The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, August 13, 1892, Image 1

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lHHBHHHDHbhI FOR NERT | Job •■•Printing 'THE HEt^AbD OFFICE. I CITY PR1CES> vol. xm. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13. 1892. NO. 37. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJ*. JA*. V, ICIPPARH. Physician and Surgeon, i BUm k. up utair*. WALLACE MATHEWS, M. D., PHYHin AN AM* SI'WJEON. WAYCUOSH, : : : : GEORGIA. jang.'I-ly D K. II. K. MrMAMTEK. Physician and Surgeon, WAY CROSS, All coll m Phjnhi*,. ami Hur* tm’n Jewelry Stor- jy*iy DR. J. E. W. SMITH, At II. J. SMITH’S I»RCG STORK. Resilience Hick* rHre+t. WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA. A. P. KMiMHlI, Physician and Surgeon, WAYCKOMH C1EORUIA. MT All call. pmuiplly attend.,!. * DR. RICHARD B. NEW. I'll VSR IAS AS I> Si: RO K<>N. Oltice st .Yli** ReniKhart’*, WAYCROSS, : GEORGIA. jm> 3Mw Dr. J. P. PRESCOTT, "Practicing Physician IIOUOKKX, (IKOR)ilA. Ail rail* promptly atlvii*ltil. j; S. L. DRAWDY,* ATTORNKY AT LAW. IIOMKKVILLE, : : GEORGIA. DR. J.H. REDDING, OFFICE. FOI.K8 BLOCK, rar Hotel Phoenix. apn.O-ly OFFICERS OF WARE COITXTT. W M. W'lhnn—< 1*-rk was It. Smitli- J. J Wilkinson—Tax Herein T. T Thigpen—Tax Oillerh*r, J. W. Booth—Coroner. CountyCommissioner*—W. . W DavfaUriti amt I*. J. ItlaeklK Address, Waym«~». tin. cm officers, waycross «a. M. Knight. Mayor. Ahlerntei M. NW. W. W. Mr . . . _ 1erk of City Co J.G. Justice, It. II. Morphy. W. I>. Hamili. " W. F. Parker.«Ity A*--- Warren l>»tt. City TrraM The Waycroi" Ilerahl, nftii ial Oryaii. Secretary; W. J. Carxwell, I.. join W. lliteh, II. P. Brewer. J. L. Walker. IfoanI tneetH .Si-oml Satunlay at nt.. at High S' W. It. tiuinilt.ii POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarter baking |*>w«ler. j Highewt of all in leavening strength.— • fjm/r*/ V. S. (lorernmcut Font Report. j Rovu. Bakim; I’owpEnfVi,. 10fl Wall St. N.Y. t 1 WE Ml H . . . THE DtcrOlRKOTYPR. Aa* then the eye. winks at yeh. As' the mouth is cherry ripe. Low I it beau your aew-styie plcter* This old digerrjtypel Thar's a blnak acrost the dimples Tbet burrows la the cheeks. Pern out them dump, o' ringlets Two little small ears peeks. Tbet brooch tbet Jlnes her neck-gear Is what they used to wear; A big gold frame tbet sprawled around tairer man all its mates, they did not even speculate on the length of his visit or watch, for his departure. 1^ was. therefore, with some surprise they ' saw him and the dean come slowly walking down the main avenue to gether. Mary would hare escaped the Inter view by taking a private walk to the house, but Bernard, with some strange instinct of being to keep her littlff daughter, she had been compelled to divulge all the cruel martyrdom of her married life. After this re re la:.on it waa not hard to un derstand the dean’s wretched look, and his passionate, pleading prayers, and the music which was an articulate agony. I could understand, too, nou the angry, longing look on Bernard’s r husband said: Whv i •Weil, danger j. w face, anil his miserable restlessness; the defensive* drew but neither of the men showed, in rtf mad dogs. The anything.” ‘But I don’t think 1 i -Texas Siftings. Aa* times I study oa It. by. 't tun me to see t fifty ytot ‘ain’t teched ber Wky, ‘ That Aft A lick! She’s Jest tbs a She was when Sudls Serb. Took Boooe C. Curds's a Tbe hair la mebby whiter •An It wss la ’ft. it as pinky. instinct of being on the defensive, drew *•« netmer ox me mco p * ””’ 7T» arm through his and awaited their Mary’s presence, any feeling which dangt r tha ant Kxi.t el^. approach. The dean seemed annoyed could mar the peace of her descent into V. ycs>°u are. Dogs lot «t the attitude. He introduced his tbe K TmTO- I went often to see her the next few months. It was like lying with her at “the Gate Beautiful” of Heaven. I used to wonder at her