Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, June 07, 1902, Image 1

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Waycross Weekly Herald? OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE OITY OF WAYCROSS AND OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUNTIES. VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1902. NUMBER 2 Tabulated Statement by Precincts In Ware County*s Primary Election. — O w- P d 2 O ‘ .» H 3 in 3 <- «r- T- —r ■ « X V- p n X V- > V- . ;t 2 G 5 X 53 a > w CB H 3 0 r * > V> 2 nT* rr ‘r- n w 2 H > > H n ■ * r -1 m X x 0 z *4 O e n 50 X •< PI in *4 S S GLENN !. MERRITT X O s I z x H tt < W •z x NESBITT £ > X tt 1 z •e 3 r r ► 2 in HITCH X X PJ X r. toomer Z r r > 2 m 01 >0 m z 0 pj a s c * W O • 3 S A £ i o./l JH . miller 0 > i/i 0 z fe O 8 z > r 0 X 0 z r X 2 0 r > z 5 X in H X n X r > z 0 O z n X O > X 0 X shea r X 0 2 0 2 S m X WARD lg/ .. .J 1, z CourS House »S3 197 184 194 346 78 402 IOO 363 345 378 148 303 133 198 7 (542 364 378 3<>7 225 28l 248 861 178 617 416 120 Opera House 107 80 «S8 114 148 56 366 56 133 :9b 387 57 336 60 I 1 0 f-342 155 I89 191 146 363 80 101V 145 iUIO 824 14 Waresboro >7 37 40 38 19 12 58 37 60 37 57 3b 6 2 83 - 0 i 95 bb 27 70 22 33 60 61) 33 112 86 61 Millwood 41 17 3 II 8 42 I 19 31 II JO 54 8 6 f. 1 49 8 <>3 52 lo 60 4 ib 47 66 6 63 0 64 Fairfax 7 l6 2 *3 I 12 12 4 10 ii 12 10 I 14 0 S 25 24 1 22 3 3 21 23 1 24 7 14 Bickley 36 30 39 63 21 »s 5» 48 78 22 60 45 12 7 78 4- |*°5 43 59 92 •4 5b 46 96 0 106 42 . 68 Bolen 14 4 37 37 4 1 19 33 35 7 34 20 •9 O 21 4 : 40 15 31 43 I 35 0 43 3 46 40 5 Waltertown 4 12 4 IO 4 18 0 8 8 18 I 2 15 2 0 19 lo 8 12 6 13 4 10 7 10 16 4 Manor 38 34 34 39 47 6 73 10 .18 66 47 39 8 29 4° 4 86 59 '27 J» 26 32 52 84 2 84 17 60 Glenmore II 4 9 b 9 20 3 • 5 18 22 2 4 8 IO 2 24 20 4 20 4 12 11 22 2 24 15 0 Needham I 5 0 9 1 7 I 2 6 6 8 3 I 10- °j ■4 13 - I 2 12 2 11 18 1 14 i 6 Braganza 2 O O r > 3 3 5 4 9 2 4 9 0 4> 8 ° 12 8 4 5 8 IO 2 12 1 18 8 0 Total 484 421 509 618 542 284 929 818 626 669 970 885 628 261 544 2» 867 729 689 881 471 767 586 074 888 1842 020 427 HON. JOSEPH M. TERRELL WINS. Atlanta, Ga., Jane 6.—Terrell claims two hundred votes snre in the convention. Estill may carry fifty counties, and Guerry is running in third place with fifteen or sixteen counties. There is no doubt of Terrell’s election on the first ballot. Merritt wins for State School Commissioner over Glenn, and will probably be nominated oQ first ballot. - Hon. John W. Bennett received the following telegram from Hon. J. M. Terrell this afternoon: “My nomination is absolutely assured on first ballot.” J. M. Terrell. Bailey’s Lumber Mills at McDonald destroyed by fire THIS AFTERNOON. Friday', daily. A telegraphic message from McDonald, Ga., received in this city at 1 o’clock, states that the big lumber mill of J. S. Baily & Co., at that place was burning. A later dispatch stated that the entire plant was burned to the ground. Owing to the great excitement m the little town,'the Harald could not learn any particutlars of the fire,- beyond the fact that nearly everything was a total loss. Mr. J. S. Bailey was at McDonald at the time of the fire, and is expected here this after* noon, when full particulars can be learned. The plant was in sured for $22,000 and its value is variously estimated at from $75,000 to $150,000. Mr. Bailey’s partner in the mill was Mr. C. L. Thigpen. , Taejr Were Hungry For the News, A large crowd of citizens as sembled at the Herald office last night to get the election news. About eight o’clock the tele grams began to arrive and they came thick and fast nntil nearly midnight- In less than an hour however after the dispatches be gan to arrive, it became certain that Mr. Terrell had carried the State. The Estill and Gnerry men took it good natoredly and did not >fiil to cheer when it was announced that a county' had gone for the man of their choice. The service furnished by the Herald was very complete and correct even if it did hot give general satisfaction. HsbMB 1IIU Has Far Beasts. Montgomery, All., Jnno A—A .pe dal from Greensboro, Ala., asp.: ‘■It la snthoritativalj announced to day that Captain Richmond P. Hobson, U. S. H., will return to this city and ran for the Alabama Sonata from lb la