The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, July 09, 1892, Image 4

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FARM AND ALLIANCE. Thb department is devoted to the interest* stanres conform to the views of the Herald. The Alliance is a substantial and appan-ntly enduring institution, which is dae the ran- ftil consWleration of all thohghtfu] r OM«m Wars Csssty AIlluw*. T. H. Horton. PreahW: II. C. Williams. Vkr-I*mfclrnt: J. J. Wilkinson. Hecreury; J.O. Clough. Treasurer; Rev. Thompson. Chaplain; W. It. Hamilton. Lecturer; H. L. HUhop. Assistant Lecturer; M. J. Mock, floor Keeper; It. Todd, Assistant Door Keeper; 8. V. Miller. Scrgeant-at-arm*. Post office Wajrcnaa. WsrrroM fiat*-Alliance. ent; 8. L. Bishop. , Johns. Secretary: CIoukIi, Treasurer; J. M Chaplain; M. J Mock. It-n.r Keep Todd. Assistant DoorKeeper; T. II Ilecturer. Doorkeeper; T. II. Morton Sul*.Alliance meets In Way consent to a system that will allow equal rights to all and special privileges to , The time is not far distant when you will be forced to do it. Again the Constitution says; People eat too much, and they have more articles on their tables than they need. Indeed do they ? I suppose now the dear people will quit eating for a few months until they atone for past sins. Gluttony is a greviou* fault, but if we already have ten million people in the I'nited States (nearly one sixth of our population) who never pass a single day of life from one year’s end to the next, with even enough com meal and bacon to keep starvation from staring them in the face it seems like we have not eaten too much. PerhajM though you meant the millionaires who spend thousands of dollars on a single meal an Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fcald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundred* of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 2."* and 50 cent boxes. For sale at the Cash Drug Store. I*. II. Baker, Business Agent. ALLIANCE NOTES. The American people spend more luonev for final than any other class of vho « I f SI with intake i |*o|de. If the av« rage workingman in any auction of rountry waa a* eco- numb-al ill tlu> diet as the uia**e* are in other land* he would *avc tuonev in *j*iu 0 low wage* and get ahead in the w« rid Mr. Edward Vtk 11*011 at* Urn atudy- iug t-licajt natii ml food* and the facta |.r<*wiit«*t by Ii and value. T) •C linear rice, to which th rv a* 1 the rojuiaite amount of niir gt-i by and In-ana. In Italy th* ,MM»rer ela**e* get along with K.U kind of corn meal, chec*«* ni *1 111 acaro ii. Bread and dieear are the n*tav of the British workinguiHi), and the Scotch subsist principally ..■• oat while the Irish make jMitatoca th prii cinal article of dirt, lu New England brown bread, you fully, but you made a classing them a* people. Th mandizers, legalized robbers, financial sharks, high salaried railroad presidents, monopolistic lawyer*, subsidized news paper editors or political ringaten. If you meant these classes of aiiniula eat too much, we agree w ith you entirely. Yes, and Mime of them drink too much, as is evidenced by numerous red noses, but aurelr you did not mean the people were guilty of gluttony, when ten mil lion of them are suffering with hunger and three million of them are tramps? The dear jieople who are troubling you mi badly about wliat they shall eat are going to see to it inside of the next few years that they not only have enough to eat, but that they have their share of the GEORGIA SOUTHERN MD FLORIDA R. I Suwannee River Route. la FUTrct April lYlfc. 1SW. k, nKT Brunswick and Western Railway. Time Table. I» Effect May Sth, 1882. Subject to Change Without Notice. GILLON & HUDSON, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. So. 7.|No. lllXo. 5.1 No. 3; X Ef 1 /! r K , || r ir 8 r i [ H , « 1 T Ja.’ St. A. V P. M. A. M. ! 7 00f D.HT D.ilr “ Daily! Daily I>aily M. A. M. P. M,P. M. . .. B. A W. Shops. I 12 10; 7*35!.. 5 45 12 35 9 7 35 s 7 lt> Brunswick- sl2 00 L 7 25 f 4 53 12 50 7 41 7 10—E. T. V. A O. Crowing— 11 51 7 U J ..'s 410 1 10 f 7 53 f 7 28 ...Eleven Mile Turnout... fll 41 f 7 oil Js 5 30 1 30 f 8 03 s 7 38' Jamaica sll 31 f »; 52' .Js 5 45 2 OOf 8 21s 7 56 Waynesville... .Js 6 12 2 10 f 8 28,s 8 031 Atkinson 23' 2 23 f 8 36 s 8 11 ! I.ulaton . .. _ ‘ 8 44 9 8 lffi - Xahunta [slO 50 f «; 14I 2 9 05 9 8 40; Hoboken "" 30 f 9 14;4 8 49[ Hohlattcrville— .. WAYCROSS.. io;f 4 00... ...]sl 1 13;f <j ae| 4 30js 2 50C - sll 06 f «; ;*> 4 18 9 2 30^ . JslO 58 f 23' 4 00 * 2 12 .. 