loveliness, and rejoice in her certain hope, but I never pitied her. As 1 said before. I kept until she was hidden from view by the that f ®* lln * for tb ® hopeless grief of ihrubbory. Surely, “loving and hating th « old man and th « b j tter * orrow °* come by nature,” for ere the carl hail | 'he young one. spoken, Bernard hated him. and Jong' Just before Christmas I went over to the dean’s, after an absence of three days. Despair and remorse were sit ting In the handsome ohambers. and daughter and his nephew, and then bade Mary “go to prepare for diuner which Earl Grey.” he added, bowing, “will do me the honor to eat with me.” The young nobleman languidly as- ’ sented, following Mary with his eyes >u,” said the teacher, npolo- to Tommie, “that I should if you didn’t tell your fa- ad run away from school. V. and A. M. ft F. and A. M.. ne*lay» at 7:’-o M.; K. II. Reel. Dodgers Circulars Xotc Heads, Envel ope*. Statements and all kinds of; Cotmuert-isl Printing. MIL IT THE HERALD OFFICE UO GET ESTIMATES. *81 tay. these cyard Dos’d portraits. Whor tbe lace steals oa your sight Like a dream that comes by night umi When your supper's actin' rlgbti —Eva Wilder McGlasson. In Harper's VV» BROKEN HEARTS. romp T V ....... K. II. Itinl, Hertrtary. tip. W. W. Sharpe, II. |\; lit Kx. SI. The Pathetic Romance of Cathedral. i Old HITCH & MYERS, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, I’pStuitN YYIU«V* Block. WAY'CROSS, GEORGIA. . VVII.I.IAMN. fj, • v": ■ Attorney at Law. J WAYCIbWS. . * - UKORGfA.lfl^ WAKKKIF.LD IXllHiE JSO.'l Meet* every Monday night at BHOTIIKKIIOOD LOCOSIOTIVK KX- . in.. BmtlicrliiMMl hall, Ihiil Idm-k. I\TKKNATIOMAl< ASSO. M.M IIIMsTS. Wayi-ro-* l.o,|ge No. 74.YV. T. Bn M . f. T. N. Xyfan. Si n tary. M.-et, 4th Satunlay* each month at It. L. 7:»t, p. in. WAVCROM niKLI». i ’ompany 4tli regiment t;«-or*iu Volun teers. 1'iii.t. J. VIcJ*. Farr. M U.-nleiiant. J. II. liilloii; 2.1 l.ieiilenant, T. O’BHen; Secretary, John ll>«:in; Tn-asun r. W. IS. Folk*. Regular iimuthly mr, iing 3d Thurs day ofea.di month. Drill niglit* Tuesikiy and Thursday of each week, 7:.!n p. ni. .* Many years ago, 1 stayed awhile ii : an old cathedral town iti the richest ... a ST. SIMONS. (IKOItlil A. »“•> loT,ll,st part of Vorkalilre. Socli j' n!iU ed’ m,cle «ml ncpiiovv spoken, licfore the night was ov had gooil cause to do so. He was angry at Mary for looking so beautiful; he was angry at the earl for looking at her beauty. He thought Ills , uncle disgustingly subservient to the j young man’s rank; he thought Mary unusually cool to him. All night long j he was hit own tormentor, and this was but the beginning of sorrows. The earl, charmed with Mary's fresh [ young beauty, so different from the 1 clever, intriguing women with whom he had danced and trifled away all the last , season, fancied himself deeply in love with the simple, innocent girL He came again and again, at first inventing all sorts of excuses, finally without any excuse at alL It required, indeed, small persuasion to obtain the dean’s full permission to ; his daughter. Then stormy scenes ' to bit- f etically, whip you ther you didn't I?” “That’s all right,” responded Thomas “I didn't tell him. One of your lickin' is a picnic by the side of one of dad's.' —IVtroit Free Dress. Countryman—What’s the good of all slow but certain sorrow creeping up ' these stone pavements? the marble stairs. The next day i row coffin had separated father am, daughter, mother and child, husband and wife, lover and effectual ly aud as widely as all the starry spaces. No one can step In botween two lov ing heart* without guilt; and when lovo is slain for gold or rank, it hnt ■ bitter aveugera— Amelia 0. Barr. In N. Y. Ledger. pavements •rowds who Miss Smilax—Good morning. Mrs. McGinty, and how are all your family? Mrs. McGinty—An* shoor, mum, they be all adoin well but mo liftlo Jamie; an' lie has the rheuinatiz that bad he can hardly crawl, at all. Miss Smilax—l*oor little fellow; does stay in bed? Mrs. McGinty—Och, bless ye, mum, he kapes right on wid his wurruk. Miss Smilax—And how can that be possible? What does he do? Mrs. McGinty—He’s a missinger bye. silent courts of houses that clustered | “~ e \,‘f™^''p^^^ d ;“'the latent | Courier. City Man—t’p are to accommodate th< wish to stand aud gaze at the stiop win dows. Down town the pavements art for the convenience of draymen whe wish to unload.