Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, September 23, 1893, Image 4

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4 THE WAYCROSS HERALD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 23, 1893. STRAY THREADS. The man on the ice wagon says: “I saw ice on my wagon to-day.” Yes X see you saw ice. Waycross should be put' in a strictly first-class sanitary condition at once, and no delay about it. Prof. Skinner will meet the chil dren of the Methodist Suudtiy school at the Methodist church this afternoon as usual. The carpenters are putting op the seats in thn new Methodist church. The County court of Ware county ought to make a strong fight for jus tice. Can you tell why? Because it has a Cannou for solicitor. Waycross will be well represented at the Homcrvilie Camp-meeting, so X understand. The meeting opeus to-morrow. Business iso “pickin’” up. And Summer is most gone. Everything is full of life And Waycross holds her own The sportsmen are “shelling the woods around Waycross and making it lively for the feathered tribe. Poor Brunswick! She seems fated to have a terrible scourge in spite of it all. Our sympathies go out to the sufferers. The wisest course for the govern ment to pursue and the most .effective way of stamping out the yellow death plague at Brunswick is to de populate the city as soon as possible. Wish Jack Frost would hurry on. We need his assistance to fight yellow Jack. C. H. Bee. kotice. An election is hereby ordered to be held 1 tlie city of Waycross, 6a., on Saturday September the 30th 1893; for Alderman of the8econd Ward of said city of Waycross, to fill the nnexpired term of Alderman E. II. Crawley, deceased. The election to be held at the usual voting places in said city— under and by authority granted to said city sections 4 to 8, inclusive, of the act for the incorporation of the said city of Way- cross, Ga. This fc*cpt. 18,1890. By order of ie City Council of Waycross. Ga. A. M. Knight, Attest: Mayor. R. P. Bird, Clerk of Council. Capt Stone of the Morning News was in town Monday. The Captain is all sorts of a man. He Ins aban doned the idea of going to Congress, speaks of buying land near Black- shear and startng an orchard.— Blackshear Times. Green Walker of Pierce county has been declared a lunatic and ordered sent to the asylum. Bobbery in the Light of Day. A thief entered the residence of Mr. W. W. Sha’pe Friday during the ab sence of the family, and opening a trunk belonging to Miss Sallie Ashcraft, ab stracted therefrom jewelry and toilet ar ticles to the value of twenty dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe arc in Chicago and Miss Ashcraft and the children were only ab sent foront the house a short time. Among the articles stolen were a pair of cuff buttons, ivory brush and comb, silk, handkerchiefs, etc. The loafing popu lation of Waycross should he looked after. A Comedy in Advertising. Readers of the “personal” advertising column in The New York Herald fre quently Strike something that suggests a piquant story. One day last week, The Herald con tained the following advertisement: HARRY—Please coine to see me. MARION. On the following day the reply ap peared in the same paper. MARION—Harry cannot eotue to sec you as he is needed at home. HARRY’S WIFE. It is unnecessary to add a word of ex planation. The messages from “Marion” and “Harry’s Wife” tell a story unfor tunately only too common. In this case the wife is evidently a bright wide-awake little woman, and with a fair field and a fighting cliancc she will get “Harry” straight before he goes too far. It ii be hoped so. Rev. W. H. Thomas says: “I have tried your Wonderful Life Preserver and find it an excellent remedy for Coughs and Colds, it is also a good appetizer and I am satisfied it is the best I have ever used.” Sold by all Drug gists. may 19—1 y. “Orange Blossom,” the common-sense Female Remedy, is sold and recommend ed by all druggists. Notice is hereby given that application ill be made to the next legislature the pass age of an act, to be entitled An Act to amend the Public School Laws of the City of Waycross, Ware county, Georgia, ap proved Dcccmlier 26th, 15S8, so as to require and make it the duty of the County School Commissioner of Ware county to_ pay over to the Board of Education of Public Schools of Waycross, anti entitle said Board to re ceive the pro rata share of tlie school fund of said county, belonging to said City, to ue based and computed upon tlie total number of children of School age whose parents ~ Saxon comes to the front with brand new news paper erililled “The Josselyn Saxon and Walthourville News/’ The name is enough to down it. Appeal From an Old Soldier. Waycross, Ga., Sept. 15, ’93. To The Old Confederate Veterans: —I appeal to all the Old Confederate Veterans in Ware county to support E. H. Crawley, son of that noble and brave old veteran, E. H. Crawley, who has just died, for county Treasurer. He is competent and reliable and he is the son of an old veteran, who carried to his grave the. mark of many wounds received fighting for the lost cause. Let