Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, May 31, 1902, Image 1

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open, doing more or Iom damage, »•*« Knitting Mill hill, aonth of the town, orde caught the (nil force of the tornado, tore which blew down the aehool bonne and bad two realdeneee, eonrertlng them 111* re go terally Into kindling wood. The oo> node enpanta flew from one of the booaea coal before It wgat to ptaeea aad took re* fnge In another near bj.bnt thin honea ( wae alio enuhed to epllatere. In thin He honea.Miaeee Sallle Bart aid Annie eeag Laweon were Inetantlj killed. Iba' whk Mue/Blme died la an boar, and her to*, little da nghter, Vera, died ahoet f who Therefore none will feel that I have called on one and neglected another. While 1 am interested you are likewise interested; 1 am your candidate—we stand or fall to gether. Ton will readily under* stand that to have the Judge con* veniently located for the people in the center of the circnit, it will be necessary that I receive your united support. Yon most not iohe sight hf the fact that the home people of py opponent will largely unite on him and vote for home Interest, and in order to counteract this you ’PHONE No. JUTS 8HWTDJ3 220R3YAW OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CI^Y OF WAYCROSS ^ND OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUWTli’X VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1902. NUMBER 1 Elected Grand Warden. COL JOHN W. BENNETT, OP WAV- CROSS, HONORED BY I* 0. 0. P. ^ CROSS, nUMJKtU BY Special to The Herald. • Atlanta, Oa., Maj 18,-Mr. John W. Bennett, of Waycross, was thi» after noon elected Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Georgia. Mr. Bennett waa Grand Inner Guard for the year jost passed. Waycroaa now baa two representatives m the Grand Lodge of Odd Fallows—Mr. Fred Fieken being Grand Patriarch and Mr. Bennett Grand Warden. Birthday Party. Miss Alice Loftln celebrated her thirteenth birthday Tuesday evening, May 97th, with a delightful party at her home, 23 Hicks Street, It doted with an "Observation Party." Mias Allis Stokea won the ladles* prize, a pair of silver curling tonga Mr Walter McCall won the gentleman)* prize, a silver stamp box. Music and games made up the pleasures ot the eveping, Among those present were the Misses Jessie Usire, Pearl Beach, Ruby SessOms, Veda Davis, Allie Stokea Mary Thigpen, Era Hilliard, Eva DeLoache; Waiter McCall, Lelon Geiger, Otto Elliston, Frank parker, •Charlie Phillips, John Goette, Dan Bibb, Jerome Crawley and Sidney Wood, Many pretty presents were given the charming little hostess by the guesta Waycross Lady Honored MRS. W. P. EATON ELECTED GRAND SECRETARY REBECKAH ASSEMBLY 8peeial to the Herald. AtlMQta, Ga, May 2V.—Mrs. W Eaton, of Waycross, was this morning elected Grand Secretary of the Grand Assembly Daughters of the R« beckah of Georgia. Mra Eaton has been an enthusiastic Rebecksh Odd Fellow since she joined the order two years ago. She* has many friends in the Grand Assembly which Is now In sea- slon here, who are congratulating her on her success this morning. Quite a Big Enterprise. NEW ORLEANS MAN WANTS TO ES TABLISH BIG SYRUP Mia HERE. Hr. Palmer Dead. New Orleans, May 28,—Dr. B. Palmer died this afternoon at 12:50 o’clock, neyer haying recovered from the complete state of coma In which he entered yesterday morning about 8 o'clock. The venerable divine was run down early on the afternoon of Monday, May 5th, by a Carrollton ayenue at the corner of Webster and St, Charles avenues, and dragged for fully a block. His right great toe was cut off and injuries were Inflicted on the forehead, and his right leg was broken in two places just above tho ankle. He lingered from the time of his injuries twenty-three dsya The South Carolina Storm. Union, & C., May 8&—Later details of the terrible cyclone that visited this eity recently shows that great damage was done. The storm came from the north and It seems that there was also one from the southwest, meeting in this vicinity. It played havoc, four deaths and considerable loss of property being the result. The storm from the north was proceeded by a heavy rain and what appeared to be a dark mass about 100 yards wide. It traveled with great spaad and peo ple barely had time to gat indoors be fore the storm struck the town. The wing of the storm passed along Main street and blew several store doors \ two la terally f Killed by An Elephant. New York, May 28.