The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, September 10, 1892, Image 3

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Official Organ of Yfare Countjr. OBctal Organ of Charlton Count j. OSeial Organ Cltjr of Wajrrowi. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 10, 1802. ADVERTISING RATES. ■face. 1 in«» 3 nm<> mo *lyr 4 0m 7JW lO.Ui *LOl* HUM 14.U* H.CW 14.«WJ*.**» Examine the rat** ofany flrrt-clax* weekly pi > w*|i*pit and you will find «Hir* to lelw*. Transient nlvrrtbiinE inwrtel »* *!.*■* pr PKIttOJAI. XEXTIOX. Professional can!-** ffkOOper annum after January 1st. For * 'heap advertising see Cheap * 'obuntt. Advertisement* to insure insertion any week must he in hy \V«liie«I»y of that week. rival awl Wr;«iiare «r Mail* At Tfi^rrias ARRIVE A. ortli 030 ami!*: Ninth »C3t» " !♦: Kart ..... WO Weft t;>a> " !►. l/'lhil evil i« wrought l>y If you a*nl rlnllmi tickets prlidrU, «umr It* llir IIF.IC AI.I* office. Orders tiy Mull promptly attended to. Keiffcr |*ouin are ripe now ami are Iwtnjy sold t»n our streels every tiny. h»r the In-st suit of elolhes, liats or ineiii*' shoes go to Owens the lending clot liier. The young people gave Mrs. W. \V. Sharj*e a surprise party Momlay night ami they all had a good time. The (inert elothing store, the largest ■t-u'k of clothing, hats, and mens' shoes, ami the lowest priees in Waycnws at Our friend Ben < Iraee means just what he says wIh*ii the advertises in the Hi:k- Al.l* to aell his idg stock of gtssls at cost, lie and his clerks are busy from morn ing till night, and the ladies are happy over their bargains. Our base hall eluh will play a game with the Vuhlostus next Thursday. The game will Ik* called at .'I: JI0. The young holies should all turn out to see the game. Hon. W. <». Brantley was in town Monday. (». W. Dean, of Nichols, registered at the Southern on Wednesday. W. R. Osborn, of Hrunswick, passed a few hours in the city on Wednesday. A. Seasoma, of ScMomx, and W. W. Reach, of Berkley, have visited Wav er* r*s this week. Mrs. E, I* Reed left on Wednesday night for Washington, Ga.. accompanied l»y her non and niece. is» Susie IWertc, who has lieen visiting her aunt Mrs. H. W. Heed, has gone to Washington, (ia, to school. Miss Mary Singlehurrt, of St. Peters burg, Ha., spent a day with Mrs. ]|. W. Reed on her way to north Georgia. We L-nrn that Mr. Strickland lias leased the I’hocnix. It goes without saying that lie will run a good hotel. Mr. J. W. Ifcividson, of Warenboro, is a frecpieut visitor to our burg. Mr. Davidson lias a lust of friends in Way- J. J. Upchurch, of Race- Pond, J. If. Jones, of Callahan, S. K. < ’ribh, of (ileu- more, and J. W. Gillespie, M. D., of Offeniian, all paid Wayt-rowt a visit this For all the* standard and fancy fur nishing gcMMLs, call on R. II. I soy llro. Ac Co., Southern Hotel building, near depot.. PR0CEEDI5GS OF COUNCIL. WifCKW, Ga., Aug. 9th, 1892.— City council met pursuant to appoint ment in meeting held July 25th, 1892, for the purpose of hearing the case* ap pealed frontxity assessor* valuation of property, liis honor the mayor, presiding. Aldermen McNeil. Justice, Sharpe ami Murphy present. Read the minutes of council meeting held July 25th, amended and confirmed the same. Council took up the ease of Mr*. C. A. Cotingham, Col. Hitch, city attorney, representing the city in this, as all the cases haerd. Mrs. Cotingham represent ed the appelant ami made statement. City aarensor made statement for the (I Hiring the trial of this case alder man tiillon came intoYouncil.) Council then took up the case bf the Misses J. P. ami Z. F. Rlackshear. M. D. Rlackshear made statement for the appelant*. The city assessor mad. showing for the city. The case of C. J. Jenkins, agent for Mrs. Lee, was next