us elect his son and in so doing show our appre ciation of the father. Jackson Grimes. ADoufthe'Snly^paper that the pos tal clerks pay any special attention ia the Congressional Record—Al bany Herald. Thinks They Need a Shaking Up The Albany Herald is out in a tling editorial with tlie caption “The crowning outrage of the Gold Bugs.” It seems that the revenue department, at the instigation of the gold-bugs of Wall street, is trying to levy a 10 per cent, tax on the clearing house certificates which Albany and other southern cities hav been compelled to issue in self defence. If the Herald is correct,(and we see no reason to doubt it,) there is a powerful sight of devilment going on some where. Refering to Wall street the Herald says: First fortifying themselves with a dc cision from the department at Washing ton that their clearing house certificates are not subject to tlie 10 per cent, tax imposed by tlie law upon state banl issue, etc., the originators and perpetra tors of the prevailing money famine invoke the enforcement of the law against all others. The Internal Reve nue Department seems to have obeyed their behest, and instructions hav -cordingly been issued to all the collec tors and deputies throughout the conn try to report for taxation all issues * of clearing house certificates and certified checks used in their respective districts. Surely the American people are the most submissive and law-abiding people -on the face of the earth or they would rise in their majesty in times like these and give the Administration at Wash- ington'and the Congress of the Uuited State such a Shaking up as would be warning to them and would not l»c for gotten soon. Capt. Buchanan Not in the Rate, To My Friends : s I hereby announce my withdrawal from the race for treasurer of Ware county. I cannot go into a scramble such as this bids fair to be, though am candid in saying that I think my chances are good. I desire to return thanks to those who have so kindly promised me their support, but must de cline to enter a race in which I forsee so many things of a disagreeable nature. C. C. Buchanan. Waycrc**, Sept. 15. 1893. Undertakers’ goods at W. R. McIn tosh & Co.’s Notice. To All Whom it May Concern. GEORGIA—Ware County :'Mrs. A. C. A, and C. T. Quinn, having in proper form, ap plied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of Terry K. Quinn, late of said county deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said deceased to appear atmyoffico nent letters of administration should not be granted to applicants on said estate. Wit ness my hand and official signature this 12th day of September 1893. To All Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA—Wake County: Elizalicth Thrift, widow of Leroy Thrift. late of said county, dcceased,has applied for a year’s support for herself and two minor children, out of the estate of said deceased; appraisers have been appointed for :hnt purpose, who have made their report which is now on file In my oftlcc. Notice is hereby given, that if no good cause is shown to the contrary, an order will be passed by the undersigned-on the first Mon day in September next, confirming the re port of said appraisers. Aug. 7.1893.—lw. Warren Lott. To All Whom It May Co Georgia—Charlton County : administrator of William Lang has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will l*e heard on the first Monday in Sep tember next. This 22nd day of July, 1893. Aaron Dowling, Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Ware CoYnty: Whereas Bur- MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. Georgia Ware County* ... the power vestal in'the un dersigned. F, M. young, \>y „ mortgage made and executed by Bergin Albcrty con taining the power cf sale, dated May 21st 1892 upon the property hereinafter describ ed. to secure the payment of a certain pro missory note for one hundred and t wen tv- five ($125) dollars, will be sold at the court house in Waycross, Ware county, Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash. On the first Tuesday in October, the following described property, to-wit: A tract or pared of land lying and being m that portion of the corpo ration of the City of Waycross. Ware coun ty, Georgia, known ns Hazzard’s Hill, and follows: Commencing at a The next Mayoralty race in Macon is going to be lively. The candi dates in the field thus far are: Messrs. George C. Price, A. L. Miller, Henry Horne and Bob Smith. The Magic City Band. The members of the Magic City Band held a meeting at the armory yesterday afternoon and perfected an organization. A band concert will be given on the or 29th inst. for the purpose of raising money to buy instruments. Much inter est is being taken in the movement and we do not doubt that ere long Waycross will have a first-class band. Notice of concert will appear later. Let us all help tlie baud. Bring your orders for job printing to the Herald office. You will always get good work at lew prices. * Pnt to Flight --all the peculiar troubles that beset a woman. The only guaranteed remedy for them is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription. For women suffering from any chronic “female complain*’ or weakness; for women who are run down and overworked; for woraeu expecting to become mothers, and for mothers who are nursing and exhausted; at the change from girlhood to womanhood; and later, at the critical “change of life”—it is a medicine tin* safely and certainly builds up, strengthens, regulates and cures. If it doesn’t, if it even fails to benefit , you have your money back. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER of Ware county, at the election to he held on the 3rd day of October next, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of E. H. Craw ley and I earnestly solicit the support of the voters of Ware county. If elected I pledge myself to faithfully discharge the duties of the office. C. C. Buchanan. Sept. 13th, 1893. Notice of Dissolution. Georgia—Ware County : The firm of S. L. Gupton & Co., composed of S. L. Gup- ton and Leila B. Tart, has tills day been dissolved by mutual consent, the said Leila B. Tart having sold her interest in the busi ness of said firm to James T. McGee, - who takes her place in said firm. The new firm assumes all the debts of the old firm, and will collect and retain nil demands due the same S. L. GUPTON, LELIA B. TART. JAMES T. McGEE, described u < light-wood stake and running north t*, sixty-nine and one-half (fiffi) yards to anoth er light-wood stake, thence south-east sixtv- nine and one-half (69t) yards to another TOWS?”®* south-west sixty-nine and one half (091) yards to a stake, and thence sixtv- mne and one-half («>J) yards to the place of beginning, containing one square acre of Gr.tiKUJA—are LoVnty: \\ herons Bur- Ta i, 0 *.,1,1 „„ ... . roll Sweat, W. F. Sweat and R. J. Phillip, tlu* ??id executors of the estate of \Vm. K. Phillips $“*"> *2? of settling the exeeutors 01 tlie estate ot \\m. K. Phillips Younsr for the nimw, represent to the court in their petition duly, amount due on t,‘fi filed and entered on record, that they have I Uuc OI> sahl "“"SW*. and ail fully discharged their duties as executors This is the re to re to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said executors should not - be discharged from their duties as executors, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in November 1893. This Aug. 7, 1893. Warren Lott. Ordinary. For Treasurer. Women- or men who bear tales, who betray confidence and make mischief with their tongues, are vul garians of the most despicable type. They are dangerous people and should be avoided by peace-loving and good mannered people.—American Enter prise. The Healthy Condition of Waycross. The sanitary condition of Waycross was never better than now. Our streets are clean and back lots have been raked and swept. There is very little sick ness here, and there has been fewer deaths in the city for the past year than in any other town of its size in tlie state. We have flic strictest sort of a quarantine against Brunswick, and the introduction of yellow fever from that city is almost impossible, as long as present precautions arc observed. The rumor in Atlanta that there was a case of yellow fever here, is sirnpiy ridiculous. The sportsmen of the state having reached the conclusion that the rapid disappearance of game from our forests makes the protection of that which is left imperative, will hold a convention at Atlanta on Oct. 17th for the purpose of taking steps to se cure protective game law. Be-EIeefcd. It gives us pleasure to announce that Mr. H. W. Reed lias been re-clcctcd President of the Road masters’ Associa tion of America and Mr. W. W. Sharpe Secretary. The Road masters’ Associa tion numbers more than a thousand members and is ope of the strongest or ganizations in the country. The Associa tion h:i3 dojie well, in again selecting the gentlemen above named. More efficient officers could not be found. Tlie prize of $5 offered by the Journal to the first little girl who should send in the correct guess of the new Cleveland baby’s name, was won by a little factory girl. There were a thousand guesses made, and only one was cprrect. The Situation Serious. Tlie situation is growing serious. The yellow fever has struck us again on the Atlantic coast, the Chinese arc pouring into Texas from the southwest, the train robbers are getting in their work on the Pacific slope, Jersey is threatened with cholera, Mrs. Lease has. broken loose again in Kansas, the Senate is still talk ing in its sleep and the price of whisky has gone up in Kentucky. Let the calamity howlers give a strong howl, a long howl and a howl altogether. What you are sure of, if you use Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, is either a per fect and-permanent cure for your Catairh, no matter how bad your case may be, or $500 in cash. The proprietors of the medicine promise to pay you the money, if they can’t cure you. B. J. Smith, Drugf.ist, Waycross.Ga. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Miller & Morgan, wood and tie contractors, has been dissolved by mu tual consent, A..H. Morgan continuing the business and assuming all liabilities of said firm. This 15th day of .September, 1893.. Mayors Proclmnaniou, On account of the prevalence of yellow fever in Brunswick, Ga., a rigid quarantine s hereby declared against tlie city. No per- _ons baggage or freight will be permitted to enter the ci ty of Waycross. The officers and employes of the railroad companies are re quested to assist in enforcing this quarantine. Georgia Wore County. To all Whom it may concern: All persons interested are hereby notified that if no good cause be shown to the con trary, an order will be granted by the under signed on the 3rd day of Oct. 1893, establish ing a new road, as marked out by the Road Processioncrs appointed for that purpose, commencing at a point where the old 1 Dough- las Ferry” road is intersected by the public road within the corporate limits of Wares- boro and running thence to Parrish & Mor rison’s still, thence in a direct line leading by the residence of John McDaniel, Sr. to the Davis bridge in said county. This Sep:. 6th, 1893 Warren Lott, W. A. Casin', J. \V. Davidson, D. J. Blackburn. County Commissioners Ware County. Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that application ill be made to the tiext session ot the Geor gia Legislature for the passage of a bill to be entitled: An Act to repeal the present charter incorporating the town of -Wares To the Votcm of W'are Coun ty--I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of TREASURER of Ware county, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Capt. E. H. Crawley. I solicit the support of the voters of the county, and if elected promise to fullfil the duties of the office to the best of my alfflity. The elec tion will Ik; held on the third clay of Octo ber next, as ordered by the Ordinary. JOSEPH A. JONES. W nycross. Sept. 14.1893. Hood’s Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cts. Sent by mail on receipt of price by C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. A Cuie for Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold at one dollar a bot tle which claims to cure rheumatism, is simply an imposition, for when all ex penses are deducted it leaves not more than twenty cents to represent the raedi cine.’ Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Rem edy, which is performing such wonder ful cures that it is being prescribed ’ by the medical faculty everywhere, is com pounded at great expense from rare drugs and cannot be sold for less than Five Dollars a bottle. But it always cures. Sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price. Drummond Medicine Co., 48- 59 Maideu Lane, New York. Agent? wanted. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics aud altera tives—containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medi cine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick headache, in digestion, constipation, and drive malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaran teed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50 cents per •bottle. Sold by A. B. McWhorter & Co., E. B-Goodrich and B. J. Smith. Bnv»rf of Ointments tor Catarrh th; contain Mtrtniy, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as , the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and ia taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. fic*k,Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per bottle. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King’s New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Cali on the advertised Drug gist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen Ct*., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr.'King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to health and House hold Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. A. B. McWhorter & Co., B. J. Smith, E B. Goodrich’s Drug Store. HEALTH ORDINANCE: NO.1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Waycross, in Council assembled: That from and afteT the passage cf this or dinance, any persons or person who shall falsely utter or report that there exists with in the city of Waycross, any contagious infectious disease or diseases, shall be subject to a fine of hot exceeding one hundred dollars, or to work on the city chain gang not exceeding ninety days, either or both in the discretion of the Mayor for each and every offense against this ordidancc. This August 21s£ 1893. A. M. Knight, R. I*. Bird, Mayor. Clerk of Council. 3t-d lt-v HEALTH ORDINANCE NO. 3. -Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Waycross, in Council assem bled, and it is hereby made a law. that if any person or persons shall harbor secret, entertain, lodge or keep, or shall directly or indirectly suffer to be harbored, secreted, entertained, lodged or kept, any persons < person, within the city limits, who ha' been exposed to any infectious or contagious disease or diseases, shall upon conviction be subject to a fine of not more than One Hundred dollars, or to work on the chain gang not more, than sixty days, either both at the discretion of the Mayor, Cot each and every offeuse against this ordinance. Done in meeting of Council Sept. 18th, 1893. A. M. Knight, R. P. Bird, May< Clerk of Council. 