—N. Y. Weekly. The Retort Co< Artist—Don’t you tv your portrait? Cynical Sparticuss—> wouldn’t look like me. Artist—Well, that's the strongest kind of an argument iu favor of painting your portrait.—Texas Siftings. t me to p*im v; the picture quaint, old hou^s, roofe.l«.tl. bright-I ur , st stri(e> „ hHa Msr dl . {eMe D t I . M rod tiles, such green meadows and vol- Ik . mari | on , bro h , „„ he a ow comflelds, tuch great over-shadow- , „ r from h „ father , ing trees, and such sweet Old-fas.mined ; ^, r i e f an ,i f ear gardens, I shall never sec again. But w I>ooJ , T] til.Ui't Know. Stranger—1 want to fiud a dive, one of the illegal ones. Where shall I go? Policeman—I don’t know. Ask some body else. filled her t Bernard! The end his heart Lad prophesied came soon enough. In 1 the presence of the dean there was i _M uu.l John c. McDonald, Attorney and Counselor at Law, wayckohh, ueoruia. Ohm r. up stair* in Wilson Rl«*-k. A. WII.HON, Attorney at Law, WAY'CROSS, - - HKt li. 4 CANNON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS. - UFO i in n r up stair* ip Wil»»n 111,M-k. Will practice in tlie BrunswickClrci el-ewln-ns tijr *pecial ixintract. Nov l.V’ttFly. i. N.O.; l». William AMOXirtllK CHITRCHES. 1»H KSUVTK.n IA N 4-lllTRC'll. urdny Night rinding T\v Meal*. Enrythine First-class. Satisfaction Guirialiid. SI-KCUI. H ATES.*J.50 fro. S.l- | ™bnd IL The dreumy. peaceful life imid theThlck '' B hSbVr7of“the — - I enchanted me. I tnought that I could J ^ tn ] en ^ there was another parting. Mary would have promised constan- could not help being astonished at th cy, but Bernard wonld not let her do it. magnificent pants of Jinx. “Y’ou shall never have to reproach - “Dat'a a mighty fine pa’r ob pants ft; yourself with broken promises for my filch a poor niggah as you am to l sake, darting,’’ he said. “What could wearln’. ’’ you, you poor timid little dove, do be- “Y’es, dry’s mighty gorg'ous and n IgnoranceT Mlhe end of thTfirsTweek tween your father and that lordly earl7 mistake.” unuunn immif’C nnnn of my rlalt, as f was wandering in my But whaterer they make you du. re- How much rnout .ley EDWARD LOVELLS SONS. I friend's garden, which touched the member Mary, I shall nerer blemo you, d ld yer ga ec^ ’ grareyard of tha cathedral, I heard the “ nd 1 S aa unUl “«• Boy ™out cost me two years lode wildest, strangest, most sorrowful seiou., breath." pen.tenshlery ef 1 tole.- -Texas Sift music coming from It. I knew the ves per service was over. I knew this was I .holiday .horning, is- Lodging* nud Three 1 PRATT. Pnoi uiirroK. ! 8 A V A N X A11 AI»V ERT IS EM ENTS. *A\ ANN.YH, GEORGIA. forever among the dim aisles of the grand old church and the shady gardens of the handsome houses. “This is a court of peace,” 1 said. “Surely no shadow of discontent or sorrow can ever come within it-’’ But this I said in my haste and my She—How did she happen to marry him? lie—He told her he was worth a mil lion in round numbers She—And? He—They turned out to be cipher*.— Truth.' ings. Hardware, Tinware, Plows, th« Masquerade. Charles — Miss Spindle has pretty land no teeth, hasn’t she? f *" Maude—(spitefully)—Y’c^ JjauB yer, and reasonable, too.