The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, September 03, 1892, Image 3

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■■ ■RkagjCrasa Sjerulb. Official Organ *f Ware County. Official Orem ofCharlta* Canty. ORdal OifU City ®f Wayrnnw. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY HATUKDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5, 1892. ADVERTISING RATES. waci. l Mo:3nw<ii»i Ijrr 1 Inch 2JDD 4.00 7-0010.«» 2 inch 3fO fi.00 1WO U-«» !.X Inch 4.00 H.GU 14.00 • I Col. 12.00JU<> ».(** u ~ • —*— 14)1. |OOK). 20.00 30j» 5»/i0 v*t. 30^«.KMi0flnni» Examine the rate# ofany find-cla** weekly new-paprr and you will find onr« «« or !«•«*- Transient advertising inserted al ti.Onprr liwh find Insertion. ah- Mil>*r«ii Heading mHire in local rol line find insertion; 5e per lin« qtiefil Inwrtinn. Professional cards ffl.«>pei January lxl. For 4 'heap advertlslni . Advertisement* to inaure insertion any vrrk mint tr in by Wednesday of that week. oliangr* made in advertisement*. inserted at onr regular rale*, and (»r *pe« ified »lir“ will l»e rhanrrd for ' Adflitiunal rial position. Ilt**e- r. Cheap Column. .f'n-aking *ai*i will l*e charged forape- Arrival and Depart a RP«f Rail* Al Wayenws. saatYR a. : itm North «J0 and fr.45 JUtll... MU... West.. ns i office* in bank building. The Smlbern is doing u r (\ r. Grace A Son have aoine grand bargain* in fall drew goods. For Kent—Nice 5-room house near .Mctlimlixt church. Apply at Bank, tf Mr. .1. K. Knight we learn will soon occupy a store in the Folks block. Stiles Scarlett bail the misfortune of liming a house on Hazxard Hill on Sun day. Value $«U0 insurance HW». Mr. F. C. Owens, proprietor of the popular clothing bouse in the Phoenix Hotel Mock, is arranging for a large in crease to bis air* * extensive stock of clothing, etc^J^ The wedding Mis will jingle merrily later on, and several charming brides will add their sweet presence to our we etety this winter. There will be held iu Masonic Hall on Friday evening, Sept. 9th, at 7 : 80 o'clock p. in. the first regular meeting of the Eastern Star Chapter a- PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. S. Sharp is at Indian Springs for bi« health. We are pleased to see Mr. I bur oft the streets again after his severe illness. v Our bachelor friend, I>r. New, is en joying the hospitality of the new hotel. Mr. Tracy L Acosta, of Blackshear, {aid our city a visit on Wednesday. Capt. D. W. Pratt, of bedel .St. Simons, was registered at The Southern on Wed nesday. Mrs. McNeil, nudher of our merchant “Tohe,” is visiting her relatives on Gil- Mr. B. H. l<ety, of Savannah, was in town Monday looking after his extensive interests here. Mr. Harry Kowhothatu and bis mother t* permanent tmarden. in the new hidel. The Soul hem. Mrs. M. P. Tennant has returned from New York. She has purchased an ele gant stock of milliner.. The pleasant countenance of Mr. Ben Apple appeared in the Hkkai.o office this week. Call again. We are pleased to see that Mr. Char lie Onok is rapidly improving from his recent long illness. Mr. Bnul Watson has returned from the north where he went to purchase his fall stock. See his ails. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Paine and the for mer's fatlo-r, l»r. Paine, are comfortably domiciled at The Southern. Miss Ethel Uolterts accompanied her aunt, Mrs. II. W. Reed, to Florida, will spend the winter in St. Petersburg. We hear rumors of a contemplated re ception to lu* given by the Rifles to their fr\gnds in honor of their new quarters. S. I* Drawdy, B. A. Whittington and Frank Dickerson, of Hoiuerville, are re gistered at the Strickland house this week. 1 Mrs. Bridges will occupy, during the winter, a suite ol rooms in Mr. H. W. Reed’s residence, fronting on Reed street. Mrs. Cheney’s dancing class U giving some delightful germans. One on Fri day night of this week, and another is set for next Wednesday night. An interesting letter from