3t. d. It. w. Summer Weakness And that tired feeling; loss of appetite and nervous prostration are driven away by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit of this great medicine, give it a trial and you will join the army of enthusiastic admirers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sure, efficient, easy—Hood’s Pills. They should bo in every traveller’s grip and every family medicine chest, cents a box. For a lame back or for a pain in the side or chest, try saturating a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Pain Dal in and binding it onto the affected parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary case in one or two days. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. 50 cent bottles for sale at the Cash Drug store. For Rent. Nice five-room cottage, comer Brunei and Reynolds streets. Apply to ] 6 t. d. N. M. Reynolds. For Treasurer. Waycross, Ga., Sept. loth. 1893. To Tue People of Ware County:— There ng a vacancy in the office of Treasurer of Ware County, occasioned by the death of my father, Capt. E. II. Crawley, and being desirous of filling said office, for unoxpired term, I will stand before tlie peo ple for said unexpired term, and will tie- grateful for the suffrages of the good people of Ware County. If I should l»e elected I will esteem the office a public trust and wilt be faithful in its administration. Very respectfully, E. H. CRAWLEY. JR. Shcrlfl Sale. Georgia—Ware County : Will be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the court bouse door in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for gast street at the southeast comer of the lands of Jordan and Jeffords, which street at that point is sixty feet wide, thence east along said Prendergast street two hundred feet more or less to the centei of the South prong of Tcbeau Branch, thence northeast erly along tlie center of said branch, two hundred feet, more or less, to the south side of Wadley street, thence west along Wadley street three hundred feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of said Jordan and Jeffords’ la'nd, thence south along said land of Jeff unis and Jonlan two hundred feet to said Prcndergast street to the point of be ginning, containing about one and a half acres, and lying and being in the county of Ware, city of Waycross and State of Georgia. Levied on under and by an execution issued from the Superior Court of Lowndes county, in favor of MeEaehern Bros. & McLeod against Wriglit and Donahue. Said land levied on as the properly of J. H. Wright. This July 25,1893. S. F. MILLER. Sheriff. W. C Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that application will lie made to the next session of the Geor gia legislature for the passage of a hill to be entitled: An Act to authorize and empow er the Mayor and Conneil ot the City of Waycross to issue bonds in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof, as may be necessary, payable in thirty years, and bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent, per annum, for the purpose of constructing and furnishing a sin tabic public school building for tlie whites, on Block No. 32, of said city, and also to provide additional school facilities for the colored people, and for other pur poses. This Septcmiier 5, 1893. To All Whom It May Concern: Georgia, Charlton County: K. S. Lov/thcr having in due form applied , 4 ..... - hereby given that his application will be heard at my office on tlie first Monday in September next. i Given under my hand and official si tare this August 7th, 1893. Aaron Dowling, Ordinary CITATION. Georgia, Ware County * To All Whom it may Concern—A11 persons are hereby notified that if no good cause l “ shown to the contrary, an order will i granted by the County Commissioners of Ware county, Ga., on the 5th day of Sep tember, 1893. establishing a new road as marked out by the road processioncrs ap pointed for that purpose, commencing at Peart-k Creek, where the 014 Columbus public road crosses said creek and running in a westerly direction to the county line of Coffee county, to connect with a proposed —.i r— £v»fffee county Icadinr ' %r NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. To my Friends and the Public Generally. Mr. J. T. McGee having liought Mrs. Leila B. Tart’s interest in tlie Waycross Car riage Shop, it will be conducted under the firm name of S. L. Gupton & Co. as hereto fore. Thanking you for past favors, and hoping of a continuance for the same to tlie new firm we remain yours truly. S. L. Gupton. ) S. L Gupton & Co. J. T. McGee, i Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Hitten, Bently & Co., who have been engaged in the cross-tic business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. B. J. Moody is authorized to make collections and transact business looking towards the winding up of the old affairs of the firm. Mr. M. M. Bentley will