Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, September 06, 1902, Image 1

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Oritiuy ▼Vaycross Weekly Herald. •OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUNTIES. VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1902. NUMBER 14 O Increase In Taxation OF ONE DOLLAR PER THOUSAND-TO BE USED FOR ROAO WORKING. First Game Being Played THIS AFTERNOON BETWEEN WAY- CROSS AND FORT SCREVEN. From Tbanday'a Daily. The county commissioners atth.- meeting yesterday decided on a couu ty tax rate of 80.20 on the 81,000 for the present year. This amount acldcd to the state tax rate of $5.*30 will the total state and county tax 811.50 per 81,000. The rate last year 810.50, The increase this -yeag^aai* occasioned by the organization oLthe new road system In Ware county^.Qne dollar additional on the thousand 'Was added at road tax, and aboutSfcpoo will be paid into the oounty treasury for this purpose. Next year ftftqt hundred road bands in the county will be taxed $2.00 each for road purs poses, making a total of about 90.000 which will be receiyed during 2003 for the purpose of working the county roftds. From Thursday's Daily. Tfco'Fori Screveo base ball ciub of Savannah arrived in Waycross last night, apjl flfet ul the serit-n of three game* beuvetd'Uie Savannah ami Way 1 * crops tjlubk commenced this aLernoon. Both teatps ’''are composed of strong plyfra, audVthjree of the beat games ever seen in the city are expected today And Friday Ajid Saturd y. The Way-* c/oea club has beeii strengthened by the Waycross Defeated. UNINTERESTINQ GAME YESTERDAY. WAYCROSS 8, BLACKSHEAR 9. From Thursday’s Daily. The scrub baseball club that went CompllmenUary to Mr.*Hftiieju Brunswick News. ‘ Representatives of the various de* partmentaof the second division of the Atlantic Coast Line rail way, which includes the B. A W., road, met in't^ia, city yesterday for the purpose of ^tak- lug suitable action on the recent resig* nation-of Superintendent George W* —4 Haines. The maeting was held in the office of Meaar* .Kay, Bonnet ami Con> yers, and waa attended by fifteen or twenty employes of the system from all seetions of the division. ^ ,/A S. 8. Fltsiiumons formerly ol fhfa city, and now of the roadway depart' ment, presided over me meeting, and in n very graceful fashion stated iu object. Short addresses were made by many of tboaa present, all of them ex* pressed deep and sincere regret at the retirement of Mr. Haines, which neces- aarllv severs the relationship which has extended over a period of twenty yearn In this connection it ia simply a just tribute to Ur. Balnea to any that no,man waa ever loved more de voutly by bis subordinates than waa George W. Balnea Be waa a profound believer In discipline, waa Arm, bat at the aamo time, a apirit of Idndneu and courtesy marked hit every action. The Newt joint with those of hfa old ,n« ployet in expressing deeep regret at hit retirement, wbleh was purely vol untary on hit part and Indulges the hope that the future may oontato peace, prosperity and Uappinssa for him. Daring the meeting the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, On September 1,1W2, Geo. W. Baines severed his relations as superintendent of the Atlantic Coast Line Beilroad Company, after more then twenty years of loyal, faithful and efficient terviee to the Savannah, Florida and Western Beilwev end the Brunswick end Western Railroad Companies, dnring wbieh time the undersigned have, while laboring with ,»d nnder him, learned to appreciate vA’- only hie entire devotion to the services of hie employers, but more es pecially the strict sense of Justice which bee characterised his every set in dealing with those employed uoder bin. Now, therefore,'for the purpose of testifying oar feeling of reaped for the official, end ndm retion for the- men, he it . Resolved, That In the long course o.' service wherein we have beta associa ted with Geo. W. Balaev, we hare ever found him able, loyal and dill f.nt to the (ervlee of hie employers; si wars patleat, coirteoaa aad just to bis employes, fair, upright and honest in nit dealings with the public, and always true to every dutr of business and friendship. Resolved furthcr^Thnt he has sincere wishes for his future business , a ltod that, hjtopi-raonal happi ness, health and prosperity can never equptqvbpt o1l& make It »ere their disposition In our hands During the day the visiting * fficials of the Coait Line were entertained in the elty, and were the guest, of Col. W. E Kay at lunch at the Oglethorpe. addition of v°>e of (he bed ball players ih the state, arfd the Foit Screven team already hie, a reputation at a strong team. The Mnfciup this afternoon it at follows;) , VI Waycross. Position 8evtnnab. Westbrook, Catch Smith. Clark, Pitch Werner. ■ Clerk, , Pint Base Blackman. Teagle, Sec’d Bsae Burke. Butler, Third •• Croeley. Lopez, Short stop Etaenger. Seaman,Bight £ield Wetter. Pelzer, Martin. Left Field Friend: Center'Field Siberia. Craig, Who Waa Killed Yesterday. Lenox, Mass,, . Sept 3.