910 50 0; 14 i 2*4 9 - - . JslO 29 f 5 561 3 15,9 45 10 00j" O&L 2 »'»12 45 .. 2 00] 12 00.. well, I together avaganee alt fish supply working |ieople with all the energy they need. Mr. Atkinson says: “Again, moving to the Southern States, the customary ra tion of the colored man, which he chooses in prefeience to almost any other kind of food, consists of three anil one-half |s.unds of hacon and a peek of maize meal jht week, to which is added u few vegetables from the field ; making, |>erha|M«, the eheajiest tlci 1 the 1 Ik- found 11 > the vwhei We clip the above itorial in the daily ( leading tui tion of July probable that the useless e of sjiending thousands of dollars on a single meal by robbers of the jieople will lie a thing of the past when the |.eople are in power. This thing of the people who produce the Wealth living on fat bacon and corn meal, or |ht1i:ij» starv ing for want of even that much, while plutocratic millionaire idlers rob them by law of the honest products of their toil and sjieml thousands of their ill- gotten gain, in line nine i-upi-vr*, lia* The laws that make such got t • must lie replaced by just n this is done, Mr. Con*ti- Kdward Atkinson will W. ,1 problem, should t taking ii .t blame the millic nde ., for th. legal fo They seem to have owned up at last. The Alliance has said nlLjilpngJIiat it was the intent j<j u of the monev imwcrtn lals. '« r vi Ah hi* oppresses 1 brother r country. These uncrowned kings of thin country belong to the same species ol tyrants as the crowned monstrosities of Europe. They have brought the wealth producer* across the water down to a state in which they arc little better than machines. They control them so completely that they are forced to sub sist on the very coarsest fare, and if it were not that|the robbers of honest men’s earnings wanted the labor of the work ing classes they would not care if the laborer starved entirety to death. They feed him on the chc:t|»csi, coarsest fare f-r the same reason that the engineer sup plies his engine with fuel, well knowing that if he does not it cannot him, and Mr. Edward Atkinson Atlanta Constitution are of the same mind. The Constitution, commenting further says: “Examples from other countries are given, but it is claimed that corn meal, bacon and a tew vegetables make u diet that will support workingmen, supply them with energy, and enable them to enjoy long life.” Here, workingmen, is your bill of fare: Corn meal, bacon and greens. Here is the fticl to supply you with the energy to MTre your masters w ith. True you pro duce all the luscious fruits and tine Hours. True it is that all the roast beet and lean liam, the crisp celery and costlier delica cies are produced by your own honest toil, but the gamblers in futures and speculator* in stock* must enjoy them, and you must supply more energy to produce more luxuries for the rich by cutting down your bill of fare to corn meal, bacon and greens. The Constitution says agaiu : The trouble is that too many wage- workers resent such a suggestion. Sorry, indeed we are, Mr. Plutocrat, to trouble you so badly, but we are in trouble too. Please tell us why we should not resent au insult. What is the reason we should not enjoy the wealth that our own hands have created ? The laboring man w ho grows the lux- uni's and the one who transports them to different |tarts of the country must live on fat pork and corn meal while the grain gambler and railroad president rolls in the abundance of his $50,000.00 jter year salary to do nothing but sim ply see to it that the laboring man only get enough coarse fare, to keep on sup plying luxuries for his masters to enjoy. We farmers and trau-jtorter* who pro duce and transport the luxuries, want to know why we have not a perfect right to resent the idea that we must be fed on a fare that the rich man would not con sider good enough for his dog. True many of ns are reduced down now to com* meal, bacon and greens, but we are not going to stay there. We are going to keep on resenting yonr plutocratic in- aulU, and if you wont let up on ns and aw* of the land have it hem to steal the products of our bilmr md society honors them greatly forthei .Itrewdness. The Republican party ha •ven put one of the dudisli 400 on the ickct for one of the highest offices in Ute gift;of the people. Toe mi'iiouuires have done nothing more than most of tm would do if we had the opportunity. The men we are after is the unscrupu lous law makers who were trusted by the jieople with their interests and win for liriti*h gold sold out to a few unscru pulotis individuals. These law maker who have made it possible for certai: favored ones to reap the rewards of hon est toil without rendering airequivalent ntral.Sonthwes Virginia ami < m and Macon E jKT 'VAl al fast West neetsat Ma ns t\ It. It. South Hoi al! out-goi U.. M. .V N r further .uE ars apply t Act.. Mai MACON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILROAD. Sthnlulr In laTrrt April 11, 9 6 43 2 40 f ........ i 7 20 3 15 f 9 7 40 3 30 f s 8 3» * 4 10,9 ! 9 30] 5 40; , , , ;sl0 io 6 10'flO 00 910 20) Waresboro.-. .s 8 50 f 5 i© 12 2n JO A»..— ! 10 30 6 50] 10 22 910 48 Millwood 9 8 21 4 47; 11 40»10 llrf " “* 7 10 no » 9l0 sol McDonald » 8 lo'f 4 38 U 20& 9 20 ... 7 50 sW *51*11 17 Pearson s 7 4 22 1° ■**» 8 4ft' - A. M 6 2( 7 00, P. M. 7 » 8 00 8 15 8 44 * il2 SO il2 45 8 12. 10 58'sll 321 Westonia 1 l 05 s 23 ft! 03 *11 40 . .98 Mile Post..... * 1 20; 8 33 (11 07 911 44 .Bray’s « 1 35 8 ST'Ol 10 sll 48 Willaniochtc.... * 1 *5 9 15 *11 29 *12 09j Alapaha * 2 35! 9 4Ufll 43 *12 28 Enigma 11 51 *12 37 Brookfield 11 15 fl2 2r»!* 1 Ss*! Ty-Ty II 45 n; fl2 38 * 11 55 (12 52 s 2 10 12 10-f 1 02 * 2 21 12 30/ 1 lS* 2 35 P. M.IA. M.'P. M. 1 Isabella .....Willingham.... — Davis- ...165 Mile Post... Albany J. A. McDUFFIE, Pass. A«f.xt. GEO. W. HAINES, i F. W. ANGIER, A. G. P. a, ROLLER TRAY TRUNK THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED. The Tray Is arranged to roll back, leaving the bottom of the Trank easy of access. Nothing to break or get out of order. The Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy this style is a guarantee that you will get the strongest Trunk made. H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Va. SUBURBAN LANDS. Just West of and adjoining the City and S. F. & W. Railway. 14 A\ ING added all accessary Machinery to our shop, we 11 are now prepared to do all kinds of casting, repairing and general work on Locomotives. We also carry in stock Stationary and Saw Mills, Piping, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers and Brass Cocks of all kinds. We make a specialty of SYRUP MILLS AND KETTLES. AM. WORK GUARANTEED. GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. R. B. TIN. SHEET TliON AMI ( V STEAM FIITINO A SlTi<L TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK. 1*1 Steam. ^$111111 and Water Fitting. Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well GUARANTEED. Plant Avenue, Near Canal Mayoress, Georgia. v E. H. CRAWLEY, Sr.. IIEADQrARTKHS KOIt Furniture, Stoves, Dry Goods Notions, Al^O A UOMIM.KTK I.INK OK SHOES, IIATS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. A* I desire t<» give the jieople the l»cnetit of my eash trade, all Furnitim information apply to 1*. Tieket Agt., Maeon, - ket Agt.. I Ait. range w. Agt.. Maeon. .n* t Traffic Managei .•the aftei Lei consider well who these traitor maker* are and then call them t count for their treachery. A certain politician who has been kej»t in a fat office ever since the war, in a speech the other day used the follow ing language: “But 1 must tell you that if we would make half a* cotton a* we do now, it would •ent* jK*r pound.” The er production that ha* thousand time*. The ced too much cotton command twenty < same old cry ot m Ihvii exj’l.sled tell farmer has prodi: and his coat is ou the elbov Y« old 1 Hi* wife she can’t have it b*' produced t.H. muel only three million ti Stall's, and it eottoi jH'r |Nmnd what is all frazzled, lico dre**, but the farmer has h cotton. Then ramjw in the United it was twenty cents itild the tramps do? JjSjjftt'frlcNiuKiSC m’umjuS 1 (Sr TUB NO BCB8TITCTB.JO ANYONE Can get a HOME LOT OB SMALL FIRM. old 1 • I li:i end • tin- I the u-iiftit < Ifoiistj Square. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH. Western Furniture Co. • BA27 ENJOYS SOLD COUFOBT W fc “PATENT PALACS SLEEPZMa COACS^ “Pa’ace Sleep- Until August 1st I will oiler a choice of locations to those applying. 