continue in tlie cross-tie business. This July lfth, 1893. E. HILTON, M. M. BENTLEY, D.J. MOODY. july 17-4w road the Me- State of Ohio, City of Toledo > Lucas County f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the Ciry of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that the said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hail’s Catarrh Cube. . FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. , . ' A. W. GLEASON, | SEAL j Rotary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surface of the system. - Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. BST Sold by Druggists, 75c. ty .. Donald bridge across Red Bluff’Creek on the Douglas and j Homerville public road: and also closing 1 the public road commonly known as the Old Columbus Road.” from Pearch Creek, West to tlie Bridge crossing Red Bluff Creek on said road: and that also an order will be granted by said Commission ers, on said day, establishing a new road a3 marked out by the road processioners ap pointed for that purpose fruni Millwood to the Columbus Bridge across Red jBluffOreek on the present Old Columbus Road. Warren Lott. Chairman Board Co. Com.. August 1st, 1893. Ware Co.. Ga. Sheriff*. Sale. Georgia, Wake County—Will be sold be fore the Courthouse door of said county, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Lot of land No. 219, in the 5th District of said eotanty. and all improve ments thereon. 3aid property sold by vir tue of a fifa from the Superior Court of said ~-unty. In favor of J. M, Johnson vs. J. 31. Also at the same time and place, by vir tue of a fifa from County Court of Ware county, in favor of Joel Lott vs. If. B. Wil son, four hundred acres more or less, of lot No. 51 in the 8t h district of Ware county, and all improvements thereon. _ The same lying and being on the west side of Ful- wood’s creek. .Levied on as the property of H. B. Wilson and notice given to . tenant xn possession. This August 31.1893. S. F. MILLER, Sheriff W. C. To All Whom U May Concern: Georgia—Charlton County: Leon E. Roddenberry lias applied to the undersign ed for permanent letters of adininistranon on the estate of Henry J. Roddenberry, late of said county deceased, and I will pass on said application on the first Monday in Sep tember, 1893. Given under my hand and. official signature this 22d day of July 1893. Aaron Dowling, Ordinary. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Clutrlton County. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship of It. O. Lee *fc Co., doing business at Folkston, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, the said R. O. Lee with drawing from said firm and the business to be continued by J. F. Grantham. All debt- due said firm are to be paid to the said J. F. Grant ham and all demands against said firm are to be presented to It. O. Lee. This 3d day of July. 1893. It. O. LEE. jyC-1 J. F. GRANTHAM. RECEIVER’8 SALE. In accordance with an order of the Glynn Superior Court to me directed, I hereby in vite bids for tlie purchase of the stock in trade of the late firm ofS. Mayer & Ullman. now in my hands as receiver of said firm. Said stock consists of and such other goods as arc usually keptby wholesale grocers, and bids offered maybe for the whole of said stock or any portion thereof, and may include the fixtures and furniture including a first-class burglar and fire-proof safe. Said stock is in the storehouse formerly occupied by said firm in this city, and is open for inspection, and bids for the pur chase as aboAe stated, will be receive*! by me at any time within thirty (30) days from this date, and at the expiration of that time will be submitted to said court for action. Each bid must state whether it is for cash, or upon what terms aiul security the bidder desires to make the purchase. M. J. COLSON, Receiver. Brunswick, Ga.. July 14,1893—4t. Notice to Debtors anil Creditors. GEORGIA, Cliarlton County: Notice is hereby given, to all persons hav ing demands against William Lang, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prc- scriltfd by. law, so as to show (their character and amount, and also persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to j Immediate payinjnt to i make s & La Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Renfroc, McDonald &<3o.. of Folkston, Georgia, have this day by mutual consent dissolved. A.-P. English having withdrawn from the firm the other. members. If. A. Rcnfroe and B. G. McDonald, will continue the business and assume all indebtedness. All parties indebted to the firm of Itcnfn-o, McDonald & Co. will pay the same to I'enfrocA McDon ald. H. A. Renfr-'ie, B. G. McDonald. A. I*. Enough. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Ware County: Whereas David A. Jordon, administrator of Randal Jordon, represents to the court in bis petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Randal Jordon's estate. This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from liis administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Novem’ier 1893. ThisAug. 7.1893. Waurhx I.ott; Ordinary.