lioya’ howls of delight indi cate tho explosion of a pack of crackers under a tin pan. Dr. J. P. PRESCOTT, Practicing Physician IIOIIOKUX, GEIIKUIA. All . alls promptly attended. jylMUn S. L. DRAWDY, ATTOKXKV ATLAW. IIOMERVILLE, : : : GEORGIA. DR. J.H. REDDING, OFFICE. FOLKS BWV’K, Near Hotel IWnix. aprjO-ly WALLACE MATHEWS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SFIIGEOX. WAYCROSS, : : : : GEORGIA. jau23-ly DR. J. E. W. SMITH, Office at B. J. SMITH'S DIU’G STORK. Residence Hicks Street. WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA, j yi. A. I*. ENGLISH, Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS - - GEORGIA. *aJT All calls promptly attended. “%JCl JJIt. I). E. MrMASTEK. Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA. All call.i promptly attemleil to. taking <A VANN AII. G.-\. tin. Xlnntr Walk from I'nbra l>f|"d. J, \V. Stkicki.axd, .. .. Tilt; MARSiULL, H. N. FISH’S European Hotel |KM P li early morning : the island al most in time to breakfast with us. Those leaving on the later train, 9:45, have two and a half hours for sight-seeing, shopping or getting dinner in Brunswick, and reach St. Simons at 3:.°.0 p. nt., or they can have the entire afternoon in the citv-by-the-sea, and leave on the evening boat for the island. Mr. Willie Folks and his young wife are occupying Mr. PeufieUi’a cottage, which we understand they have bought. Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Gillon’s mother, is in the latter's cottage with little Vera and Miss and Master Hudson. Mr. (’. C. Buchanan, senior, spent one .hy here with his sou. Col. Ire A. Wilson and family came on Saturday to sjK-nd the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner have rented Maj. Spence’s cottage, and are feasting on Ware county melons by the barrel. Mr. T. M, Lanier spent Sunday here with Mr. Lucius Lanier and his family, who are occupying the Lanier cottage. . Mr. WilAi ims, wife and six children, from Thomasville, have rented the Can- ►n cottage for a fortnight. Ca|*t. Lem Johnson and-Mr. Branham over* Monday to have some addi tions made to the Captain’s cottage. Messrs. Tooracr, Brantley and Acosta sjient Sunday at the hotel. Mrs. W. W. Sharpe, Miss Sal lie Ash craft, Master Willie and the cook arrived on Saturday aud will enjoy their pleas ant c*tftage adjoining the light bouse daring the entire season. Mr. Henry Boone, of Valdosta, is vis iting his niece, Mr*. W. WI Sharpe. The commodious summer homes of Mr. W. F. Strumous and Gape Win. Dart, just beyond the colony, are open for the season, and form a happy addi- Concluded oo thinl page. ’ week, and the chances or the final recital of kis remarkable existeuco grow more and more remote, site 11 iritis to fiiid it very wearisome, and r.itcbes herself moie than once looking back with long- iug to the time when Mr. Archibald Jones was not—tho dear old life when she had found so sweet a happiness in the words and glances of another man. a man who rarely in these later days comes to her atalL Beyond a doubt it is some thought of him that brings that pathetic light to her eyes and that tender little smile to her lips this Jnlj* morning as she leans against the window frame with careless, dreamy abandonment, her fingers wan dering restlessly through the soft, loose locks of hair upon her temples. Things happen just right sometimes, even outside the pages of a story book, and it is certainly a very happy coinci dence that at this moment a tall young man should come quietly around the corner of the house, and looking np see the girl and her smile. Bab is all in a flatter as soon as she sees biro, . “Why.Mr. Brayton,"she cries, with ! da >’ s an excited, broken little langh, “where did you come from? I—oh. I’m ajvfnlly glad to see you." She flushes prettily as he steps across hW gram plat that lies between them. ti,e ... . . H. Ukre thTprettr white toa titenJ- ■ Bab Jraga hereaif np «ad edtohim tabtaown pm tanned palm H*** the ™nehme. and perhaps he hold, it there a trifle >*r eyes foil of longing. If ehe conid loogreand Inet a trifle tighter than i onl > - ’* * a ^ ,n ”f d *“ rrooldbe prescribed by the etiqnette of ' B«a»«r toppine* than tl.e FonrU. of nolita society . J r -ly celebration. If there were only no “1 don't believe you’re half as triad snch thin ^ M ,m ‘ n l*eartaches. I urn ro cm vou Miss Barl^a " As the long day wears itself out and be says, rad his voil» is aver^^d*. settles doxvn she l^mes more voice to listen to with ita deep, mellow l “ d more resde®. One question whirls tones. “1 never have