Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, September 23, 1893, Image 3

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' r?B , THE WAYCROSS HERALD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1893. »<*«***«* • OURSELVES AND NEIGHBORS. Official Organ of Ware County, Chari* ton Coauty and City of W'aycro**. Published every Saturday at the Herald (Mice Plant Avenue, Waycmu, Ga. Subscription $1.00 per annum; Address all communications and remittances to THE HERALD ' Our authorized representatives will be provided with proper credentials defining their authority, duly ■signed by the Manager. Communications for publication of the writer. Purely personal ,5° rJ0 ^y .** advertising matter. Communications to insure insertion must Le iu by Tuesday. Expression* of sympathy ire heard on every hand. Waycross should he thankful for the many blessings she enjoy*. Canned sweet potatoes are the latest. Why not make it possum ami tators? Mayor Knight has just had a new hateli of health eertificates printed. Homemade hay is 1 icing hroitgh to thf city in eonsiderahle quantities. The fellow who has notliingelse to spare is always on hand to give advice. Our sfdendid opera hon*c is being put in order for the winter entertainment*. Until further notice J>. B. English’s ad dress will be 549 Broadway New York. Judge Lotts supply of Marriage licenses are now ready for the fall trade. Dr. McWhorter ran resume his linen dus ter. The summer is still with us. A Waycross man proposes to furnish ex plorer Teary with all the dogs he want*. The man who insists that the world owes him a living has to hustle to collect the lull. Only one perso old age, Inst they all die wh thousand die ch better that' J. M. llluekshea ivas hurt in the wi last week Is dead. good of their race. New lot bleaching.*, sheeting."pillow < ins and ei^tton Manuel till of host brands s portions of the city ■ ■ologno bottle after dark nose around a little. If the Cherokee b« and on the-strip will t » Wn lodnted. I Sen. W. Haln«h remains at ml is doing all he can to re ing people of Brunswick. Murphy will be in the p< plaee during the absent*' \ at the fumigating station. Mr. R. C# Dickenson has been elected treasurer oFCiincli county. The negro, John Plummer, who i§ sup posed to have assassinated Mr. Home in Thomas county recently, has been ar retted and is in jail. The telegraphic service of the Albany Herald is supurb. It gives the news.of to-day'the same day, and don’t wait un til the next morning. Buckingham K. Smith, of Albany was out dove shooting a short distance from town, and accidentally discharged his gun, the entire load entering his bowels. The wound was fatal. ■ Latest report from the eycloue which passed through Bullock county Saturday show that great destruction was wrought. Crops are leveled and several houses blown down. The Waycross Herald says Mrs. Fel ton is a ‘‘daisy.” Better watch your cork, brother; Mis. F. doesn’t approve of a compliment of that sort. Remember I>r. Hawthorne.—Albany Herald. Capt. R. Hobbs, of the late firm of Hobbs & Tucker, bankers of Albany is settling oft* with the creditors of that firm, wherever possible, with his real estate in this and other counties.—Tifton Gazette. Can’t the editor of the Bruns wick Times-Advertiser get hold of the yellow fever, together with the cranks of Bruns wick and Wrench them out of existence. If he could lie would immortalize him- sel f.—A1 bany Advertiser. TIT FOR TATJ : Wares boro Quarantines Against Way- cross. V | The following notice was received j from Warcsboro. yesterday. It seems that Warcsboro is paying us in our own coin. In defence of the action of the mayor of Waycross in ordering quaran tine against Warcsboro, we desire to state that his honor was in possession of information to the effect that people from Brunswick were getting off the train at .Warcsboro and there was noth ing to prevent them from coraisg through the country, a distance of seven miles, to Waycross, hence the necessity for the quarantine. The fact that |Warcsboro had not quarantined against Brunswick until the 18th inst. shows that Mayor Knight was simply doing his duty. Waresboro, Ga., Sept. IS, 1803. Etexing Herald; Waresboro established quarantine against Brunswick and Waycross this morning. Xo persons allowed to