Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, July 22, 1893, Image 5

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'.-'X > |l| THE WAYCROSS HERALD) SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1893. MLtgjeness Official Organ of Ware County, Chart- ton County and City of Waycroa*. SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1893. OUK OWN AFFAIRS. Rtw», Xotrs and Goalp, In and Oat a# Town, Pointedly Pat Parpooely for Oar Readers. Fleas. Base ball. Perspiration. Vans ami Soda-water. It is a bright little girl at II. A. McGee's. .lid improvements When it « Way-c ross is The knife friend. 1 the s deepest when used by j i to the four quarter living done < Our weekly goe the world to-day. Home good work street* by the gang. One way to avoid hard times is to buy 'your goode at home. Mr. J. G. I»edge. of Tifton. is visiting his brother in the city. Mr Jcssec Fespernian, of Jacksonville, is visiting friends in the city. It is said that the times are growing letter. Well let’s try to think so anyway. One good book does more good than all the speeches of a political campaign. This is a had time of the year for snakes. Ik* c areful when you go into the woods. We are pleased to note the fact that Judge Wright is able to Ik* out and nhout. Then* appears to lie more watermelon: than buyers on the market. The man who sticks to his work don’ have time to talk alniut hard times. Let us all pull togethe Waycross. Don’t forget to sja-ak well of your town to strangers. Much of our space is taken up to-day. by the tinaneial vcpoJt of the eity officials. •‘Of all sad words of tongue or pen. The saddest are not “It might have been,’’ They are those old chestnuts tried and true, “I say, is it hot enough for you T’ Mr. J. H. Saulsbeny came up from St. Si mons this morning and will return this evening. He reports the wash hole all right and fun and fish plentiful. » Mr. Paschal, on the Waycross tobacco farm is now engaged in putting up a large ham on the premises, the ham is 30x00 and 17 feet between joints. Beautiful and lucious grapes are grown in the vicinity of Waycross. We are fully up with any section of the State in the pro duction of this delicious fruit. Every body expects the local paper to drum for them, hut it is rarely ever the ca^ that you find everyl>ody drumming for the pa per. ; . . C. C. Thomas. Esq., our esteemed friend and fellow citizen received a telegram from Dalton this morning which rejuf about this, way: “It is a girl: roojlie^and child hot!? doing well.’’ Miss Minnie Jeffords and Mr. T. J. Wil kinson. pupils of Mr. S. W. Hubbard’s writ ing class are making wonderful improve ment as specimens of their penmanship we have seen testifies. Over two hundred Waycrossites are bath ing their classic brows in the briny waters nt St. Simon’s while several thousand of their friends are enjoying the cheerful sun shine in the city. Call at the Herald office at anytime during business hours and you will find some one to administer to your wants. The Herald shop is kept open for the transaction of business from 7 a. m. 'till 6p. m. Waycross has never adopted the motto “make a spoon or spoil a horn/' hut it is quite evident to the casual observer that her last “wet and/ dry” election spoiled a great many liQros. Mr. AllK-rtson’s ice service for the city is very complete. Two wagons are kept run ning and customers are supplied promptly and at low rates. The ice furnished by Mr. Albertson is very cold. The Herald is in glorious good humor to- ! day. The street gang have gone to work on 1 of j the weeds. Street overseer Sweat in form: Quitman Challenges Waycross. The following challenge from Quitman was received by the Herald this morning, with the request that it be handed to the Captain of the Waycross club. The note explains itself: Quitman, Ga., July 19, '93. Waycross B. B. Club : Gentlemen— We hereby challenge you to play us a game of ball on our grounds at any date during the next ten days, excepting the 24th of this month. We pay ALL of your expenses while here, you are to furnish the umpire. Let us hear from you at once. Respectfully, C. A. Brux. Man’g’r Quitman B. B. Club. