The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, July 23, 1892, Image 3

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SI 3T>gr»l&. OMrlal Organ of Wiff (fcanty. OBrial Organ «f CkarltM Canaty. OArUl Organ City of WijrroM. ■4INC COMPANY 8ATUBDAY, JULY 23, 1892. ADVERTISING RATES. spur.. 1 moj3 m<»*l mo Tyr 1 Inch 2.(X»| 4.0r> 7/K>Km7» 12 inch '3.WH «.Ol KMK» 14 u* '3 Inch 4.'»K 8.00 14.00 »>.«► ii Col. , fl.0^12.00 *kly lirw«paprr ami you will flixl oiua to be less Transient advertising inserted at p*-r Inch llr*1 insertion. Wtr *iil»*equent insertion. Reading notice in local rrilumnx !*•«* per line lir»t insertion; .V |mt line each milee- qiient insertion. Professional canls #*5.00 js-r annum afn-r KorlTieap a<l\«-{1i«mg see Cheap Column. Advertisement* to insure insertion any vn-k utii^t !•«- in !*>• Waliiwday of that KH-k. Changes mndr in advertisements. inserted at our n-giilar ral«*«. and fur uprriAal timr. will is- charged f«.r at c<«l of making said Mfc. will lx- fEal (*rnpf- Arrtval amt Depart At W*)rriK.x, :jE- —Two Jiicc office* in ii;m building. If For Rent—Nice 5-rerom hint-**- net Methodist church. Apply nl Hank. If I>. J. McIntosh hflN sold out his livci ataMe business to W. II. Bradley. Don’t forget J. T. Palmer’s shoes still going at cost, Come ami htiy h fore it is too late. Our Maeon correspondent was pr vented l»y illness last week from favo ing us with her always attraetivc lettr With beat wishes for her sjweilv conv liwenet* we welcome her again lo tl Herald. We have reeeivts] inforuiation rh the Saturday evening’s special to ML r nions will he eonthitnsl to the middle of August. This dc^vedly |N>pular tram has supplied the one thing necessary to made the colony a summer elysium to sweet-hearts :unl a mine of eontent to husbands and wives. PRRftOKAL MENTION. Capt. J. McP. Fair, spent Tuesday in Savannah. Mr. Thos. Peach lias l»ecn quite sick for several days. Miss Clara and Resale have re* turned from Brunswick. Mrs. W. P. I<ee and family have re turned from St. Simons. Mrs. J. C. I- lx Lett of Geneva. Fla., is visiting Mrs. McNeil. Mr. Kowbotbam went over to St. Si mons on Tuesday for a short stay. MU- Kate Knvanagli and Miss Flor ence Rivers are visiting Mrs. Beaver*. Mr*, (’apt. Hamilton and children en joyed Si. Si roods’ hreczes one day this week. Mr. P. M. Weathers, J. Ci. Justice and O. II. Blackshear spent Wednesday at St. Simon*. Mrs. Deo. P. Frit in, of Albany, Ga., is spending some time with her sister Mm. .1. S. Tart. Miss Georgia Evans has returned from visit to relatives in Birmingham, Ala. ami Cut blurt, Ga. IHtK of Yarn, |.ay«l llio IIkk- i i* office a pleasan! ' visit yesterday. Call again, Bro. Davis. * Messrs. V. L. Stanton, Biehard 15. New and D. B. Sweat have from ail extended trip north. Dr. Frank Folks carried his I SI. Simons this week to take imssessinn of their cottage for the searon. Miss Katie Johnson came up from the island to s|*eml a few days with her mother and the new little brother. Capt. W. M. Davidson, general pas senger agent of the Plant system, spent a few hours in our city Widnosday. Mr. Rufus Russell of the Jacksonville Metropolis, passed through the city Tuesday night en route to Valdosta. Our generous friend Judge Wright, battles the hot weather philosophically, and keejis his friends cool with ice water. The Misses Pittman, two charming young ladies from Thomaxville, sjn-nt a few davs last week with Mi's. W. II. Sim.. ' * . Mr. A. <’. Bridgham, our etlicieut Y. M. (’. A. secretary, has accepted a call as railroad seeretary of the Mat toon, 111. Mr. John Wilson who has ug some time at Duke, Ga., si to the city to the gratifu nany friends. Concluded from first page. While in this little t community of brotherly lore” all arrivals have been greeted heartily, a more than usually cordial welcome went out to our young friends, Maggie and Lee Crawley, on tlieir arrival last Saturday to prepare Mr. Bailey's cottage for the reception of their mother and the younger children. Mr. E. II. Reed's family is booked for next Saturday evening's special, and we hope to have the pleasure of detain ing Mrs. Reed, Master Harry and Miss Mary through the week. Hotel 8t. Hmons gave a morning ger man this week ami a hall to the