-rWilliam Craig, the aecrot service operative who wee killed, wee on duty as s special guard at tba White Bouse for many rears. Be was 48 years old, a giant in physique. Be weighed overSOOpounda and was more than six feat tall. He waa a former member of the queen's grenadiers and waa an expert broad- swordsman. Be caught and arretted a crank at Montpelier who waa at tempting to reach the president A Hundred Shots Fired. The citizens of Waycross were somewhat alarmed last night— that is to say, those of them who were awake—when they heard a perfect fusilade of pistol shots in the direction of the Klondike section of the city. It was learned this motning that many of the Bliots were fired at one of the houses of 111-fame near the Jacksonville railroad. The house was hit by a number of balls, but no person was struck so far as is known. It is supposed that the inmates were lying very low during the bombardment. The officials of the city were notified and Sheriff McClellan went with his dogs, but the firing party, which was thought to be in bag gies had taken their departure and could not be tracked. No ar rests have been made. Depew a “Story Talar," Chauneey M. Depew recently called at the house of a friend, where he at tracted the attention of a bright hoy of eight. The boy aakod his fothor, who, is that manf" when the senator had departed. . _y That u Senator Depew,” answered the father, '-the greatest story toller Id the world.” A few days later the eenator celled at tht sama house, and the email boy advanced and said, “I know you." •Indeed! And who at> IV’ •My papa saya that you are the big gest liar on earth."—New York World. Adam-oi os the Stamp, Newnan, Us, Sept &—Congressman Adamson addressed (he citizens of Coweta coanty this week. Hla ar raignment of the republican party, both for,what it bad done and for what it had not done, was Jk withering indictment Be mDie sport of Mark Banna and BosteU Saga as the pro cessed champions of labor in its eon' diet with organised capital, and cited it ae a floe example of republican du pUeityand hyprcrUy. Try oar cheap column for quick result*.. over to lilaekshear yesterday for n game with the team of that place was de, feated by a score of 9 to 8 The game called at the end of the seventh in ning on account of darkness It ivss slow game from the first to the laat in- ning. Teagal. of the Waycross team, knocked a home run in the first in- ning antf in the third batted a three bigger, and thla waa about the only good feature In the game. The lloe-up of the teams yesterday was as follows : Bitckshesr Waycross, Solomon p Pelzer McMillan c Inman Harper lb Ballerd Biggins, F 2b Tetgal Darie 8b Martin Ahl st Wiggins Biggins, O rf Wooten, V Centerfieid cl Wooten. B Donaldson if McClellan Score by innings: Blacksheir 2 6 0 0 0 1 0—Total 0. Waycross 1 0 8 0 8 0 1—Total 8. Mr. Crews interviewed. HE ADMITS THAT THE BELL CO. HAS BOUGHT LOCAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM The Accident to the President. Pittsfield, Sept. 8.—A circumstantial account of the accident says the trol ley car came up behind the presi dent^ carriage at terrific apood. The carriage waa struck is it was crossing the tracks dtegonlally. Craig was looking around, half standing, trying to warn the trollev ear back. Be was knocked from the carriage to the track end the ear pasted over him. The president was thrown out end the wreck of the carriage fell against him. Ha was ptoked up bleeding frgm a out on his right ebeek, but was able to got on bis feet at once. Secretary Cortelyou was unconscious when picked up. Be was badly hurt on the hack of the bean and cut on the faqc, but soon recovered enough to ask for the president. Governor Crane was badly bruised. Beoreseutstive Law- ranee was the least hurt of tha party. A military guard of four mounted man of the Second Massachusetts Infantry were the first to get at tba wraek. Miss M. E. Ryan has [returned to Waycross and resumed teach ing. Anyone desiring to take a thorough coarse * in * music, etenograpby and typewriting will call at room 7 Folks’ building, or Msy House. • sep2 6t. WANTED—For a customer, a cottage near central portion of the city, worth $1,000 or 01,200, Apply to A. P, Perham A Son. Subscribe lof the Herald.