called. There being no appearance for the appelant, the city assessor made statement for the city. The case of Mr*. K. Higfestnith next called. Mr. J. W. Highsmith was next called. Mr. J. W. Highsmith, rep resenting the :ip|.elaiit, made showing for her. Citv assessor math* showing for Tht Connly CuimiiUln. rbfs Is sly held a stormy meeting at the court house on Wednesday and final ly decided to accede to the request of the dry men and “called in’’ the primaries. election to be held on the 10th of November next to nominate candidates for county offi cer*. I announce myself a candidate to re- election for the office of Sheriff of Wan* inf you for tl»e liberal support fix the past. S. F. This August 23*1 1**2. For Clerk of Sui*erior Court. To My Fellow Citluu of Ihf C oonty of Ware* The Democratic Executive Commit tee of Ware county having onlered a pri mary election to be held on the 19th day of November next. t«> nominate candidates for the different county offices. At the earnest solicitation of many friend*. I hereby an nounce myself a candidate, for re-election to tli* office of Clerk of Superior Court of said county, subject to the action of the primary election to l»e held at that tint*-. Thanking my friend* and the voter* of the county for the liberal support given tue in the past T myself, if .'elected. t<» a faithful \ -ledge myself. iffcleoted, give satisfaction the future. Smorwi to do in the past. August 23.1**2 faithful W. M. Wilsox. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. OrwfU, Ware County: To All WImo It May CoMcen*. Joe Pinckney having in doe form applied to tl»e undersigned for the guardianship of the persons^ and property of John, Luxie. " id Amelia Murray, first Monday in October next. Given under my hand and official signature this 5tli day of September. 1SU2. Waskex I»tt. Onliuary. Georgia, Ware Connty: To All Wliou* It May Coureru. J. A. Cason, administrator on the estate of J. 11. t ’asou, deceased. has ii\ *lue form up- f ilksl to the undersigned for leave to sell the amis and personal property In-longing to said estate, ami said application will In* heard o'clock^, i: NEW GOODS* Arrive Weekly FROM THE Auction Sales of New York. WF. CARRY A COMH.KTK LINK OF the i • bargains in h.ivs the leading clothier r veam Mr. R. F, A fresh car of lime just Rowh^yiliain *& Murphy, to "»'• _ Last Moinlav, September 5 Lalntr Day, and a l**gul holiday i gia, although not idwcrved as Wayeros*. This date has hocj tiizcd liy the legislatures *»f el**' •eived hy disposed of 1 ***s Moines, |o **«l with chronic diarrli- “At times it was very severe; so miieli so, that l feared it would end my life. Aliout seven years ago I chaneeorip. pro cure a ltottle of ('liamln-rlaiu's Colic, Cholera mid Diarrhoea Remedy. It gave me prompt relief, mid I believe cured me permanently, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I j-lease.” I have also used it in my family with the* ln-st r»*siilts. r or sale at the Cash Drt*u; More. The case of I>r. R. ,1. Smith was next called, the apjielant representing him self, made statement in supj*ort of the appeal. The city assessor, contra. The cases of Dr. F. C. and Mrs. M. J. Folk* and Mr. 11. Murphy were contin- ii*<1 until Monday night next. The case of Capt. James Knox, agent, was next heard, C'apt. Knox represent ing tin* appelant, ma*te statement in sup|Nirt of the appeal. City assessor made contra showing. The decision, ol^ouncil in all the j a 1*>ve cases, exeeprthose continued, 1 honi|tsoii, | withheld until Monday night next at clothing at Sc Co. All person* having demand* against the I.. A. WILSON, Adm'r. James II. Mitchell, dec'*!. For Ordinary. To the Voter* of Cowotyt I hereby announce myself a candidate^ for re-election to the office of Onliuary of Ware county, subject to the Democratic primary election, «*alled tonominato county officers.