Mrs. E. B. lane tells of the hospitality of the good people of Griffin, expressing at the same time regret at leaving her “first southern home, Wayerons." Mrs. II. W. Ree«I has returned from St. Petersburg, Fla., accompanied by her niece, Miss Susie Kolierts, who is en route to Washington, Ga., where she in tends entering St. Joseph’s Academy for a spi*cial course of instrumental music. Hon. Ben E. Russell, democratic noni- ineeflortbngreK* in (he secoud district male the Herai.o a pleasant call last wegk. Bright Ken is a great favorite with the |ieop!e of Wayeross. who are proud of his success. Mrs. Col. Hitch and family moved up from St. Simons on Wednesday, having occupied their cottage there for full two months. In addition to their evident enjoyment of the sea-shore and a large Brad Watson and Frank Owens kept hustling all the timj they wetJ gone to secure the Inoat stylish and best goods for their trade. Their customers welfare is nearest the heart of each of the mem bers of this enterprising and popular firm. It is shown that the public appre ciate their efforts by the fact that Brad Watson & Co., stand at the head of the dry goods trade of this section. We regret to leant that our friend Mr. R. P. Bird has been ill for the past two weeks, Mng compelled to suspend his summer school, to ‘Jie regret of his friends and patrons. Dr. Walker was in charge of.the case, and by his skill and iptness, arrested the disorder, and at this writiug Mr. Bird is in a fair way of ecovery, and we hope will soon be able r» resume his school. For many years Mr. B. F. Thompson, f Des Moines, Iowa, was severely afflict ed with chronic diarrhoea. He says: o, that I feared it would end niv life. About seven years ago I chanced to pro- Imttle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Ifiarrboea Remedy. It gave me prompt relief, and I believe cured me |iermaneutly, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please.” I have also used it in my family with the liest results. For sale at the Cash Drug store. A Cut e for Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold at one dollar a Imt- tle which claims to cure rheumatism, is simply an imposition, for when all ex- |*enses are deducted it leaves not more than twenty cents to represent the medi cine. Dr. Drummond's Lightning Rem edy, which is performing such wonder ful cures that it is being prescribed by the medical faculty everywhere, is com pounded at great expense from rare drugs and cannot be sold for less than Five Dollars a bottle. But it always cures. Sent prepaid to any address on receipt of priee. Drummond Medieine Co., 48- 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. #500 Will he IJiTen For any ease of rheumatism which can not l»e cured by Dr. Drummond’s Light ning Remedy. The proprietors do not hide this offer, but print it in bold type on all their circulars, wrappers, printed matter and through the columns of news papers everywhere. It will work won ders—one liottle curing nearly every case. If the druggist lias not got it, he will order it, or it will Ik* sent to any address by prepaid express on receipt of price, #5. Drummond Medicine Co. 48- 50 Maiden Lam*, New York. Agents wanted. Reduced! ^•P'RICES.^- cm sows Reduced Price List DDKS GOODS. + -t- + All persons having demands against the estate of James H. Mitchell, late of Ware county, deceased, are hereby notified to der in their demands “ h L.A. WILSON. Adm’r. James H. Mitchell, dec’d. grown people, restoring the to robust health. Try them, medicine is so safe and sun*, t drug stores, or sent by mail k A Sons Co., 17,* and 177 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, O. decfely No other Price Sr „ . by John D: Park «fe Sons Co., 17,* ami Ten shares of the Way crows Building and Loan Association, series B. Apply to Dr. F. ('. Folks. MAKE X0 MISTAKE. When one wants to eradu-ate every indi cation of malaria fn»tn their system, they are truly wise, and make no mistake if they will try I>r. John Hull's SMITH'S TOXIC SYItl’P. Ct'RES ■s advertised and sold for the most »g ami enervating of all malarial dis- of the chapter. All Ui.w intrrralnl .ill , ""' 1 " f P** 1 lirallli lo the family, Ain. | please take notice. I M'tch’s generous hospitality has afforded ’ IV .