Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, January 20, 1894, Image 1

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n,i Is 1 &dvertiso is year paper, Tba Herald. ,7f OE’r’IOIAL OX* Oy»-_I-u CITY OH 1 -^TG r AXCK.OSS, -STV-^-StEJ, OXX02F?_X j ! I’OTXT JX2WX5 OAS/SIOasaa- jjob Printing^ 1 of every t;esenim..n r <j neatly e.xccatid. 'KreexaESS. VOL XV. WAYOROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. 1894. NO 9. OFFICE!;* OK V. AUi: (OUSTA . Warren Loti—Ordinary. I’. H. Thomas—Ocrk Superior <ourr. f\ Miller—F fieri ITmu’ Jailor. I. J. Wilki.iIV. r, T. Thlpficn- Ya * < 'olta . 3. McCarthy—( idiiros*. Wayrr.. -, Ga. CITY (H'nCiiHS, IVAYCKOSS.GJ. Frank F,lk<. Mayor. Aldernui A. J. Miller, (h F. I’ollnrd. G. M. Arche >. A. yicCco, S. F. Miller. Warren Lott, City Treasurer. J. I.. Attorney. r.1. Clerk of 1 7 Conn -:1. ! THE BRUNSWICK JUDICIAL 1 CIRCUIT. FIRE. CHANGES TO !A1>K IN CALLNDAIf. DR.* FRA>K FOLKS? BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE IN AS I IKS. His Loss Probably £4,000 r.nJ Only Uoveretl by $2,200 Insurance. At a. tew minutes before three o’clock Sajiday morning, tlic drowsy denizens, of atrtiiag'fire whistle and A number of engines of the $ ABOUT TELEPHONES. A M.W0P0LY 50 I.ONCKIl. Special Shoe Sale. — i For one week i will sell . bfthe of Georgia, !js^ superior courts in j r>sin;: Brunswick ! •I Ktcond Mondays in ! m l fbirth Mon-Ire si: ; j opened tin* bv the ! measured l hat the! alarm. It i oats i bad W. It. R. end in no swell tlic a lire to ijM.nded : ,vas ili-vc »ut the fire department re-, quickly as jjossib!-*, and it red that Dr. Frank Folks’ chi" on'the B. C W. It. It. ! tO CX- l.al Wajrcross Rust have an E frfe a fact not generally kno\ the telephone monopoly will ceas ist after January 80th, and then buy a; telephone for a lew ilollhr complete system for thirty-five dollars. The fundamental Hell telephone pat ent expired on Maoch 7 of lak year. The Bell Company, it was found, how ever^ still -owned the patent on the re ceiver, and no telephone system would be of use without a receiver. Among other concerns whicli entered into the telephone business upon the expiration il be’! patent in March was f the orij lie Bhnv Pitt, In Cheape A few pair A f ew p aii My Cost Oi of t vaic '■a Is tncsf those on and nave: 3hoac for Shoes: foj v inter .Suit: uierwear Si 50 S3 00 to 95 cents. Over- The IVlt . lib-it the Shan vt r, citing tl: >rnp: Is still going or.. Don’t miss this opportunity of getting a suit for yourself and boy. "Best Good; fur the Least Money.” FRANK C. OWENS The Leading Clothier, Owen’s Block, Waycnes, Ga. L’.vrv ((ilia;’. THE INCOME TAX. Coffee, lb et'Mid Moi .•ml to the oppositiu 80th; i,s77, is 1 thus both the ter will he free uStTcr t.iv la ide and will (Pop.) mt of the . :M plahts 1 111 til p.slrumeuU 1 he je ■stre\ cd iio Docto keepsakes w at bo replat 1 J tclephoi : ttep.- ■ j j dehve i: : inctdcul; tiered locatio l residences, n is more in need of thah AVaycross, an that we will have i aid Mr. Reed of Maine * to be president. ■oplc v.ho talk about politi- nv are the last ones t«j want id that in the city Brooklyn ties arc nbnr.rloncd every tale , the L.U KSmSAU CHAPTER NO. Meets at Masonic Ilall, Plant Ave Friday in each mouth at 7:30 p. l !.’i*iijj>. W. H\ Sbari«\ IL lit J .v. J*. IL Fnzlish. Secretary. U’AKUWKLO LODtiE NO. ~7, K. ofl*. Meets every Monday night s-t 7:30 o'clock. R. T. Cottimdinm, C. G. \V. Uunnett, K.Ii.AS. UltOTHEiUlOOD LOCOMOTIVE EX UISBEBS. 16 vision-123, J. .1. Wideman, Chief Engin eer;.!. W. Lyon, First Assistant Engineer: Jl. A. Met hi*, Insurance Agent. Meets ’-M and lth Sundays oi" eneli month at 10 a. in,. Brotherhood hull, lived block. XTEKXATIOMAL ASSO. MACHINISTS. Way cross I/xlge No. 74. W. T. Brewer, Af. M.. A. A. Beavers, Secretary. Meets 2d and lth Saturdays each month at B. L. K. hall, ORDER OF 11AIL.WAY CONDUCTORS. New Year Division No. 311—Meets 2d and lth Sundays in each month. 