Bruns wick rifles. The pavilion at the pier is every evening the scene of mild and healthful gayety, principally engaging the young |*eople of the colony and Dartville. Our popular Capt. Hall has three little daughters, aged five, -even and nine years, who contribute their share to the social life of the beach, and are not lie- hind their genial father in |*opularity. These miniature ladies were escorted to the dance on Tuesday evening by three infant sons of the colony, Masters Clif ford Johnson. Willie Sharpe and Haines Reed, and were in the eyes of their ad miring manias the prettiest cnnples on the floor. Miss Gusaio Sharpe anil Master Tom Crawley made up the juven- tle quartette. They had l»een well coached on the rules of ball-room eti quette, and in punctilious politeness Imre no resemblance to the hare-footed urchin* who had, |ierhai>s, in ail after noon frolic on the lieach, buffeted each other unceremoniously. Master “Buddie” propped his eyes open manfully until his little “Bessie Bell” climbed tip and went to sleep in her mother’s arms, when he blissfully resigned himself to a liench near hv and the arms of Morpheus. Miss Gussie took no offence when Master Tom excused himself and went home to his waiting couch. The two remaining couples walked sedately home lichind Capt. and Mrs. Hall to their cottage up the lieach, and the smile that went round did not reach the conscious ness of the plucky little cavaliers. Dr. Walker caine over on Tuesday to move his family hack to Waycross, aud it is needless to say their departure is much regretted by us all. The building of piazzas goes merrily on. It is truly like living under one’s Mr. id Mn of Owe » J. T. l’alu closing continue until August 1st. a good pair of shoes, now i buy. The of inspect ion troops by Unit. Sattilee, I ceived and we will give a next week. Our fariueis and nurse jossl land for cuttings, v grow on contract, should Rnis., Nurserymen, lx They are heavy growers <i Georgia. I'aimer. Mrarsi -TVs Dollars Reward. A black cow. short black horn right sitle a clean place 3 inches )«»i clay colored hull calf. Address Hi Evkrktt, Waycross. .Sv Grace A McNeil's ment in another prising firm 1 of printer's id fig »P»- Mrs. Susan Lott, mother of our es teemed townsmen, died at her home in this city, last Saturday, and was buried on Sunday afternoon in Lott Cemetery. Mrs. Lott joined the M. E. Church in early life, and lived a consistent Chris tian until her death. She * was very modest in her Christian life, and lived with the consciousness of the abiding peace of God. She was very devoted to her family, their comfort and pleasure being her constant study. Mrs. I»tt waa born in Appling eounty, Ga., in 1829. She was happily united in marriage to I>r. Dan iel Jx>tt, in the year 1849. -She leaves a family comj*ose»! of four sous and two daughters, who mourn her luss. l*ut they realize that she has gone where the weaiy are forever at rest. The sympathy of the Uf.rald,!* with them in their bereavement. May tlu* Holy Spirit abide with them and lead them to so live, that they may meet her in that clime where partings arc no more. At Rest. The startling news came over the wires last Saturday morning that Miss Annie Susan Nelson, eldest daughter of our rei|»ected friends and resident* Waycross, Mr. and Mrs.^J. K. Nel. had died suddenly in North Georgia and her liody was on its way homeward to its Ust long rest. To the l»ereaved family who had but just received a letter from their daughter, in which there was intimation of the. approaching end, the shock of the news was like a thunder shock under a clear skv. Miss Nelson, was 27 years of age, possessed a line ed ucation and was very highly esteemed by all who knew her. She was - visit with Mrs. Charlie Mortis, at Buck- head, near Atlanta; was apparently well on the morning of the 15th, but had violent nausea during the day, which it is thought caused internal hemorrha though the doctors pronounced the cause of death as heart disease. Death came without a word of warning afte had retired for the night. The body was interred in the family burying plot in Savannah. Neighbors and friends unite with the bereaved family in heartfelt sympathy. a m * MAKE XO MISTAKE. When one wants to eradicate