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that coatala Hereury, asmercury will surely destroy the sense offsmell and completely derange the whole system when Entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Id buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. B®,Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents perhottle. Another Arrest. Mr. J. A. Hurst brought in another negio yesterday from Boston. His name is John Henry. He is a brother-in-law of the negro Odom, who was arrested Sunday for burning the railroad bridge. It is thought that Henry knows some thing about the burning.—Thomasville Times. The subserilK th< I.’apt. To] building n known wli had we noi Game Chickens for Sale. Persons desiring to purchase full "inhered 1 blooded game chickens of the Shawl- I necked variety will find it to their inter est to correspond with the undersigned. r did not take tl«v wrecker j We are raising the very finest chickens Sunday. It was a bridge G f this celebrated variety ever seen in ie. We never would have j this section. We# can furnish young rt of an apparatus it was j cocks and hens and also eggs onapplica enlightened j t ion. Send in your orders at once. Lee & Bailey, Waycross. Ga. Humor has it that Waycross will have a new hank in the near future. The Herald is for anything that will benefit and build up the town. Is.*t the new hank open up by all means. Here is a hit of advice, in an old verse, which many would do well to remember: wisely seek, ith care. Ami ho i and wliert.’ Hitting with the plentiful that we can’t ie or whither they go. If you want to keep cool come to Waycross. You can have a front pew in Mr. Albertson’s ice house. Have you seen the comet? Itisinthe constellation of Ursa Major and you will have to look close to find it. The city chain gang has recently Iwen augmented by the addition of several mem- liers. The outlook for a splendid fall and winter business in Waycross was nevermore prom ising. The Herald rocoiVed words of commenda tion yesterday from Col. Wnv A. McDonald -which it fully appreciates. The Brinson patent barrel for shipping fruit, is in gn*at favor in this section. It fills the bill completely. The artesian well must go down until it spouts thirty feet in the air. That’s what the captain says. It’s all right to mix business and religion, ► but if you don’t mind business will rise to the top. Advertise your summer goods in the Her ald. if you want to make room for your fall stock. Begin to think about the new school build ing. It has become a necessity and we must have it Please send us more items from St, Si mons. We want to know what is being done down there. Four car-loads of Florida rock for street paving purposes passed through the city Saturday morning. Mr. H. Murphy caught a shark at St. Si mons recently that measured seven feet long. It was of the man eating variety. The Waycross gun club will soon be in condition to challenge Jacksonville and Brunswick. Better attempt to fight two ahle-liodied men with your left hand, than to lose your temper. , People are still coming to Waycross. them come, they’ll find the table already «prcad for them. ' Mr. A. H. Renfroe has been appointed Why cannot Waycross lead the procession ■with forty or fifty bigelectric fans on Plant avenue. The crop of pears on the Cherokee nursery farm will not be leas than 5.000 crates. .We are satisfied it has been the largest, ever raised in Georgia, on the same acreage. This Magic town is dressed in green, like Magic, grow the weeds, I ween. And soon the town cannot be seen. And that's what’s the matter with Hannah The average adult in Waycross perspires about an ounce an hour. In other towns when the mercury goes up to the top notch, t must be about two ounces to the hour. The young lady serenades down at St. Simon's don’t always have an opportunity of exercising their vocal powers. One lady met them at the door and gave them all the- piekles and eake she had on hand not to Mrs. G. W. Barnes. Miss Annie and Mack leave to-day for Charlotte. N. C. We com mend tnem to the kindly consideration of our friend, editor Harris, of the News. Mrs. Barnes and family will Ik* absent until October. Mrs. E. II. l.eed and daughter left last night for Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Reed will spend the summer with her daughter who is living near that city. Mrs. Reed and her daughter will also visit the World’s Fair be fore their return. We wish them a pleasant A “lacrosse stick" was one of the curiosi ties exhibited at the Herald office by Mr. Carswell yesterday. Lacrosse sticks are made by the Canadian