*. _ j much pleasure to her large circle of j R H. I«evy llm. A C’o.’s new store in ftieiuls. j J* the new Southern Hotel Block is one FatrTrtoi or lb. fmral in lb. «nuth. WU. a fron- [ nur pricm w!lll t.g. of »lljr fnt of |.l»l. (!!»■«. llw i .„ V .| 1W nn ltli . opportunity for .llaplayinft in nn.orp.~„l . „ nd „ len fr<)lu , ||e ,.p , MU.I Air. King i. taking rulvanlntf. of it. i ,, nylhinB w Wwr } this pro|»owitian 1 ii l'. Grace A Sou are still selling at j Brad Watson A Co. cost. Go and take advantage of the h figures on fall drew goods. Isittle id last lid iu icb satisf Which druggist. Take imI than i AXTI-UAU-ItWOM RALLY I I citizen* of Wavcross and Ware .Ain*. Tatum baa lraw.1 th» building , “"“‘jr who ar. oppowd to tbruatiug lit. orvupied by Air. \V.ia«, and will ! ,i *|0" r '**"*■ upon tb. peopl. of War. tab. pnaamkm oir Monday nrsl. Sh. ; '■ounty at this tint., or disturbing tit. Inland, npwing it as a first ,las- board- law, and bringing liar-nsmts ing Iwwts.. ' w ‘** 1 '*"' r immens. train of .vtls back ^ ' into our midst, are requested to meet at the court house in Way emus, at 11 o'clock a. ni. on Monday, Sept: 1892, to take counsel together. Citizens. proti ily. and the- relief is always permanent. A word to the wise is sufficient. It cures malaria. TAKE DI LL'S SARSAPARILLA. I* your blood iu had condition ? Do yon feel weak? Do you have pain? Do sores •rouble you ? An* you in poor health ami gmwing worse? I’se Dr. John Bull’s Har- sapanll.-!. _ It will inake you well and strong. 44-inch all wool Henriettas, worth #1.00 for 77» cents. 3fi-inch Henriettas, worth 7.V., for 58c. 86-inch Cashmeres, worth 60c., for 48c. 3t>-inch Cashmeres, worth 85c., for 20c. 86-ineh Serge, Grey and Tan, worth 65c. for 48c. 80-inch French Flannels, worth 75c. for 50 cents. •32-inch French ('bailies, all wool, worth 75c., for 55c. 26-inch French Challies, half-wool, worth 15 cents, for 10 cents. 26-inch Nuns’ Veiling, worth 18 cents, for 12 cents. Pine-apple Tissues, worth 15c., for 10c. .Shantong Pongees, worth 15c., . for 10c. Simpson’s Calicoes, worth 8c., for Cc. French Ginghams, worth 25c., for 18c. “ “ “ 15c. for 10c. Domestic Ginghams, worth 10c., for Linen Cham bray, worth 15c., for 10c. Figured Clianibray, worth 12ic., for 8c. Dark Percales, worth 12Jt\, for 10c. Outing Cloth, worth 20c. f for 12j “ “ worth 15c., for 10 Figured Dress Linens, worth 2(k*., for 15 China Silks, (82 in.) worth 75c., for 2rto. Black Sattecn, worth 20c., for 17c. Black .Satteen, worth 12je., fi>r 10c. Figured Satteen, worth 15c., for 10c. Black Apronette, (42 inch), worth 40c., for 25c. White Apronette, (42 inch), worth 25c., for 15c. White Apronette (42 inch), worth 18c., for 10c. Plain Blk Lawn, worth 20c., for 14c. Fancy Blk lawn, worth 25c., for 18c. “ “ “ worth 20c., for 14c. “ • ** •* 18c., • for 12c. “ “ “ •* 15c^ for 10c. “ White “ (satin stripe), worth 25c. for 18c. Fancy White Lawn, (Lace xtripe), worth 23c., for 18c. Fancy White lawn (lace stripe), worth 15c., for 10c. Fancy White lawn (Barred), worth 18c., for 12c. Plain White India Linens, worth 30c., for 24c. Plain White India Linens, worth 25c., for 18c. Plain White India Linens, worth 20c., for 15c. Plain White India Linens, worth 15c., for 10c. ; Same reduction on (.’hocked Nainsooks. Figured Indian Diinitv, worth 18c., for 12c. Figured Canton Crepe, worth 15c., for 10c. Black and White French Challies, worth 60c.', for 48e. Figured Yinette Linens; worth 25c., for 18c. Figured Persian Mulls, worth 15c., for l(»c MOTIONS. 