^ I take this metliod *»f thanking the people of the county fortheirpast support.and ifcalled again tos**rve them I pl**ig** mys**lf t<» a faithful ili>eharg<* of the duties of said office. WARREN LOTT. Ororgta. W«rr Cornuj-j Court ofOrrttuay, Srptrmt>rr Term IMTk Wherear. <». F. Parker, administrator on the estate of T. J. Ivey, deceased, applit** t>» the undersigned, for la-tters of I>isiniss*»ry Sept ember 5th. 1*92. W.vrren Is*tt, 4" fV’luh Straw hats worth from $1 going, your choice for 50 cents. Jurt i peep at our 50 foot glass front. R. II. Levy Uko. Ac Co. Southern Hotel building,, near depot. The Nlrmaua Club. underslood that the Simians 'lull met at the Opera house on Monday night, all “dry” i and a* our “wet” report* ;ly absent c*n the occasion, we liave no rejiort of the nutting to present to otir readers. V mbrella* Covered. We will put new cover on umbrella in five minutes, prices reason able.* Watson Ac Co. * severely a til id- j the tegular monthly meeting of council. 1’oliccmuu Henderson having been temporarily susjiended, for cause., was lieforr council and made statement, motion Mr. Henderson was excused and restoied to duty. Council adjourned t*»meet tin the 15th instant in regular sesxiau, and render de cisions in the apjieat cases. W. D. Hamilton. Clerk. A. M. Knioiit, mayor. I want niv old friends au«l patrons to $2 all | know that I have on hand the best line j of stoves aud hardware in town. A. R. Bexnett. For Tax Collector. To My Fallow Cltlxrus of thr County oi i At the earnest solicitation of many tViemh 1 announce inystdf a camlidaU* for the offici Proposals for City Hall. Tin* former hi*ls having lieen rejecte*l tlu* undersigiusl will receive bids for building same up to Sept. 25th 1N92. Plans ami spis i- tieations can Is* seen at my otlh-e. lti*ls t»» Ik* endorse*!, “Bids for Building l ily IIall v '* ami must U* sealetl and handed in b ing ofSept. 25th at ti W. W. SlI ARPK, Notice of Sale, Agreeably to an or*ler *if the e*vnrt of tlr- «linary of Wan* county, will Ik* sold at auc tion at tlu* court house *loor of said county, on the first Tuesday in tVtohor nextrwithiu the l«*gal hours of sale, the following proper- ' Two humlrvsl ami forty-five acres, more or less, otf the south jsirt «it' lot of land nninlwr 251 iu the 5th district of said county, Ik-' all of said lot on the south side of a 1-rai running through said hit. also 215 a* - more or less, of the west part of hit of la ml 252 in the 5th district of said connty. lu-inj all of said hit on the west side of a brancl running through sahl lot. Also fifteen acre more or less, of the northern p*irtion *»f t lo west half of lot numl-er 253 in the 5th *lis- triet *if sahl county, sold as the proiM-rty «*f Randal Jordan, late of said county. *h-eease«l. Terms cash. This Sept. 1st 1S92. 1>. A. Jordan, :a-vl Ailininistrator. SlierilTs Sale. rJrorgl*, Ware County: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in ■Octo ber next at ill*- court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to tin highest bidder for cash, the following prop- A certain tract or pared of land situated and lying in the I25«ith district. 