Newspaper Page Text
Pocket Knives, . .
. . . Table Knives,
Butcher Knives, . .
. . . Bread Knives.
Miss Sal lie Ashcraft is spending sev
eral days this week in the Forest City.
Miss May Murphy has accompanied
her sister Mis* Hattie, to Wesleyan this
Mr. V* L. Stanton has gone to Atlanta
thi* week. Jle will return early part of
next week.
Mrs. D. 15. Hilliard is ill with fever at
DastFlUltofr* ..
The pants Owens will put on sale Sept.
14th. Some you have paid $'*.00 for,
but now they go for $3.00.
Garuing gets,
In Fort Valley, on the evening of the
28th of this month, will occur the mar
riage of Miss Laura Cook to Mr. Alex
ander McIntyre, of Ocala, Fla. Miss
Cook is a daughter of Rev. J, 0." A.
Cook, formerly pastor of the Methodist
church here, and as a handsome and
accomplished young lady and a teacher
in our schools, Miss Laura will be re
membered and congratulated by a large
circle of friends and admirer.
to Wesleyan College on Monday.
Mi--* Gu«de Chastain returned from
New York last week, accompanied by
her friend Miss Lou Seining, of Brook
Mr. Overman, of Willicoochee wa3 in
town on Monday to examine into the
advantages of this place for the estab
lishment of a cigar factory.
Col. R. P. Bird paid the Herald a
visit on Wednesday. We are pleased to
note hb convalescence from a long and
severe illness.
Judge J. L. Sweat visited Athens this
week where he placed hb son L#eat the
University to take the law course, and
hb daughter Mbs Lula, in Madam Sos-
noski's celebrated home school for youfig
To show a* La nr and Complete a stock of
<nothing. Men’s Hata and Furnish
ing floods in Wajrmws as . ;. ..,.
In Town to Select From,
SalruiM AVaatfd.
Valuable commission offered. $20.00
weekly earned by many of. our agents..
Samples free. P. O. Box 1871, New*
. The WcOaing pelsjcd.
Our fellow-citizen, Mr. Jos. Herschko-
vitz,. now detained in quarantine
in the harbor of New York, was
to^ have been married immediately
on hur return to tins country. Hb
twenty days detention, apart from
the considerable'amount of danger at
tending it, b thus made doubly trying/
We wish him a safe release from his
present durance and a happy honey
moon afterwards.
A LyMchlMg.
Two negroes, Charlie Taylor and
Geo. Allen, made an assault on Mrs.
Warren at her home in Hoboken, Tues
day night. ,
The wretches were caught.the follow
ing day, identified by Mrs. Warren and
lynched by the infuriated citizens.
Mbs Rosa McGee has gone to Forsyth,
Ga^ to enter as a pupil in Mnhroe cob
lege. Mbs Rosa has been the organist
in the Baptist church and a diligent pu
pil in the High school, and will be much
The public, especially the traveling
publie, b immensely pleased to se£ the
above house iu the hands of Mr. J. W.
Strickland. We are informed it is doing
a fine business, with promise of a lively
Mrs. W. H. Scruggs, who has been for
some weeks in Rome, returned last Tues
day. Mrs. Scruggs has been a sufferer
from ill health for some mouths and her
friends will hope to learn she has been
benefited by her trip.
Capt. AV. A. Abbott, who has long
been with Messrs. Pcrcival & Hatton,
real estate and insurance brokers, Des
Moines, Iowa, and is one of the best
Rare bargains in boys- clothing at
Owens’ the leading clothier.
in that city, says: “I can testify to the
good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy. Having, used it in my family
for the past eight years, I can safely say
it has no equal for either colds or croup.”
Fifty cent bottles for sale at the Cash
Drug Store.
Two City Lots cheap, apply at Her
ald office. A. B. McWhorter.
ObUuujr. \
Mrs. Mary E. Youmans, wife of Mr.
C. S. Youmans, and daughter of Rev.
Mathew Sweat, a local, preacher in the
Methodist church, was bora May 22d
1853, and departed, this life July; 8th
.1892, at her home near Blackshear, Ga.
She leaves her husband and six children
and a large circle of friends to mourn
her loss. Her remains were laid to rest
until the resiirection morn in the church
yard near New Hope church. She has
been a member of the 3Iethodist church
from her girlhood, and the God to whom
she consecrated her young life, did not
hermaturer years.She
Now is Your Chance I
Nine head of hones will be sold at
auction by S. F. A W. R’y, on Wednes
day, Sept. 28. No doubt a good horse
can be gotten cheaply. Sale will be
held at stock pen of the company. -
The temperance rally on Thursday
night was well attended, earnest and en
thusiastic., — 1
Sale begins Tuesday, August 16th,
We Are Unpacking The Goods Now !
