The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, August 13, 1892, Image 3

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(HM«1 Otcn «r Wan Owty. OSrUl Om» afrtarMMi Omtj. OfflrUl Orpa Otjr •» Wjyrr.M. HERALD PUBLISHIMC COMPANY SATURDAY, AVGUST IS, 1AM. ADVERTISING RATERS. 1 IDO 3; l I nrli, 2/©|*4.00 7J0010/0 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr*. 11. C. William* returned fnwj.St. Simon* Mi onlay morning. The Mrlbodia pulpit na* occupied on Sunday by Ret. Mr. Owen, of Je*up. Mian May Quarter man is visiting her •inter, Mi« I^ena Whitman, in Hruns- wirk. D. S. Wilton, Vahloala’s genial pho tographer, was in the city a *hort while Monday. J. T. Palmer and family passed through j the city la*! Thursday morning, return- j from a vitit to Alabama. The Way cram Rifles took pwniiun last Friday night, of their new quartets. These are the rooms fitted up for. and lately vacated by the Y. M. C. A. To the commendable pride of the bora and the generosity of Capt. Johnson who »* the friend ami patron of every worthy cause, is due this rise in the fortunes of our soldier hoys, the crack company of wire-gras* Georgia. The advantages to the young men of the company in the I gymnasium, bath-room* and reading j morn can scarcely be over-rated. While deeply regretting the loss to r town of the Y. M. C. A., we are re- grateful to Him who give* us w much for our pleasure and happiness and who “onlr rnaketh us to dwell in safety.” E. A. M. Baltimore, Sid. oi. i :,jm* r»oo, nr».«n r and yon will t 1 Transient advertising inserted at $! Inch Una insertion. 'J*• subsequent insertion JCeadina notice in local roll line first insertion; 5c per lii qnent insertion. Profonfonal cards ffl-OOp *Kor*<h*-»p advertising see t heap Column. Advertisements to insure insertion any week must l»e in by Wednesday of that week. Chances ina«ie in advertisement*. inserted at onr regular rates, and for specified time will be charred f.*r at cost of making said * ^Additional rates will be charged for spe cial position Arrival and Hilaire of Mall* j joiced that all its benefit- are not t M is* Stella Haw kin-, i awav , that our military company r, hut now of Black- PvSirr Wayt^p*. At Way< IT. 10 r North. South. East... Wet. Campaign Badge*. Cleveland campaign badge- at T. K. Lanier’* jewelry store. For Rent—Two nice offic l»r. J.C. lUppard has removed oltice to Wilwwi block, up stairs, card on first page. Tbr ll Elt Al.U otlice does Job Print ing cheaper (haw any other oltire in this section. We learn that Henichoviu line*., have bought out the stock of A. Lipshits. and will take jMisession alsnit August 20th. It. W. Terry, roadniaster of tlie Wes tern »V Atlantic R’y was arrested a few days aluce on a charge of straiiug Mrs. Martin formerly of thi* city, I shrar, was in the city thi* week. Mi-s Mattie Hutton, of Kawkinsville, and Mias Kmtna Williams, of huhlin, are guests of Mn*. H. 1*. Brewer. W. J. tiardner, Way cross' photograph ic artist, is again at his gallery, after a nit It's rusticating at harien. Mr. llarlten, of Atlanta, is in the em ploy of F. C. Owens, instead of J. T. Palmer, as stated in last week's Herald. Mrs. K. B. Love and children left last Monday night to join her brother, Mr. Bicknell in their new home in Griffin, C.a. Mr. R. II. Jones, representing the “New South” a firat class loan asso ciation, wa* in the city last, week in the interest of his association. Mrs. A. K. Jlali returned last Satur day from an extended visit in Ltuisana. Mr. Hall's smile of welcome still lin gers on his happy countenance. Mr. Harbin, of Atlanta, is the new manager at F. C. Owen’s clothing store. He come* highly recommended and we commend him to our good people. The many friends of Mr. Charlie