15. M., of Wan- county, containing three Immlivd DRESS GOODS, PANT GOODS, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Linens, LACES. EMS-ROI-DERIES, Shoes, Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Tinware and Notions. All Bought for Less than the Market Value and Sold at Prices Thai No Other House Can Hatch. OUR MOTTO IS—CHEAP FOR CASH.:: Don’t Ask For Credit. Chairman Finance t For Salr. One cow, half Jersey. Will give from gallon and half to two gallons of milk daily. Address M. I-. Turner, Yarn, <ia. Wet or Dr)', Democrats, Republican*. Third Par- ite* an* all invited to tlu* great $2.00 I pants sale which begins Sept. Htli. I Five hundred pair, state worth $5.00 to j Ik* sold at All kinds, all si/,*. * a legal holiday for h»ln>r organization*, j far l v au, I take your choice. Owkxs, The Leading Clothier. . . | Send all <if your old oat and bran sacks i-« *** ! to the otticeof tlu Satilla Manufacturing Company and get 5 cents for them, or hand them to the drivers of the icc wagons, who are authorized to receive 1 and pay for then:. Parties who live [ along the lines of railroads should bun- 1,1 j die them together and ship them to us. Don’t send any earn sacks, they arc too small. We want them to pack 200 ll>. blocks of ice in, oat aud bran sacks are the right size. IVi not ship less than 50 at a time. Tub Satilla Mf’g. Co. Removal CITY TAX NOTICE. , The Books for the payment of City 'Paxes for the current year will Ik* elosed on the 30th day of Septeinl-er next at «I o'clock p. in. EXECUTIONS OFFICE Plant Avenue. In HooUenpyle's Restaurant. Hours from n o’clock a. in. t«vl2 in. daily. By order of Pity Council, W. F. PARKER, City Tax Colmcttob. Waycross, Ga., Sept. 10, ls!i2. Dan Broadway English, NiSONIC BUILDING. PUNT fcVENUE IKD FOLKS BLOCK. HUB DEPOT. hy mail promptly attended to when accompanied hy cash. Ordc novll tf HERSCHK0V1TZ BROS, and The Racket Store. east .side side of said lot No. 1S1 wherooutbe defendant M. Smith last resided in said dis trict, l*>utided on the mirth by lands of Way- by lauds s thc-prop- extvution issued liy Charles Cowart. N. P. < LumlN-r Company, pniu-ijial a :il ami W. L. Smith, security. li*v . K. Mii.lrk, Sheriff. W.' notick. GKORG1A, Ware Conutyi il. V. Barnes has applie*! for exemption ami sL-tting apart and valuation of Home stead and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock a. in. on tin* loth day of Sept. 1*>2 at my office. Wakrkx l/orr, aug202t Or*linary, W. C. WE CAN! , Oror K U, Ware County. . August 10, J992. { You are hereliy uotilie** that I haw tiled I with the Onliuary of said county my appli- ; cation for Horm-stead and Exemptions which application will Ik* heani by stud Onliuary at the c * 1 , ' 1 *“ Hex . Bauxi KEEP YOUR EVE OH THIS SPICE. Herschkovitz Bros.^mma-nar HIVE YOU AS NEAT The Valdosta district Holiness Asso ciation will hold their first meeting at Alapaha, tlu., S-ptemlwr Mth, to con tinue to St*pteiulK*r 27th. All persons in the axjH-rience of sanctification, and thus** Mvking the blessing are invitc«l. Please semi your names to Rev. P. 11. Grumpier, s«i that homes may 1h* provi*l***l for you. ,1. Lawrence, Sec’y. It. 11. I/Cvy Rro, & Co.’s fall and win ter stock of clothing, shoes, hats ami furnishing good* for nicy and boy* is now c*Miting in. Their stock this season will ecli|«<* any over olTensl to the public in this section. All the new style* and lx-st values.hxik will «lo you good. Ntdhinfls so im|K>rtant, nay vital, now as A democrats shall keep to gether m stay strictly within j-artv lines. Ale Hon. Seal* Wright is too valuahlcja factor to wander off after i»trangeJP**ds, and Dr. Felton show* re- prelie^Bd** signs of kicking 1*k*s»- freui tha tt^Bj^There was never a time in thejdemocraay when adlier- Om<- NoMriili CuMblrnillott. If some of our property owners would consider tin* ilamage they do themselves hy sending away frwn home for every thing they want, they would patroni/.e home industry more. Rra*l Watson A Co. carry such a sii- jH-rh st«H-k it is no longer necessary. The artesian well is still with us as of old. And the pros|K*ct is now good for securing the other indispcn*ildes for a fine aud cmnplete water supply for our city, llu- supreme court ha* removed all disabilities from the Isolds and the commissi«m now anticiitatcs no