Georgia, Ware County*
To All WhoaltHajrCoBcemr
Joe Pinckney having In due form applied
to the undersigned for the guardianship of
the persons and property of. John, Lizzie,
Alice, Frank and Amelia Murray, minor
children ofA. J. Murray, late of Said county,
deceased, notice is hereby given that his
application will be heard at my office on the
first Monday in October next. Given under
my hand and official signature this 5th day
of September, 1892. Warbeh Lott,
It will pay you to look at the new
stock of clothing Mr. Owens is getting
in, you cannot fail to be pleased with
both goods and prices. Mr. Owens is a
live business man and knows how to win
and keep trade. Give him a call when
you want your fall suit,
F. G. Baialey is president of Glenmore
dry club iustead of F. G. Green as pub
lished in our last issue.
These Prices are For Cash I
Yon will Never Have
Snch a Chance Again.
Com pet ion squirms at the low prices
on good clothing now being sold at
forsake her:
was a devoted wife and mqther. She
had been a great suffercr’for several years
and for the last five weeks especial ly, but
bore her suffering unmurmeringly. May
He who is' the solace and confidant of
those who'put their trust in Him, be
with the husband and the six little ones,
so sadly bereft of this loving wife and
mother. " M. F. B.
Mrs. Tennant A Co., are now ready to
show the finest hats and millinery ever
seen in Waycrfas. All the ladies are
cordially invited to inspect the line.
lercljant who put a special ad in
feaALD last week had such good
lUpbitablereturns from it that he
rants all the space we can give him.
Arrive Weekly
Auction Sales of New York
* J. A. Cason; administrator on the estate
of J. B. Cason, deceased,lias in due form ap
plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the
lands-and personal property belonging to
said estate, and said application will be heard
on the first Monday in October oext, at 10
o'clock o. m., at my office. Given under
my hand and official signature this Septem-
5th, 1802. AVawrk* Lott,
v A kind friend in Florida sent us two
crates of guavas, casting at the shipping
point forty-five cents. At this end of
the line wt paid one dollar and sixty
cents express charges; The moral is,
don’t eat guavas unless yon pluck them
from the trees, or own stock in an ex
press company,
Buy*your childrens school shoes from
J. T. Palmer and get a nice lunch bas
ket free. " . .
No town of its alxe has finer stores or
more enterprising merchants than Way-
cross. Our business men appreciate the
Herald as an advertising medium, and
they do not hesitate to tell ns so.
The announcement of Judge Wilkin
son as candidate for the office of tax as
sessor appears this week. No higher en
dorsement could be given him than the
following letter from the comptroller
general of the state:
J. J. Wilkinson, Esq.,
It. T. It. Ware Co.
Dear Sir:—Your digest for 1 {^ re
ceived and upon examinational find it
fatly up to the high standard which al
ways characterizes your books.
Very respectfully,
W. A. Wright,
Comp. Gen’I.
Court efOrdlnay, September Term 1803. ,
Wherear, G. F. Parker, administrator on
theestate of T. J. Ivey, deceased, applies to
the undersigned for Letters of Dumissorr
from said administration. Therefore all
persomreoneerned are hereby required to
show cause, if any they, have, on the first
Monday in December next, why said ad
ministrator should not be disclutrged. Wit
ness my hand and official signature, thb
September 5th, 1892.- AVakben Lott,
Millinery, Fancy Goods, Linens,
. Democrats, Republicans, Third Par-
tyites are all invited to the great $3.00
pants sale which begins Sept. 14th.
Five hundred pair, some worth $5.00 to
be sold at $3.00. All kinds, ail sizes.
Come early and take your choice.
* Owens, The Leading Clothier.
In The World I
Xoticeof Salt.
Agreeably to an order of the court of Or
dinary of Ware county, will be sold at auc
tion at the court house door of said county,
on the first Tuesday in October next, within
thelegal horns of sole, foe following proper-
Two hundred and forty-five acres, more or
less, off the south part of lot ofland number
251 in the 5th district of said county, being
all of said loton the sonth side of a branch
naming through said lot, also 215 acres,
more or less, of the west part of lot of land
running through said lot: Also fifteen acres
more or less, of the northern portion of the
west half of lot number 253 in the 5th dis
trict of said county, sold as the property of
Randal Jordan, late of said county, deceased.
Terms cash. Tills Sept. 1st 1802.
. • D. A. Jo HD a x,
30*1 Administrator.
Shoes, Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Window Shades,
Lace Curtains, Tinware and Notions.
All Bongbt for Less than the Market Yalne and Sold at Prices
That No Other House Can Match.
Miss Clara Cashing and Mr. Leon
Roddenberry were married at Folkston,
last Tuesday, Rev. M. C. Austin, officia
ting. The Herald joins the many
friends of the happy young people in
wishing for them a long life of. usefull-
ness and prosperity.
Yon can’t
Smmdmy Schsol Pintle at Bolen.
We have an interesting'letter from
Bolen, Ga., telling of the Sunday school
picnic there on the lGth. Rev. G. AV.
Matthews and wife were honored guests,
Mr. Matthews delivering an address in
Bethel church to which the 300 people
assembled listened with the appreciation
always shown his hble, impressive talks.