enter without producing proper certificates. Colored School Opened. The colored school, under charge of Professor Snelson, opened this morning with a large attendance. The W ay cross colored school is well managed by Mr. Snelson and is well regulated in every department. Watch Inspector. Mr. T. E. Lanier, the well.Known jewelry qian of this city, has been ap pointed by the »S., F. & W. Ry., Watch Inspector for the Gainesville, Fort White and Waycross divisions. He enters upon Ins duties at once. The Hiues Filled With Water. We learn that the recent storm has filled the phosphate mines at Fort White and High Springs with water, and the S, F. «fc W. Ry, has in consequence been compelled to annul for a short time the through freight between Wav- eross and Fort White. It Is Camp Haines. The name of the camp of detention near Waynesville is Camp Haines, not camp Hutton as some of the people and newspapers presist in calling it. It was named for Geo. W. Haines the man who has done more to relieve the people of Brunswick than any other one man. Our News From Brunswick. The Herald will furnish the news from Brnnswiek up to 3:30 o’clock each day. Our telegraphic dispatches can be relied on. Pay no attention to vague rumors, but if you want the truth, read the Herald every-afternoon, and be sure to pay voirr subscription when the col lector comes around. He Killed the .Snake. A. P. - Perhani, Jr., killed a large rattle-snake near the city yesterday. According to the story the youth relates the reptile must have been large enough to swallow a sheep. This might seem a pretty tough story, but knowing the parents of the young man as we do, we cannot doubt the truth of the statement. The rattles, nine in number, would indi cate a right smart snake. Yellow Fever News and Notes. Two banks .have removed to St. Si mons. microbes is slow, The spread < but- sure. THE LAST CHAPTER. The One Thing Needful to V. Wind Up the Horrors. i A SOONERS SPIRIT OF BRAVADO. The FeelinjJL Against the Govcrnmc Troops Id Bitter iu All I’arts of lleitig Organised. All mails leaving Brunswick fumigated. Yellow Jack has given Brunswick a broad side at last. Brunswick’s rally was heroic, but she lias had to knock under. The refugees have been leaving | Arkansas City, Kail., Sept. 21.—It' Brunswick in box cars ami flats. needed but one thing to complete the Brunswick appeals for help. Thel chapter of horrors supplied by tins open- stricken city must be relieved. 1 ™g of the Cherokee strip, and that was ..... . a hanging. This has been supplied and The B. &. W. E. R. is bringing all | jjj e chapter is finished. Asa Youmans, who formerly lived near Carthage, Mo., refugees out of Brunswick free. The sanitary experts think they can confine the epidemic to the stricken city,* 'Every man, woman and child that can do so, should leave Brunswick at once. There may have been blundering in Brunswick, but this is no time to quarrel about it. From this time forth the names of the sick in Brunswick will not be mention ed in the reports. A large number of people went to the Camp of Detention from Brunswick last Monday night. Canfp Haines was opened Monday for the Brunswick refugees. Fifteen hundred can Jae accommodated. came to the strip in company with a number of Missourians who were regu larly organized and paid by a syndicate of real estate men who proposed to deal in strip lands. When the first runners reached Chikaska, near where Blackwell now stands, they found at least 50 men holding down claims with no ether bag gage tiian their rifles. This man You- man was holding two, claiming that liis friend and partner had gone out on a search for water. The first comers did not attempt to dislodge him, but those who came later, to whom the circum stances had been reported, planted their flags and determined to stand by them. Youmans came up to two of them and ordered them off, at the same time pre senting the muzzle of his rifle. One of the men asked him for his certificate, to which he said he had none and did not- propose to get one; that he had support jh to mako good liis claim, at the • _ j same time adding: Camp Haines is in condition to ac-| *Tm a sooner, and I’d like to know commodate 1,000 people and propara- j *** lle ^ you are going to do about tions for more arc rapidly progressing. | The two men, covered as they were, | went away, but in less than an hour re- Liciit. Irwin, of the Fourth United turned with at least two dozen of their the ul Watson & Co. sold one man y it 1.27 spot cash. They deserve * “TheLending Dry goods House. I’rad Watson will le; few. days to pnrehasc -ill be heard from Tim r New York in fall stock. He these columns Mr, Blount Located. niM.