anj tack with mii&S a | , routs all other thoughts. Will he come? Too nowadays. J.0 matter wtan 1 coma ^ Mr be prompt in arriving she does uot donbt. He is Bab stands still at tho t ailing for a { moment to watch listlessly. Sho is i no hurry to go down to join the group I under the trees again, llo is so tiresome j —that fellow, and Gay—ah, Guy! Two shrill piping voices come up to her from the grass just across the path. Dolly and Ducky are sitting under the big maple tree curled np together on a shawl, havitig a little confidential. “Well, 1 guess I know better." Ducky’s voice. “My sister Maine, sho Kre . i it *»>**» » girl wouldn’t let a feller tag ami bo rliaappoiutetl if | n(t< . r her ^ if >Il0 dillll . t lito llim , ots She thinks yonr sister means to marry him—so there, now, Dolly Austin.’* “Humph, well she needn’t, then. Tho idea—tho ve-ry idea!" Dolly is getting excited. She talks very fast and not very low. Something makes Bab shiver in her thin gown, but 6he only draws her white slmwl closer around her and stands very still. Right there, leaning against the veranda in the shade of the vines, could sho but have known it, so near that his out stretched hand could touch hers if he had tried, stands, also very silently, a tall young man. He has not meant to play the part of an eavesdropper, but ! this childish chatter Li amusing. It J may prove instructive. ^ | _ “Do you s’pose I’d ever have that old j R ^Goodrich's j >nig s skinny Jones for a brother—him”— The ; emphasis is most emphatic. It makei U/ADDCM I ATT Bob smile, “an do you s’pose for a single 1 VV tA rl t» Cl IN LU I 1 > minute. Ducky Arnold, that Bab Wants ! Fire, Life Rlld Accident In- me to have him? Well, I guess 1 know . cuv-finra Acrnrit »thingcr two ’bont that. I g i KOK(il , want to cry for the other night when j * A1 onivawi I.g.te «i, A —Nothin* hut fimt-claf-s eompanlni rrpre- sentwl. Ixfckasce effected on all rla-«snof ho-says again, but u little chill of reserve has crept into his voice now aud frozen nil tho genial warmth out of it. “Ever so kind of yon. Per haps 1 will. .1 won’t promise. Then y« can’t expect n 1 don’t appear The words end in a decidedly curt langh, ns ho stei>s out into the inth again. An innocent looking tori>clo gleams white against the red gravel at his feet. He stoops down, picks it up aud flings it against the stonework of tho steps. Perhaps its sharp re]M>rt serves as a vent for his turbulent thoughts. Then he looks back at the girl, and their eyes meet for an instant —a single glance, incomprehensible to both. “Goodl»y. and allow mo to wish yon •» very pleasant evening. Miss Barbara." A pleasant evening! Poor Bab. She drops down in a little heap on the divan as he disappears, aud buries her face in the depths of a big silk pillow. What is the use of trying to bo happy any more? What is the use? He doesn’t rare for her—Iso never will care now. That hateful Jones is like a grinning skeleton, pnttiug himself always be tween her and her ono love. Oh. dear— lira thought ends in a long sigh. “Yon come over to my house first, Dolly." “No. you come over here. That’ll bo nicest. We’re goiu to have eight rock- sts—maybe more—I dnnno." D R. F. C.FOLKH, Physician and Sur geon. Waycro.-i.Ga. Office over T. K. Lanier’s Jewelry Store. Office hours from to 10 a. m. fail,!** found at my residence, comer Pendleton street and Brunswick avenue, iwlicii not profes sionally engaged. jy4.1y DR. RICHARD B. NEW. PIIYSH1A X AND SU IB JK<>N. Office at Mis* ReinsliurtV, WAYCROSS, : : GEORGIA. j:.n 30-fini DR. T. A. BAILEY, DENTIST, Office over Bank, < hi Plant A venue, WAYCROSS, : GEORGIA. oc«. .7, ly J It.DKDGE, DENTIST, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA Ornra up stain in the Folks Block. JJR. JAS. C. KIPPAHD. Physician and Surgeon, (late of Pennsylvania.> SjKi ial attention given to Genito Brins- ry Surgery. Can always l»e found i Goodrich's D"** April J4-tf. that old Jones asked her to go to the lawn party and "that awful nice Mr. Guy Brayton came and asked the same thing when it was too late? “An what does she cry for most ev’ry night? It’s cuz he don't come eny more. I hear her, bnt when 1 ask her what's the matter she says, ‘Oh, my head aches Goojv.~poody, gnoily! Ain't it fon? -goto deep-don't bother me.' Hnrapli, I thiot Fourth o' July'* nicer'., all the *- property. Time Tried and Fire Tested Fire, Life ami Accident Insurance Com panies, and REAL ESTATE OFFICE. KNIGHT A ALLEN, mr!9 ly Waycross, Ca. SWWtLL STORE FOR RENT. One Half the Herald Front Window dec Dtaplajr, Hr.