A bountiful dinner was served, .in the
grove outside the church. Before and
after dinner several church songs were
sung, the Elsie Sunday school contribu
ting several pieces. All expressed them
selves delighted with a day long to be
remembered. . * i
The Latest Thing in Stet
son, Knox Block, and the Fa
mous “Nacireraa” Hat, now
in. T-
For the best suit of clothes, hats or
mens* shoes go to Owens, the leading
clothier. | f.» > sr. ’i
Any one desiring to bid for the pur
chase of the Baptist church building on
Albany Ave., is requested to call, on
Judge H. P. Brewer. The pews will
also be disposed of„either with or apart
from the building. - The purchaser rj
the building is expected to remove it
from the lot which is not to be included
in the sale. Possession can be given
when the new Baptist church is ready
for use, which will probably be in the
early part of next month.
ioo Dozen Men’s Socks at
$2.oo per dozen, worth $3.00,
in Tans, Herns-
Next week will be begun in the Her
ald a series of articles on tobacco cul
ture by the superintendent of the Way-
cross tobacco farm. They will have the
important merit to our formers of Wing
written to meet and suit the requirements
and possibilities of a successful raising
of the plant in south Georgia.
Georgia, W»» Conutyi , ~ ’ I
Will W sold on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber next at the court 'house, door in said
county, within the legal hours of sale to the«
highest bidder for cash, the following prop
erty to-wit:
A certain trac* or parcel of land situated
and lying in the 1256th district, G. M., of
Ware county. <ontaining three hundred
acres, more or lesas, of lot of land number
181, with all improvement* thereon, said
three hundred acres of land lying on the
east side side of said lot "No. 181 whereon the
defendant M. Smith last resided in said dis
trict, bounded on the north by lands of Way-
cross Lumber Company, on ihe sonth by
lands of Warren Lott, on tlieeast by Lands
of Jatkson Herring. Levied on as tbeprop-
erty of M. Smith under and by virtue of an
execution Issued l»y Cliarics Cowart, X. P.
ex. of J. P. of 1256th district G. M., in favor
of Commercial Guano Co., against M. Smith
principal and W. L. Smith, security. Levy
made by O. F. Higgs, constable, and tamed
over to me. This Sept. 3d 1892.
30d S. F. Miller, Sheriff. AV. C. -
Orders by mail promptly attended to when accompanied by cash.
At Palmer’s shoe store yoi
nice lunch basket frcejvith 1
school shoes.
Waycross Herald:
September 20th,'1892.
Will you please state that the report
of cholera on board either the Xacoochee
or Chattahoochee of the < >eean Steam
ship Line is folse. The Chattahoochee
is now at her dock in Savannah dischar
ging cargo and the Xacoochee not yet
arrived. The report originated from a
slight illness of one of the fireman on
board the Chattahoochee caused bv eat
ing something which did not agree with
him. He has recovered and there is no
other sickness on board. By so doing
you.will greatly oblige,
Tlk* Pictiaurr^f AawkM Polities.
This is a very valuable hand book re
commended by the Atlanta Journal,
costing $1.00. For sale by A.' L. Burtf
New York. Democratic speakers should
have iL
Attention of our reader* is called to
Mr. H. F. Jefford’s card in which he an
nounces himself a candidate for the
office of tax coltector.
U nders
m can’t match for
The finest clothing .-t*
ock of clothing, hats, j
ad the lowest prices i
, the largest
l mens* shoes,
Waycross at
On Wednesday night, at the residence
of Mrs. Goodrich, on Jane street, a pleas-
id public spirited
'rawley, is again a
treasurer, which
we have no doubt.
Our genial friend an
izen, Capt. E. H. C,
adulate for county
am his re-election, \
pose of bestowing an agreeable surprise
on one of the guests, their beloved pas-
I tor, the Rev. Rev. W. H. Scruggs. We
do not know whether Mr. Scruggs found
I room at home for all the nice things th<*
! ladies brought him, but we know from
‘ his appreciative words that this kindly
I expression from his co-workers in the
church, gave him much pleasure.
'‘The Best Goods for the
Least Money.”
Sparks is to have a new hotel, to cost
about $2,000. It will be built by a
stock company coinpf**ed of Messrs. I. J.
Goodman, W. J. Rodgers, C. H. Beck
with and J. Z. Elliot. The building will
be completed by Christmas.
Who always has been and ah
* “the Leading Clothier?”
Johnson Block, Waycross, Ga.
Several fine, young Jersey cow
ptt best pedigree at Cherokee Ni
The benefit entertainment to the
Rifles to-nighi;, (Saturday), is under the
management of Mr. O. D’Auvergne and
the musical program in the hands of Mrs.
Lyon, which is a guarantee of an enjoy
able evening to all w ho attend.
The Leading Clothier,
One cow, half Jersey. Will gi
gallou and half to two gallons <
daily. Address M. L. Turner, V;
It-tu-r* of ili
ti i Vloier. 1