Cook are delight d to see him at his post again after an extended spell of sickness. While not fully recovered, he is able to attend to business again. The Rev. M. C. Austin re|H>rts lively shower* of religious blessing- as well as showers of rain about Boston and Pel ham, where he has lieen laln>ring the |*ast ten days. He is doing a good work in this section of country. P»* • a club nioni for physical training social gathering- that is everywhere recogniged a* an imperative need in a large aiul growing town. We understand that the hot and cold hath*, the gymnasium and the reading and writing tables are free to the honor ary' as well as to the enlisted members of the company, aud that the j>ariors open to all their friends, the ladies being especially invited to lend their presence and throw their influence over the place. Let us as a community whose strength is in our future men, encourage our in this laudable effort to prepare them- •elves for peace as well as for war. price t the Mr. aud Mrs. E. II Goodrich took a cottage last week in the colony. Mr. Boone, of Valdosta and his tal ented wife, well- known in Macon as Mrs. I»r. Fuller, spent a few days with their cousin, Mrs. W. W. Sharpe.. Mr. A. C. Olney made his first visit to St. Hintons on Sunday. Mr*. A. M. Knight had the happiness >fa visit from her mother, Mr-. Daniels, of Jacksonville. Capt. Millikeu and hi- interesting family have returned to their Je-up home. Capt. Davidson and family, of Wares- •ve«l i There la Great Excitement Among Rheumatic sufferers over the remedy that is Wing put up in New York City. It is claimed there never ha- been a case where it has failed to cure. It is called Dr. Drummond’s I Jghtning Remedy for Rheumatism and is sold for #5 a bottle. The remedy is certainly making for itself a world wide reputa tion, as the country is full of Rheuma tism. The manufacturers -ell it on an absolute guarantee, and offer to refund the money in any case where it does not work a perfect cure. Sent by express prepaid on receipt of price. Drummond Medicine Co., 4.*-50 Maiden I.ane. New York. Agents wanted. aug6-2t ■ 0*»ljr Kind the Word t Printed—Can Yo There i- a 3-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one wool. The sai true of each new one appearing each v from the I>r. Harter Medicine Co. hou«e places a *‘(7rpscent M on everything they make and publish. Ix>ok for it, sefcd them the name of the word, and they wi return you Book. Beautiful Lithograph-« Samples Era*. jan2S-ly (lathing hales Agent wanted far Wap erase and etrtnltjr-mnprecedrntcd oppsr- lanUf tea nun mf pi ark and pmsk. fsn- ■atsalons yield *4.00 luromr la the rich* man In (he rl(ht pli r mail tinier “I a Bra n Wa ■, they wi As a general liniment for sprains and bruise* or for rheumatism, lame hack, deep seated or muscular pain*, Cham berlain'* l’ain Balm is unrivalled. For sale hv Cash Drug Htore. augfi-lni Onr Kleetrle Storms. Way cross has experienced some very severe rain ami electric storms recently. IjLst week a lightning stroke destroyed the armature of the Arc machine, it cost *545 to replace it. On Wednesday another severe stroke burned out the ar mature of the incandesent machine which necessitated sending ftir a man ami ma terial from Savaunali to rtqiair it. Mr. also fears when the current is that he will find other damage Our city ha* been in dark- •veral nights. the colony. Mr. Ed. Clark, some years ago agent of the H. F. &. W. R’y at Waycmss. spent Sunday at Hotel St. Simon-. The cottage* that have closed this week are those of Mayor A. M. Knight. H. W. Reed, W. M. Wilson, R. H. Mur- hhy. Chaa. Murphy, W. W. Sharpe, Capt. E. H. Crawley Mrs. Hudson and Warren Lott. The Misses Baratti, of Macon, are visiting the family