The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, January 14, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1893. NO. 7 GEORGIA'S SURGEON GENERA!.. Uhi m ii to m. LOCKED IN A BURNING STORE. THIRD PARTY CONTESTS. tfaoy Dr. X. U. Urwlnnrrof Macon Appoln.rd bj thd Governor. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 11.—Gov. Xortlicn to-day appointed Dr. N. G. Gewinner of Macon surgeon general mu K wire ' 0 f the state militia, under the law , f . passed by the state legislature efe- Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 11.—It is a Atlanta, »a., • a , i ating that office. Dr. Gewinner is : long time since following any elec- street ifi the section o e ci y anown , wcl | k nown ^ the volunteer service 1 tion in this state so large a number ns “Brooklyn, urnis ie< .i iu^»en 0 f the state, and his appointment to sation to-night about seven o c oc j ^po^m oflicc will undoubtedly meet with general approval. During ! the two last state encampments he | has been a conspicuous and useful i figure, and the creation of the olllce An alarm of fire called the depart ment to a small store kept by a i man named W. A. Panned. When the firemen arrived they heard loud j screams issuing from the of j of aen#Bl , w#g ( , uc largely tbc store, but oould see no one on ^ , |is earncst and intel | igenl , )rc . account of the <lense smoke ninth, genUlioil of , he lleeeaaity of sut . h an tilled tbc building. When an cn- o(Hcer Uj thc gervice . trance was attempted U.e .loor was ; Dr Gewinner is South Cardin- found locked. It was broken open, I ian . birtb a|1(J rccoive( , hig lnetl i ca , education in that state. For many of contests have been filed as within the last week. Most of the kicking comes, of course, from the disap pointed third party candidates. Charges of illegal voting have poured in from every direction. Elections are contested in the counties of Har alson, Wilcox, Taliaferro : Emanuel, Johnson, Gilmer, Webster, McIn tosh, Douglas, Richmond, Tatnall, linker, Union, Miller Putnam, Tay lor, Monroe, glitched and Henry. From the counties mentioned last the notices arrived after the com missions bad been issued to the can- find inside Panned was found suffo cated nearly to death. A few mo-; veap# j, e j |as lived in Georgia, and menu after the lire department | i irgt beca|ne wnne ,. tcll wiUl t be reached the burning store Panne s j mUitary in 1877t * hen | ie joiued the j didates returned as selected, and Wife appeared with the key to the , F|oy(j 1{iflcs ag . privatc , Soon af .; the eontegt8 wU| not be congiderel ,. store in lier hand, • “■ e ter he was made company surgeon, j Those from thc other counties will her liege lord, who is .» years icr t | le gllrgcon of the Second battalion, be heard and adjudged in the supe- senior, in the store, and when e an d finally surgeon of the second j rfor courU under the new law, which tire broke out lie was unable to s- regiment, which latter |>osition be j relieves the governor of the duties of cape from the store. People in the uow hoUJs Although onlv ;iG years j thig dlaraet ^ r neighborhood who knew tbe domestic j of age , |e ig the gellior gurgeon> bc . relations between Panned and Ilia j coa)iDg so by , eDgt j, „ r sel . vice , „ ow | NORMAL SCHOOL VISITORS. youthful wife, when they became i serving with the Georgia militia. ! oov acquainted wiU. thc facts of thc fire, j He now beco , nes a melnber of tb e j began putting this and that together , governol .. s and will rank as a j Ati.asta, Ga., Jan. U.-Gov. und linnllv tin* renort whs circulated ' _ .« . . . .. a... — #.n : and finally the report was circulated | colotiel of cava | ry . that thc old man had been locked ; Northcn to-day appointed the follow- I ing ladies members of thc board of in thc store by his wife, who poured ; spoon iiitlek uead. j visitors to the Girls’ Normal School kerosene on thc floor and applied j CoMr A „. w „ . r„ii c.n t» ; at Milledgeville: Mrs. G. A. Cas- Uie match, her object being to get; rid of him. The suspicion was coin municatcd to the police, but no ac tion lias lieen taken, as the evidence is not sufficient to warrant an arrest as yet. Panned is himself unable to Great Beyond. Washington, Jan. 11.