7350 p. in. at B. L. E. Hall, Reed Block. W. T. Forrester, Chief Conductor; Geo. A. Crooin, Secretary and Treasurer. W A ACROSS K1FLES. Company F—4th regiment Georgia Volun teers. Capt. J. Mel*. Farr; 1st Lieutenant, J. II. Giflon; 2d Lieutenant, T. O’Brien; Secretary, J. Paine: Treasurer, It. K. Langley, Reg. monthly meeting 1st Tues- W ACROSS LODGE I. O. O. F. Meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. J. C H**ber, N. G.: D. Williams, Secretary. | tiers and other proceedings returnable said courts prior to the passage of tli ■ Act -hall be liehi and considered as r ! turnable to the tonus ns herein fixed m cril.ei the among the churches. PREt BVTKRIA Jf CHURCH. Williams Street, Rev. W. 8. Porter, Pastor Sunday services at 11KK) a. in. and 8:00 p. m Except the first Sunday of each month Sunday school at 9:30 a. »n. Young peoples meeting Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet- *ng, Thursday evening! at 8:00 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH. Gilmore St., Rev. A. M. Wynn, Pastor. Services II a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 4:30 p.m. Sabbath 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sabbath 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Thursday 7:30 p. m. Corner Pendleton and Mary* Street. Rev. W.W. Kimball—Mhsionaxy, Sunday services. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Celebration of the Holy Com munion 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m.. other Sundays at 7 a. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. jurors drawn lor the terms as prescribed j prior t<* this Act, shall be required to at- ; tend and serve as such jurors at the time { fixed for the term as prescribed in this j Act. Provided, that it shall be discre tionary with the presiding Judge to draw separate panels of grand and petit jurors for each week of such courts as arc held longer than one week or require the same jurors to attend and serve the entire term, or as long as their services are re quired. Section, 8. Be it further enacted, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are here by repealed. Approved December 15th, 1893. That Loan. The proposition of Secretary Carlisle to issue $200,000,000 3 per cent short- date bonds, so that they may become a popular loan, distributed in small denom ination among the people, has made the general subject more interesting. Such a loan would open the way for safe investments all over the country and those bonds will be eagerly taken. It would relieve the pressure upon the treasurer and give to the various invest ors throughout the land a chance to share in the transaction. Of course this plan does not meet with favor on Wall street, where the big concerns are preparing to take up the loan and reap the benefit among them selves. The New York Herald is mak ing a crusade among the people and the proposition of a popular loan is received with enthusiasm in every city in the land. Itjis obvious that if the government must issue bonds, and that necessity is apparent, the idea of a popular loan is the one to be put into operation. Presr. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of 8; L. Gapton A Co. has been dissolved by mu tual consent, Mr. J. T. McGee having pur chased Mr. Gupton’s interest in the busi ness. The carnage and blacksaaithing busi ness will be carried on at the old stand by J. T. McGee. The liabilities of the firm have been assumed by J. T. McGee, to whom all amounts due the late firm must be paid. J. T. McGEK. S. L. GUFTON Dec 2 4tw. GEORGIA—Camdkx Couxtt: Notice is " il adrar- _ one in the , iin Waycroes Ga. This December 1st 1&&. - Jobs H Bbowb. Sheriff, Jobx J. Rcdulth, Clerk Sap. Court. ' J. J. Vocell*. Ordinary C. C. No Side Tracking. "It is now intimated that Hon. Henry G. Turner may enter the race Cor Gov ernor or Senator. Which!will itbe?