every indi cation of malaria from tlieir system, tlu-y mly wise, and make no mistake if they try I>r. John Bull’s smith's tonic synci*. Mr. Van Pelt, Editor of the Craig, Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the phvsi- in attendance to give him a dose of something for cholera morbus and loose ness of the bowels. He says: “I felt much better the next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and get him to fix me up a supply of the medicine. I was surprised, when he handed me a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtva Remedy. He said ht prescribed it regularly in his practice and found It the best he could tr prepare. I can testify to its effici- in my case at all events.” For sale at Cash Drug Store. july2-ltu l*y John D. Park A Soni health. Try them, is so safe and sure, vs, or sent by mail i t o., 175 and 177 O. «lee5-ly LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. WAKE COUNTY. istrator of Uundal .Ionian, deceased, has in due form applied te the undersigned for leave to sell the lamb t Monday in August lid appiie ' in _ . . WARREN LOTT, t Georgia i Ware Comity. Whereas, Janies M. Sweat, administrator of Alexander R. Phillips, represents to the court in Ids petition duly tiled that he has fully administered said estate. This Is there fore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from Ids administration, and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Mon- tober. 1802. BENNETT & WELLER. .1 i:w i:i j;hs WAYOHOB8. BICYCLES OX EASY TERMS, For Bale By Bennett & Weller, No, 6 OWENS BLOCK. ry, < 5a., sj*ctit Saturday and Sunday the city with Mrs. Gieger’s sister, *. M. E. Evan*. Jr. W. O. Page, manager of J. T. tiler's shoe store, and wife, have gone Itnmswick. Mr. Cook of Brunswick es cfiargc of the store here. Ir and Mrs. J. D. Groff left on Mon day last on an extended tour through the West. They will visit Niagara, l'hicago, Omaha and ninny other prominent cities. Ve wish them a pleasant trip. Mr. Charlie Gray was with his friends m Tuesday, says he was on his way fora hurt trip to South West Georgia, aud top|»eil to see the ball game. We think here was a double attraction. Messrs. Joe Myers and George W. Me White of Islington, Ga., spent Weduc*- in the city as the guests of Mr. J. S. They had just returned from an extended trip to New York and Niagara Fails. Miss Marion Williamson was culled to Gainesville, l'la., mi the 9th inst. on ac- oount of the serious illness of her brother Mr. J. R. Williamson, who died a few days after her arrival. She returned to the city Saturday. Although it is true that Mr. Sharpe attended a performance of Carmeneita recently, he desires it distinctly under stood that it was a mi-take to mention the fact in the newspajH r. Mrs. Geo. Groom will d.mbtles turn from her summer outing when she reads this. Yes, ’its sad to relate, but George is getting quite young and frisky during her absence. We are reliably informed that he attended two halls in Thomasville recently, and her continued absence would doubtless result in several other indictment*. its terrors i of Clutmlierlain'i Diarrlura Remedy used and the }d with each bottle A. W. Walter, a prominen^m^mft at Wal- lersburg. III., ears :^Flt on res 1 niv baby Jmtr of cholera infantum after other rem- sslies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of huaun hands or reach of any medicine.” 25 ami 50 cent U*ttles for sale at Cash Drugstore. july2-lm The new hotel will be opened some time between the 1st and 15U» of August. Mr. l«eopol«l Weiss, the old reliable, u|mn taking charge, will give a grand hall and supper to the public. The owners have not decided u^»on a We will sell do! eightv-five «*eiits, sot five cents. Fifty et fortv ivnts, some a* preparations for as low as seventy- preparations for v as low as thirtv- prepara- five centi*. Twenty-five tions for twenty cents, soute as low as fifteen. A corresponding reiluction on toilet article*, sundries and prescriptions. We will not lie undersold hv anv one in Wa tf A eaq*enter, by the name of M. S. lX»wers. fell from the res*f of a house in East IK* Moines, Iowa, ami sustained a (tainful ami serious sprain of the wrist, which lu* cures I with one bottle of Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. He says worth $.