—Judge- Tha Royal ltoad. “Grigshaw, is it possible that a man of your caliber is going Into the saloon busines?" “Sh! I’m going to run for alderman * Street, Rev. W. ul Hoot ilibutli* except the I'rayer incertng TIiurhIu' o'clock. Sabbatli M-lmnl at Smulay.Tlic KarncM Woi W*ilncnlay aflcriiiMiti. terest and curiosity triumphed over my fear, and led me to take the keys of the agony waa ever more intelligible. I Wheels, Axles and Wa^on Material, ! the Divine ear, which understands all 11*tnl* and Ammunition, dp.t-l speech and language, and so I stole almost heart-broken with grief, and ' ,fu£* AVstmllan, to' ship falut with terror lest .he should be that love and she most walk apart for- frQm Allstralia< .. DeaJl J me! Then Then I * tht Lloyd & Adams. DKALKltS IN rliriitiun Kudravn J. It. BickncU. R.i BUILDERS HARDWARE, gjRsr-w it^wo^rruMM,:^ Frequently, nfter thta-aometlmea “ d . nial ancestors used. Husband—I haven’t In those petty cruelties which un- tv loving husbands above all others under , Little \\ ife-I know. Wont it look stand. lovely when it s decorated and hung up” One of these was to affect the most " eekly^ unbounded chagrin at the sex of her Not That Kind, first child, to sneer at all daughters, and Husband—Got that picture of my "Oh, momma. Tommy ahpped me te face." "Well, Helen, what did you do to Tommy to make him do that?" “Nothin’. I only put some sand in his mouth.’’—Harper’s Bazar. auction—a genuine, antique. Frequently, alter this—sometimes - *.'"*“** : fusliioned boot-lack such as vo early in the morning, aometlme,deep «l™ d cucou«g.menh Ilut .ho Buch UJ ° In the gloaming—I heard the .ame «oon outlived the earP. abort liking. n 7 usb ' °” U ' 1 ' musician. At last J .poke to tbe friend »od then ho only aeemed to find plena- i * a__« cl. i—l.c-i ure in those nettv cruelties which nn- ^7..TT . . Little Wife—I know. J. Li. ORA WLBY, ATTORNEY LAW. YVAYCUOa^, GEORGIA, l illicv in the Wilmm Building. DR. T. A. BAILEY, DENTIST, Office over Rank. On Plant Avenue. \VA Y’t-ROSS, tiKORGIA. <K«. .7. l» T M. HEDGE. DENTIST, WAYVRUS9, GEORGIA OrrtcK up >tair* in tire Folk- ltl.i l. with whom I was staying. She looked Paints, Oils. Doors, Sash ami Blinds, troubled aa she answered: i Tnra CoUa an,( Sever Pipes. not’d"^! j him." A few days afterward, as we were .... . 4 , walking up the court, we met the dean. | Jp lt / rom its “Other s breast to w ife done yet? •. 11 fi-itcr and. Hair and 1 cment. , j, e tagged my friend to go into his the care of a grange nurse. Another Dhotog. (handing it to him)—Yes, sir; rtier t onsn-M and Whitaker St* i house and see his daughter Mary, and was P^tend she needed exercise and I should say it was a speaking like- 1 then I soon understood what mighty and change of air, and remove her ness, sir. Lreorgia. grief it was which had struck the key- j d70111 London to the continent before Husband (passing it back)—Thanks. I . , K>>t note of his passionate, pleading prayer. ! she was able to bear the fatigue. He don't want that kind.—Detroit Free Savannah, ide Apet ' Adam i,.„ i„ „, rl ,| f „ r phuitvriug ! She wu dying; no on. but a parent «uve her no rest until eho reaehed Press. run- atul i-eilinir*. Write for .in nisis. could hsve doubted It for one minute. ' Rome, end here she became to seriously WARREN LOTT, Fire, Life andJLccidcnt iu- sursWf^nggnt, WAYPUtir”. - - UKOKtilA. Mug hot fir*t-cla** iimipanio reprr- Strickund • House, waycross, ga. One Minnie Walk rrom I'nlttn Ik*|wt. J. W. Strickland; a ,. t .. <i.i- A CUT ON RATES. The earnest of eternity -s. tuber eyes, even her «rT.ntsremon.truted „ uo uo w „ which looked as If they bad seen some j the *™ l *F of morin <f her you to guess her ager- vision that had forever separated her I turther. "I guess mv guess to myself, kt from time. She layupon a.couch drawn In Borne sheremalned sla months, off thirty percent, and generally c close to the open window looking into nearly alone. The earl traveled hither - - a garden thick with green shade, and and thither aa hla fancy led him. mak- Mias Redbud—My mother tells me, colonel, that you are a great traveler. CoL Alpenstock—Yes, Miss Redbud. Since the war 1 have done little else. Miss Redbud (impressively)—I pre sume that was what started you off.