-c ! Everyone has been speculating- about of Mr. ! what'Col. B.ount’s intentions are. The i following sent from. Macon to the Cch- Mr. Hay at the fish market, is exhibiting j stitution is, perhaps, about as correct a boneless mullett- to-day. Boneless li.-li | diagonis of the ease as has vet been ,.,iM bo goo.UI.ln* to lmvc alw.it. ] nlade . Now that Col. James H. Blount' has returned from Washington, speculation as to the future political intentions is And aft« r all, the new baby at the White | very liveW. A gentleman who had a )ttrob.intl,ins tol^g about There arc conversation this morning with him a <i. ha n< - *1) \ >'}' d* > to.it * an uc.it . sa y g t j iat Blount’s ambition is, be yond all doubt, to succeed Senator Colquitt in the United States Senate, lie says Mr. Blount has no desire to be governor'and would only contest for it with a view of stepping from the guber- nation chair into the senate. Mr. Blount has come home to look over the politi cal field. It is not. reasonable to sup pose that a man of Mr. Blount’s age and reputation would be willing to retire to private life just yet. They Are Spoken Of, The following named gentlemen have been spoken of do fill the vacancy on the board of Aldermen, caused by the death of Capt. E. II. Crawley. Either of those named would make an efficient and acceptable councilman. Here are the names; T. E. Lanier, J. II. Gillon, Mr. II. II Sj'.snett, who has just returned om a business trip to Appling county, in- •rtns us that the crop of cotton is cut off at a&t half in that section. Over 200 mattresses with pillows, cot comforts and blankets were shipped froi the quarantine station near Waycross i Tamp Haines last Sunday night. Mr. Humphreys «if the firm of Hun phreys £ Norton has bought out W. McNeil and will continue the grocery bt> ness at the Old stand. The miserable microVs having noti.ii to feed upon will soon return to tlie vi earth from whence they sprung, unwept, m honored hut not unsung. He Claims That Deklc Was Beat Three Minutes. Editor Herald: The fast run of W. G. Dekle on No. 78 has been beat 3 * minutes by J. M- Smith. AVith the same engine, Xo. 12 W’ild Jim made it in 2 hours and 29 minutes including ten stops. It Inis been decided by conductor R. B. Ballard and dispatchers Kirkland and Shackle ford that Jim done him up on the run. O. L. S. Waresboro (Quarantined Against. Mayor Knight quarantined against Warcsboro this morning end has placed guards on all the public roads. Citi zens of Waycross will net be allowed to go to Waresboro and return and Warcs boro people will not be allowed to come to the city at present. This precaution lias been deemed necessary for the rea son that it is supposed that there are a number of people in Waresboro who re cently came from Brunswick. . The Harris Case. Replying to a letter written by a Brunswick lady to the Albany Herand “and refering to Harris who died in the Branham residence, Dr. Guiteras says: The truth is that he was much pleased at his removal. He was made to be lieve that Dr. Branham bad recovered, and that he (Harris) could be treated to better advantage in die Branham house. •He was removed with great care, under tlie supervision of, and accompanied by gentlemen who are familiar with the handling of patients. States Cavalry has volunteered to take charge of the discipline at Camp Haines. The Board of Health oi* Brunswick reports that the dssease lias spread to all quarters of the city. Xo spot is un infected. * i, woman and child that should leave Brunswick*, should be left to feed upon Georgia Charlton County. M. N, Baker lias applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homes*—■* *“■* * ——— *•— at eleven my office administrator of the estate of James 1J. Baker late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from saiu ad ministration ami I will pass upon his appli- he first Monday in December office in Traders’ Hill, said