9-inch Sash Ribbon, Red, Blnek, Pink ami Cream, worth #1.00, fii Surah Sashes,' .8 yds long, worth #1.25, for 75c. Black Silk Mitts, worth 60c., for 45 “ “ “ “ 35c., for 25c. sum o “ “ “ 25c., for 18« “ “ extra long, worth 85c CITY TAX NOTICE. The llnob for tl»e payment of llty Taxe r the current year will Ik* rl«>s«sl on th< 3Uth day of SepteinlAer next at C> «Vkx| EXEeOTIOMS Ik* Issued immediately thcreaftc ust all defaulter*. OFFICE \Yay*i of City Council, W. F. PARK KB. (Tty Tax Omar <, fia.. July 30, UR2. LEGAL ADVERTLSF..MENTS. W ARK COVVTY. Notice of Sale. Agreeably to an order of (lie our I of Or dinary of Ware county, will be sold at auc tion at the court house door of said on the first Tuesday in October next the legal hours of sale, the following ty to-wit: Two hundred and fi:. less, off the south part of lot 2**7 in the 5th district of said hrty-five a«*rv*s. more o t of lot of land numiK* county, betnt t the 5th dist i the iid lot. Je «»f t Also fifteen acre- portion of tin New GOODS* Arrive Weekly FROM THE Auction Sales of New York. WK CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF DRESS GOODS, PANT GOODS, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Linens, LACES, EMB-ROIDE-RIES. * Shoes, Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Window ShadesM Lace Curtains, Tinwaro and Notions. V All Bongbt for Less than tbe Market Yalae and Sold at Prices That No Other House Can Match. OUR MOTTO IS—CHEAP FOR GASH.:: Don't Ask For Credit. running through more or less, or the north... west half of lot number 2X1 ... trict of said county* sold as the prop** Randal Jordan. Into of said county, do Terms cash. This Sept. 1: D. A.. Admi highest bidder f«»r A certain id lying in the 125(kh distri* Ware county, containing tli acres, more or less*, of lot of ltd. with all improve three hundred acres oi past side side of saitl lot . defendant M. Smith last fills) *1.0 ... . atrial. ..... large Unties (l!r» tea-spooi iulytn-lm For Sheri IT. To My Krllew CIllifM. The iVnmoratic Executive 1 want uty old friend* aud patron* to know that 1 have on hand the U**t line of stoves ud hardware it town. A. 1 Ukxnktt. We regret having toJ L press before the match game 1 Mining play- PLeeii Way- ernns and ^^■Tu-k was completed. TV. i« vjile generally know a good thing ilw f the; wc it. We judge by the way ^ iey are taking advantage of the low pr^rs of C. C. Grace A Son. Poe Sale. One cow. half Jersey. Will give from gallon and half to two gallons of milk Address M. I*. Turner, Yarn, Ga. dailv. Se^ktnber has opennl with delight- fully Wb weather. Wavcross has the ■-finest climate, the heat health and the most enterprising people, tlie tyfast ex cellent schools, the prettiest homes, the fineot railway line and the most enter- prising and high-tone*! government of any place of its size in the south. C. C. Grace & Son are letting their gonjs go regardless. They uieau luisi- C.r.OlUrB * SOL-IMsml Prirt Mr MUKMafOs. We are nflering some rare hargains in fall dress goods *uch as Henrietta*, cashmeres, serges, flannels, etc. Now you have an opportunity of haying your fall drew good* at figures that you will not hear of again this *ca*»m. Con and secure s*m»e choice harguus. C. C. Grace & Sox. Johnson Block, Waycmo*, Ga. Send all of your old oat and bran sacks to the office oft In Satilla Manufacturing Company and get 5 cents for them, or hand them to the drivers of the ice wagons, who are authorized to receive and pay for them. Parties who live along the lines of railroad* should bun dle them U*gether and ship them to us Don't send any corn sacks, they are toe smalt. We want them to pack 200 lb. blocks of ice in, oat ami bran sacks the right size. 1V> not ship less than 50 at a time. The Satilla Mk’o. C Kalfhn «r PytntM. District Deputy, C. H. Ia>wther, sisted by several officers of Wakefield Lodge, of Waycrosa. visited Dupont Wedueoday last and instituted a new lodge of the order. They start off with a goodly membership. There will be a grand loll at The Southern on the 15th. CuhTalkk Brad Watson has just retumnl from the north and *uceeede«l in picking up m | v *ftuie wonderful bargains for *i*ot cosh fi»r his firm. They will be arriving la a firw day* and they will offer them to their customers at price* that no other firm in Way cross ran touch ami his firm are not too close to sell ou time to good parties. l the 19th of No ndidatex for county offi- t*rs. I annntiiKv myst*|f a « to bvtion for the office of Sheriff of Wi ounty. subject to tlie primary election Iwttsl I pledge myself ton faithful nance of tlie duties of said offi.