— Puck. Couldn’t Stand tha Shock. Caraway—I suppose you have killed your man, Cholly? Cholly—Ynas. I paid mah valet in full lawst week and he dwopped dead. —Truth. ACCOKXODATIXO. From IVSF. TO OcTOBFR bright with many a sweet flower whose l n £f bis wife only occasional short visits * j name la now forgotten. I gazed on hex j of a cruelly ceremonious character. Ills ; with mdralration. I do not think It ever life of c*«r 4k 1 fin 1*F.R 11 1 V entered my mind to pity her. I reserved ehmmef el contrast •TP 1 ■* l,;l * 1 th»t feeling for the grmy misery of het | nbiolnte Mcluslot the loneliness and seclusion which her Italian father, and for tha hopeless, resentful- ; physician ordered, while her separa- buy a beautiful black bonnet I looking distress i saw in the face and tion from all who loved or cared for terday.—Brooklyn Life. Consolation. He—If I were'to die, darling, what ould you do? She (enthusiastically)—O, Jack, I'd ;• ye* handsome man whom l her and her longing for her native land took to be her brother. There was. j and home told fearfully upon her fail- bowever, some element in the sorrow health. of that dying room that I did not under- Bat one day a far more cruel sorrow stand then, though soon afterward, faced her. A letter without signature ^ when I knew Mary Harlowe’s history, waa placed in her hands, not only occus- i t? _Tp^kV it was clear enough to me. ing her husband of the most flagrant She was the only child of her father, disregard for her, but also intimating Tb* “ that her physician waa In the employ “There Is Might Maks a Man ot 111m. Willie—WeU, aw. Miss Edge, I must be going to see my tailah. Miss Edge—Couldn’t you manage to > nine of them while you are about W - A - WRIGHT, J. P., THE NATION, J A Weekly Paper, . National Guarantee Co fcniitle. ohlaiiiel on «>i irrwi. Sprvial attentkiu (irm to the rolle-lMi of claim*, hot IMRcr Building. Waycnee, Ga. ROWBOTHAM & HDRPHY. Architects and Builders. —cm Mitsn *»»«— CHEWACLA LIME. -wu w*xn IW4«il t.» iIk- intcre-t* <»f Nationalism. Kttibil i*y KltW.tKI) HKI.I.AMY. Antlior of "brnkiue Harksranl.'' Tin* Xrsr Nsti«x al«> print- liar lV<pL-'-» l*arty ' ENTS A COPY. UDIES raw bloom oache«hs.Y>eaaUfies^^H W4 wm/sWi*. An fosotoa foods i ty* e rr* u t<ad ss^ eta t»Li=FLr3J-j *! ••» A YEAR THE KEY! NATION* 13 Wintvr it.. BiMioit. YU**. Jersey Cow For Sale. Ladies air I'afartanate. lkn-an-e tl»e hisln-r they ri*e in mrsety the , weaker they find theniK-lv<<* bodily. Ri* ley's i ITdW»«oken controls the nerve*, aid* nature i in various function*, and tlms combats • with the many ill* of womankind rarcem- i folly. If your druggist ha* me got it he j will order it fi»r yon £»r $1 a bottle, from i Cha*. F. Rfcdey. WladcMile DraggiM. « tYwtland Sc New York. Semi S»r a des- —aots XT* roa— You now have an opportunity to buy a j criptivc pamphlet, with directions and ccr- I1F A 1 TCQTmUN RDirV Sne >r*ev tow. of tire be-t strain, yoang. tifirate* from many Udio who harcured it W A L 1 Llf lUnll Dnlblv* in Ml milk, and ol^ulutely without a halt and can t «y eaoQfb in firorof RWiyi Fcbs-tf Inquire at Herald. tf Phiiotoken. mrlS-Jf- who had received her in exchange fox hia young wife’s life. Among the silent rooms of the great house, and in the pleasant old gardens belonging to the church property, she had grown up to a sweet and lovely girlhood. When about seventeen years of age, her cousin, Bernard Harlowe, was sent to her father’s care, while he prepared for taking orders. .The young man wai not rich, and was never likely to havv ' may inheritance but the handsome per- j | sou, the clear head and the warm heart | nature had given him. But Mary loved him almost from the first day of his ar rival. and Bernard thought himsell richer in that love than the bishop in his see, or the king in his crown. The dean was not so