— Savannah Press. We have seen no Intimation anywhere that Mr. Turner would be a candidate for governor. There is no such thing down on the program and the Savannah Press knows it That there is a desire however, on the part of the friends of other candidates to side track Mr. Tur ner, is evident, and the desire is also an evidence of Mr. Turner’s strength, We are satisfied Mr. Turner will be a can didate for United States Senator and in our opiniom will be elected by a large majority. Couucil Meeting Last Night. Thu Oiuncil met in extra session last night, present, the entire board. Ilbwhonor, tlsa ?-Lttyo:-amtv>unceJ Hie following committees: FINANCE. G. M. Archer, S. F. Miller, A. J. Miller. FT1JEET. S. F. Miller, 1). A. McGee, G. P. Pollard. POLICE. A. J. Miller, G. P. Pollard, I). A. McGee. PROPERTY. D. A. McGee, G. M. Archer, S. F. Miller. CEMETERY. 1 G. P. Pollard, D. A. McGee, A. J. Miller. The salaries foi the year 1894 were announced as follows .* Mayor $ 240 00 Aldermen 48 00 Treasurer 150 00 Clerk 400 00 Assessor and Collector 4 per cent City Attorney 150 00 Marshal ; 720 00 Policemen 540 00 Street Overseer 600 00 Night wetohnian Stockade 360 00 WATER WORKS. Chairman 75 00 Clerk 100 00 Treasurer 50 00 Members of board $2.00 for each meeting. Cemetery keeper salary, $150 and $2.50 for each grave. _ The greater number of the new officers tendered their bonds and were sworn in. The matter of license was taken up and several changes were made. ’ Mr. Dauvergne made a statement in regard to R. E. Lee hose company. The company will be re-organized. The ses sion lasted until after 1 o’clock. Coun cil adjourned to meet Saturday night bushes::. We jp> pronjirii'ig to put and|-o must kec; [oo small to talk ollico should be r of the el tv, and nnnage the whole i fact that many in Wav cross arc -Kansas l mated ilia The Corbett-Mi till ! likely to 20 into lh^ i ceiver. And now it ■tt and M : le thought that . will fijht in a Cor el r- organizing and putting'th; :.n will soon be called. Railway Building in 1893. The Bail way Age, of December 29, contained a statement ot railway con struction during 1893. It makes the total ol new track laid to have been 2,630 miles, on 222 lines in the United States. In Canada 461 miles of new track was laid on 16 lines, and in Mex ico 99 miles 011 five lines. Vermont, Connecticut. Delaware. Nevada and In- | dian Territory' show no addition of mil eage. Pennsylvania leads, with 399 miles, Florida comes next, with .212 miles, Georgia 173, Texas 166 and Ohio 146 miles. Illinois still leads in extent of lines, having 10,427 miles. Pennsyl vania is second, with 9,558 miles, and Texas third, with 9,206 miles. light will Pint' Job Printing neatly executed at this office. . A Car Load of Children. A car load of children passed through Waycross this morning en route to St. Augustine. They had been sent by some charitable institution in New York and go to St. Augustine to be given homes. The children range In age Grom wee toddlers to 12 years, old and are of both sexes. They seem to be in good condition and are as happy as possible deo the circumstances. We hope they will find good homes and make good citizens in the yean to come. - Figs anti Thistles, The next dojr neighbor to pride is shame. Lot’s wife was what might be called a well-preserved woman. If some of our heads were not so big our hearts would grow faster. A - rose measured by its fragrance makes a cabbage head look little. When people are hired to be good they will stop as soon as the pay stops. When you want a friend don’t choose a man whose children are afraid of him. Some people who are overly sensative in feeling are underlv sensitive in eon science.