district at tha next election." Parker Elected Judge. Hon. Simon W. Hitch, of Way- cross, was defeated for the judgeship of the Brunswick Cir cuit yesterday by Judge T. A- Parker, of Baxley. Col. Hitch’s majority in Ware county was over 600, but this number could not overcome the majority of Judge Parker in almost every other county in tbe district. Last night it was believed that Judge Parker had carried Clinch county, but a telegram today stated that Col. Hitch's majority in this county is 82. , KeprrMntallres Vain to be Recounted, Tbe Democratic Executive Committee of Ware county was requested by Col. W. M. Toomer last Friday to recount the votes in the representative race. Mr. Toomer’s request was not intend ed ns a contest, bat was mado only on account of the very close vote in the county. He has been assured thnt some Illegal votes have been cast both in Waycross and in some of the other pre cincts. It may be that somo registered voters have voted twice and other ballots that were not cast by registered voters have been counted. Tbe committee will probably set a time within the nextgday or two when the votes will be rebounted.J S3 The Presbyterian Entertainment. The Presbyterian entertain, ment at the armory was a grand success, socially and financially. Tuesday afternoon, the society held their first regular meeting aftff the entertainment, and the following vote of thanks was adopted: To the press for gra tuitous advertising; to the Rides for the use of their commodiousii armory; to Messrs. Ross & Co* U for the loan of tables; to Mesdames Reynolds, Twitty, Misses Smith, Twitty, Wiggins and Nichols, who so delightfully rendered the musical program; to Misses' Brinson and Farr for appreciative recitatio ns to Misses Hull and Paine for the graceful and effective manner in which they presided over the well; to the bevy of pretty girls who courteously served refresh ments ; to Miss Hennington for Tbe Presbyterian Sunday School will picnic at the-rlver bridge Saturday. Statu of Greene and Gayuor Case. New York, Jane A—Merlon Erwin, United Stetee attorney for tbe south ern district of Georgia nnd special as sistant to the attorney general In the conduct of extradition proceeding, agsinet John F. Gaynor and Benjamin D. Greene, hu returned from Quebec, “The qoeetion now at Issue," Mr. Erwin says, ‘Is whether the judge of tha superior court at Quebec, by hsbew corpus can lawfully taka Gretna and Gaynor from tbe extradi tion commissioner at Montreal, who leeecd the warrant upon which the men were arrested et the Chateau Frontenac. We contend that, as the jurisdiction of the commissioner ex tends over tbe entire province of Quebec, the writ of habeas corpus cannot stand, ” Mr. Erwin will return to Quebec in n few days Georgia Postmasters. Washington, John 4.—Tbe following poctmaaten have been appointed In Ueorgls: W. N. Yarborough, Bingham, Coflee oonnty i C. T. Wiley, Gratis, Walton county; J R Laseeter, Hill. Btrrien oonnty; Ballsy Carpenter, Ways Button, Bryan oonnty. On the nineteenth annual readjnst- mentof po.tma.ter.’ aalarlM, Increase, of <100 each are announced for tbe fol lowing Georgia offices: MadtsoO, Moultrie, Qnltmad, Savannah, Talla poosa, ThomaavfUe, Waycroat, Mil- ladgaville, Newnan," BendsnylUe, Statesboro, Thom ms too sad Valdosta. There le also a‘ <t00 Increase at Waycreee. Subscribe for the Herald. her efficient help as cashier, and to tbe public for their liberalD■»«<“ »•>•* «»‘‘<‘ *" p»*d to me. patronage and appreciation. * - Mrs. Gillor, Mrs. Sheldon, Committee, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Fridtj’s daily, Mr. Elmer Lott has returned from Tampa) Fla. * ♦ ♦ Dick Kirkland is out today, and is very much better. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. O’Brien and children will return today from Charleston. ♦ + ♦ Miss Isabella Hall leaves to day for her home in Tennessee. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Lindsay Kirkland, of Savannah, is visiting relatives here. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. W. B. Thompson, sheriff of Screven county, is in the city today. * * * Col. - McDonald, of Douglas, came to Waycroat last night to get the election news. * 4 * Misses Willie and Winfred Me- Culley will spend a month in Waycross. They are boarding at tbe May House. ♦ * • Mrs. Webb and daughters, tbe Misses O’Brien, are expected home today - from Charleston, where they were summoned last Thursday to the bedside of Maj. T. O'Brien. * • » Mis* Mary Reed, who has been so ill, we are pleased to state, is rapidly convalescent. She will spend the summer North with her sister, Mrs. Furgerson. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Frank Moore and son •pent Monday night here with her parents. She is now at Val? dosta, and will visit a number of places Jn Florida before her re turn. 1 Inisier Wn’s Speech at mUedgeville. ■“ The following* terse sentence* ere 1 ken from Chinese Minister Wu'i I leech et Milledgeville: 1 "In coming before you, 1 come as a private individual—as a ‘heathen Chinaman."* f "It is wonderful to find Jhat but little is known of my country.** There is no nation that has a lonopoly of all that is good.'* "Our people ore considered to be very slow. It is natural tliat you should think so, but we do not think •b. Wo think that you go too fast.” I venture to think that if some of you should adopt our dresa you would find it more comfortable and would not go back to your own if it were not for your fashions." "Some years ago 1 was taking a walk and was taken for a girl. Now 1 consider that the greatest compli Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Pnine went to Macon this morning on a visit to their daughter Mrs. Jelks. Bummer school, day and night, 82 Church eireet. S. P. Settle. Subscribe tof the Herald. Chicago's Strike Ended. Chicago, June A—Quiet reigned in the turbulent .lock verds district to day eta result of the settlement of the meet teumeters' strike, but the hep- piness of the men wet marred some what by a report tbet tbe peckers will refuse to employ leedere among the men, end there were mutterlngs that if tboee who have been active in tbe .dletarbencee shell be forced Into idle- nese because uf tbeir conduct during tbe strike, there will be lurther trouble et the stock yards The teamsters ere to return to wo rk tomorrow morning A few were given teems today, bat the majority were told to report tomorrow. Killed by a Filling Limb. Colombia, 8. C., June A—Near Hamp ton yesterday afternoon, Mr. John L Roberta met e terrible death. Mr. Roberta wen in the woods, where he had hands cutting timber, end was talking to one of them who bed just felled e tree. The tree in felling left e large limb hanging, end while eland, log there tbe limb fell, striking him on the heed, killing him almost in stantly. Mr. Roberta wee 40 years eld end e highly respected citizen of Hampton. He leaves e wife end five children. A Negro Lynched In Ncstli Csrellse. Charleston, Jane A—Jim Black, e negro implicated In the murder of tbe wife of J. K. Jones, n section meater of the Atlantic Coast Line, wee lynched near Reread lest night by n mob of men who secured him from s poeeo of offietrs while on rant# to jelL Black committed tbe crime some weeks ego end escaped,"bnt wee captured user Sevsoneb gesterdey end wee be ing brought to Bersnel for coolne- ment when apprehended by tbe mob. Tl*d negro coofesscd ble cifme, naming another negro ee en neeeeeory.* . . Close 1 Vote In ikamuvlll<Clrcnit. Thomasville, Ga., June 6.—- Vlie Vote for thb judgeship of the Thomesville Circuit between Mitchell and Denmark is so close that It will require the official court to decide the matter, Subscribe for the Herald. fftllb IUU if IOC an co. They don't know that for nil infuun* Button tlicro Is no remedy to equal ‘Mexican Mustang Iilalmcnt* aim easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to- take half a glassfujl of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang Liniment and with thla garni* the thmat at frequent interval*. Then bath* tb® outtlde of tb® throat thoroughly with tbe llni- ' “ d * w 25c., GOc. sad <1.00 e bottle. ' IT MAY BE YOU a^oro&r^'TMi^ODn wlthSeSJ can Mustang lAlnmcnt and yon can 4®pend upon* speedy cur* Real Estate Agency, A. P. PERHAM & SON, Waycross, Georgia. > We Buy and Sell Beal Estate In Town or County on Commission. All property placed in our hands is Advertised Free. Correspondence Solicited. »o.< Jens Street. WeycroM, Georgia. A. Sleepless Prbtector, A Speedy Messenger,. ‘— A. Tireless Servant*