« ngyou for the lilK*raI support he past. 8. This August 23d 1.HM2. For Clerk of Superior Court. Ta My MUw (Ulus* • f tbe Cawaty of Warn Tlie Derooi-Ritic Executive f’onimit- nounce myself a candidate fi»r re-election to the offirt of Clerk of Superior court of said county, subject to the action of the primary election to be held at that time. Thanking my friends and the voters of the county for the liberal support given me in the past, I pledge myself, if elected, to a faithful per formance of the duties of the office, and to isfaction in the future as I have en- do in the past. August 23.1*92. \V. M. Wii Fur Ordinary. T. (be Voter* af Ware C**» 1 liereby annoum-e myself a candidate for re-eU*» tion to the office of Ordinary of Ware county, subject to the Democratic primary electmn. called to nominate county officers, I take this method of thanking the people of the county fi»r their past support, and if «ill again to serve then faithful tlischai pledge mj-self of the duties of said offit-e. WARREN LOTT. Fur Tux Collector. Ta My Fellow OltxnM mf tbe CMUUy • t Wove. At the earnest aoReitation of many friends 1 announce myseVa candidate for the office of Tax Collector, of Ware county, subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held in November. 1 respectfully solicit your suffrage and pledge myself if elected, to a faithful discharge of tbe duties of said office. H. F. JcrroxM. Sheriff’ll Sale. rorgla, Ware Countyi Will lie sold on the firet Tuesday i *r next at the court house door uinty, within the legal ho isli, the following prop- parcel of land situated ^hundreil nded on the north by lands * nds of W« i L.t * the f Jackson Herring, levied on as tliepmp- erty of M. Smith under ami by virtue of at execution issued by L'liarU** Cowart. N. 1' x. of J. 1*. of liVJtli district ti. M„ in favo •f Commercial (itiano Co., against M. Sinitl prineipal an*l W. L. Smith, security, lav. made by <». F. Higgs, constable, ami turinsl to me. This Sept. 3d l«r_\ S. F. Miller, Sheriff IIOMRSTKAD NOTICE. GEORUIA, Wore Countyi H. V. Barnes lias applied for exemption id setting apart ami valuation of Home- ead and J will pass upon the same at Id clock a. m. on the 10th day of Sept. 1992 : my office. WaKBEx Lot. aiig2U‘2t Culinary. W. C. Dan Broadway English, MUONIC BUILDING, PUNT (VENUE (NO FOLKS BLOCK, NEAR BEPOT. Orders by mail promptly attciuled to when accompanied by cash. HERSCHKOVITZ BROS, and The Racket Store. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS SPACE. You are hereby notified that 1 have filed with the Ordinary of said count)' my appli cation for Homestead ami Exemptions winch application will lie heard by said Ordinary at the court house in said county in Way- cross on the 10th day of September. 1892. Hr. r V. Bai Cream .Silk Mitts, extra Innjj, worth 85c., for 65c. Cream Silk Mitts, medium, worth 60c. for 45c. Cream Silk Gloves, worth 50c., for 38c. Black Silk Gloves, worth 50c., for 38<*. White Kid Gloves, extra Iflng, worth #1.75, for #1.25. Chamois Gloves, worth #1.00, for 75c. ladies Black Hose, worth 50c., for 83c. “ “ “ “ ' 45c„ for 30c. “ “ “ “ 40c., for 3.3 jc “ “ M “ 25c., for lJi Japanese Folding Fans, worth 25 for 10. ■DOMESTICS. k’ard Wide Fruit of the Loom. 81 r-8 “ “ “ “ 7i 1-4 “ Ixmsdale Cambric, 1: Gilt Edge Bleaching, i Checked Homespun, Checked-Hdmeapnn, l»est inado, ( 3- 4 Brown Sheeting, 7-8 “ i 4- 4 “ _ L 7c. Best Quality Sea Island, 8>c. Standard Brown Drilling, 8c. Bleached Drilling, 9c. 10-4 Pep peri 11 Sheeting, Bleached, 20tc. 46-inch l*ilIow Casing, 13c. Best Feather Ticking, 14c. Mattress Ticking, 10c. Best Quality School Boys’ Jeans, 20c. SHOES. Ladies* Oxford Ties for #2.25, worth #3.00 “ “ “ “ 2.00, “ 2.50 “ M “ “ 1.75, “ 2.25 “ “ “ 1.60, “ 2.00 “ “ 1.25, “ us Ladies’ Button Shoes, #1.65, worth 2.00 ladies* Button Shoes. 