—Ram’s Horn. The building of a road to Jerusalem has had its effect An exchange says: “A religious journal this week la ments the fact sent by a Holy Land cor respondent that a part of the way to the Mount of Olives is disfigured by adver tisements of Dnblin stout, and that bands play dance music on Sundays in the Garden of Gethsemane.” The next thing you hear some fellow will have a museum of freaks on the site of Solomon's temple. Walk right in here! Only ten cents. Noticed Agreeably to an order of the court of Or dinary of ware county, will be sold at the coart house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal boors of sale, two shares of stock In the Chatham bank of the par value of fifty dol- iss the Senate is much body there is a which may be relied on t<> resist any | sort of taxation that will—make the rich | pay more than they do now.—Atlanta Journal (Dem.). The remarkable concentration of wealth in this country, the sudden ap pearance of great fortunes, and the dis appearance of small—all this points to •essity of a measure such as has now found favor in the eyes of the com mittee.—Florida Timcs-Union (Dem.). IN THE SANCTUMS. The Thomasville Times savs that under the new passenger arrange ment a man cau take breakfast iqp I Jt i.- estimated that, property in Kansas has depreciated fully fifty I per tvnt dming the past year. ' Some of Torn Watson’s friciuls want him for governor, but Thomas will be a candidate for Congress. | The leading republican papers J agree that Mr. Turner’s speech was the ablest made in Congress for i years. The thousands of idle men and tramps now overrunning the country j are the outcome of thirty years of j republican rule. The latest fad in California bath New York and dinner the next dayd -louses is swimming to music, where in Thomasville. W ay cross beats ; th e y waltz and polka and schottische that, the tourist can take one break- while the band plays. fast in New York and the next' in this city. Mrs. Cynthia McLean, aged eighty two years died in Thomasville day before yesterday. The Sparta Ishmaelite says: The south is nothing bat a foraging ground for the north. Well the south is a pretty good pasture, Fort Valley has a freak in the per son of a jealous negro husband. Every time be leaves home he takes a wheel barrow of sand, poors it over the side walk in front of his steps, takes a broom and walking back wards sweeps it smooth so he can tell by the tracks in the sand whether any other man has been to sec his family during his absence. Henry McIntosh writes a strong editorial endorsing Hon. B. K. Rus sell for a second term. Well, Mr. Rnssell deserves well of the party. He took op the fight in the last cam* paign after the nomination had al most gone 1>egging. And he made a splendid cenvass, carrying the party torn glorious victory.—Thomasville Time*. Hornblower’s name seems to have worked against him from the jump. The Senate has refused to confirm him as justice of the supreme court. B. J. Smith, Druggist, recommends Japanese Liver Pellets for constipation ana sick headache. Small, mild, easy to take. 50 pills 25 cents. The appoitment of Hon. Thos. Lamb as collector of the port of Bronswick gives satisfaction. He has served the party well and de serves his reward. It is pretty well understood that the populists are to try it again in Georgia. The democratic majority will be about as big as if there were no people's party. The Confederate Veterans Camp of New York will have its fonith an nual dinner in honor of the memory of Gen. Robt. E. Lee-on the anni versary of his birth day, January 19th next, at Scottish Rite hall. J. F. B. Beckwith's appointment as collector of customs at Savannah was signed by President Cleveland at 12 o'clock yesterday and his name was sent to the Senate in the after- * noon for confirmation. »******* pitmen “Sock it to’em Jerry!" shouted an unknown representative as Mr. Simpson was displaying some old clothes’to the House the other day dar ing his tariff speech. And the Kansan doesn't know whether be was com plimented or ridicnled. In the northwestern part of Colo-, rado there is a region several hun dred square miles in extent which is literally a vast deposit of petrified fish of all sizes and shapes. These fish beds—shale, containing fish re mains—are about 150 feet in thick ness and extend np and down the Green river for a distance of 150 or 200 miles.