—Gen. Ben jamin K. Ruticr died at 1 :30 o'clock this morning of lieait failure superin duced by an attack of pneumonia, lie retired at 11 o'clock last night. give a satisfactory account of the aud soon after midnight his colored -fire. IkmIv servant, West, who slept in an Tie Andrew .Rankin; BIlL ad J oin f' "»»' 1,ea,d bi , m c0 "« hi " s violently. He went to the general s The Andre. tnmk.Dg b.II which has ^ ^ ^ „, ul „ e , m<1 to been favorably reported by the bank- ^ ^ roon) a d joilling . H c fol- mg committee of the house, repeals lowc(i hi|n , |)erc and offered assist- that portion of U,e-Sherman law ^ ^ £eaeral mentioned that which requires thc treasury depart- dUcolowd •els, of Flemington, for tbe First District; Sirs. L. J. Phinazee, of High Falls, for the Sixth district, and Sirs. SI. Hitch, of Waycross, for tlie Eleventh district. The ap pointment of these ladies is for a period of three years. THE OFFICIAL PROGRAM. This, from a Little Girl Seven Years Old, Is Quite Creditable. Mb. Kuitor : I want to ted you a little story about a thanksgiving din ner. Mrs. Hudson lived in a great city, she had three children, the little boy had gone down town to get a turkey for thanksgiving dinner. Dear, old mother is washing tbe dishes, ad 1 the goodies are upon the shelf, Daisy : is washing a pan to put a pie in, | Louis is the pet, tbc spice is in one j jar and sugar in the other. George j will soon be home now. Daisy is a very smart girl, she helps her mother i when she comes home from school. | George has come home; now they are eating dinner. For dinner they have a great big turkey and cake and pie, and ad kinds of good things. Louis and Daisy sit by tbeir mother, George sits by bis father. They will go to church after dinner; they arc great Christians; don’t you thiDk so? George is 14 years old, Daisy is 12, Louis is 10; she is a great pet, they ad love her best of ad. She stepped on a pin. the pin ended my story. Alice Vera Gillon. ill LOOKING AHEAD. A BLOODY BATTLE FOUGHT IN CHURCH. It is a fact well established by stu dents of heredity that children are apt to inherit not only the physical, mental and moral traits of their parents, but to be influenced by their age as well. Children born of very young fathers or mothers never attain vigorous a growth of mind or body as those of older men or women, while children of old people are born old. One of the most surprising cases in medical history is that of Marguerite Cribsowna, who died in 1763, aged 108 years. When 94 she was married to a man aged 105. Three children came of this union, but they had gray hair, no teeth, were stooped, yellow and wrinkled, decrepit in movement, and could only eat bread and vegetable.—New York Sun. I GEORGIA'S SCHOOL CHILDREN’. ment silver per to purchase a certain amount of ... , . * _ ■ with blood, hut did not appear to per month. It, however, leaves i . , . - ^ ,. r . 1 ! think serious of the matter. West in force the section which guarantees . . . .. ... , , b . assisted him to bed, and he appar- Yesterday the program was com pleted for the Lee’s birthday exer cises in Brunswick on the 19th of this month, and Judge J. L. Sweat, who is chapman, gave it to The Herald ottlcmlly as follows: JTocession will be formed the integrity of the notes issued , ent j y went - as | e ep. Hc soou after j Gi/ard’s Armory, right resting on died. SENATOR KKXXA’S I.IFK ENDED. under the law. It also authorizes ttyc secretary of Lite treasury to .coin tin bullion uow in the treasury, so fartax necessary to provide for the Drain ku«u lit* Poignant Kuavriiij; k redftiption of thc notes, raid to coin lhe remainder “for the use of the Washington, Jan. 11.—Senator Richmond street, at 9:30 a. m., in tbe following order: Mounted police. Band. Waycross Rifles. Veterans, preceded by officers of /treasury as speedily as the demands John B. lvenna, of West Virginia,, ^ QeorgU Confadcrate Vete . rans’ Association. Brunswick Riflemen. Uniformed Rank Knights of Py- hias. Light Horse Guards. LINK OF MARCH. Thc line of march will be from the armory to Newcastle, up Newcastle to F, down F to Bay, down Bay to Ilowe* up How to Newcastle, down Newcastle to Hanover Park, around Hanover Park and up ‘Newcastle to Monlc; and up 'Monk to L*Arioso Hall. ORDER OF EXERCISES. Association will be called to order upon the treasurer may render pos- died at •”* o clock this morning _ ' sible the payment out of the treasury i heart disease, from which he has ! of such standard dollars.” The na- ! becn for some years an acute suffer- j tional banks are authorized to in- I €r ' *o much so that for long intervals j crease their circulation to the par he had been compelled to abandon j value of their bond deposits, and the j hie duties as senator and to forego j bank tax is fixed at one-half of 1 per ; aU »>ental exertion. Two summers j cent, per year. a S°» with a view of diverting his The foregoing features are, of i « 8nd hi* physical ailments, he course, only the leading ones. The | established an amateur boat builder s bill was reported by so- large a ma- j ®hop and busied himself in the me- jority of the committee on banking— cbanical operation of constructing a 8 voting for it and 3 against it—that I He partially recovered and it is thought if the shaker opens the | re8UI «ed his seat in the senate and way for getting it l»efore the bouse j n,a< ^ c oue memorable speech, which at an early dav it will pass that body j was remarkable, both for its length j during this cougress. There is ;l its vigor, but soon suffered a re- ! L growing feeling in congress Ihat la P sc fro,n *M«* 1,6 never rallied, j W • I ' ld S‘= L - .