Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, August 02, 1902, Image 1

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Waycross Weekly Herald OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUNTIES. VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY, AUGUST2, 1902. NUMBER 9 Bennett Fatally Stabbed East Coast Not Sold. BY HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW, HENRY SO SAYS VICE-PRESIDENT AND OEN« HARRIS, NEAR MILLWOOD. ERAL MANAOER J. R. PARROTT. A difficulty between Henry Harris and John Bennett occurred near Mill wood, In thia county, on laet Saturday in which Bennett waa fatally stabbed with a pocket knife. Bennett is now lying at the point of death at bis home near Millwood, with a terrible gaah in his side and another in the thigh. Harris and Bennett are brothers*ln' law, the former haying married Ben- nett’s slater. The difficulty between them first started at a picnic at Eutah church near Millwood last Friday. While the picnic table was being pre* pared, Bennett was requested to keep the dogs from the table. Harris’ dog camti near the table, when Bennett struck him with a leather strap. This action infuriated Harris, and there came near being a difficulty at the time. Saturday the two men met on the public road a short distance from Millwood, and after a few words, both men drew their knives. Finally the quarrel seemed to be settled and Ben nett placed his knife in his pocket, when Harris jumped on him stabbing him as stated above. Dr. J. B. Bagley of Millwood, Is attending Bennett, and thinks there is little hopes of his re*, corery. He is about 18 years old. and Harris was probably 27. The latter has not, as vet, been arrested. Jacksonville, Flo., July 80.— J. R. Pairott, vice-president and general manager of the East Coast railway, today stated that the report that Mr. Flagler had sold ont to the Southern was untrue. Among outelde sources it is stated that the deal did not go through because the Southern would not buy the hotel properties owned by the East Coast railway. The Texas Flood Rising. A Movement is on Foot Thursday’s Daily, More Corrections. Hold Turns to Copper. Boston, July 29.—The story of bunco game in which the victim lost 82,500, waa told in police court today, and, as the result, Frank Bernstein was held for the grand jury on the larceny of the 82,500, in five dollar gold coins on Jnly 10, from Barnard Bennett of this city. It waa In evi dence that Bennett wae induced by Bernstein and a confederate to go into a plan to counterfeit English eovengns. He furnished 500 gold coins, which the other men apparently placed into a tin can and into which, a strong acid waa poured. After con siderable juggling of the can Bennett received it to carry home. He grew suspicions, and concluded that it was and infernal machine. A policeman opened the can, and 89.97 in pennies came out. Bennett had Bernstein arrested, but the other man is free. A Dry SecUon. There is a certain section of Terrell county, in the western portion, about three miles in width end seven or eight miles in length, where there has been no rain in seven weeks. To the farmers residing in this section the crop conditions are naturally distress ing. The corn, more especially, ia suffering intensely—to such a degree, ia fact, that on- some fields the pro duction will not be a bushel to the acre. On other farms the conditions are more encouraging, one-*fourth to one-half of a crop being the prospect. —Dawson News. Attempted Suicide. Wilmington, N. C., July 30,-Maj. Abraham Weill, loeffi soliciting agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, died at his home in this city todey, aged 71. Phy sicians pronounce the cause of his death appoplexy, possibly hastened by a supposed attempt at suicide by drowning in one of thei city docks yes terday. He was rescued at. the time torers ana sent ft Editors Herald:— Referring to your notice in yesterday’s issue, correcting an error of the printer’s, in “Or- montV* article, allow me to say said article does not yet * ‘stand corrected” in either this or an other particular. It sounds ab surd to refer to Pegasus as a “mare,” recalling Longfellow’s lines on “The Poet’s Winged Steed”: "Then, with nostrils wide distended, Breaking from bis iron chain, And unfolding fur his pinions, To those stars lie soared again." Why not, then, Mr. Ortnont, Pegasus is a stekd that.it be hooves genius,” etc. ? Again, in the long sentence beginning, (and as school chil dren, wo. were taught, to eschew these long sentences), “ The plagiarist from Senator Ingalls," the syntax of the writer suffers, as well as the Senator's literary reputation. What is the subject of the verb "was purloined” in that sentence? Does the writer want to say that “the literary reputation of the Senator suf fered from’ the discovery that his