Indians and are used to play the Canadian game of “Lacrosse.” Mr Carswell thinks of getting up a lacrosse club for Waycross. “Kyphosis hicyelistarum” is not as bad as looks. It is merely a crook in the back of a bicycle rider who carries his head between his knees when riding. There Is no known for a bad cose. The patient usually I dies when he hears the name of the disease. It is rumored that the disease has struck Waycross. The writing pupils at Kettle Creek church have made the most gratifying progress in penmanship during the first three weeks of the term. Miss Minnie Jeffords, a beautiful and accomplished young lady, and Mr. T. J. Wilkinson have made the best improvement in penmanship. An elegant prize is to be awarded to the pupil making the best im provement during the terra. We hope the Waycross colony will have no trouble making connection with the boat when they are ready to come home. Some of them are in arreas to the Herald, some of them are our neighbors upon whom we rmainly depend when hard times strike us, one of them is a iady who has promised to bring us a basket of crabe and one of them is our cook. We couldn’t get along in Way- cross without onr St. Simon’s colony. 19-ldw3 MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Selling Out at Reduced Prices at Mrs. E. CottingliamN Every Day. Special Bargains are ottered every day in the week during the summer months. Come one. come all that want a bargain, v Mrs. E. Cottinuh. 22-29 w Financial Report. Waycross, Ga., June 26th, 93. To the Hon. -Mayor and Aldermen City of Haymow—Gentlemen : I have checked up reports for first quarter, of 1893. and returned officers their reports for correc tion, which make thmn conrect. The condition of the treasury certainly calls loudly for economy and I think it only necessary to call vour attention to it to receive your assistance in protecting the credit of*he city. Respectfully, etc.. W. W. Sharpe, Chair’n Finance Com. Waycross, Ga., April 17th, 1893. HI HI Sharpe, Chairin'n Finance Cbm- mittee—Hear Sir ; I respectfully sub mit the following as report of City Clerk for first quarter year 1893 : DR. To amt specific tax rec’d of Fi nance com $ 23 70 To amt specific tax collected 1st quarter by Clerk 833 03 To amt cemetery funds 1st qr.... 28 00 To amt dog tax for 1st qr 1 00 $885 73 CR. Jan 14. Treasurer’s receipt (H) $ Jan 16, Jan 18, “ “ Jan “ “ “ Jan 21-, ’ “ “ Jan 24, “ “ Jan 28. “ “ Feb 4, “ •* Feb 4, “ “ Feb 11. “ “ Feb 18, “ “ Feb 25, “ “ Men 4. Mch 11. Mch 18, Mch 25, A pi 1, Apl 8, Apl 15, Apl 15, 2 45 7 50 13 75 7 50 63 50 74 50 332 25 6 00 62 50 47 33 64 00 21 00 16 25 16 00 17 25 3 50 28 25 600 120 00 Bicycle Ordinance. Be it ordained, by the Mayor and Coun cil in Council assembled, in tlu* City of Way- eross, Ga., that from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall l»e unlawful for any person to ride a Bicycle on any of the sidewalks along the paved streets of said City, or on the sidewalks on the west side of Pen dleton street between Jane ami Mary Streets, or on the west side of I'lunt Avenue known as Gulf Street; and any person oflemling against this Ordinance shall l>e subject to a fine of from one to fifty dollars, or to work on the chain-gang of said City from one to sixty' days, for each aiul every offense. Done in Council In regular session on 17th day of July 1893. A. M. Kxioht, ’R P. Bird. Mayor. Clerk. There is a 3-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one word. The same is true of each new one appearing each week, from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a “Crescent” on everything they make and publish. Look for it, send them the name of the, word, and they will return you Book, Beautiful Lithographs or jan23-ly Cash on hand 45 $885 73 Bespectfullv submitted. It. 1\ Bird, Clerk Council. CITY marshal’s report 1st t*R. 1893. DR. To No. street hands summons ed, 700 (» $2 00 $1,400 00 To amt street tax collected since last report for 1892 To amt city tax collected since N last report for 1892 To amt city tax collected since last report for 1889 To amt collected for garbage since last report for 1891 1892 To amt collected for filling in Plant avenue To amt collected for paving.. Gilmore street To amt collected for impound ing stock To amt collected for fines 1st quarter 221 00 Winding Up of the Season! A GRAND CLEARANCE SALE ALL SUMMER GOODS REGARDLESS OF PRICE, COST OR VALUE!!! □BES&iJxrjxrijNrcs- Thursday, July 20th! themTgrace CO. EVERYTHING GOES! 145 90 55 64 130 00 365 63 12 60 Samples Free. s Special Notice All parties having work at my shop are requested to come forward, pay for same and take it out, or it will be sold in 15 days for repairs and to make room for other work. Respectfully, 24--tf S. L. Gupton & Co. By No. street hands default ml 57 1,<« $2 00 S ,142 00 By No st hands xcused, 5 ... 