■> a Utttle. It cost him 5t» For sale at Casii Drug Store. july2-lm Urv. J. K. UlrlnrU. We learn with regret tliat Rev. J. 1L Hicknel! has resigne-l hi* positi< now j |*astor of the Kpisrojial vhureh of this name ret, though it is almost certain that it will be one of three in Tfiosideration. “Hie “Waycross Inn” j place, and lias accepted a call t > Grifiin, is a good name; it* English, >ou know,” ; «ahl Judge Sweat, to a Hfkai.h req**rter. f . “and.I think we shall call it either I people of Gritfin 4 *The Waycross Inn,” **Metro}*oUtau.*' j gcntlemau, a good “The Southern.” | Christian. He leaves Augw commend Mr. Bicknell to the accomplished and a pure azza, with its cottage appendage, at St. The lumber , for the hath houses is here at last, and we have a reasonable hope of being able to shelter our bathers by Saturday. As nearly as the ecnstantly changing |M>pulation of the colony can l*e estima il, with its daily arrivals and departures, e average tor the past week, including Sunday’s influx, has not fallen short of three hundred souls. Commencing at Mr. H. Murphy’s cot tage next to the pavilion, we have the following resident population: , In Mr. 11. Murphy’s family, 5 persons, Mr. Rowlsitham's, 55, Mr. Chas. Murphy, <*, Mr. Roht. Murphy, 0, C. 15.' Bitehan- an, fi, Col. L. A. Wilson, 0, Col. Warren Lott, 9, Col. Simon Hitch, 10, Mrs. Geo. Matthews, 7, Judge Joel Sweat, li, Mr. Thigpen, 5, Mr. Juo Mallon, 5, Dr. Walker, ii, J. 1>. Smith, f., W. J. Smith, 9, Capt. K. H. Crawley, 11, W. M. Wil son, t», (• eo. You man, t», Mr.t iillon, 4, A.R. 15eunett, 7, W. P. lx*, 7, Henry McGee, 10, Deiavan Salisbury, 5, Dr. Frank Folks, 7, T. M. Lanier’ tf, Willie Folks, 5», t 'apt. L. Johnson, 8, Capt. C. C. Grace, tf, Capt. Milliken, 12, R. C. Cannon, 3, Geo. Turner, 4, Capt. lK*en, tf, H. W. Reed, 5, W. W. S!i:irj;c, tf, A. M. Knight, 7.—Total, 225. E. 1. U. •V. J. Smith** Store UnrKlarlinl. IV. J. Smith’s store was enteresl Tues- <lay night hv some unknown person and robbed of watches, finger rings, clothing, me money, and an unknown of other articles. The thief obtained an entrance by forcing the ‘butters of a back window o|>en, break ing the window pane, and unlatching the sash. A pair of $3.00 shoes, which bad apparently been worn for about three months was found in the grass near by. Those were given to policeman Cason, who enquired at every shoe store in town for a similar make, but no due from this source could be found. It is sup|»osed that the theft was committed bv a negro tramp. . Coavtrta Etnpr. Two negro convict* escaped from the Waltertown mill} last Wednesday, hot were recaptured on the same day. The guards allowed them to go to their tents to get out of the rain. While the guards were attending to something on the out side of the tent, they escaped through the hack way, keeping the tent between them and the guards. They went into the river swamp. Blood-hounds were put on tlieir track and it was not long before* one uf them was caught. The other obtained citizens clothe* and a gun from a negro who was ploughing a fiehL After donning the new suit of clothes, he started to leave the country, but was overtaken. The negro who is supposed to have furnldied the citizen’s dress Ls now in of all malarial dis- p Isittle will do you Isittler* is at way is stiflici TAKE BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. s your Mood in bad condition ? Do y WARREN LOTT, i tor of the last will a Rlm-kshear, lias pet to !>e discharfrid fro n tit and proper pe And 1 will pass n WARREN LOTT, SHERIFFS SALE. GKORG1A. Will Is* s •"unt - -'it tlu* highest of Und X. l.iddct rash, tlu* followli the 8th District loss, together with all improvein lteinr alstut twenty ’ n as the Old propt rtyof P. I* Will and km d on r isfy a J. Me ofOoflee eounty REDUCED PRICES On All of My Millinery • Stock. Prices which will suit all. Come and see for your self, and you will find rock bottom prices FOR CASH. All who want first-class Hats, Bonnets, Toques, &o M should come to see me. I guarantee satisfaction, and prompt attention given. MRS. E. COTINGHAM ;. Mcddowos, J. I*., 1130 Di Dfde Pla. ’’ "’"""i i o. Mr, NOTICE. IA, W»rr County i rroinmisstone’r Court: July