difficulty in the way of realizing fund* necessary to carry on its work. New UwmIi, Rrad Wats*m A Co. are daily receiving their new winter good*. Call ami look through their stock. The hase-lkall contest between Way- cross and Brunswick last Friday week resulted in a victory for the Brunswick nine. The score stood: Brunswick Tammany 13, Waycross 8. The Times crats cannot afford to listen t» hcresieA^Aes over a column to the subject. The or specious arguments at this critical 3*tmswick b*iys were well drilled and juncture. Tin* Waycross Air Line Railroad has changed its schedule s*> as to J*erniit the l*eople along its line to speud the day in Waycross and return to their homes at night. This Is a benefit to the people as well as to our merchant*. Gilmore street is to he paved. That prince of railntad men, Capt. U. G. Fleming, hv hi* hearty cooperation w ith the town authorities ha* made this desir able result possible. It will require about one hundred car loads of rock. The railroad company and employees own extensive property on this street and Capt. "Fleming lia* agreed to trans port fifty car loads of rock free a* the railroad contribution. the Waycross “nine” was only gotten together for the occasion and showed the want of practice and organization. Mothers friend, boys waist*, Manhat tan shirts 'V. L. Douglas shoes and the lx-st school suits in town at B. H. Levy Rro. Sc Co. Tl»r ItlflvV Ururfit. An entertainment will be gi\-en at the opera house some time the latter part of this mouth for the l»encfit of the Way- cross Rifle*. The Amazon Drill, which delighted our people at the school entertainment in June, is already in active practice for reproduction on the Trifles’ evening, and niauy fine musical selections are prom ised the boys by their musical friends. A Cm e for Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold at one dollar a lw>t- tlc which claims to cure rheumatism, i» simply an imposition, for when all ex- |leases are dedueU-d it leaves not more tluin twenty cents to represent the medi cine. Dr. Drummonds Lightning Rem edy, which is ]>erfonning such wonder ful cures that it is being prescribed by the medical faculty everywhere, is eoni- |K*unded at great e.\]*ensc from rare drugs and cannot l>e sold for less than Five iXdlars a Inittle. lint it always cures. Sent prejKiid to any address on receipt of price. Drummond Medicine Co., 4X- 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. Job Printing; HERALD OFFICE! AS CAN HE EXECUTED $300 Will t*e Given For any c:ise of rheumatism which can not be cure*] by Dr. Iiruiutnond’s Light ning Iltmedy. The proprietors do not hide this offer, but print it in bob! type on all their circulars, wrapjiers, printed matter aud through the columns of news papers everywhere. It will work won ders—one bottle curing nearly every case. If the druggist has not got it, he will order it, or it will be sent to any address by prepaid express on receipt of price, $5. Drum.uond Medicine C’o. 48- 50 Maiden lane, New York. Agents wanted. MAKE XOMLSTAKE. When one want* to eradicate every indi- ..S r ’lria from their system, they aixl make no mistake it* they cation of malaria from their system, they are truly wise, and iuak ' *-*- *•*■* will try l>r. John Bull's smitits ton re syrup. For many years ft has deservedly tained its reputation as being the nvost reli able of the many CURES one secs advertised and sold for the most annoying amt enervating of all malarial dis eases, known as CHILLS AND FEVER, it has a good-and lasting effect and no other remedy lias- ever given such satisfaction. more good than s iroedy. and •’ malaria. TAKE BULL'S NAR!Upabii.i.i Is yoar blood in bad condition ? Do yon foel weak ? Do you have pain? IV* sores trouble you? Are you injx*or benlth