of Capt. Hall. Hotel St. Hintons has been a lively place this week with the Thomasville people in happy possession. Next week the Odd Fellows will have things all Mr. C. M. Tilton, several years ago a merchant of Waycros*, is summering with his family ou the island. ■ "'W TAX NOTICE. The Book- for the payment of City Tax*- for the current year will lie closed oath :k»th day of Sept«rnd*r next at C o’elnc! ‘ EXECUTIONS OFFICE W. R. BARKK1*. City Tax Rou e . July 20, Wtt. The only way to be healthy is not to eat anything you wants, au’ the only way to be good is to do everything you don’t want. I wish th* doctor* an preachers was up in a b’loou. BENNETT & WELLER’S Great Summer Sale of Quadruple - Plate * Silverware, AT A PROFIT OF TEN PKR CUNT, Two Thousand Dollars Worth Ju-t Received Direct from the Factory. Now is YOur Chance! Sale begins Tuesday, August 16th, We Are Unpacking The Goods Now ! You will Never Have yW j Such n Chance Again. These Prices are For Cash 1 I»r Jonn Hull’* Wo Destroyer re worms fron MAKE NO MISTAKE. me wants to eradicate every indi- nialaria from their system, tli wise, and make no mistake if tli J Albert-< llhKAI. shT.p in I%ill i the KKK lIRREt ployed a eonijietent a—i 1 hereafter lie prepared itomcrs with promptin'—a dactimi in my burlier L*h A Lott hliK'k, nea ice. I have also leased the lew hotel, to which place lieu the hotel open-. shop Thomas Nohm, a freight conductor o the F. A W. railway, was thrown froi the train on Tuesday last, near Walthoui w#rk. villf, >u<l the whi-rU <»« >»" Th o mn rainfall .uggnb feet crush,-I them in such a manner as to needed j,,,., render amputation of both feet neee*sary. s y-tem of workim Sin,-, writing the ahnrt-Mr. X.*» ha. , i|m , <r[1 , in|v ^ improve! ,lieJfr.«nlhee(IWU..rW. injunw and j c(|Wo]lllv (lj ; |mM . of „ aU , r the amputation. ^ the Mine time nvoitl thi»e ptllie. that I.UOO llngger. lor gl.on nt the | have to le tlriven over in r"' 11 . frnln HP.KAI.D. j oiij street to another and which makes , v . ~1 TT . .• .• . i hard pulling and rough riding. Order* for job printing still continue | 1 to |Miur into this office, fti spite of our j (Jniff ch eonteni|*orary’s assertion that low pri, insure* had work aud flibisey materi They Have a Bouauza. it seems the owners of l>r. Drum- nomd’s Lightning Remedy for Rheuma tism have a Bonanza, as their remeily has never beeu knewn to fail in a single ease. There is certainly room in the mar ket fora medicine that will do what they claim for this wonderful preparation. Although the price is $'► per bottle if It doe* one half cl a i pied for it the price should Ik- Vluo. If the druggist has not got it, the remedy will lie sent to any address by prepaid express on receipt"of price. Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50, Maiden I^ine, New York. Agents w'auted. During the epidemic of flux in this county last summer, I had hard work to keep a supply of ChamWrlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrho* Remedy on hand. People often came teu or twelve miles in the night to get a bottle of the Remedy, I have Ikh-ii selling patent medicines foi the last ten years and find that it haf given 1 letter satisfaction in eases of diurr- i*euiahd it of your dniggi- lioa and flux, than any other medicine I have ever handle,!.—J. H. Bi:niiam, Druggist, Uoleonda, R,»|*e Co., III. Over j i: five hundred Imttlcs of this Remedy | were sold in that county during the e|>-j Is your Moisl in l»ad comlitionBn yon idemie referred to. It was a perfect j tniul'l^yiiu ? V Are'ytlirVii^HH.V licalVlMliiil smvess and was the only remedy that growing worse?'!'