Term, is hereby given to the public, that me contract for the building of a puldii bridge across "Little Hurricane” Creek, al or near what is known as the Sweat, ford near Bethel Clron-h, in said county of Ware will In- let out to the lowest bidder, on Sat unlay, the <>th day of August, 1892. Sahl feet long and set it and worked down of earth. There tire f 3x10 inch timlter i sol id found) suttloieut mi reach bent ii A Reward of $500 Will be paid for tuiv case of Rheuma tism which cannot lie cured hy Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy. This otter is made in good faith hy the propri- >, and there is no reasonable exeuse ny one to sutler longer. Any oreli- case will lie cured with one Isittle. In addition to the reward for diflicult eases, the money is always refunded whe^tlie remedy fails to cure. The price of a bottle is $5—and that is the cost of a cure. Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Line, New York. Agents wanted. 23-2t C««d* rltnlng *t When the Heart ht Affected By Rheumatism or any of the muscles near that organ, it isliketamperin; an electric wire, for death may come at any moment If life is worth $5, go to the druggist and get Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy or send to the Drum mond Medieine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send yon a large bottle by prepaid express. It is as quick save your life if Agents wanted. electricity, but it will take it in tim 23-2t J5IL DalfMUM WutnL free. 1*. O. Box 1371 New York. jy9-2t. . o-i y « Y«n Ik* laid etlgcwi- eaps. me iioonng is to In; of two ik. 15 feet long, with half-inch cra< ... h l ton t. of 4x4 timlKT, 3 h-et high, with i*ap on top out of l}xt plank ami h * * ’ ... need 1n*1ow on .-ome flush with i \ with 11x5 inch platik acnx: I cap to top of ban er, all to In* on’ ' Bridge to In* paid f< if firsts-la: bracssl from ith 2x4 in«‘li •aterial. 1 By’onU ■ Ortlinaty* ami r of tlu* Board o . at the July Ter July 7th, 1892. ST. HOTEL, 4th Store in the Owens Block! PIANOS! PIANOS! ORGANS! ORGANS! Sewing Mac Tr lire si! Musical Instruments of all Kinds-Small and Great. Will handle nothing but the Best Instruments. All my Instruments are of the Best Makes. No Single Reed Organs in stock. Will not handle an Organ that has less than two sets Reeds and good Walnut Cases. GUITARS OF ALL KINDS, Banjos in Great Variety, Harmonicas in Quan tities, Fifes, Flutes, Fageolets and Drums. Musical Albums and Jewelry Cases. FOURTH STORE IN THE OWENS BLOCK. My friends are invited to call amFexamine'my Stock. P I /V IN OS, ORG A N W, AND SEWING MACHINES ON EASY PAYMENTS. J. R. KNIGHT, ntigl tf Waycross, Ga. V V ST. SIMONS GEORGIA. I image Rooms, on ami after |*r July 1st. will Is* week. Everything First-class. Satistaction tnmtnl SPECIAL KATES-92.50 from Sat urday Night till Monday Morning, in cluding Two Lodgings and Three Meals. D. W. PRATT, Proprietor. Flaul Use tVi There is a 3-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which lias no two words alike except one word. The same is true of each new one appearing each week, from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co. _ This boose place* a "Crescent” on everything they make and publish. Look for-it. sertd them the name of the word, ami they will stw mill nil FOR Will U- sold at pnblic outcry to tlie highest and best bidder, at Atkixsox, Ha., on the B. A: W. Ii. R.. on the 28th day of July, lr*r2. at 12 in.: One 14x20 Stetz Engine, class B. Mill, anil one «6 dia. x 16 ft. boiler front, furnace iron, together with a full and com plete lot of 8aw Mill Machinery of every kind, belonging to the Brunswick Laud and Lumber Company. All perfectly new and in first-class order. This is a splendid opportunity for any one to get a complete Saw Mill Ontfit. os any piece of single machinery cheap: particular* address Or STEW ACT JOHNSON. H. SMITH. Atkissox. Ga. Law. W. P. LEE, GROCERIES,: HAY, : GRAIN! Next Door to the north of Lanier & Youmans, Where, with his SPLENDID STOCK He is supplying the public at Lowest' Prices. Call on me and be satisfied. W.ycroM, Ga., July 1-tf. w* ». LEE. CASON cfe AULLER.. Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour and Butter are Specialties. Court House Square. Waycross, Georgia