coun- I | ' * * rig- ox'Dow uxo. Ordinary. II. K. Jenkins,) t Lfpd Notice. Libel for Divo In Ware Superior Court. Annie Jenkins I November Term, 1893. To tlit* defendent in said suit: You are hereby notified to lie and appear at the next term of said court to lie held on tlie first Monday in November next then and there to answer the plaintiff's libel for di vorce, as in default thereof the conrt will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. J. L. Sweat, judge ot said court. This August 22nd. 1893. Lee L. Sweat, B. II. Thomas, Dili*. Attorney.Clerk S. C. W. C. Even* 1:1:1 can do sn The microbe themselves. seventeen years ago Monday ever was declared epidemic in ek. Monday a repetition of ‘ thing occurred. Bruns the sa Camp Haines will only be a Camp of Detention ; after remaining there ten days refugees will be allowed to move on, but where tne poor will go God only knows. Dr. Guiteras thinks it possible that the fever originated in the house of the Norwegian who died. His wife washed for the sailors and it is thought that she died of yellow fever. The Morning News correspondent at Brunswick gives nineteen ns the num ber of new cases up to yesterday after noon. The Herald gives twenty as the number. We think we are correct. Dr. Guiteras says : “From the outlook at present I believe there will be a heavy mortality. The fever seems to be of a malignant type. Nothing can stop it if the people remain in Brunswick.” The only way out of Brunswick now | is through Camp Haines, after ten days j detention. We fear that the Brunswick Times- , Advertiier has been compelled to sus- ‘ pend; It lias not reached us since bun- Surgeon Murray says that the-easts under treatment are not considered critical and most of them are convales cent. He thinks lie can cure ninety-two cases out of everv Jmndred. friends, captured Youmans and proceed ed to make him ready for trial by Judge Lynch. jn n Spirit of Bravado, Youmans said he had killed two set tlers and said he would get away with some more. This so exasperated the men that they placed a lariat about liis neck and pulled him up to a tree, where they left his body as a warning to soon- ers. Investigation reveals the existence of a real estate syndicate, with headquarters at Cross, which offers bottom farms on the Chikaska for sale at prices ranging from §300 to §1,000. A man who desired to purchase was shown the land, and when lie made inquiry as to the means of getting possession the claimant was called up and ordered to vacate, which lie did, and the real estate men proceed ed to let the purchaser taV- p >ssession and make claim, which he .vTl -uurii he reached Cross, where he t >>k 11 * trai l for this city. He said that ha li i i U ;ard of this deal before he left his h» n: n >.*r Carthage, but then did not b -hi.v i:. He does now. Tragedies Kvcrj-uln-riS? Rumors of "casualties and tragedies are rife in all parts of the country. Remains of persons have bcQH found burned to death in nearly all sections, two boom ers report haring seen a woman bum l>e- fore they could effect her rescuo. Simi lar stories, which tell of c rime an:l hor ror, are flying everywhere, while 'but few of them can be c onfirmed, or the identity df persons figuring in them, liv ing or dead, he established. There can be no doubt that deaths, either by acci dent or murder, have been frequent. Such a vast movement as this has been could not but result in many fatalities. There have been tragedies of \vkich the story cannot bo written now and per haps can never be. There are dead men to become food for coyotes. There is blood all over the history of the opening and settlement of the Cherokee strip. But put of these conditions, law, order and the security of life and property will be evclved. Libel for Divorce. Niney Walker, ) Ware Superior Ct., vs. > November Term 1893, ‘William Walker. J Libel for Divorce. To William Walker: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the Superi or Court next to be hnldcn in and for said county on the first Monday in November next, to answer plaintiff’s libel for divorce. Wit ness tlie Honorable J. L. §weat. Judge of the Superior Court of the Brunswick Cir cuit. Tins Aug. 24th. 1893. Hitch & Myers, Attys for Libelant 1 1 am2nios. B. II. THOMAS. Georgia, Cliarltc u County. To all