2.00, worth 2.50 Ladies’ Button Shoes, 2.50, worth 3.00 Ladies’ Buttoh Shoes, 2.75, worth 3.50 Ladies’ Button Shoes, 3.00, worth 4.00 Ladies’ Glove Grain Shoes, 90c., worth #1.25. Ladies* Pebble Grain Shoes, 90c., worth #1.25. Old Ladies’ Oomfort lace Shoes, #1.50, worth #2.b0. Men’s Dress Snoes, #1.25 to #6.00. Men's Solid Brogan Shoes, **0c. Men’s Solid Brogan Shoes, (Batcbel tor’s) #1.20. (iMigUi Ware Comity: '• All IVhoM It May Courmi. is interested are hereby notified, mse l»e shown to the con- „ . ill lie granted by thenmler- signed, on the first Tuesilay in Sept end >er 1X92, establishing a public road as inarkeil out by the road commissioners apj*dnted for that purpose; commencing at a point near t he residence of (’. M. Eunice, running in a northerly direction from that point over the lands of the Wayeross LiiuiIktcompany. W. I\ I>-e, ('. M. Eunice. J. 11. Douglass, 1*. C. Tracy. John Sharp, J. 1). Smith, Sophia Eu nice, and Moore, and the lands of B. F. Williams, terminating ut the Mt. Pleasant ” ‘ htnvli in said Ware county. Ga., August 2d. l«r». Wakkf.x I»tt. Onlinary and Ch’m'n l!oar«l County Com- niissioners. aug0-3(kl. fires Herschkovitz Bros. and The Racket Store. GRACE & McNEIL, .4. .j. + .4. GROCERIES, G**rgla i Warr County. AdelineCaktei:) Libel roll Divorce in vs. f Ware Summit Covrt. J.B8EFH Carter. J April Term, lHfrj. The defendant, Joseph Carter, is hereby requireil to be and appear in person or by iniey, at tlie next regular term-of the Superior i comity oi 1*92, then and the PrapMk tor City Hall. The former lAb having been rrjecte.1 the ontlefsigOMl will receive hid* for building same up to Sept. 3Mh 1*92. Plans and speci fication* can be seen at mj office. Bids to be endorsed. “Bids for Bmldins City Hall.’’ and must In* sealed and hamled in by even ing of Sept. 23th at «o\4ock. HI W. W. SHAVE. If you can’t come, send ns your order by mail. We guarantee satisfaction. C.C. WAYCROSS, GA. s the Honorable J. L. Sweat. • 9th day of May, 1HSI2. W.M.W Clerk S. C. W. C. Caaaty. Wliereas, James M. Sweat, admiiiistr of Alexander It. Phillips, represents n, why said admiiiLtrator s WARREN LOTT. Ordinary. OFFICERS OF CHARLTON COUNTY. Aaron Dowling, Onlinary. A.<*. Oowen, (Jerk Superior CourtC. C. J. A. Wainright, Sheriff. Janies Thompson, School Commissioner. i. administratrix of the estate of Rob ert Jones, deceased, has in dne form, ap plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the contemplated railioad ’ ’ ' ’ ’ng to ** And running through the lands belonging Septend** July. 1*2. july39 the first Tuesday l tlie legal' one half interest ri .. <f Folkston. said county, the lands set apart by tlie toe f partitioners under order of the Superior less.ofland lying and lo an'd known ' ioners of said county _~_jreased. Saidh— —_—. - e<l in «be plat made by said Partitioneis and on file in the office of the clerk of tbe sup erior court of said county. Hold as tbe prop erty of Bertha E. Cavedo. tlie only miner .... • '’ vedo.deceased. Tennscash . uses. Jcua Cavedo. Guardian. Hardware, Stoves,i Crockery BY THE BARREL A SPECIALTY. GRACE & McNEIL, Johnson Block, Wayeross, Ga. REDUCED PRICES On All of My Millinery Stock. Prices which will suit all. Come and see lor your self, and you will find rock bottom prices FOR CASH. All who want find-clam Hats, Bonnet*, Toque*, Ac., should come to >*ee me. I guarantee satisfaction, and prompt attention given. MRS. E. GOTINGHAM WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON, GA. Annual session begins Seja. si. ito. ZSEfJTl’W.T. mm'o.