*»«•»* president of something must be ddne speedilv to- His sufferings during llie last few | Uie boutli Georgia Confederate Vete- ^^^wanl Stopping the pureliase of silver months of liis life, from heart spasms, J Association. bv tbe government. In commercial wcrc 80 P°'8 nal,t tliat-to himself as J% ei 0 eD ’ and financial circles the belief is Uial well as to Ids family, death must have i tlieRiflemen s chaplain, the country has aliout as much silver been looked npon ns almost welcome.! ^ong by male quartette. . H now M it can carry safely. The ail- ** i of welcome ^ Hon ' T ' v.ritip. will, of *, ,ll the. ! The dcatli of Senator Kemta. o( | **. Lamb,mayor. I The State Board of Education held an important meeting in the office of the State School Commissioner at Atlanta, January 10th, at which it was determ ined to make an enumeration of the school population of the State. Under the law such an enumeration is required every ten years at least, though not more frequently than every five years. It has now been five years since the last enum eration, and in view of thc rapid growth of the sentiment in support of more gen eral education, the board thought it would be well to know just what the State's responsibility is iu this respect. Work on thc enumeration, which will be conducted under the direction of State School Commissioner Bradwell, will be gin at once, and the commissioner is of the opinion that he will be able to complete it by May next. When the last enumeration was made the school population of the State was 250,000. It will now probably reach considerably over 250,000, and the expense of mak ing the enumeration will amount to$15,- 00U or $20,000. . Besides ordering the school census the board in passing on a case from Cobb county, which made thc point, provided that hereafter history shall be part of the curriculum of the common schools of thc .^tate. County boards under the action of the State Board are allowed to prescribe what his tory shall be used, but the use of some history is made compulsory. Two Factions at War Wttb Each Other | Open Fric—Wild Confunlon In the Sanctuary—The Killed and Wounded. j Anderson, Ind., Jau. 10.—The j Lawson-S win foul vendetta broke ! out in Forest Chapel Sunday during ; the services, and as a result two i persons are dead and seven wounded. ] Forest Chapel is five miles from j this city. The Lawsons are Ken- | tuckians, number fully a score, and j are full of fight. Thc Swinfonls | live a mile from the Lawson family, j They are and have been for ye i j deadly enemies of the Lawson fami-1 ly. Irving Lawson is the leader of his faction, and young Albert j Swiuford was the leader of the Swinfords. There have been a number of hostile meetiugs between the factions in the past. Sunday the Swinfords appeared in public places wearing red ribbons. The Lawsons knew by this sign that their old time enemies were after them, and they accordingly armed themselves. The little church was crowded, and the subject of the ser mon was “Peace on earth, good will to men.” Suddenly there was a crash near the door of the chapel and the fight began. The com batants were scattered all over the room, and slung shots and other weapons were in the air. Thc wor shippers were panic-stricken. Shot after shot rang out. The Lawsons were retreating and the Swinfords were fo.lowing them. The Lawsons finally succeeded in dragging their wounded men from tbe house and and started to cross to a strip of woods. The Swioford faction fol lowed them., but .a short distance, be*~ ing held off by^ tbe rapid firihg of tbe retreating party. The dead are Bill Lawson, shot through tbe head ; Albert Swinford, stabbed in the neck. The wounded are Saiut Munis, bruised about the head and face; Arthur Lawson, several bruises and cats; Irving Lawson, seven bad cuts on the scalp, since reported dead ; Joe Swinford, ear cat off; Joe Hartsell, shall fractured, may die. The three Democratic members of j the Kansas Legislature hold the bal- I ance of power, and virtually kicked | tbe third partyite9 out of the ring j yesterday. This is as it should be, 1 the affairs of the State will be safer under the control of Republicans than it could be in tbe hands of those who propose all schems and no govern ment. A A Fault whlrh the Southern Farmet Would Do Well to Correct. A great fault with the southern farm er