1000 Acres Laid Out in Lots, Blocks and Streets. Size of Lots from J4 Acre to One Acre. Farm Blooms from 7 to 14 Aoros. There is only ten million starving jieople in the I’uited State* now, but it cot ten was twenty cents jht pound how many would there be? If the farmer** wife cannot afford to buy a calico dress only when necessity compels her to do so, with emton at twenty cents j**r pound, what would she do with cotton at twenty cents jkt jKiund if she hnpjiened to be e wife of a farmer who raised no •tton ? It lias been so often and so clearly demonstrated that it is not over production that make* lour price*, but that it is the shortage of the people’s power to jnircliase, that we cannot help but questiou a man’s sanity who tells the farmer* that they have j>n»dueed too much. Over production is an impossi bility a* long as there i* a form un clothed or a mouth unfed in all this broad land. It i* Ixtause the few have got control of our ability to purchase that we cannot find a profitable market for every tiling we produce, amt he who says otherwi*e i* either very ignorant or el*e is trying to make f«*ds out of the people. America ha* proved tuat it is prac ticable to elevate mankind—that j-ortiuu which, in Europe, is colled the laboring or lower class—to raise them to self respect, to make them competent to a<-! a port in the great right and great duty of aelf government; and she has proved that this may lie done by education and the effusion of knowledge. She holds oat on example, a thousand times more encouraging than ever was presented before, to those nine-tenths of the human race who ore born without he reditary fortune or hereditary rank. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE C.N&.J THE BEST SHOE HI THE WORLD FM THE SORtf. fortAble.ttyllta and durable thmnasy other alio* mm •oldMumorica. XquAlscustommsdasboMcotUag StJS and S3 nand-newed, ttaacslfaboM. The WO so l’ollrs Shoe, worn by farmers sad nit wwi others who sraat a good heavy calf, thien •oled. nxteaeloo edge eboe. May to walk la. aad srtll other make. ThereremeJerorsrr- salej Show that worklagmea| sSaiSSL.sSISHSSH Ltemstsotottm. jjdenrtnwftniiinlsg' Inotwaar are fladlan this ont. • lion.—w. I. ikougUs*bkbm and the arte® le [sMaghgiigd^stoat of each Mhos; look ter It Five Dollars cash and one dollar per month for twenty-five months, or $25 cash, will pay v for one lot or one acre. Waycross lias grown nearly 700 per cent, in ten years, and is now growing despite hard times. A like increase for the next ten years will increase the value of this land 1000 per cent. Two factories will be located on this land at no distant day. For a small Truck or Fruit Farm, or for growing Tobacco, this' laud is unsurpassed in this locality. If you want the land cleared, fenced and planted, ill fruit a contract can he made at lowest terms. Remember this offer is good only to August rst. Prices will he advanced after that date. Apply at Herald Office from 9 to 12 a. m. •c make* for them. I FOB SALE BY B.H. LEVY BRO.&CO janl-ly Wonderful The which: rv Ik-i ns effected by Dn*. I Aivli St..Philadelphia, l*a.. in (Vjn>umption. Catarrh. Neuralgia, Bronchitis Rheumatism, and all chronic diseases by their Compound Oxygen Treat ment. an* indeed marvelous. If you an* a snffetvr from any disease which your physician ha* failed to cure. —-** 1 —* this treatment. to whom you may refer for still further in formation. will lw pmniptly sent, without This l-ook. cshle fnmi it* great merit as a imslittl work, riving, as it does, tlie result of year? of study and experience, you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY &PAJ.EN, 1529 Anh St.. IMiitadelplna. I*S». 129 Sutter St.. San Francisco. Cal. Please mention this paper. apr23-6ra NICE, *1*1 Prlall>> a Specially. Simxtal Pricks HERSCHKOVITZ BROTHERS. AN INTERESTING EVENT NEW STORE. New Goods. We are opening up the l*>t selected stock of Flour*, Sugar* Meats, Can Goods, Coffees, Teas, Rice, Ham*, Breakfast Bacon, usually kept i Meats, F« nd evetyihing First Class Grocery Store. At Price* never before named in Waycross. Everybody requested to call and in- sjiect our good* ami get our prices. Every Article Guaranteed. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IN FRUIT GROW INC Good Fruit Trees from ReliaV THE CHEROKEEE FARM ANH WURSEHIES, Have a Half a Million of the best Pear, Peach, PliVo; Japanese Persimmon, Apple and a hundred other kinds of trees and plants at the lowest prices. Write them for cata logue and price list. oct3i-iy Now Open to the Public. I V NORTON TERMS SPOT CASH. | U “ V ' V1T, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS. The Largest Stock in this Market. LADIES SLIPPERS & HOSIERY j ARE SPECIALTIES. Call and Examine the Dress Goods Department. (eb K-Jia Don’t Ask for Credit. We Don’t Keep It.! Highest Prices Paid for Conntry Prodace. Respectfully, BENNETT & BENNETT, 4th Door in Owens Block, Opposite Depot i