and rtowing worse? Use Dr. John Bull’s Sar- iparilb. It will make you well and strong. Iif any other city in Georgia,, and at as low rates. We Use The Best of Stock. Anything in the . Printing Line VISITING CARD TO A POSTER Don’t send out of town to have your Wedding Invita tions engraved, we can print them right here and save you expense. OrorgUi Ware Connty: To All Whom It May Concern. All persons interested are hereby notified, that if no good cause be shown to the con trary. an order will Im* grant** 1 l*y the under signed. on the first Tuesday in September 18512. establishing a public road as marked out by the road commissioners appointed for that purpose; commencing at a point near the residents* oft’. M. Eunice, running in a northerly direction from that point over the lamb of the Waycross Lumlicr company, W. 1*. Lee, ('. M. Eunice, J. R. Douglass. Tracy, John .Sharp, J. 1). Smith, Sophia Eu nice, and Moore, ami the lands of B. K. Williams, terminating at the Ml. Pleasant Baptist church in said War** county. Waycross Ga., August 2*1.1N92. Warren T»n. Onliuary and Oli’in’n Board < ounty Com missioners. augd-JHhl. GRAGE & McNEIL,: GROCERIES, Georgia I War* Connty. Adei.ixe Garter 1 Libel for Divorce ix vs. !■ Wake Superior Gourt. Joseph Carter. J April Term, 1H92. The defendant, Joseph Carter, is hereby i]K-ar in person or hy regular term of t' pearanoe the court will pr*K *ssl may appertain. Witness the Honorable J. L. Sweat, of said Mirt this 9th «hy *>f May, 1«I2. ilson. Clerk S. C. W. Hardware, Stoves,,1 Crockery flour] r: BY TIIE BARREL A SPECIALTY. GRACE & McNEIL, Johnson Block, Waycross, Ga. of Alexander It. Phillips, represents coi Grt -in liis petition duly filed that i full j* administered sahl estate. This is there- vij' «ai<l a«lministrator should not Ik* * from hi* adminbtration, an*l re- «if dLsmbsion «*u the first Mou- lier. l«r». WARREN LOTT, Ordinary. OF FICEBil OF CHARLTON COUNTY. Aa ron Downing. Ordinary. _ ,, A. U. I 'hvrk Superior < ourt C. f. J. A. Waiuright. Sheriff. Jai oes Thompson, School Commissioner. a specialty. a trial. Get it from 'Tfi tea-spooi julylu-lni “Dr Jo«» HalP* Worm Destroyer taste good and quickly remove worm* from children or grown people, restoring the weak and puny to robust health. Try them. No other worm medicine is so safe and snre. Price 25 cents at drug stores, or sent by mail by John D. Park & Sons t^., 175 and 177 Sycamore St.. Cincinnati, O. *i*c5-ly Try Tbo flEflflliD OFFICE Fine JoD Printing. right-of-way for .• running thwaigb t . - - , estate of Robert Jones, deceased. And said application will Ik- In-anl * '' day in Seppimbcr r—* July, 1*12 Juljao -within tl»e legal hours of sale, a one half interest in two hundred — ris acre*, more or lew. of lan*l lying and be ing in the town of Folkston. said county, and known as the laads set apart by the nartitioners under order of tne Superior court of said connty to J. 8. and < ’. M. Cave- do. deceased. Said lands being fully describ ed‘in the plat made by mid fartitiuuers and on-file in the office of the clerk of the sup erior court of saxl county. Sold as tire prop erty of Bertha E. Cavedo, the only min* »- :i * -- f 1 ^'««*edo.deceased. Terms casl 1892. Julia Cavedo. Gnanlian. REDUCED PRICES On All of My Millinery Stock Prices which will suit all. Come and see for your self, and you will find rock bottom prices FOR CASH. All who want first-class Hats, Bonnets,* Toques, dec., should come to see me. 1 guarantee satisfaction, and prompt ntlention given. MRS. E. COTINGHAM Kill Geek—Guaranteed ! - iu li i 239 .minutes. For saleby B. J. Smith. aplG-ly WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON, GA. Annual session begins Sept. a*. Largest patronage in State. Apply lor catalogue tuW* C. BASS. O. D«. (wan.