is not looking ahead. Instead of driving his business he often waits for his business to drive him. One conse quence of this habit is half-done work. Not having looked ahead and made all necessary preparations, hc is driven by the urgency of the case to do his work in a loose and hasty manner. IIow many of us have sown our grain as it ought to be? Experience shows that grain well sowed scarcely fails to make a good crop. Ss we can not cul tivate small grain after it is sowed, it is the more important to prepare the soil well before sowing. This is impor tant. because these grains are disposed to send down their roots very deep into the subsoil in search of food and moisture. It is a very com mon error to suppose that wheat and oats an? very shallow rooted. To in sure a good crop and enable them to stand the freezes of winter, we should plow very deep. The clay subsoil should l»c’ deeply and thoroughly bro ken. and it is better to do this early in the fall before the clay has become sat urated with the water of the winter rains, lint when we have failed to look ahead and get all the plans ready, and the manure ready, we a re not apt to plow often enough or deep enough, or manure enough. Some claim that every time you run a good harrow over the land, after thor onghly breaking it, yon will make an additional bushel to the acre. I am not prepared to prove or dis prove this, but my experience in clines me to believe it. Not long since I was preparing a piece of land for barley. After plowing twice ami subsoiling, I ran a heavy harrow over it. I wan very much disappointed iu the condition the harrow left it, but after going over the same land xvith*the same barrow in three different direc tions, I began to be very much pleased. Most farmers do not take time to pre pare the land deep and fine for small grain, and then think it strange that they failed to get a gooff crop. Now, I wish to ask every one to take time ami prepare one acre thoroughly for wheat, and one for oats, and see if the increased yield will not more than repay for the work. Look ahead, and get ready for it in time. What I have said about sowing grain is true about everything on the farm. Prepare to keep your lot manure up out of the weather; prepare to keep your stock well housed and clean. If by any mishaixyou have failed to raise enough provision for the past year, now is the time to lookahead and buy them cheap. If you. will need an other mule, you can save very largely by buying now. I am aware that very many are ready to say: **I have not the money.'* Well, the reason is, you failed to look ahead and be ready. You are not running your business, but let ting it run you. This will continue to lie the ease until you begin to look ahead and calculate more closely and use wiser economy. Economy does not consist in the smallness of the amount spent, hut in the prudence or wis dom used in spending it. One man inay spend very little and be very ex travagant: another may spend a great quantity of money and yet be very economical. The economy consists in the way it is spent. Look ahead, and see what you will be able to do with the very small amount most of us will have to use. No better use can lie made of the fall and winter months than studying how to make another crop without making another debt. “The prudent man forseeth the evil and liideth himself.” Prudence is often the highest kind of sense.—Industrial American. —Poor butter in neat packages will m;11 better than good butter in “mussy," dirty looking packages, but good but- The Cash Drug Store desires to inform the public, that they arc agent for the most successful preparation that has yet now as it can carry safely. The sil- ‘ actiox ok the sexate. . “ j been produced for coughs, cold, and verities will, of course, do all they lUe death of Senator Xeuna of ; • ’ y * . Veteran ' crou P- It will loosen and relieve a »e- can to defeat an,effort to repeal the , Virginia, immediately after the ; Add "* s Veteran | ..... ... Sherman silver law unless they have readi “* of yesterday’s journal, was i M - r - Mershon, Glynn County Asso- assuranecs of other legislation equal- ^ announced to the senate this morn- ; nation, ly favorable to their interests. It is! in 8 b - v Blackburn. Feeling re- TO THIS HI SINKSS HEX OF WAY- CROSS. v . , . I airtv looking packages, but go< Next week we will issue 2,TOO enpie* j tl . r iD neat packages sells liest. of thc Herald. It will pay you —Experiments made in both En- To Have aut Ad in It. ! gland and Scotland in checking the po- Now is tbc time to advertise. We are i »light confirm the utility of th. , .1 Bordeaux mixture for this purpose, determined to place the Heuald in | -France Iscl.imed to be the greatest every home