*(>; Br. John Bull's Stir .1 saparilla? It will make yi did cure the worst eases. Dozen* of ihVimiMy ! - |»ersons there will certify that i, saved j their lives. In four other (•identic* of j ; —■ liowel complaint this Reim^' has lwen (Hpialiy sucecHslui. 25 and 50 bottles for -ale by (.’ash Drugstore Owens May 2Sj BENNETT & WELLER, Bloclt, Waycrosa, Ga. ATTENTION! LADIES! # wly. and the i SAItSAlMltll.I.I. ell and sir 1. t let it I In titles (192 tea-sp jnlym-1 ilVE CAN! A YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE HERALD I'K’ICIC! We are making the unparalleled offer of Four Choice Books, worth $i.oo at regular newsdealer’s rates, to every new subscriber to the Herald. You get the paper for a year for absolutely nothing ! The books are all by the finest authors, and just what you want to read during the warm days of summer, either at home, or by the sea-side. Come to the Herai.d office and make your selection from the following list: , Capt. May ie Reid. Adam*, r, Step- John St range Ha Reid. t the Hf.RAI.ii r job printing. rrW W ill The Rev. J. R. Bicknell, for several , j.-ars the lieloved rector of the Episcopal IVe e.u mmpete■ with S.v.l,n>l, ,m ,|U„I- j cllurc|| ci ,i„„ „f W.yemM. left last week to enter on his new work in tiriffin. Aside from hi* successful ministerial work, Mr. BiekneU’s great worth *s a friend of our public schools, of stock, work, and price*. Mfcrttfr Vssr llsrses. Our Aiwntry friemls will please uotiee we have made arrangement . . . f ^ • a shelter and stable for their Imr-es when j ** , w, I‘ ecl * ru n< | they come to town. This is on! our customer*. Bka i» \Vatson & We are glad to note, that the school at the Mallon hall i* nuking such favor able progress. We learn that there are some thirty or more |*upil* in regular at tendance, and several more are to enter a* soon a* the weather get* cooler. Mr. Bird » a thorough teacher and deserves •ui'cem in hi* laudable efforts in the dis semination of u*e(ul^m||^ige. Mr. Bird haa attachei^^ei^uuj class to hi* school, which i* highly enjoy,*! and appreciated by the scholar*. We, as well a* maiy of our beat citizens, wish this schouf a prospewu* course. » will reiueuiWr we still Vcpm a radius of ] teu miles when they tHde ^Mfior more. Bran Watson A Co. Mr. John Carpenter, of Goodland, In,I., says: “1 tried Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera ami Diarrh«va Remedy, foi dianWa and severe rranij*.. ami pain* in the stomach amt bowel* with the best results, in the worst cases 1 never had to give more than the third dose to rflort a cure. lu m,«*t cases one dose till do. Besides its other good qualities it is pleasant to take. 25 ami 50 cent Untie* Air sale by Cash Drug St«ire. liu Communication from A. R. Finley wwivrd too late for publication thi* week. Mllsc At Cm*. « for customer* do not have to wait for u- U» sell at co4, to get bargains, every day is a bargain day with us. Come to we us before going to selling at coal sales. Brad Watson A Co. exemplar of harmony J forbearance in all social matter*, isc* us to feel his departure a serious J irreparable loss. But while regret ting our deprivation of friend and citizen, if must experience the heartiest pleasure >ver the appreciation shown him in be ing called to a larger field tfTlabor. Feel ing assured that Waycros* will always have a place in hi* kindly heart, we ish him the successful work that alone ill *atl*fy an earned nature title,! with love of God and man. For Rent—Nice 5-room house uear Methodist church. Apply at Bank, tf To Rent, Room Not 2, Reed Block, next to post office, a splendid htcation for an office in the Imsiwess center. Rent reasonable. Enquire af Hf.rai.I* office. A Frirwi of lh« Ilrntld. Mu. Editor: None are more inter ested in the HKRai.d than myself, and it h with unfeigned pleasure that 1 pe ruse it* columns once a