—“Tops,” a fe male elephant of the Forepaugh & Bells circus, killed a man today at the show grounds of the circus in Brook lyn. The victim was Joseph Blount of Fort Wayne, ind. Re went to the ele phant's inclosure, where the animals were waiting for their breakfast, and each struck out his trunk to “shake hands,”as Blount passed down in front of them, it being the custom of the trainers to salute each elephant with a gentle tap. Blount had a beer glass in his hand and when he approached "Tops" he shoved it at her instead of giving her the usual greeting. Ti is act seemed to offend the great beast. In an instant she seized the man with her trunk, hurling him violently to the ground, knelt on him and crushed him to death. Keepers came to the rescue too late. They drove “Tops” back and removed the body, An Impromptu meeting of the Cbam< her of Commerce was held at the Phoe nix hotel Tuesday night, to hear proposition from Mr. O. M. Nelson, of New Orleans, In regard to the erection of a syrup mill and evaporator in this eity. Mr. Nelson was accompanied here by CapLD. G. Purse,of Savannah. He proposed to erect a mill here to cost 820,000, provided the Waycross people would subscribe stock amount* ing to $10,000. The mill would have a daily capacity of 400 tons of syrnp. Mr. Nelson demonstrated the fact that there was great profit In both raising sugar cane afid manufacturing it Into syrnp. No expression was made by the Waycross citizens to Mr. Nelson, but Mr. W. A. Price, president of the Chamber of Commerce, has the matter in charge and will ask for subsenptiona Should sufficient stock be subscribed, the mill will be erected in sirne for next season’s busi< Sidewalk Give Away. New York, May 28.—Eivin L. Cool- ige, circulation manager of the New York Commercial, was almost instant ly kllledtand about one hundred others Injured by the breaking down of a temporary sidewalk at Fifth ayenue and Eighteenth street Some of these injured may die. Those who fell were part of the crowd gathered to watch the parade of the militia in honor of the French Rocbsmbext! .commissioners to thli city. Two hundred persona were on the sidewalk when it gave way. They were precipitated twenty feet Into an excavation for a new bnllding, and fell on pile* of building materiaL The accident occurred as ths head of the parade had passed the ceruer. The French visitors had gone past and knew nothing of the acci dent until some time later. May be General Strike. St, Louis, May 28.—Frank P. Sar gent, head of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen, member of the na tional labor arbitration committee, of which 8enator Hanna is chairman,and who has been appointed commissioner of Immigration, stated today that the Post Dispatch says that a general sym pathetic* strike of all the soft coal miners In the United States would be What Senator Money Says. Charlotte, N. G, May 2a— In an ad dress before the Manufactures’ club in Charlotte last night Senator Money used the following language concern ing the Philippines: ‘When the war with Spain broke out, over 5,000 young men front -the civilized portions of the islands were in Spanish universities, and they are the people against whom we are wag ing warfare. Of the 82 membera of Aguinaldo's provisional congress there were more college and university graduates than ever sat in the senate of the United States at one time. Therefore more men, by 10 to 1,among the members who spoke different lan guages from their own than ever at one time occupied seats in our senate. The president of the congress had written books that bad been transla ted all oyer Europe. When we think of nil the conditions that exist in the Philippines we may well ask the ques tion. 'What la the compensation for all this?