- From Thursday's Dally. In an interview with .Ur. J. W. Cicws, Assistant .General Minster of the Southern ilfil Aiephune and Telegraph Company, who waa in the city today, Mr. Crews admitted that bis company had acquired the Valdosta and Way- Croat telephone exchanges hitherto owned by Mr. W. A. Bi-bee and others Mr. Crew, ^ was just from Valdosta where bis company, having obtained a satisfactory Ordinance, ia now construct ing a modern telephone exchange plant to tha delight of the telephone users of that city;' The new Valdosta plant will soon be In operation. Ur. Drews says bis company will soon apply to the council of |hia city for in ordinance, and If a sail, factory franchise can be had, the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company will at once pro ceed to construct at Waycross an up to- date teKphone plant, famishing metallic olrenita for every subscribers’ station, and Equipping tha same with Long Dialanoe telephones. The system would be automatic aod the service as good aa can he furnished, and not sur. passed by that of any city in the United State*., rcceptablc franchise secured, the. Bell company will at ouce bring their long distance lines in to the city, thus ppoolngup telephonic communication between Waycross sod ail cities and towns' lines of the Southern Boll Te iptiunc and Telegraph company and lue lluc, of the American Telephone and Tele graph comp4ur. The Southern Bel, company has Just completed, at the cost of many thousands of dollars, some of the finest toll lines ever con structed In this or soy other section of the country. These new lines cover Southern Georgia amf Florida, and counsel with the extensive systems re ferred to above. Tbeae new copper lines now skirt tha city, but do not en ter for lkck of franchise rights. It may not be known to many of our citizens that oat In the woods, about a mile and a half from the depot, In fact Just outside thseity limits, stands a •mail new building Just constructed by the Southern Bell company for a mat ataitoo,” and where enter lines from Thomatvllle, Valdosta, Savan nah, Jacksonville and Intermediate points. Out in the woods in a moat lonely spot, in tbs teat station just men tioned, presides two telephone opera tors, who are kept busy switching tha wires for various cities day and night; one young man doing tha day work, the other tba night work. When asked today If ha did not find it very lonely where only the cricket’s chirp and the jsr fiy't tong greet bis ears, the operator answered that be waa kept too bosy "switching circuits' havs time to gat lonely. Tha little house out id tha woods, with not paaserbv to feed tha letters or look at the "Clue bell,” still has up the "Blue Beil Sign,’' which, is now about us familiar to tba aya of the trsreier aa tfia well-known sign Of the Western Union Telegraph Company. Anyone can walk or rids out to tbrlittle house out in tba woods and talk to New York, Chicago, or coy telephone jfbltst la ony Southern city. Wo era pleated to inform tha oltl sens of Wevsross that Mr. J. B. Las, tba popular, affable manager of the old company for toms time past, baa accepted serviee with the Southern Boll Company, and If bit new employ- are obtain a Irancnise at Waycroae, be will remain hare and with the. splen did facilities which he aaya the Sooth 1 am Bell will supply, will endeavor tc Mona for manv of the worries and sBDorsnree of tha post. Wa will kpop Mr Lee. — - jmmwtwmMWKnvttFMwwBEvmwaswKfmisatfm Waycross Clothing Store« With A Full Line New Spring Goods At moderate prices. You get a better fit and better goods here for less money than can be found elsewhere. AIL GOODS CARRIED OVER From a previous season will be Closed Out At Cost. This applies to every department of pur large stock. So if you want a bargain come to see us—if you want to be fitted TJp-to-Date come to see us. WAYCROSS SLOTHING STORE. High Grade • Bicycles, Bicycle Lamps, Bella, Tires, Graphaphoncs, Records, &c. We are agents for the Cele brated Fay-Sho Typewriter. “Its touch is as light as a feather’s,” A full line Type writer supplies. Waycross Cycle Co suaaoauaasMiDuaooooooaaDOBOOooBOBnooooioooBBOBDOBB Real Estate Agency, A. P. PERHAM & SON, Waycross, Georgia. •/ We Buy and Sell Real Estate In Town or County on CoiiimisNlon. AJ) property placed.in our hands is Advertised Free. Correspondence Solicited. No. 8 Jana Street. Waycross. Osortia. THE WORLD BEATER ([Just. Out, it will Make You Money . IT IS THE SAFETY INCUBATOR And Brooder. Now at work and on exhibition at M. M. Woodard’s, Waycross, Georgia. State and County Rights for Sale.l Sea the owner, J. So Smith, ii MR. J. 8. SMITH. Waycroaa, n*. DEAR hIR: The Incubator that I bought Iroro you proved perfect aatie- faction and aa aooo ae 1 get a aullab'e p ace built I want another. X can bifblj recommend it to anybody. Yonr» very reapectftilly. M. M. WOODARD. ccccccccrccccccccctccrnrrrcccccccBcrrrr.cr.ccccctsccB Good Bread ^ • Hakes Strength.. fc You can’: have abetter bie. d than ' thut which we make. It mak.s health aud strength for y-u— Makes you feel hungry for your jpeals and satisfies that hunger. I>’« good clear through every day, and five cents buys it, • \ Waycrott, 6a, Jo C» Hllbcr, The Baker. J