week. I can say with truth that I am very food of your bright, newsy pajier. and only wish that we St Marian* could boast of a paper half as good: long Tfiav the Herai.d prosper, i* my wish. Especially interested in the entertaining let tew from, ami shout St. Simon-: the latter must lie a delightful resort from accounts but l»ut uot more so than a sojourn in the “Magic City,” where there is so much of the spirit of enterprise. \V avcn*» has grown remarkably in tbe last fifteen yearn f.»r, 1 remember when it wav only a station with a few house*. We need such enterprising citizens to bring bo*ine*a into our little town “by the sea.” YdUra very truly. Miss F. McD. A. i St. Marys, Aug. 9th. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. VVARK COUNTY. (iroiftai w«rr CMSlyi To All Wham U Kmy Caaceru. All person* interested are hereli that if no g,ssl cause lie sho I5IVK Yor AS NEAT notilicl. • the eon- iler will in* granted by tbe umlcs- be first T*ies,lay In SeptemUr ! lffiri, establishing a public road as markcl Job Printing Tiik of a Nihilist, Step-[ Allan’s Win , II. niak. Dora Thornk, Bertha M. CIs Not Likf. Othi.r Girls, 1 Carey. Cleopatra, H. Rider llaggai OlTII.HF.ROY, (>11 ill a. ^ - -T«AV ^C-LVA.VS Yrttukltth ] 4j>|3 kWSSW-VWM*' , Hawlhnrne. Car da, Georg Eliers. Dr., Georges Olmet. Aunt Diana, Rosa N. Carey. Last Days of 1Yimpf.ii, Bulwe Ret rnspeet ion. The following is a Wautiful descript ion of a most bewitching and charming scene. It is from the pen of a talented and gifted young lady, of Baltimore. We cheerfully give it place in the col umns of the Herald: It i* one of the pleasures of life to take from memory’s storehouse some treasure of the pa-t; especially on a summer holi day when one is in * reflective mood. It may l*e that this geui is hut the remem brance of a conversation, a flower, nr a beautiful scene which wa* a* passing as the summer breeze, and a- sweet. I am thinking now of a sunset on the Chesa peake which I enjoyed not long ago. The day lmd 'oeen a perfect one with ,nd sky in glad harmony. When evening came on, and the sun, red as if heated and weary from his long march, sank low in the west, ere he drew the purple and gold curtains of his couch, cast a parting glauce over the bright wsters, making each little wave sparkle with delight, and whitening the sails in the distance. Restful and beautiful was the scene during the after-glow, while the canopy above took on a |»aler azure tint, and the gorgeous clouds beqpme less brilliant Now and then we would pass a vessel with sails set, or a brilliantly lighted steamer would elide majestically by a*. At such a time, if the heart be true to itself, it is good to be alone, or better still to be near some congenial spirit whose thoughts are in sympathy with A delightful calm seemed to settle upon the waters as “Silently one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, bloosomed the lovely stars, the forget-me- not* of the Angela.” The sweet moon now cast her silvery radiance o’er the scene making a long track of light on the waters. One could almost imagine fairy barques, bearing elfin lovers, rode on the dancing waves. Ptfsentlv came the sound of music. What is more delightful to the heart of man than music on the water at even ing? Who could resist the witchery of such an hour and place? But joyous hours are fast flying «n«, and soon I bade a reluctant adieu to the charming night, and sought my room with a heart land* of the Waycros* Lumber compi P. !