wrapped up in f spiritual matters as to be oblivions of what was transpiring under hia own .roof, yet he made no remonstrance; so, though there was no positive ‘engage ment, Bernard and Mary Harlowe con sidered themselves aa one heart and one soul for time and for eternity. One afternoon the sunny stillness of tbe court was broken by tbe galloping of horses and tlje rattle of a carriage. It stopped at tbe dean’s door, and Bernard recognized a young earl, fa mous for his wealth and church patron age, who owned S magnificent seat about three miles distant. **Tbere is some dispute between my lord bishop and the eari,” be said to Mary. “X wonder how the dean will manage between them?" ■ But tbe^eari’s visit termed to Ahem a matter of the very smallest importance. Wandering under tbe trees, pulling ripe berries; or Idly trmthering some flower good thing about these of her enemies, and not a safe person political campaigns of education.” to be intrusted with her life. “What is that?” She hod long felt sure that she was “They are not compulsory.”—Truth, dying, but the dread of dying sway , a* Axpiaasuoa. from her chlid. her father and her borne “Wonder why it is that the news- overcame all other fears. This terror paper humorist always makes fun of 'mode ber prudent. She arranged for • the spring poet and never says anything an immediate return home, and took . about the summer and winter poets?” advantage of her husband’s first absence “Guess tbe newspaper humorists most to commence it- be summer and winter poets them- For him she left a moat noble and selves.”—Texas Siftings. Walkabout Walker—Say, young fel ler, won’t you give me a lift? Elevator Boy—Certainly.’ Step in. Which floor?—Ruck. wuow .uij.itu.i, a.» uo Mr. Slim purse—Come, it’s time we negative cruelties, and asking only to ...,7^ dle l -r w, * ther i ygnggarggsrjf T<ra ‘ tr ” kin *: with the earl s derire. that for once be Mra . siimpurse-To make It look t * *“ n did not thwart ber, and so. two years we had co ^ e , carriage .ft~r this ill-starred marriage. Earl W eeklj carriage. Th* Nam* Thing. “Doctor, what is the meaning of the peculiar formation jaat back of baby’s ear?” “Combativenesa, perhaps.”, “Why, some one said it was lovs of domestic life.” Oh, well, it’s all one and the same after this ill-starred marriage, Earl Grey's traveling carriage again broke the silence of the peaceful cathedral Five-year-old Bess (telling of the med icine she had taken)—And I took some compulsion of cod liver oil, and— Mrs. I’angle—'Y'ou mean “emulsion,” court. The dean’s daughter had come , rh *f honest. not compulsion? back to him wearing sometWng higher ^*******}* f * 11 u,kdt ’ IkJ-Well, I thfnk ther » countess’ coronet; she had re- i o® «*aers tventy per cent, celved the signet of Immortality, and . *‘'Y**° Thm * chief ffwditor?” been anointed for a heavenly corona- "Mrs. Oppenheimer.”—Jnry. there was some compulsion about it. — Detroit Free Press. May—Do you believe In real live After Mary's marriage, the dean had w gone to see his nephew, and easily in- fetries? T* 4 I «'l“Varlng)-Xo: tat I don’t it was Bernard that lifted Mary from | want to say so out loud, ’cause one her carriage and carried her in Us j might be listening.-Harper’s Young strong arms to the room she never left J people. * again; and it was Bernard that rode taw»n- and nroenre bar father’s oracaiM [ Matthew—We’ve got a stuffed eagle at home. Frank—That's nothing; there’s a real live hawk that comes and stuffs himself with our chickens every week.—Har per's Young People. inj uid night, to thnt he might bring . ..^ * " .‘.P , Uomr.Uc-l'liuo mum. I’d lik. to ho, few bouts earlier the child which was < d ?* ,D * wlu > t Bunting unta- ,2.Smt hieom^ HatT. diring houta ! ^ *52^ “p^c^^uaewif.^ to orfer to esoo* Jtto jUpatatad , B n»ri.g-“ Lt think that cm. be | “cp “” 7 ' true I never saw you eat anoiure cake. 1 404 J 00 won 1 ueed one -Jud ^