whom it may concern: J. C. Thomp son. a resident of Nassau county, and State of Florida, has, in due form, applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of James Thompson, late of said county deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the 1st Monday in October next. 1893. Given under my hand ami official signature this 25th day of Au gust 1893. Aaron Dow ring. Ordinary. HEN AND WOMEN HELP; DR. HATHAWAY & CO., SPECIALISTS. (Regular Craduates.) Acknowledged to be the leading and moet lucceaaful of all specialists and will give yon HELP. YOUNG AND MIDDLE- Another party of Chians is com . „ .. Georgia this fall, If they should visit Way- J. A. Jones, C. II. Thomas, J. T. Brown, cross and Ware bounty they will willing to return! to Ohio. The country is in the hands of the quaran tine* officers. We would like to be able to dispense with his services, but as a rule he is the right man in the right place. The finest job we have seen for a long time was shown us this morning. It urns a diamond ring which had been reset by T.E. Lanier & Sons. Tlie workmanship cannot l*e excelled in any city. II. W. Wilson and G. P. Pollard. Wc learn that a caucus will be held and probably one of the parties named will be chosen. Died at Quitman. Mrs. rialiie Williams, wile of K. H. Williams, a prominent citizen of Quit- man, died suddenly last night. She was an old schoolmate of the senior editor of j this paper and for years a next door * The splendid turnouts which you see . , , ., . . . speeding along Plant avenue belongs lo that 1 '-aghbor of the jUD.or and h.s famny. prince of livery men. Geo. Turner. Hire ! Mrs. Williams was onft of the best and one for a few hours and feel like a million-j kindest women we ever knew. The aire. It may lie your last chance. ^' Herald tenders sympathy to the bereaved It now looks as if the microbe devils (we ! husband and family- call them hard names at a safe distance) are —' “ ” ' ' about to be outdone by the ingenuity and! Country trade receive all possible at- precaufion of man. We sincerely hope they j tc-ntion from us. We have a shelter and have had their last human victim. j stable for your horse and buggy. . Tne rumor that Collat Intending leaving : Brad Watson & Co. Waycrost seems to have had no foundation. | . , Irr T _ •.,» . in fact, he only turned loose a minute to PAE-A-sIT-bGIDE cures Jtch m spit in his hands.. Ill* stock is complete 1 thirt ? minutes. Pnce 59 cents. ..old by and his prices arc as low as the lowest.' T. S. Paine. ' omes A Pathetic Scene. We reproduce the following from the savannah News correspondence or yea- j fav ' or!lble outloo’ terday: “Daring the hurry and bustle ! of leaving to-day many nailed up tlieir stores and then fled. Weeping mothers, >s and children stood by the thain, ng as if their hearts would break as they imprinted kisses on their loved ones’ lips, probably the last they will ever give. Strong men turned aside, with tears welling from tlieir eyes, as they viewed tlie affecting scene, and the prayers that were offered in that crowd were many, but silent and sincere. Father Heunesy, Ministers Ed. F. Cook, J. A. Thompson and D. Watson Winn were among them, offering con solation to the departing people, and will remain to comfort those who can not leave. Surgeon Murray telegraphs Washing ton that the fever prevades the cntiic ity of Brunswick, and that the most indicates a six weeks Brad Watson & Co. have just .opened a big shipment of School boy jeans, and they are cheaper this season than ever before. Special prices by the bolt. October Fifteenth the Day. The time for paying town tax in the city of Waycross closes Oct. loth at sunset Take dae notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Take your home paper, cert an. Dr. Magruder wants a number of am bitious young doctors to come down to Brunswick, take the yellow fever and be cured, so they can be of service to tlie country in the future. Are we to infer that the young doctors will be of no ser vice unless they have yellow fever and are cured? A careful investigation re veals the fact that there are no ambitious youug doctors around the Herald office. Bitter Against the Troops. Tlie feeling against the government troops is bitter in all parts of the strip. They are charged with oppression and corrupt connivance at the entry of some of the sooners. A municipal government is now or ganized iu every new town, and county governments are established in all the counties created by the law. Governor Renfrew as appointed county officers in all of the comities. j ’ Two Tragedies at Perry. An Kansas City, Kan., Sept. 21.