**««. M. Eunice. J. It. lfouglas Tracy. John Sharp. J. B. Smith, F. Williams, ter Baptist church i Waycros* Ga. 1 tbe laml* of H. Georgia« Ware Comity. LINE Cl Bivo Joseph tTauter.) April Teem, Tbe defendant. Jo-cpb Carter, i* required to is* and appear in perse attorney, at Jhe next regular term Superior Court, to t»e hi county o- * xt — 1892. thei liliel for Divorce, or in Oelaqil oi pea ranee the court will pntceed a* may appertain. Witness the Honorable J. L. Swe t thi- Oth day of May. 1**2. i W. M. Wilson. Clerk S Lfor t Monday in Novenilie . W. Georgia t Ware Coaaiy. Whereas, James M. Sweat, adiuinhtratoi of Alexander R. Phillips, represents to tin court in hi* petition duly tiled that be has fully administered said estate. This i* there ocite all persons concerned, kindn-l creditor*, to show cause, if any the) why said administrator should not Is discharged from his administration, and re reive letters of dismission on tlie first Mon day in October. 1892. « 3m WARREN LOTT: Ordinary. A.G. Gowen. Clerk Superb Jones, administratrix of the estate of Rob ert Jones, deceased, lias in dne form, ap plied to the undersigned for leave to seJJ the right-of-way for a contemplated railioad running through the lands belonging to tbe estate of Robert Jones, deceased. And said application will be heard on the first Mon day in September next. This 23d ilay of July. l«t.\ AARON DOWLING, ju!y3) Ordinary. Min •€ «•!*. Agreeably to an order of tbea-ourt of Or dinary of Chariton county, will 1* sold ai auction at the court house door of said own ty. on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal lxmr* of sale, an undivided one half interest in two hundred and sixty- six acre-, more or lesa. of land lying and be ing in the town of Folkstoo, said county, and known as the lands set apart by tlie partitioners under order of the Superior court of said county to J. S. and CL M. Cave- do. deceased. Said lands being fully describ- el L. pin llARLKY, J. E. Cook. N iiof., Sir Walter Scott. i Kansas Doctor. Expfctatioxs, and •an Notf-s, Charles Dickens. Ten a ns UF.vF.Nue, Jules Vei . & Mr. Hyde. R Dr. Jeky A Ha ■ Noils :d, W., Edita I.vall. I lark Russell. j < ret, Bertha M. Clay. Y’s 8w . M. E. Brad- I In anj’ other citj’ in Georgia, I ‘ and at as low rates. We Use The Best of Stock. Anything in the Printing Line VISITING CARD TO A POSTEK n ai si till Prices. Tour Jules Vet *ok, Washington Irving. ,, Charles Kingsley., The Duchess. lOM’K, Mrs. Alexander. RuiMiE, Charles Dickens. n»E World in SO Days Ma : Mo Ba .1. Vt . R. L. I # Old Curiosity Shop, and Edwin Drood, Charles Dtekeus. Kntukf.rb<k’KER, Washington Irving. Chris, W. E. Norris. Rob Roy, Sir Walter Scott. Camille, Alexander Dumas. Lise Tavernier, Daudet. Tom Brown’s School I>ay8, Thoina* Hughes. Kenu. Worth, Sir Walter Scott. Oliver Twist, and Reprixtki Pieces, Charles Dickens. Esther, Rora N. Carey. , Klor * Warden, a X. Carev Merle’s Crus. Hard Times, and I’ncommer Traveler, Charles Dickens. A Crooked Path, Mrs. Alexai Blind Love, Wilkie Collin*. MibhShafto, W. E. Norris. Derrick Vaughn, Edna Lyall. Don’t send out of town to have your Wedding Invita tions engraved, we can print them right here and save you expense. OODHiai Printing t ed in thcpUt made by said Partitioners and on file in the office of tbe clerk of the sup erior court **f said county. Sold as tlie prop erty of Bertha E. Caved®, tbe only miner child of J. 8. Cavedo. deceased. Terms cash. This August 2d, 1892. Jru.« Gsrma, Guardian- K,(UU£SB£SS »s^«uiir. Try Tito HERAbD OFFICE nn jn mi* REDUCED PRICES On All of My Millinery Stock. PriceB which will suit alL Come and see for your self, and you will find rock bottom prices FOR. CASH. All who want first-class Hat*, Bonnets, Toques, Ac., should come to see me. I guarantee satisfaction, and prompt attention given. MRS. E. GOTINGHAM CASOKT cfc MILLER. Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour and Butter are Specialties. Court House Sqaare. Waycross, Georgia