10 00 Bv No st. hands vorked, 4 ... 8 00 Bv treasurer’s receipts Jan 14, 214 41 Bv “ “ “ 21, 14 00 By «. *4 “ 28, 35 00 By 44 44 Feb 3d, 165 00 Bv « 11, 79 66 By 44 Mch 4th, 95 00 Bv 44 .« “ 18, 28 00 By 44 “ 25, 95 30 Bv 4f 4. April 1st 100 00 Bv 4« .4 “ 8th 93 00 Bv <4 44 “ 15, 351 30 By " 17 ' 89 00 $2,520 42 Respectfully submitted, John P. Cason. Citv Marshal. Hood’s^Cures r~ A cream of tarter baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength.— bated V. S. Government Food Report Royal Baiting Powder Co. 10® W oil Street. • • New York “My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhoea. We used various medicines, also called in two doctors, but nothing done him any good until we used Chamberlain’s Colic, Di arrhoea and Cholera Remedy^ which gave immediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it .the best medicine made and can conscientiously recom mend it to all who need a diarrhoea or colic medicine. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Texas. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale at Cash Drug Store. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pore medicinal tonics sud altera tives—containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medi cine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick headache, in digestion, constipation, and drive malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaran teed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. B. McWhorter & Co., E, B. Goodrich and B. J. Smith. Ladies, if you want a pure, delicate soap for the complexion, B. J. Smitn, druggist, will always recommend John son’s Oriental Medicinal Toilet Soap. Mr* Dmvtd If. Rbler •fShaaleytoc. Va.. was a sufferer with stomach trouble. At times aba wa» ta severe pain and great misery. Fleecing pains would seise her In the right side and at times shoot from tbs hip to the breast. She aho suffered chills la the body and Hats. PhysleUae failed to ffisgnoowthocaeo and nedkdaee taPed to emeu Hood’s Sarsaparilla guiekly brought about ■ dug* ujtdl mil taabMo* perfect iMtonttoo to huttb. Mood*. ra« Mt M«ar, yet prmpUy ie4 •ffldeotly, ea tb.HTemJW.ele. «Scl J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St, Sharps- burg. Pm., sets he will not be without Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, coughs end colds, that it cured his wife who wee threatened with pneumonia after sn etteck of le grippe, when nr- ions other remedies and several physi cians had done her no good. Robert Buber, of Cooktport, Pa., claims Dr. King’s New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for long trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at A. B. McWhor ter* Co., E. K Goodrich and B. J. Smith’, drag Store. 1000 yds. Cotton Challics, worth 6c., at 3c. 1000 “ Summer Calicoes, “ 5c.,at 2A c. Remnants of Wash Goods sold during the season at 12^ to 50c., now going at 5, 7 A, 15 and 20e. A table full of odds and ends of Socks and Stockings at half price. *2.,vw52 Q ur middle floor is covered with Men’s Neglige Shirts that were $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. They go now at 62A, 87K, and $1.00. The odds and ends of Men’s Undershirts and other articles of under wear on a table to themselves at actual N. Y. cost. Large size 10c. Fans at 5c. 10 doz. Ladies’ Undervests at 6e. 10 doz.,Ladies’ Fancy Undervests, form erly 25c., now 15c. All Lawns and Muslins at N. York cost. $1,000 worth of Ladies Oxford Ties at actual cost. Big assortment of Men’s Scarfs, Ties aqd Bows on middle table at 5,10 and 15c. 10 dozen Men’s Colored Bordered Hand kerchiefs on middle table at 5, 7A, 9c. 20 dozen Silk Mitts, all colors, at 10,15, 20 and 38c. 40 pieces White Lawn, formerly 10 cents, now 6 cents. 20 pieces Checked Nainsook, formerly 15 cents, now 10 cents. 150 pieces Ribbon at and below cost. One lot of odds and ends of Corsets below cost. wiw be sag a tom we mean It. THE C. C. GRACE CO.