in this section. • egg and poultry producing country in ♦ - the world, the value of eggs alone The C. C. Grace Co. are offering' amounting to $175,000,000 annually, genuine liargains in dress goods. —People who use their noses for de- ... _ terminmg the value of manures or fer- A Leader. tilizers are sure to lose money, because . * . most of them believe that a horrible Since its first introduction, Electric j Nme ]l indicates strength. ; Bitten, has gained rapidly in popular _ Soole farmers {ail , Wcause they d<> doubtful, however, if they are strong j mttrk8 " c,c made b y l )raise of enough to prevent the repeal of the ’ die dead 8cn * tor and . the usual law, even if the repealing bill should ; "solutions were adopted, including not be accompanied by concessions invitations to the house of represen- to tbe silver sentiment satisfactory tatjves, president and members, of to them. the cabinet and supreme court Tbe democratic party ineint what; 161,11 llle funeral ceremonies in the it said when it declared in its national! ^ate chamber at 1. o’clock to-mor- platform that the Sbermsu act niiist row ’ A eommittee of seven senators, be repealed, and democratic con- .‘ including Messrs: Faulkner, llladf- „ Ma . mnn „ ! .barn, Ransom, Daniel,- Walthall, greasmen will hardly, dare-to take a yaD ^ enoa and Squire, was appoint- Position m opposition to tbatdecla- j «d t0 take an order as to the funeral ration.—Savannah Morning News. • and to accompany the body to VFest We guarantee aur ahoealV. . ‘BjUoWireos i mark of . respect,, -the senate ad.- ! jooreed. , ,?'■■■ •” ' -:r‘“ Response by Capt. J. F. Stone. Annual address by Capt. S. T. Kingsberry. Song by male quartette, . Benediction by Rev. Robt. S. Brown, chaplain Light Horse Guards. Reform in same order, march to lianqaet hall and disband. Assemble at Guards’ Armory at 3:30~p. m. for the transaction of tbe annual business of tbe associa tion. ' The'explosion of prices at Brad Wat- Virginia, and then, as a. further *au iCoa’to clean out old winter stock, explosion, ilhpsg -y V :"i vere cold in less time than any other treatment The article referred to i* Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a medicine that has won tame and popu larity on its merits and one that can al ways be depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent’ croup It most be tried to be appreciated. It ia put op in 50 cent and $1 bottles. For sale by Cash Drag Store. • favor, until now it is clearly in the lead ; among pure medicinal tonics and altcra- j tires—containing nothing which permits • its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is lne l . ual JOU „„ K „„„ S^.“.t„^f a "L P aTli™^: We believe that much of the not utilize all their capital, but permit a part of it to remain locked up in the Khape of waste land that scarcely pays the cost of fencing and taxes. trou- kidneys. Itwill cure si^hradach^in- digestion, constipation, and drive nudana j ing , which prevents reseeding by the from the system. Satisfaction guaran-1 Datnra i method.-Farmers’ Record. r.L? l£ U C th ir ,OD< T " ,n I -Milk from cow. that have been fed r “ nt : on nothing bnt late fall weeds and ’ ' frost-bitten grass and vegetables is E. R Goodrich and B. J. Smith. j n |d to be “cowey,” but the trouble ia that it has been tainted by the feed. . General Weaver is now editing a newspaper over in I>e«Moines, Iowa. Georgia,-too, trill be set on fire after the 4th of March by- flaming meteors from the brilliant mind of Tom Watson. That these gentlemen are incapable of appreciating the mild trta*ment of the . people‘‘wfeo sat upon them” ia evident.; But then,t.yoii''can't ’ keep ; *k good maw- down. : * -•* Messrs. R. E. Dart and J. M. Caln:ui, advance agents for Brunswick's talented amateur theatrical club, were iu the city last Wednesday, and while no date has been fixed as yet, it ia now certain that-they will appear here, probably about,the 27th, presenting M Amoug the Breakers,** for, the benefit of the Catholic Sunday school of Brunswick and the Waycross Rifles. We bespeak for them a crowded house; » ** Subscription to T4iis'HR(U.LD^|ff.09 a year in adneace. " ’ —A cool room above .ground ia better for milk than a cellar, and it should al ways be remembered that milk should not stand near vegetables, fish or meat of any kind, as it invariably absorbs the flavor of what is Boar it. —As lands have become exhausted,, we see apple trees gradually die. When an old orchard has disappeared from starvation it is folly to aet young trees in their places, unless potash and ground bone lie applied, liberally. To make room for my spring stock, I will from tltfe date, sell at cost, sad A 'greet Many, handsome axtielesbelow cost. *** - ■'"* Mra RCottnorIm. dm