—At Perry George Russell was shot and killed by Jim Gcrfarhty. Each had gone to the land office to register prelim inary papms claiming the northeast quar ter oi: section 17. T hey quarried while waiting in the line before the laud office and Gerrarhtv drew a revolver and shot Russell dead. The murderer escaped. Cliff Stafford wa; killed bv Jesse Thomp son. They were disputing about a claim when Thompson struck Stafford in the kcadwitha club. Thompson was not arrested. - - jr.ji « l for The Savannah Morning News corres pondent gives the following list of names of those who were under treatment for yellow fever in Brunswick yesterday: Mrs. Sarah Turner and her 5-year-old daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth Stokc3 on E street, Newtown; Mrs. Smith, Newtown; Archie H. Smith on Monk street; Miss Rosa Nisi, Newcastle street, over Krauss’ bakery; 3Irs. .Crane, Newtown; William Di»a]>poitited IIo:ncsn-kri-j lt«*tnrj». Wichita, Kan., Sept. 21.—Between 300 mid 4C0 covered wagons passed north : through here, returning from the ship. 1 The parties were unable to get claims, and are lond in denouncing the sooners, who,, they claim, got all the best lands. There are a large number of people ar riving here on every train who are in „ „„ destitute circumstances, and the county j Philotoken. commissioners .expect to see-their pau per account largely increased. that will r :ly have the best L tiiai cau be found oil 1 645.00 profit on C75.0_ beinsr easiiv and honorably made by and paid t hundreds of men, women, boys, and girls in ot employ nj —— make n ^ _ n, and instructions so simple and plain, that all succeed from 'ness __„ it , ... ioand reputation of ize tlieir jjrea 115n i exactly oom for a fet ii to begin at ed, but have s of the icccssfal, and largest publishing iea. Secure tor yourself the profits s so readily and handsomely yield*. :eed grandly, and more than est expectations. Those who s we tell them. There is plenty more workers, and we urge Mice. If you are already em- feur spare moments, and wish '.•ullage, then write us at once and opportunity), and receive return mail. Address, Box No. 400. Augusta, Me. Ladies are Unfortunate. [Iccnnse the higher they rise in society the w&iker they find themselves hodily. Risky's Philotoken controls the nerves, aids nature t various functions, and thus combats ith the many ills of womankind success fully. If your druggist has not got it be Cortland St.. New York. Send for a des criptive pamphlet, with directions and cer tificates from many ladies who have used it ’t say enough In favor of Ilisley’s _OAH&NJBSS PILE CURB A New end Complete Treatment, consisting oi Fearful Floods in Virginia. Washington, Sept. 21.—Advices re-1 ceivttd here from Madison Courthouse, : Madison county, one of the xnonntain | Crane’s son, Mrs. Crane, James Sinclair, i counties of Virginia, Cvnress Mills* Mrs J N Brock John! tlus 4 sectlon haveem^ immense oam-j riththi taife brtnj*3tei ofcirboifo mdd, which Ks m , press Jims, jurs. o. OJI. i>rotK, uotiu j age to crops and fencing. Four large I wepeinful and seldom • permanent cure, and often Brock, in same house; Mrs. \Y. M. Lueree, j mills on the banks of the Rapidan river i Guarantee *6 Mr* H C Smith Geo Clark 4-mile i three dwellings in this county have ! boxes to cure an/cate. You only pay for aii>. it. v.. aoua, v»eo Liark,*-mne wa^ed away. The village of Cri~- 1 -refits received. ti»box.6fbr«5. Sent by mail, crossing; Mrs. Sinclair, Cypress Mills, fersviBe, on the Rohinam rivtr. was al- | Piles Prevent two children of J. F. Norris, East Ten- 1 most swept out of existqjicg. Many nai- i C0NSTIP ATlON brJap'inese Liver Pellets , row escapes have heen made, hut so far i the greet uveb and stouach regulator and nessee ticket agent; bam Ward and • ro reT ^vw2l hvst i eloodpurifier, small, mild and pleasant to , .. , ■ ° mes 316 re PO*W* A v§u , especially adapted for children's use. WDoses child. I i i> cents. GUARANTEES Issued only by - -