* The answer is: 'Nothing,' In those islands ths white man will be- come a degenerate in two generations and ons year Isas long as an American soldier can remain there. We should gat rid of ths islands as quick as pos sible.” mfct stand united. In sustain log and standing by me, you will meet my expectation, you will be loyal to that which your best interest demands, and your con science approves and applaud*. With the hope and belief that the registered vote of old Ware, my home county, as well as that of the neighboring counties, will be cast for me on the fifth of Jupe next, I am, Sincerely yours, SIMON W. HITCH. Mustang Liniment male* ana cam*, rtzmtntrja. Phoenix Hotel Arrivals. W B Symons, Cordole; S T Holtzon* dorif. City; W H Love, Tilton; C 8 Hargrett, Savannah; F £ Rodman, Charlnton; A Barnett, Savannah; J F HUI, lloiton; J I* Butta, Douglas; J R Oanov, Valdosta; 8 J Sykes, Mont, gomery; 3 O Rice, High Spring,; J A Steele, Chicago; W R Blythe, Dallas; S W Clark, Bstlll, SC; W W Haraleoo, Troy; Alabama; J II Ambrose, Savannah; D O King, Plant City, Fla; 3 W Chappell, Live Otk, Fie; W Norris, City; 3 R Wilson, J Spence, Jr, Waro.boro; R L Butta, Miss Ware, Chicago; B K Smith, Albany; F C Smith, Savannah; R R Otis, j I’ Deal. Atlanta; C R Griffln, Thomaavllle; F 11 Trent, City; R O Dickerson, (i M Dotvie, Tlotnerville; J A Forrester, L A Tyson, Lueeburp. Fla; Vincent Ridpely, Atlanta; 3 It Seymour, Chicapo; Jules Bacot, Savannah; Wm Suandrott, Curdele; S Burkhalter, Homervillc; T J Zimmer man, Tampa; S V Hough, Live Oak, Fla. Ticket agent Pollard has been notified of the following low rates over the P ant System to the places named, for the sum. mer months. The tlckest are , for the rouod trip and are lor fifteen days; Pablo Batch, 14.00; Atlantic Beach, $4,10; .Tybee, IS.80- White Springe, 16.00; Suwannae Sprlnga,|8.!6. Neglect Means Danger. Don't neglect billouaneae and conati. padoo, Your health will suffer perm*n« ently If you do. DeWint’e Little Early Blurs cuoe auch easel- M. B, Smith, Butternut, Mich., taye “DeWltt's Little Early Risen are the moot satisfactory pill* I ever took; Never gripe or cause nausea.” Seals Drag Co., Brinaon Drag Co. Standi Like a Stone Wall A Card From Cal. Hitch. To the readers of the W ay cross Herald: When I became your candidate determined that a house to house canvass of the Brunswick circnit would be impracticable. I therefore have largely entrusted my Interest* in the hands of my fnends in the circnit, and espe cially in my home ebanty, Ware. I felt then, and i feel now, that this I could aafely do. Between your children and the tor- tarn of itching and burning ecaemr, scald bead or other akin diseases. Hew? why, by ulog Bncklen’a Amies Stive, earth’s greatest healer. Quickest |cnre for ulcere, tever terra, salt rheum, fcult, burnt or braisn Infallible for pile., 25c at Seals’ Drug Co. and Brluson’e Drag Co, What Thin Folks Need Is i greater power ol digesting and aaeim'latfng food. For them Dr, King’e New Lite Pills woik wonders. They tone end regulate the digestive organa,' gently expel all pni one from the eyatetn enrich the blood, improve appetite, mike healthy flnh. Only I6e at Seala Drag Oo, and Brinson'* Drag On. 24 In. 18 In. 16 in. and 14 inches in lengths Delivered anywhere in the City at $3.00 per coni. 1 |a:jo SOUTH. .108. , A toad under a harrow Buffers no moro than tho fhlthlhl hone that is tortured with Spavins, Swinnoy, Harness Soros, Sprains, etc. Most horso owners know this and apply tho kind of sympathy that heals, 1 nu wido ns tar and Mexican Mustang Li liniment. Never fails—not oven in tho most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cotvg quicker than any known remedy. Ilanily a discaso peculiar to rnusclo, ektn or joints that cannot bo cured by it. Mexican Is the best remedy on tho market tar . ■ « t * Wiod Galls, Sprains and Rkin Lumps. Mustang Liniment It keep* horse* and mules la condition* THE WORLD BEATER Just Out. it will Make You Money IT IS THE SAFETY INCUBATOR And Brooder. Now at work and on exhibition at M.. AJ. Waycross, Georgia. State and County Rights for 8ale. See the owner, J. S, Smith. UR. J. S. SMITH,| Waycross, Ga. DEAR SIR: The Incubator that 1 bought from you p nvrd perfect satis* faction and as soon at I get a suitable p'ses built 1 want snot her. ‘1 ran hlfbly recommend it to nybody, Yours very rwpectftilljr, M. M. WOODARD. ICOODGflCI Waycross Rifles 0 ’ Annual Picnic St Augustine Fla. TUESDAY June 3d, 1902. Fare, $1.50, Children, 75 cents. SCHEDULE: Leave Waycross. Arrive St. Augustine, Leave St Augustine, Arrive Waycross, 6:45 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 0:00 p. m. 9:00 p.m. wm