speech was purloined from a ‘French divine,”’ etc.? The phrase “of his speech,” can find do relation to itself in the con struction of this sentence. —X. Phoenix Hotel Arrival.. Mr* L H Patterson end Master Wel ter Patterson, Madison Fla; T J Welch Brunswick; A W Morris. Hamilton, Flo; C R Griffin, Thomaavillo; F W Ed wards, Atlanta; W E Lester, Race Pond, Go; W H Booth Atlanti; W H Grlnnels, New York; John C Holme., Macon; 0 L Johnson, Atlanta; J T Leech, JacksoD, Miss; H J Benton, Vo; W V Llfsey, Montgomery; R L Butts, Montgomery; R T Hlteh, Atlanta; J C Jones, Atlanta; H M Avery. Richmond Va; M R Mallet, Boston, Ga; G B Jolly Montgomery; I L Dedge and F B Trent,, City; I U Drawdy, S L Dipan, S L Drawdy, Argyle, Ga; J B Barrow, J O Vaughn, Thomasville; H Fried man, Tampa; T E Omohlndro, Baltic mor.; J G Goetter, Hampton, Va; Jules Bacot, Savannah. IT CONTINUES TO 0R0W WORSE- INESTIMABLE DAMA0E. Houston, Texas, July 40.—Th. flood conditions Id the Braaoe Voile couth.' ues to grow steadily worse. The river again Is rising about Waco and tba Croat of the flood U only a short dis tance below that point this morning. The first water is now a hundred miles from the gulf and. (be whole of the low loods'are Inundated with water yet to come down, which will put the river over the record mark. Railroad and wagon bridges are washed out and the railroads are again In very bad shape. The country around Son Marcos u inundated and heavy dam age bat resulted in the Gaudaloupe valley itself. There ia no way uf even opproximotlng the extent of the dam age, though it Is known to ho in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, as the valleys are used largely as cotton fields. So tar since the flood began uIdo persons have been reported drowned. TO ESTABLISH A NEW JUDICIAL CIR CUIT IN SOUTH 0E0R0IA. There comes a rumor from the west ward to the effect that a movement ia on foot to form a new judicial circuit InSouth Georgia. It is said that the counties wanted for the new circuit art Lowndes, Clinch, Berrien* Echols, Coffee and Irwin. It seems quite cor* tala thst steps will bt taken in ths di rection mentioned but as to the suc cess of it or the propriety of such a move deponent aayeth nothing at this writing. by two negro laborers ana sent home Mm f OP .itrmnt? a do- under the care of pbyaiciana He are alter him tor signing a de leaves two - sous and Cva dsogl residents of flan Francisco and X ern eftles. v... <v 193IIIM .(>(>« A ,* 5 * Holds Up a Congressman. At the end of the campaign,” writeo Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant con gressman, “from overwork, nervous ten sion. loss of sleep sod constant speak- log 1 had about utterly collapsed. It seemed thst all the organs in my body were out of order, but three bottles of Electric Bitters made me all right. It’s the best all-round medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter.” Over-worked run-down men end weak, sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters. Try them. Oniy 50c. Guaranteed by Seals' Drug Co., and Brinsoo’a Drug Co: Lonbet has stirred up a bar- nets nest in Paris. The women FOLKSTOX FACTS AND FAXCIES. Sheriff Wainright made a busi ness trip to Live Oak, Fla., Sat- day. W. ti. O'Cain lias been spend ing a few days with home folks this week. Dr. O. S. Parker, of Nichols, has been here this week and we are informed that he will locate herein the near future. The Doctor has .many friends here who will bo glad to have him with tnera again. D. W. Sasser was shaking hands with old friends Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Conley has been con fined to his bed for several days. We hope to see him out again soon. W. B. Baldwin, of Callahan, spent Sunday night in town. Mrs. W. J. Green, of Hilliard, is visiting here this week, the guest of Prof, and Mrs. Mallard. D. O. Layton has given out the contract tor the building of a sixteen-room hotel on the corner known as the Leigh prop, erty, and work will commence at an early date. Tnesdny as the local train over the Jesup short out was coming in, the front tracks of the second-class car quit tho track at the switch, just north of the town. Fortunately the train was running at a slow rate of speed and the damage was very light. Two negroes and one white passenger received slight bruises in the smash up. The brick work on the court house is about completed and the roof is going on this week. Lycins Tyler came up from King’s Ferry and spent Sunday with home folks. The pFbtracted meeting at the MethodiBt church has been post, poned on account of the illness of Rev. Mr. Conley, the pastor. T. E. Wainwright left hege Wednesday a.m.,with his uncle’s teams lor Watertown, Fla., where he will engage hauling timber for the East Coast Lum ber Company. No False Claims. I fi The proprietor* of Foleys’e Honey and Tar do not advertise this ss a "sure cure for consumption.’’ They do nut claim it will cure this dreadcompiaint in advanced , but do positively ss«ert that i will cure in the earlier stages and never fails to give comfort and relief in the wor»t cane*. Foley’s Honey and Tar is with« in doubt the greulcst throat and lung reiiv.-dy. Retu«e substitutes. Fur sale bv all Drugging. IF YOU WILL PUT w»h this gargle jour throat often It will quickly nu* a flora Throat. Traveling is Dangerous. Coi. "taut motion jar* the kidneys which are trept in place in the body by delicate attachments. This in the rea son thst travelers, trainmen, street car men, teamsters and all who drive very much suffer from kidney disease in some form. Foley’s Kidney Cure streugtheui the kidueys and cures all forms of kid ney and bladder disease. Oeo. II. Hau san. locomotive engineer, Lima, O. rites, "Constant vibration of the en gine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief uatil JjiooA Folsy’s KlffltfGl'*” IS® by all druggists. Poisoning the System. It is through the bowolo that the body Is cleanied of impurities Comtip* tion keep. those poisons in the system, causing headache, dulneos and melon' cholic at first, then unsightly eruptions and finally serious Illness unless a rcra edy 1s applied, DeWlu’s Little Early Risen prevent this trouble by etlmulat- ing the liver and promote eaey, healthy action of the bowele. These little pills do n<^ act violently but by strengthen ing tho bowels enable them to perform their own work. Never gripe or distress, Beals’ Drug Co. and Brimon’a Drug Co. Keep this fact always fresh in your memory:—• For Cuts,-.Mashes and all Open Sores, yon need only to apply 5f£sxican ff^ustan| ^inimenf & few times and tho soreness and inflammation will .be conquered and tho wounded flesh healed. To get tho best results you should saturato a pieeo of soft cloth with tho liniment and bind it upon tho wot’ud as you would a poultice. 25c., 50c. and 91.00 a bottle. KEEP AN EYE ON LunM Li*bb, numi'K-foot or other dlttasua among your fowls use Mexican Mustang Liniment. No good health unless tho kidney* an •ound. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys right. 8otd by all druggists. Foley’s Kidney Cure mokes kidneys and bladder right. Don't delay taking sold byall droggivta. “T OrT I e@t :*J» Vacation Days. Vacation time is here end the children aVe fairly Jllvlog [out of doors. There could bo no healthier place for them. Yuu need only to guard against tho sc. cidents incidental to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt’s Witch llsxel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious con sequences. For cuts, scalds sod wounds. used DeWitt’s Witch Hatcl Salve for sores cuts snd bruises,” says L. B. Johnson, Swift, Texas. “It it the best remedy on the morsel.'i. Bure cure for piles tod ikio diseases. Beware of counterfeiters. Beals' Diug Co. snd Brinson’s Drug Co. Happy Time in Old Town. “We felt very happy,” writes R. N Bevtll, Old Town, Vs. ‘when Buckleo’s Arnica Salve wholly cured our daugh ter ot a bad case of scald bead,” It de lights all who use it for cuts, corns,burns, bruises, boils, Ulcers, erupdons. Infal lible for Piles. Only 25c st Beals’ Drug Co. and Brinaon’a Drug Co. If you hove kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley’s Kidney Cure, you trill have ooly yourself to blame for results, as it positively cum ell forms or kidney and bladder diseases. Sold by •II druggists. Foley’s Hontv and Tar it peculiarly adapted, far asthma, bronchitis and hoarsen***, told by ill druggists. aaaaaaiu^aa-jua-j'ja'juaaaaaiuaaaaaaaaaaaaauiiuauaaaaaaaii l THE WORLD BEATER l 3 ft Just Out. It will Make You Money | IT IS THE SAFETY INCUBATOR And Brooder. Now|at work and on exhibition at M. M. Woodard's, Waycross, Georgia. State and County Rights for Sale. See the owner, J. S. Smiths e ME. J. S. SMITH, Waycross, Ga. DEAR SIR: The incubstor that I bought from you proved perfect satis faction snd ss soon ss I get n suitable place built I want toother. I can highly recommend it to snybody. Your* vtry respectfully. M. M. WOODARD. BnBncccBnrccrtBnncBBaBnecPcrnnBnnnBr.Br We Have 'Em. High Grade * Bicycles, Bicycle Lamps, Bells, Tires, Graphaphones, Records, &c. We are agents for the Cele brated Fay-Sho Typewriter, "Its touch is hs light as a feather’s.” A full line Type writer supplies Waycims Cycle Co fMMVCflKkKOMKiaUHtHI* M MMFM Waycross Clothing Store • With A.Full Line New Spring Goods At moderate prices. You get a better fit and better goods here for less money than can be fojipd elsewhere. ALL GOODS CARRIED OVER From a previous season will be Closed Out At Cost. This applies to every department of cur large stock. £o if you want a bargain come to see us—if you want to be fitted Up-to-Date come to see us. WAYCROSS CLOTHING STORE.